Thursday, Dec. 10, 1925 , Tinker Toys, Tea Sets and I Christmas Goods 1 > FOR THE CHILDREN I Dolls—Toys—Mechanical Trains—Mechanical Toys— ■ g Erector Set all are here in one of the most wonderful col- ; f || lections we have ever shown—the stock purchased for this j g* season is far 'greater tftian any ever before, and the prices || are according to EFIRD POLlCY—lower than you can . m buy elsewhere. COME TO OUR STORE AND IN- i SPECT THE STOCK. . * ' | • We want every person within meacJiKstf OUR STORE to . jft know that this CHRISTMAS we have anticipated their zl needs and have prepared to offer one of the finest collec- l w * tions of CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE that has been (. w our privilege to offer the patrons erf our atone in any .past - fl 1 season COME IN INSPECT OUR STOCK. **& [Our Stock of Toys, Dolls, Etc*!* Complete In Every Detail. It Aif Make Up Your list and Visit Our Store—Thousands of Gifts— % Gifts for Every Member of the Family. 11l EFIRD ’S , 'lj .Front now unta Christmas our store ©pen every night to o’clock. , j’ |j MAYVIEW MANOR CO. SHOWS DEFICIT OF OVER »100,000 Thought Beat to Cosent to Receiver ship •Rather Than Be e-Foreed to . Make BacHiee Nile. If Greensboro, Dec. H.—A temporary ' receivership for Mayview Manor Com pamy, at Blowing -Rock. wax made permaneot here Tuesßuy by Judge E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, of federal dis trict court, western North Carolina district, signing an order to that ef fect. T. H. Coffey, of Blowing Rock. ' and J. T. Beall, of Lenoir, are named permanent receivers, they having been temporary receivers. Judge -Webb beard the 'matter in ohambers. It was thought best to do this uml net Irilve to make a foree.l sale of the projierty now, which is mitioually known as a summer resort, one of (tic show s|H)ts ; of the Cuited Mtatyb. The; reoeivVrs are in charge of all the as sets of the company, physical plants.- lirojierties, contracts, books, accounts and documents. The proposal to make the receivership permanent was not related. 1 Auditors Make Report. Messrs. Coffey and 'Beall were' . named temporary receivers for the Mayview Manor property by Judge Webb on Novejnber 10th, in Charlotte,; and instructed to make an inventory of tbe property ami Hie it with the clerk of the court. The apismitnieut' of receivers was the result of an audit made by Peat, Marwick and Com pany. accountants, which showed the following: ; - . ftagrt, ] i Current assets 4,008.81; Investments 0.017.24 Heal wftatr and eipiip -ment 787.843.fVT Total f«tT,«M.tW 'Liabilities Current liabilities ......*23f1,«K4,T8 Deferred liabilities 408,177,18 Capital stoek •J 50.000.00 Total v fBUT,ffKi»O Extrarodinary excess of current .lia bilities over liquW assets and the faet that several mortgages were in default were given ns reasons why the direc tors of the property ‘‘felt themselves virtually forced to'consent to a receiv ership.” ALL DANCES ARE BANNED AT THE STATUS UNIVERSITY Occurrences During Thanksgiving Series Bring About Suspension Order. CluipcT' Hill, Dec. o.—All dances at the Uuiversity of North Cnrolinji will 'be- simpendcd until after the Easier holidays and permission to hold the rrgular commencement Duals will depend on the conduct at eurli dances us may be giveu after Easter, Dr. H- W. Chase, president of the university, announced tonight following the report of fucalty and student committees which have been investigating the recent series of Thanksgiving dances. !l>r. Chase said that a thorough going investigation was begun im mediately following reisirta of drink ing at tbe fast dunce iff- tbe series and tbut, while the facts ascertained revealed mo alarming coudhiou, there was sufficient evidence of a let down from the previous hjgh stumlards to Justify some action be ing taken. The university preanlent also .an nounced that ns a result of the in quiry the student - council hat) placed teji students on probation as to duct and Wussriaim work fop the re mainder lit the collegiate y*rr. while' •the < termini club vigitunee commit tee hud auspaudetl from tbs dance rm CONCORD AAtLV TRIBUNE ■.-1 1 ! I * l . > ; floor for various .period six men, * comprising alumni, visitors and stu i Bents, and 'had warded others. No Easter Dances. Tbe investigation wlls made by four separate groups Representing! ' faculty and students, namely, thfc faculty executive committee, facility.' , dunce committee , student council,! and German club committee. The! university’ll dreisioin wns based on.’ the finding of the gronps. This ruling; I means siuqiension of the regular! I Easter dances, an unuuul feature of. [the holidays. and the usual dunces, giveu by the Order of the Grail uud.’ the different fraternities as well as ; ijpllior dances conducted by university! I students either on or off the campus.' during the pefioill of probation.. President (Mrasc said that at tbe .last, of the series .of recent dunces there was “ail apparent lup«e in the sense of responidbUitHy on the iwrt of a few students and visitors wtiuse con duct was not ip keeping with tbe, high standard usually iinuintujucd. at university dances.” He pdhitril out that such conduct: was dn •violation of -the regulations ; put into effect, by the German club) j three years ago when suspension of! I commencement dances was threaten- I ed. The probation measure will prub-t | ably bo regarded by the students as drastic, l’resident Chase emphusixetl that be was not alarmed over the situation, but rather was taking pre-l cautionary measures. * "This occurrence hi itself was. not so serious'half it not been view-* ed In the light of progress nmdej since the war in raising the standard’ jof conduct psi tbe University cam , pus," he *afH. “This is sitqply a ! slight lapse and we must do evdry , thing .possible to see that It does ,not Inohar again. There is no spaßpl j drinking isrobieni at the Uttivsesity of Norm CaroUau tlfut other iustttu tions do 'not have to eontetit with. But the University realises its re sponsibility to lead in nlaintaiuing standards of the tugboat character and is peculiarly sensitive to any violation of the code of conduct its representative students have set up for governing themselves.” Alumni Not Blamed. / Dr. Chase Bid no place the blame on the alumni who came buck for the dances, as-some others •have 'been prune to do, but. he said the Uni versity -would appreciate ull the co operation possible on the purt of the alumni in maintaining the highest ■standards at -tbe dauees. The Uni versity expects ulunii who hre guests nt the dances to abide by the code of conduct set up by tbe students. The present probation period does not contemplate permanent abolition of the dances, he said, but added tbut “dunces that’ do not measure np to the highest standard of couduct will not be tolerated at tbe University at auy timer" ‘The Gorilla.” Mystery ; plays, such us "The Rat,” "The Out giid Canary,” The Last VTu riling," and similar offerings, which have beau ciUmplenoas on the tli cat evict! I uieiiti ffor -aevctal Mwgsnns. are uproariously trtivestled in "The ■Gorilla," which will be the attraction at the .Charlotte Auditorium . Tues iluy night Be -eniber dfffh. This unique entertainment bus created a whirlwind of merriment during its successful runs in New 'York, Chicago; and .London. jVlfep critics pcoiilnitnadi it ' the , 1 njoHt screamingly [ and { ful iouSly, Ifulmy show staged in a long tinie. In pre seutiog n rilMery drama In a far "ruatl UMMHner It. is apid