PAGE FOUR ra. r 1 »!in -u iuk* Editor and Publisher Ip W. M. BHEBRILL. Associate Editor | C ABWXnATO?/ PRESS - entitled to the use for of w «|1 news credited to it or not otherwise ' credited in this paper and also the lo- i cal news published herein. Ail rights bf republication of spec- 1 ini dispatches herein are alwj reserved. Special Representative FROST, LANDIS A KOHN K » 225 Fifth Avenue, New York ; Peoples’ Gas Budding. Chicago 1004 Candler Building, Atlanta Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Concord, N. C., un der the Act of March 3, 1879. f . t SUBSCRIPTION BATES In the City of Concord by Carrier: One Year $6.00 Hit Months _ 3.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month .50 Outside of the State the Subscription la the Same as in the City Out of the city and by mail in North Carolina the following prices will pre vail : One Year $5.00 Six Months 2.50 Three Months 1.25 tees Than Three Months, 50 Cents a Month All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance RAILROAD St'HEDI LK _ In Effect Nov. 29, 1925. Northbound No. 40 To New York 9:28 P.M. No. 136 To Washington 5:05 A. M. No. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. No. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M. No. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M. No. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M. Southbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55 P. M No 36 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A. M. No 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:25 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:05 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M. < No. 39 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. . No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord TO take on passengers going to Wash , •ngton and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis- ' passengers coming from be 1 “Vond Washington i ' I IX—FOR TODAY—I < H Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove • (11 yjfc-jns >r ’^ eßS sfter jumu-r i USE HEAVENLY BANKS:—Lay 1 not up for yourselves treasures upon 1 earth, where moth and rust doth cor- i rupt. and where thieves break through ' and steal: But lay up for yourselves i treasures in heaven, where neither 1 moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through l nor steal: For where your treasure ( is there will your heart be also.— i Matthew 0 : 19-21. 1 _■ ... _ , THE NEXT COTTON ESTIMATE REPORT. I i The government on Tuesday -will is- ■ sue its last cotton forecast for the , present crop and immediate prices will i be governed iu a large measure by the reiiort. Some local eottou men pre dict that the estimate will not be low- ( er than the last one, which predicted a crop of a little move than 15,000,- ] keep iu touch with the situation have 000 bales. Some other local men \v|fo 1 expressed the opinion tjiat the last ] estimate will be reduced in Tuesday's ( forecast. It will be remembered that j the Inst estimate wus about 88,000 ] " bales less than the next to the last, 1 and following its publication prices ’ on the New York and New Orleans j markets rose from $5 to $6 a bale. I While it is generally agreed that a crop of 15,000.000 bales can be used, ; there are many eottou men w ho do not expect prices to go much above 20 cents. Neither do they expect, prices ; lo go much lower. Cotton at present | is bringing lit 1-2 eeuts on the Con cord market, the local price of course, 1 being influenced by the New York .. market prices. While some cotum growers con tend that cotton this year could not be raised for 19 1-2 eeuts per pound, ./ri’fhere are others who feel that they are making a fair profit when the staple sells for that price. Farmers who re fused 24 cents for their cotton earlier in the season are selling for 19 1-2 cents now and while they have lost the difference between the prices they * rr s*>tl to feel that they have made a profit at the smaller figure. It is jfredicted now by one local cotton buyers who have beeu to all sections of tie county and who buys thuosaudb of bales on the local mar ket ctich year, that the l!)g5 crop will be as large as tie crop. Dur ing, the summer months it was gener ally believed that the crop this year would not be more than 75 per cent, as large as last year’s. However, fuv (£•„ arable weather during recent weeks | has aided the staple and the county k , .bids fair to produce as large a cnop as it did last year. Some sections of liv- .the county have out produced as much I If: as they did last year, hut more acre i *ge was devoted'to the crop and that wi t’ accounts for.the rise of the crop. HC The crop in this county this year Ex.., _,Js said to be unusually good as to the |ps ghse uud quality of the staple. Farm p, ” era who were pessimists during the fe- " aumwer have teen surprised to hur §Lv' veat, v uat U»ly a fftfiriflcd S’W. but a P thgt ■ yxccldtiin qikllHy fiuy. .ether |g/ crop iu retiNit; yfirs. j If; Local,, ndlls are using uU.the cotton they cau..,‘ They arc vugiiiur every Uevetl that the present crof. will not m,h: «BX«d the dtutuuii very muck if any. m. * -9, 1 ,*. RANKERS SEE PROSPERITY IN THE STATE. Several hundred investment bank ers from all sections of the country passed through North Carolina Satur day, fortunately for themselves and the State, making the trip through Tarbeelia in the daytime. , The bankers stopped in Charlotte t for a short time and there newspaper men talked with a number of them. The bankers had seen many evidences of prosperity in the State and they predicted great things for the future. ' The good roads in the State attract ed the eye of many of the visitors, while others, who were already very familiar with condititons, spoke of the soundness of the State’s natural re sources and other factors in the State's progress. Our water development was declared by oue visitor to be our biggest asset, while another spoke of our educational institutions and still another lauded our industrial oppor tunity and the manner iu which we have seized the chance to become a great manufacturing State. These bankers went on to their con vention in Florida and from there they will return to homes throughout the nation. They are going to talk North Carolina for they have recog nized iu tlie State the most progressive commonwealth in the Southern States and one of the most progressive in the country. They will give the State) fine publicity and undoubtedly will be anxiously willing to handle any busi ness that may arise in their lines per taining to the State. TODAY’S EVENTS. Monday, December ”, I#2.>. Tlie Sixty-ninth Congress of the United States assembles at noon to day. Calvin Cdolpjgc as a Vermont farm er. will sound the keynote at the op ecniug in Chicago today of tlie sev enth annual convention of the Ameri can Farm Bureau Federation. The Mosul question and more than fifty other items are on the agenda of the session of the council of the League of Nations which has beeu called to meet today at Geneva. Tile first Southeastern National Ra dia Exposition is scheduled to open in Atlanta today and will be continued through the remainder of the week. The oue hundredth anniversary of the founding of America's rubber in dustry is to be celebrated today with a meeting and dinner under the aus pices of the Boston Chamber of Com merce. International problems of particu lar importance to the people of the Pacific Coast will be discussed at the midyear meeting <>f the Western Di vision of the Chamber of Comerce of the United Slates, opening today at Seattle. Conservationists from all parts of the Dir te<l States and representatives of the Canadian and Mexican Govern-! ment- are expected to attend the twelfth National Game Conference, which meets in New York City to day for a two-day session. , An anti-da.viight saving measure, prohibiting any municipality from us ing other than Eastern Standard Time is to be submitted to tlie voters of Maine for acceptance or rejection at tlie referendum election to be hold iu that State today. The Most Beautiful University. Charlotte Observer. Another claim is to be made for Duke University other than “the richest in the nation.” It is going to be "tlie prettiest.” The Chronicle, paper published by the students here, this week gives information on the progress of construction work, one item of which is “thirty-seven buildings" in the main group on top of the plateau; the other is a cam pus of 4.0(10 acres of virgin forest of great natural beauty, which is to he Improved by the landscape artist. Landscape plans arc now under re vision aud beautifying this great saiupus will begin. There will tie tnauy lakes and a golf course, aud while the campus can be shaped up in a short time, completion of the bui diug scheme will be a matter of five years. About that time, Duke University will be the talk of the country. “Dear Eilitor—What is capital punishment Answer—When I went to school it was making a bad boy kiss a pret ty girl. COLDS THAT - DEVELOP HID PNEUMONIA Persistent coughs and colds lead te serous trouble. You can stop them npw with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that Is pleasant to take. Creo mulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflated membranes and in kiWtt ■Bp.-**** l ’- Os all known drugs, creosote Is reo ogninsd by high medical authorities at one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other form* of threat troubles, Creomulsion contains, in addition to ereosoteg other healing elements which soothe aim heal , the infected membrane# and stop the | irritation and inflammation, while the I creosote goes on to the stomach, it ab sorbed into the, blood, attacks the seat I of the trouble and checks the growth ' ' tory and i, erctllenOor buili v - Mj&r ■ ■ • v , . j.v. .: ■ . .. V Un v —s — m ~ 1 —— ’ ■ A OAZ.ZLINQ MYSTEfcY STOtf f bf TWENTY FAMOUS AUTHORS MMIT ' Cbpyright 1924-25, P. F Collier * Son Co. and G. P. Putnam** Rons ] “BOBBED HAIB” with Marie Prevott is a pteinrliation of this story bp Wsriir Bios, Pictures, Inc. SYNOPSIS Connemara Moore, disguised at a nun, and young David Lacy, . wp%m the met tonight for the frit time, had put. hoarded a ferry to cross Long leland Sound from Connecticut, when a burly stranger approached them and announced, mysteriously, "I’m Pooch." Bach in Aunt Celimena’s Connecticut home is a worried company. Before midnight Connemara was to announce her engagement—to Bing Carrington or Salt Adams-r—or be disinherited. But, Instead, she’s disappeared, leav ing two very nervous suitors. I CHAPTER V—Continued There were only a few cars ahead of them, and Lacy worked up quickly behind the green Packard. The moon was full. It wa# one of those rare nights which make June j so popular for weddings and out- , door drinking. Ahead the road un- ] wound in a gray, luminous band. ' i Higher and higher rose the hum of the motors as the two cars shook off the ferry traffic and raced past ( the tented nomads of Bayville. ( Pooch leaned forward. “Here is , th’ jack,” he said. “I didn’t want , t’ give it to you on th’ ferry. Never , c’n tell who’s nosin' round. I want , t’ get shook of it, though. I’ll give ( it you, sis. You c’n stockin’ it fer , th’ boss here. He’s workin' now , Count it. Therg’s fifty grand there. , Thank God, that's gone!” A thick roll of bills bound with an elastic band was placed in Sister Connemara's hand as they lurched ; around a curve with the speedo- j meter wavering around forty-five. ] Mechanically she leaned for- ; ward to the dashboard light, re- i moved the strap, and counted the i money. Fifty brand new, fluttering “I think there’s been an aeci- ] lent,” Connemara wu moved to ex- , plain. thousand-dollar notes! Rolling them. : up, she hesitated a moment and ( ihen with sudden determination ■ tucked them inside the voluminous , (olds of her nun’s habit. i Pooch again: “That damn Pierce’s 1 cornin’ up. Drive up to the Pack ed an' I’il tell ’em t’ take her out 1 of second. That bunch ought to be 1 hackin’ for some funeral parlor.” Th? big Isotta leaped ahead with a warning croak—from the horn. Trees, fences, softly lit >iouses flashed past in crazy pano rama. Rounding a corner on the wrong side of the road, they left a Ford sedan stranded in the ditch. Gradually they drew up to the Packard. Pooch cupped his hands and shouted, but the wind tore his words away. The Packard driver seemed to understand, however, for lte increased his speed and took the lead once more. Through the deserted streets of Glen Cove tore the two racing cars. A sleepy policeman leaning against the bank at the four corners roused himself sufficiently to stagger to the curb and open his mouth several times after the retreating tail lights, On past the Engineers, through Sea Cliff aud up the winding hill flanking Roslyn H#rb6r. They were approaching Rpslyp. I At the four corners where the North Wtmneiaad turnptke joins the Sea Cliff roa)4 there was » right angled turn. Both cars threw on all their brakes and skidded into the main street. Down the hill and through the town they tore, to the delight of the few village story-tell ers assembled in front of the local Greek’s Around the Corner. Be hind them slid a Pierce runabout, its mudguard tearing a sear on the dummy cop as its awrad PMt- The patrons of the looal Greek cheered*. I At the clock tower the Packard •■IST HAY “IT”. New York Mirror' l Hay, it with ink aud stapd in well. W , tiu.v . it with lutm; a#d get V : <:qk| ■ nhtmldev. i ‘ Say it with peroxide aud; brighten her up. ' • .Nny it with u shoe uud Toot the bill. ' 1 Su.v it with a cradle; - you'll find y lota of rocks ahead. ' . I Huy it with a blanket and .get under 1 cover. .> ’ v 1 A. 1 ■’'C-fci*’ - .(• ‘ J TMfe CO U<mn OAtLY TfttßUNfc =■?■ I' ■■■* 11'1..1.1. J.tU. .JL swung’suddenly to the left into th« j Mineola road. Whether Lacy coulc j not make the turn or whither hr J did not want to was not clear. Tha j Isotta wavered for a fraction of a J second and then went thundering I j up the Roslyn hill toward New York. The driver of a' motor bu» coming in the opposite direction stopped and, leaning from his seat, started to express his opinion o! drivers who did not dim their lights. ! He stopped iff the middle of.a with ering line and gazed open-mouthed at the spark-spitting black streak that swept up the long grade as M it did not exist. As he started again the lights of the following Pierc* broke full in his eyes. Tsirowins his wheel to the right, he buried th» nose of the bus in the clay bank beside the road. Two sleepy pas sengers picked themselves oft th# floor, promising to have him dis charged for reckless driving Faster and faster, they shot on toward Connemar. clutched the side of the car with . one hand and with the otheP press ed hard against her cqwJ. Two f cars appeared going in opposite di- t rections half a mile ahead. An in. f stant later the Isotta was between | them. The lurching tonneau touch- | ed the small sedan on its right. A | sound resulted as of someone strik- £ ing a dishpan with his knuckles, i The sedan partly overturned and | fine to rest against a post. f A shot sounded from the back | seat. Lacy s first thought, was tor 1 his tires. He glanced back. Pooch f had knocked out the back window i and was kneeling on the seat, a 1 revolver pointed through the open- | ing. , There was another report, but this I time from the. front of the car. The f right front tire went careening j. along the ditch beside them. The f hood leaped into the air. Lacy jam- jj med on the brakes, but it was to: | late. Like a creature in its death j? throes, the car staggered back and | forth across the road twice. There ji was a ripping of steel through wood. | The Pierce passed them, stopped j: fifty yards down tlie road, then |! backed to the wreck. Two men | with drawn revolvers got out. .CHAPTER VI sjLsLeLz i By Mead* Minnigerode A discouraging odor those odors which disengage them, selves from catastrophes—or rather, a concatenation of viciously incom patible odors—arose into the tenu- i ous June night air like a flight of j very bad angels. Showers of Stars, i so it seemed momentarily to Con- | nemara, sprinkled the vault ot heav- 1 en with pyrotechnic splendor. There was a hissing and a sputtering, a clanking and crunching, and ri&ve t)ie uproar tlie steady booming of enraged profanity. It proceeded from the overturned sedan, a man’s voice complaining, bitterly and mon otonously, like an intermittenufog horn. “Whgt the blazes did you g«j’and do that for?” he kept inquiring m- ; visibly persistent. “I think there’s been an accideut!' 1 ' Connemara was moved to explain, i but the man was not satisfied-jßor, when she came to view the situation more critically, was Connemara, And what an accident! A sedan overturned in one ditch, imprison ing a very angry gentleman ■ who would probably have a devil "of a 1 time explaining matters afterward to his wife. .The Isotta plastered like a mashed turnip against a tele graph pole in the other ditch/ after having bounded Mr. Pooch out in to the road on one side and Cdnne- 1 mara herself sitting somewhat in- ■ congruously on the spokes of the fight front wheel, spinning slowly around like a spent roulette ball just before it flips into the wrong com partment. And just in front- tbe Pierc#, from wh»*e depth* had come those two personages imped ing in. the shadows with drawn re- , volvers, who appeared ta be waiting far the whites of somebody s eyes! Connemara made bpr#elf aware of these detail* in on» comprehen sive glance. At i the same .riroe, while she still reyplved physically on h«T spinning wheal, she. like wise did so mentally around the more laliently depressing social as pects of hes present situation.™" I (To be oßarimied) 1 " ' Say it w ith new sfioys and get pinch ed. Ha.v jt, with taekif. and nail 'cut. **r% i k" W ‘ Hiy JtMth.lpidey and get up. ; , , Hay it Vitli pkditfvaqind be trained i a i&ir UHE Whh-NV COLUMjr—IT PAYE i:-,- - ;V*'.t .'-a.:-. - - - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ c I A Real Character BABY DOLL $4.50 Value SPECIAL 53.45 j This Extra Special Exactly As Illustrated 8 More Doll Value Thau Any Other Store By Comparison 8 FISHER’S ■ II iwiwwniwniw I ATWATER KENT RADIOS I j' We say they are the best made—let us prove it. They I i talk for themselves. Phone us for demonstration. 1 • i ! 1 l| [lYorke & Wadsworth Co. i ! | THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE SJORE |j; nnmlTiim'i n m ' 1 ' '''' ' 1 1 Are you going to bpy a car? If so, what arc you con ; sidering as related to the dealer from whom you intend iji buying? There are many things you should weigh well ij 1 1 before malting up your mind. j jj We. are offering a car qf known value and undisputed ]|j j i leadership. Our organization is reliable and trustworthy ! ; i through desire to be so and not by necessity. Our service | |j is good because our men know their business and want to | 1 ; help our customers in every possible way. In short, our spirit of helpfulness and friendliness to ■ our patrons forms a tic between them and us that is sel- j dom broken. ROD MOTOR CO. ; CQNCQRP’S FORD DEALER • 9 Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 g A WAGON FOR XMAS— is Rest, lunch rubber tire* —steel disc wheels—roller bearingwwaU i stesl ffanu? and strong wooden, hody. f . ( Buy one today. We will held it until for t you. ~ : l '• ’• Y - v ; < i Ritchie Hmdmre Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHOWi.II7 * H * ' •.• if '** •• :.t '\ ' i - >: . " -A. r 1. ' . . . S *< ■ . ~u' . * ,J'■ ’' . ■ OpOOOQOOQOOOOOQOQOOOOOOQQOCXXWOCVOQOOOOOOOOO^IJ IBELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO* j Fhe December Victor Rfeeoßdfc Are j’r Here 1 1079C —Dinali. with piano _ 7 -_, tfbc Rev«l*r» B Oh. Miss Hannah, with piano;—,. Tjhfe Revelers H| 19800—1 Care For Her and She Carep For Me,.with piano ' IB ,—Jaclt Smith whispering, baritone) ME Feelin* Kind o’ Blue, with piano*-, r —_ r _„— Jnek, Smith (the whispering bgrittmeV, 19800—Brown Eyes. Why Are You Blue? Frankfcrn Baur.. Pal of My Cradle Days n Frankly n Baur 19821—Death of Floyd Collins, with vjo Lin and guitar. Vernop Dalhart Dream of a Miner's Child, violin and guitar,, Vernan Dalhart, Hra 19819—Angry, with violin and piano j Wendell H*sk Whisp’ring Trees, Memories and You, with vIqW and » piano Wtudell HMi DANCE RECORDS JS, Hi 19790—Days of Hearts and Flowers—Fog Trot : * Paul Whiteman and His OrchMtra PeuceCul Valley—Fox Trot ■; Paul Whitatnan and His Oaehestca 19784—Freslne—Fox Trot with vocal chorus Peiuisylviuii(ta|f Mighty Blue—Fox Trot, vocal refrrain by Tofa Waring Whriag’s Pejutsylvanjaita S 19(9., —Brow n Eyes, Why Are You Blue?—Fox. Trot, with vocal,t* «■ frain A Ivss in the Mooniight—Fog, Trot, with vpcal rttah .|M f GoodrirU Silvertown Cord Otchertca J ■ lj)797—Melancholy Lou—Fox Trot Howard Lapin’s Ben PaaakUn. Danes OccliestriVaK Don’t Wake Me Up Let Me l>ream—Fox Trot | Howard Lapin’s Ben Frtinlrtin Dance Orchestra MB 19798—Carolina Sweetheart —Waltz, with vocal refrain Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra jufl I Wonder Where We’ve Met Before—Fox Trot with vocal refrain 3U - Goodrich Silvertown nGm-d Orchestra $9 19801—What Do We Care If It’s One O’clock—Wafti, with vocal ' H refrain International Novelty Orchestra MB Lot Us Waltz As We Bay Good -By e—Wa 11 z with vocal refrain • International Novelty Orchestra* 19803 —I’m troin’ Oat if Lizzie Comes in—Fox Trot, vocal e frain by MjUy Murray Phtt Romano and His Orchestra B§ Keep on Cronin' a Tunc —Fox Trot— Phil Romano and Oreh. ME 19804 —Dreaming of Tomorrow—Fox Trot, with vocal refrain 3 Coon-Sandors Original Nighthawk Orchestra ||fß I.oneaoine—Fox Trot Ted Weems and His Orchestra Bj 19800 —Military Mike —Fox Trot _■ Original Memphis Five 9H Bass Ale Trot j Original Memphis Blues El 19807 —Nobody But Fanny—Fox Trot (from “Big Doy’’l | Johnny Hanip's Kentucky Sereaaders , H AVhen the Pear Old Summer Goes—Fox Trot with vocal 5 refrain Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenades fjjg 19808 —Bam Bam Jlainniy Shore—Fox Trot ~'9S Huger Wolfe Kahn and His Hotel Biltinorc Orehestr Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Hotel Bill;tnore Orchesttj Look Who's Here—Fox Trot 19809—Show Me The Way to Go Home—Fox Trot with ' vocal chorus International Novelty Orchestr Keelin' Kind o' Blue—Fox Trot —„ Glen Oswald's Serenader 19817—Oh! Uoy. W'hat a Girl —Fox Trot (“Gay lhirce") International Novelty Orchestr; I Lonesome Me—Fox Trot George Ilsen and His Musi 19818—I f You Had Gone Away—Fox Trot .Jack ShiHtrels Orches | Silver Head—Fox Trot Jack ShilkreCs Orc^estr^ BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE Cfli. ! Sewing at an old fash ioued muehioe is nothing l more or hots than a tra-f j. today in the mod.bHi [■ ern home where w i»elM minds have decided t hut ■■■ ■ 4 everything that saves I Ibl time anti energy econ- pi ! omy. Let us demonstrate E*Mi one of there small tao-■ | tors that run sewing uta- of| I ■■ chines. Bujl Bum - R1 LJ “Fixtures of Charneler" LJ KM w. j. hethcox M tjl W, Depot St. Plwue «MM> H ' I Good Advice i Now, Reuben, you go* oyer to the Pearl Drug Store" I just know they have medi cine that’ll; cure Hanher, She’s nervous, can’t sleep—but tonight she’ll snore, And, peuben, they can, cure your “janders” in like manner. Sakes alive! man, their medi cine is the best out* It’s good—don’t take a thou sand bottles to cure! They can cure ev’ry ailment, even the goqt,. And when you get well, you stay Well to be sure, ! That store’s not. just. for the rich, but also the poor Sp what’s the Use for sjjek folks tq set andihollrh? | Git the Pearl Drug Store Rem edies, to be sure, i Evetyume—for they’ll give ■ you the worth of your dollar. Monday, Dec. 7, 1925 \ ' : ■ We carry atal times a cotnplet< line of genuine Buick parte, will b STANDARD BUKKCO. ; . Opposite « ckx Fire Department n'B AV hat sort of ifxiug apd wlj f kiitd of fitting do you ReJ | done in your home j cold weather gets here? Jfm j a pretty good time to tjii ! . about it. Do you tie<;d( aqrl | new:kitchen f conveniehc . bathroom accessories or,*, n ■ '’rating ajyparatus? i "Wl - 174 Kerr St. Concord* N: IS | 'v. ' . ■ :r& aifeJ ■

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