PAGE TWO Penny < ■ R 1 SOCIETY OF i MED CHURCH A TURKEY. AND NOODLE IE T THURS t 17TH. 15-2 t-p. >rders For Any ierjr line. We Lippard & Bar ' 15-lt-p. cine and Repalr- A Viola. 15-3 t-p. ■ocm Houses on jod state of re ; 2 2-room houses »e on Cedar St., for $3.006; tstfe st Depot Street, houses on West 10 eiu'.i ;1 7-room >epot Street for .. use oh West De spot Stfeet near Sootia, $6.500; 1 Jipuse on East Depot Street: jjf 6-room house on Ann Street. $4,750 r ose in. 4 0: 1 6-room | Chouse oji North Church St.. $4,500; rl 4-rpva house and 10 lots near , Browns Mill, $3,250; 1 5-room house on Chttfch Street, near Meadow -Street .*54,900; 2 8-room houses on Kerr iSreet. $1,050; 1 5-room house ! On Hands Street. $2,500; 1 5-room |iduse J* Isabell Street $850: 1 pf-rooml, house on Crowell Street, fsl,ooo f 1 five-room house on Crow ; ell f Cedar » Street, $2,500; 1 5-room i» oll *e *>h Kerr Street. $3.500; 1 ' 5-rooni*house on Udell Street, prae f ticall.v jiew. $3,500 ; 1 4-rooni house ! and several vacant lots on St. | James -St.. $2.750; 1 5-room house pon Cifrolina Avenue, $2,500; 10 r 5-room' houses in City View. D. tA. McLuurin, Real Estate and Building Contractor. I’lone 435. 15-6 t-x. Who Said Fruit Cakes? Call Us ) for the best ingredients to make a j t fruit cake. Lippard & Barrier.! 15-lt-p. Mr. Farmer, Let Us Overhaul Your v tractor or plow. Satisfaction guar anteed. raul Peacock at Corl [ Motor Co. 14-3 t-c. Babbage Plants ami Nursery Stock. £ Our cabbage plants arc now ready Or delivery. We also have on hand | ready for delivery a full line of - nursery stock consisting of peach, | apple, pear. plum, cherry, uproot. |. pecan and shade trees. Come to l our place four miles east of ‘ 'on-. [’ cord on State highway. Phone 5720. | G. F. Barnhardt. 15-lt-p. There Win Be a Box Supper at St. ‘ Johns School Friday night. Decem j her 18! 1925. Girls and women 1 bring boxes, boys and men bring purses. 14-3 t-p. Fire Works—Most Complete Line of fire works in county. Wholesale ;. or retail.—-Look my line over before W. F. Taylor, South : Kannapolis. 14-1 It-p. Engraved- Christmas (ireethtg Cards. We ear? furnish on short notice En graved 'Christmas Greeting Cards, with your own name thereon. Let j ns have jw>nr order now. so that you Kill have them in plenty of time to I send ont for Christmas. We have an especially beautiful line to se • loot from. Call at Times-Tribuno Office.- 12-ts-p. For the Proteel ion of Your Own | table call for Johnson’s pure poffk liver mush. It is better. Handled s by leading grocery stores and meat >- markets* . Price, only 20 cents per £ pound. 12-3 t-p. j CKK)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOC«OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOr> EFIRDS FA’, t ■J The Great Christmas f SHOPPING CENTER 1 % Is At Your Service Call on Us to Help You in Every I r Possible Way Visit Our Beauty Parlor l. For Your Toilet Needs - Service Day and Night I EFIRDS I Vacant Lots For Sale—Two on Cedar Street, dear High School, STOOO each; 1 on Kannapolis road, just above Miller’s Filling Station, $750; 8 on Kannapolis road, jusgf orfthidt city limits, $1,1)00 each ; 1 near the underpass, $700; 1 near the old county lnjme. $450; several on Odell Street, Eli Street. Academy Street, Glynn Street, Fink Street; 21 at Kannapolis. D. A. SlcLaurin. Phone 435. 15-6 t-x. Sunday School Teachers and Scholars will appreciate Peloubet’s or Tar bell's Notes on the International Sunday School lessons for 1925. We have a limited supply. Kidd- Frix Co. 15-St-p. Special: Quart Jars Queen Olives' only 75 ceVits. Lippard & Barrier. 15-lt-p. New Books by the Best 'Authors Just received by express today, including Zatte Grey, Gurwood, Norris. Ather ton and many others. See them at' Kidd-Frix Co. 15-3 t-p. For Sale—New Dodge Coupe. Driven about 2,500 miles. Guaranteed per fect condition. $l5O reduction. Dr. B. D. Corl or Corl Motor Company. 15-3 t-p. For Sale—One Conn Clarinet and case. Slightly used. Phone 245 L. 15-St-p. Notice—After This Will Gin cotton on Fridays only. Remember the dates. J. B. Linker. 15-lt-p. Found—A Place Where I Can Give best of service on mechanical work at low price. Paul Peacock at Corl Motor Co. 14-3 t-e. Try Carolina Mayonnaise and Relish. Every bottle sold under a guarantee. (It must be Goodl. 15-3 t-p. Stray Dog Found—Owner May Get I same by identifying it and paying j for this ad. Phone 8031,. 145 N. Spring street. 14-3 t-p. Quirk Service. We Call For and deliver to any part of fee city for , fine shoe repairing. Call 849. Coh ' eord Service Shoe Works. 77 Mc- Gill street. 14-3 t-p. ♦ Bargain—A Home on Main Highway i inside corporate limits. In the best residential .section in Concord. C. A. Iscnhour. 14-2 t-p. For Sale—(lias. McDonald Home place. Jas. A. Furr. 14-2 t-p. For Sale—A Good Ideal Level Karin. 94 acres, close to Winn-off High School, and Mt. Olivet Church. Jas. A. Furr. v 14-2tp. For Sale—Johnson's Fine Pork Liver mush, tile kind that satisfies. Try it and be convinced. They call for Johnson's. Query & Mabrey. Phone 815. 12-3 t-p. For Sale—Font Coupe in Good Con dition. Inquire at Tribune Office. 23-ts-p. Chattel Mortgage Blanks, 2 for 5 cents, or 25c a dozen, at Tribune- Times Office. ts. Expert Radiator Repairing at Corl Motor Co, Let us -fix yours. Paul Peacock at Corl Motor Co. 14-3 t-c. Found at Last—With Many Thanks— A preparation that will positively remove pimples and blackheads. Buy it at any drug store. "Call for Mel- Bro Lotion. 12-11-30t-ehg. Carolina Peanut Butter .Made Fresh every day. Sold by your grocer, in j bulk anil bottles. 15-3 t-p. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY | “OPPORTUNITIES” ARE . AVAILABLE FOR MANY Several Were Taken Monday and This Morning But Many Others Re main. Many needy persons in the city are dependent upon the generous hearted people of Concord making it possible that the Christmas may be at "least, • tiuily, enjoyed by them. Little chil ; drcn's faith in Santa Clans is at stake • in many instances and t'aat they may 1 not be disappointed personsc in this great and pi'osperous community are ■ asked to adopt the "Opportunities” as announted by the Kiitg'S Daughters and J. El Brown r .ebliiitj welfare of t Seer. -v- .*■'. . ' Some of the "Ojliporttjiiities" have been taken but many ethers remain. •Do you care? Yon should be in-* : tereeted in putting just a snatch of [ the joys of the Christmas tide that 1 you expect for yourself and f"°r those i' you love iftto lonely lanes of Con cord. ’ You should s'.iow those per sons whose tight against the wolf at 1 the door is grimly relentless, that goodwill still prevails. Call Dewey Sappenfield at the Chamber of Commerce, located in Dr. T. N. Spencer's office, and he will J check off the ''Opportunity” you want and will also advise you where to find the “Opportunity." Don't delay in this important matter. Other ''Opportunities" pibbably will be announced later. Those not taken include: Opportunity No. Two. > Mother and five children—Food ai d ; Christmas Bags. Opportunity No. Four. Father and live Children (mother dead)—Food and Christmas bags. Opportunity N'o. Five. Grandmother, girl 14. boy 5, girl 3 —Christmas bags and toys. Opportunity No. Seven, t Widow and three children—Food, : bags and toys. Oportunity No. Eight. Man and wife (old people!— Christ mas bags and food. 1 Opportunity N'o. Ten. Crippled boy, age 12—Christmas bag and books. Opportunity N’c. Eleven. Mother, father and eight small children—Food, fuel and Christmas bags. Opportunity No. 13—Mother and three small children—Food and Christ mas bags. Opportunity No. Fourteen. Mother and threat small children— Food, fuel and bags. Oportunity No. Fifteen. Mother and three small children— Food and bags. Opportunity No. Eighteen. Mother and three small children ■ (husband sicki —Food, fuel and bags. Opoprtanity No. Nineteen. Father, wife and six boys. 14. 11, 9, 7.4, 11 mouth, and girl 13 years— Food, fuel and bag-. Opportunity No. Twenty. Mother and five children, boy 13 years, boy 6 "years, girls *ll, S and 3 years—Toys, do!la and bags. Oportunity No. Twenty-one. Father, girl 13 years, box*, 7 aud 5 I years. Mother in state hospital—Food and bags. Oppsrtunity No. Twenfy-Three. I Mother and three children, boy 3. girl 2. baby 7 months—Clothing and . toys and bags._ Opportunity No. Twenty-Four. Mother and three ctr'ldren, girl 6 years, boy 3. boy I—Clothing, bags and toys. Oportunity No. Twenty-five. Mother and three children, girl 11 years, boy 4 years. Eldora 7 years. Al , so au old lady, aged 75 years)—Cloth ing bags and toys. Opportunity No. Twenty-Six Mother and child, girl 14 years— '■ Clothing and bags. % 1 Opportunity No. Twenty-Seven. Mother, father and five children—■ Food, bags and toys. Opportunity No. Twen!y-nine. Mother and four children, boy 7. boy 6, boy 4 and girl 3-*-Ciotliing. bags and toys. Opportunity N'o. Thirty. Mother and three children, girl 6. girl 3. hoy 4 months—-Clothing, bags and toys. Opportunity No. Thirty-One. Mother and child, child aged 14 months—Clothing, hags and toys. I Opportunity No. Thrity-two. Girl 17 months, girl 5 years, girl 7 ycners—Clothing, bags and toys. Opportunity No. Thirty-three. Father and two girls, ages 6 and 3 years—Clothing, bag ami toys. Opportunity No. Thrity-four. Five small girls—Bags and toys. Any one taking an Opportunity, de siring further information may call upon Miss Margie McEachern. Treas urer of the King’s Daughters. \ ROTARY GOVERNOR TO TO BE VISITOR HERE [ Governor Fred Kent to Attend Weekly Meeting of the Club Mere Tomor row. Fred . Kent, of Asheville, governor of the Rotary district which embraces western North Carolina, will be a guest of the local club at its weekly meeting at the Y. M C. A. tomorrow. After [he bnsiness tfessio.n, fee meet ing will be turned over to Governor Kent. . Governor Kent will meet with di rector* of the Rotary Club tomorrow morning at 11 :30 o’clock at the Mer chants and Manufacturers' Club and jarill go from this meeting- directly to the Y. M. C. A. for the regular week ly meeting of the club at 12:30 o’clock. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT JPAYB 666 b s prescription far : Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Maliria. It kilta the germs. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE MfcSIC AN AID TO BEAUTY As told by Marjory Montello of ‘‘Bo hemian Girls.” “Music relaxes, it lets your muscles and features rest where they should. Just close your eyes and listen to 1 music, it sends a freshing breeze and cooling touch over one like a breath 1 of pure air from hills where daisies ' grow; it seals over you like nature sends the dew, creeping over your face, run into your tired eyes. 1 and moistens --your lips. You feel : retted and refreshed; it awakens in > vi(u a new personality: and oh what ’ a personality means to every one. ‘ Usually we think we should % sound just* "one key in onr lives: just be a sort of person, that ill what .makes ■, life ugly and dull and reflects your ; mirrored self. t . ' “Back in our early ancestry, maybe * fibre was a shoemaker, a doctor, a lawyer, preacher, pirate or -ieggar; all l'iie melodies of these lives are . down to us and preserved within our being, and it is music that awakens these beautiful and dif ferent notes in us. Music is _the treasure gift of all ages; it brings [ to us cur rightful personality, a happy blending of all the keys because of , what has gone before us. We begin to see that life isn’t in one monot -1 onims key, that life is not played in one tune. It is the result of a happy blending of the various moods and interpretations of life stored in us. waiting for feeir key notes, per haps or arias grand, sonatas, hymns and jazz. "Oh ! Music is wonderful. I just wish that every boy and girl could 1 feel its thrill and enjoy the happiness it gives. "In 'Bohemian Girl' I find unal . toyed joy in its melody and rhythm, and the opportunity of appearing as Arline in the great masterpiece of our beioyed Balfe thrills me. The won derful support Miss Valentine 9as given us artists under her unerring baton but spurs one on to even great er things, and again music conquers and sets new standards in the realm of happiness. The opera patron is such a wonderful audience to sing to, not the hardened amusement seeker, but an audience which comes with light in their eyes and love in their soul—it is music—it is beauty.” At Charlotte Auditorium, matinee and evening, December 25th, Cbrist | mas Day. Mrs. Nannie Furr Linker. Mrs. Nannie Furr Linker was born April 16, 1866, died Decern be 12. 1925. being 59 years, 7 months, and 26 days nf age at the time of her death. On April 13, 1882 she was married to Duke Linker, who lives to mourn the passing of his companion. To this union 14 children were born, 11 of whom, 6 sons and 5 daughters, still survive. Besides a large num ber of grandchildren and one great grandchild, she is also survived by two , brothers and three sisters. .Prior., to lier marriage she was con i' verted ami joined , the Methodist | Church at Center Grove. About 20 ; | years ago she moved her membership to Mount Pleasant, where slip remain ed a loyal and consistent member until her death. She was a wife and mother after j Cod's own heart and her influence still lives, not only in her children but in the entire community. She put her . trust in the Lord and He was her . strength, r.ot only in health but in | the weeks m her suffering. . She told her husband and her pastor and o'tliers that she was trusting God and was ready to go at His summons. She has gone to be with Him and she draws us on toward heaven, which V her home. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. X. R. Richardson at eleven o'clock Sunday the 13th. at the Meth odust. Church, while the pastor was filling his appointment at St. Paul's. W. L. SCOTT. ' “Why fee Oifmes Rang” to Be Given hy Hi-Y Clubs. The boys and girls of the local Hi Y clubs are working hard in prepa ! ration for the Christmas play to be presented at the Y. M. C. A. next Mon day evening. S : nee the characters j.have been selected, practice has been held every night. With the very pret ty setting which is laid together with . plenty of enthusiasm among the Hi Y 1 members in presenting their first play. there is no doubt that it will prove , one w of the prettiest affairs of the sea son. Every part of the play is me deval, yie setting, especially the beautiful cathedral, the costumes, and the music, all in all create a mood of I religious exaltation, and carries with dt the divine beauty of charity as the main theme. No admission will be charged. r George: "Hel'O, where did you get that black eye?” Fred: "Oh, it was only a sweet ' heart's quarrel.” George: "Sweethearts' quarrel! Why, your girl didn’t give you that, did she?” ' Fred : "No, it- was her other sweet “ heart.” 1 ■■ FIRST THOUGHT When the boy or girl in the i home i« rundown in body ’ and strength, a mother’! first » thought i« almoat always— Scott’s Emulsion It is nourishing and in vigorating cod-liver oil, rich in the titamips that all (bhitdren need. Give |a Scott’s Emulsion thepttre%*% , food-tonic — jjf *oU A Baku*. tioniUeld. IT. J. PARKS-BELK CO. During our $200,000.00 Drive forthe last 20 days, without doubt we have done more business than ever before in the-history of this store, i We feel that we have given wonderful values to all who have been so for tunate as to visit our big department store during this drive. In order to i meet the demand* for the next nine shopping days, we have been com- : pelled to have more goods, coming in to replenish each department with fresh, new goods. Remember we are now ready and can fill all your wants from the baby to grandpa and grandma.. We mention no prices [ as our goods advertise for themselves. Don’tforget our Grocery Department bn the second floor. , • x. ; ; Santa Claus headquarters. Come in and select the toy you want with a payment and we will hold it for you until Christmas Eve. PARKS-BELK CO. rrr*i —-rrrrrr - » » « mm ii pi in Visit FISHER’S 1 SANTA LAND J ' ‘ “ GIVE g - if Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1925

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