PAGE EIGHT ’' BBH Ns \r MUSICAL CHRISTMAS ; There is nothing material, that will add more joy and ■ = merriment to Christmas than Good Music. To have good - i music, you must first of all have a good instrument. The I ■ Columbia is leading the world today, in both production : and quality. The new process Colmbia Records are world i wonders when played on the Columbia Grafanola. t Portable machines $25 to $35. Console Types S9O to ■ $125. Divided payments. New records every week. Concord Furniture Co. 5 I ' 5 THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE I r'-m m , hEZ^A™TiioNs| PHONE 74 that &. ! MorS Colors ||| TEN YEAR FARM LOANS II |i[ Money to loan on Cabarrus County farms at FIVE 2 ]!|j AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, interest payavle Novem i]i ber of each year. No inspection fees. No life insurance !jt required. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date, jjj V Write or phone for information. ij Thies-Smith Realty Company No. 200 Com. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. PHONES 3278 and 4415 ]2 Jfree mZm Oriole W' 1 GAS RANGE ft /Thisfine set free -s No sale could be more opportune 1 \ L VOU are always ru»hed for time around |]ii * r m J Xmas. Ther* are hundreds of extra ■ #Mngs to be dpne. Think what an ORIOLE ' Meat Control Range wfll mean to youlltli tHJ] ■ " W] eliminate kitchen drudgery and give you ft fMJ ft extra time in which to do the many little U ft/ tasks you so want to do. More than that, 1 Uni free you from multiple worriea. With I flj ■ Ml mn ORIOLE Heat Control Range you are J ftjr VJr content and happy in the certainty of per*, feet cooking results. Juat put the food in the 73Wi Whole Meal Aluminum oven, set the regulator and youoan be out; t - of the kitchen while Xmas dinner iscook-; v,oomtng oe% i fog. Whether it is fruit cake, mince pie or. It !• specially designed for |fO*stturkey.youknowit will be just right*' whole meal oven cooking and consists of one Oval Roaeter S(l7ft B x ÜBx7iy),two3U ß x7iy),two3 qt. Con vex Pote with ring cover, one 1 Qt. Convex Pot with ring cover. The pota are fitted with ring covers, so that ona pot can be set top of another: The en tire fits in a 16* oven at one Got thin aef iha. x * Buy your rmnjmtodMj. J WIA Ak Ixmmtifml off mmmt Orldt Mamp ym ftf/t* Aefimmtm * ***** OkmAme A Am mi. Act jadey—. o*4 tun m m eta *t mem UtA*n frt*nm Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. : Sale Ends December 23rd pur Penny ADS. Get Quick Results. Concord Daily Tribune TIME OP CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord is as follows: Northbound 136—41:00 P. M. 3C*-!0:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 30— 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 20—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION Duo to a mix-up of dates the “Ha waiian Nights” play in Oou ccrtl next Friday night. Rotarinns of Concord will meet at, •the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30 | o’clock for their weekly meeting. John A. Porter, who has been con fined to his home for the past ten days on account #f tonsilitis, is again able to be out of bed. The Senior Class of Mont Amoena Seminary will present "Little Wom en** in the auditorium at Mount Pleas ant Wednesday, December 15, at 7 :30 P. m. Admission, 50 and 3*5 cents. L. V. Elliott, register of deeds for the county, today moved his family from their former ’home on Kerr street to their new home on South Union street. Prof. B. B. Osborne, principal of the Hartsell Mill School, has resumed his work following an illness of some time. Prof. Osborne underwent treat ment in a Charlotte hospital. There will, be an important called meeting of the Ministerial Association at the Y. M. C. A. Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. The Southern Railway will sell re duced rate tickets to Atlanta and re- j turn on account of the Presbyterian i Young Peoples' Missionary Conven- J tion December 211-31. See ad. in The J Tribune today for particulars. i The 23rd anniversary exercises of i the Ludwig Literary Society of Mt. J Pleasant Collegiate Institute will be { held Friday, December 18th, at S I o’clock p. m., in the Mt. Pleasant Au- j dltorium. i Pension vouchers for the Confed- I erate soldiers have been received bv ] the Cabarrus county clerk of court ] and will be distributed as called for. I Over 100 persons in tjie county are ] receiving money from this source. < Police officers report that $200.05 i was collected in fines and costs in re- 1 (•order’s court here Monday afternoon. , Fifteen cases were disposed of. most < of tiie defendants being charged with 1 violations of the prohibition laws. , It is considered probable that there , will be a large number of crippled < children present at the orthopaedic ] clinic which is to be held at the conn- | ty health department on the 10th of < December. A specialist is coining from Charlotte to examine the ehil- ( dren at this time. » If you haven't finished your Christ- . mas shopping you should do so with- i out further delay, for holiday goods j in the local stores are going rapidly, j Only eight more shopping days be- ] fore Christmas, so no time is to j be lost if you would get the pick of J the goods. { Mrs. G. A. Fisher, of Tribune 1 street, received a telei/aone message J Monday afternoon stating that her J uncle, Uriah K. Miller, of Lo\ver I Stone, had died at 1 o'clock. Funeral j services were held this morning at 11 j o'clock at Lower Stone Church. Mr. J and Mrs. tl. A. Fisher and Rev. F. j I. Fesperman attended the funeral. . Manley Whisnant, of Morganton, ■nas been elected captain of the foot ball team at the University of North Carolina for the 1920 season. Whisr nant played a consistent game at right guard for the Tar Heels this year, playing through every game, and be ing mentioned for all-state honors on several mythical elevens . The bridge connecting the court house and the jail has been com pleted and will be ready for the Jan uary term of Cabarrus Superior Court.. The bridge will make it pos sible for prisoners to be carried from tlie jail directly into the court room without being taken up and down! several flights of stairs. It is reported here that Anna Brew er, negro woman shot by Walter Hayes, is recovering from ber wounds. < It was thought last week the woman ! could not get well but she has shown i improvement this week. John Crump, < also shot by Hayes, died in a bos- ] pital last week. Hayes has not been i caught. * i ~ I*. M. Furr has sold to L. R. Pen- 1 ninger property on Isabell and Kerr | streets for S6OO, according to a deed < filed Monday. Another deed records ] the sale of property near Kannapolis i by Mrs. Lula Wampler to l)r. J. 1 Hugh Parks for $7,250, and another! records the sale of property in All- i rora Highlands by Z. D. Cochran to J J. A. Kennett for S3OO, The minor league will await with \ considerable interest the success of ( the plan adopted by the Virginia ( League to play double-headers every J Saturday during the coming season, i The plan will give the Old Dominion-1 circuit a schedule of nearly 150 j! games, the season to open April -12 1 and continue to September 15. I< Straight roads,that offer an oppor-'l tunlty for speeding are more dan- 1 gerous ttian curved roads, according | to Wisconsin figures. CARD OF THANKS. ] We wish to express our appreciation j for the kindness shown us iipting the i illness and death of bur grandmother 1 anif for the floral tributes. MRS. ALICE ISENHOUR I ‘ and FAMILY. • THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TOM raj SfMSjp A friend tells us he got so lonely for his girl one night he stayed home and kissed a lipstick. Honestly, the best policy ia to let i CAN’T STOP PRAISING THIS GLORIOUS KARNAK” “Oh'lt’s Jufet Lifted a Bur den of Suffering Off of * Me and Made Me Well and Happy Again,” De clares Highly Esteemed Greensboro Woman. “Oh, I just can't stop talking about this glorious Karnak, and I praise it to every om*. for it has lifted n burden of suffering off of me and made me well and happy again," declares Mrs. E. E. Phillips, highly esteemed resident of 405 North Syca more St.. Greensboro, N. (’. Mrs. Phillips is also well known in Roids ville and Winston-Salem, N. where slip has scores of friend*, and her statement will be of unusnal in terest everywhere it is read. “For several years my stomach just gradually weakened until it broke down my digqgtive organstl almost completely." continues Mrs. Phillips. "My troubles simply became chronic and acute. I bad gotten to the place where everything I ate soured on my I Southern Railway System Aunopqces ]i[ Reduced Round Trip Fares on the Straight Certificate |i[ Plan to Atlanta, Ga. Account of: The Young Peoples Missionary Convention, Southern ! [ Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga., December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1925 j> Delegates should purchase one-way tickets going trip, securing cer- I 1 tnieates from ticket agent. Certificate* will be honored by ticket agent ij for tickets returning at half fare, provided their are 250 delegates ]i present holding certificates. 1 ><>N'T MISS THIS CONVENTION. WONDERFUL PROGRAM. Travel via Southern Railway. Fine trains. Excellent schedules. Dining ear service. For further information, tickets and pullmun reservations, call on any V Southern Railway Agent or address,: M. E. WOODY. ;<i R. H. GRAHAM. Ticket Agent Division Passenger Agent, !l Concord, N. C. 237 West Trade Street, i l l - Charlotte/ N. C. oooopoooooqooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I NOTICE Due to Mix up in Dates We Will Not Play “Hawaiian Nights” Friday, December 18th CONCORD THEATRE mrarrsTf- ci 'mu-MMmwWMMntwjmnMa— INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE [rely Lingerie You’ll wish you could give Lingerie ! r and Underwear to more friends when ! | yau see the exceptional values to be j [ had here in real Italian and Milanese i i Silk Bloomers, Teddies and Vests. i | We want you to see the weight and | [ workmanship in these particular gar- ; ments— Pure Italian Silk Vests $1.50 Pure Milanese Silk Vests $2.75 Pure Italian Silk Bloomers $2.65 ! • Pure Milanese Silk Bloomers $3.50 ! • Pure Italian Silk Teddies $2.50 Pure Milanese Silk Tedies* $3.75 (Milanese is Extra Heavy Glove Silk) ' Carters Rayon Silk Vests SI.OO Carters Rayon Step-ins $1.50 9 QUALITY § HOUT THE PENALTY OF HIGH PRICE X tßnnnnnnnnofxxxmorinoooooooooooooooootiuyu all’s well that ends well enough alone. «* N’othing tickles a girl more than having a date with a man who' has n mustache, i One thing about powder on a man's chat lapel is it shows he hasn't had experience enough 'to brush it off. Friday is one of the seven days on which it is unlucky to act so darn foolish. / (Copyright, 1925, Xea Service, Ink) ♦ stomach and formed gas. and I be came so weak I could hardly keep going. “I was never innCi of n hand to take medicine, but I just reached the point where something had to be done, so when a friend recommended it, I began using Karnak and Karnak Pills. I just wish stomach suffer ers all over the country knew what great relief this medicine would bring them. Tlie first few doses gave me almost instant relief. “I have taken three bottles now. and eat whatever I want and digest it properly. The gastritous, heart burn and sour stomach all disappeared in a few days time and haven't both ered me since. My complexion has cleared up. I’ve gained weight and it's such a joy to be well again I can never prise Karnak enough, It's just too wonderful for words.” Karnak is sold in Concord exclu sively by the Pearl Drug Co.; in Kan napolis by the F. L. Smith Drug Co.; in Mt. Pleasant by the A. W., Moose Drug Co.; and by the leading drug gist in every town. PLAT HODGE PODGE. /• • New York Mirror. Neck to neck, shoulder to shoulder, lie split bis sides (laughing), his blood "boiled, he felt it in his bones, she ate her heart out, he took her hand; one foot in the grave, etc. He was afire with love—and-r-her dad put him out. He asked for her hand—and—her fnfher gave him his foot. His tongue slipped—and—she fell, down on it. She rolled her eyes at him and he stabbed her with a piercing glance. She chewed the rag for two hours —but—her husband gave -(ler no quar ter. Stick your foot in it and -become h Hodge l’odgor. lie climbed the social ladder-—and— fell down or his English. He worried at lot —and she built a house op it. ‘ • .- : gave him a melting glance—: and—melted, the ice. He planted his foot in the doorway' —and—grew a beard. He fell in with bad eggs—and— she turned up her noke. Xcggs: “I hear that Mr. Xayber did wonderfully well with the oil stock that lie bought.” Hoggs: “Yes; lie got his money back.” The Senior Class of Mont Amoena Seminary Presents “Little Women” Auditorium Dec. 16, 7:30 P. M. 50c—35c NOTICE Washington Camp No. 80, P. O. S. of A. will December 18, 1925. Heginning January 1, 192(1. this camp will meet every first and third Friday nights of each month. The Concord Bakery Has Opened a Retail Bakery at No. 86 South Union Street for the convenience of the public. You can get Hot Rolls of all kinds, Cinnamon Buns, Doughnuts, Cookies of all kinds, Fruit, Pound and all kinds of layer Cakes and Birth day and Wedding Cakes to or- i der. I i MON DISEASE REMEDIES /flf WJ (Hunt’s 8a hr* and 8oap), bit It I a. I f / the treatment of Itch. Beeefha /A Ringworm, Tetter or other he b- tag etJn dieeeeee. * Tty thh treatment at our rfcfc. CCZEHAP Money back without queettan jr'Z\ if HUNT’S GUARANTEED Jfl BKIN DISEASE REMEDIES >1 (Hunt’e Salve and SoapMtfl in f the treatment oflten, j Ringworm, Tetterorotherltcb- f If / / in* skin dlsseees Try this * '*■ / J treatment at our risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY The best sympathy IT is only human for a fu neral director to feel sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But it is real sympathy when he recog nises an obligation to see to it that the highest character of burial equipment is furnished at honest prices. Such a policy has been responsible for the success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is. the Clark Grave Vault, recognised as a leader in the vault indus try, because* it 'gives positive a*id permanent protection* WILWINSON’B FUN •s. ERAL HOME ' Call t—Day or Night I * I TIT The label he seeks when he ' buys is the label he’ll like best Look in the band of his most j -becoming hat or at the label in ltis finest fitting suit and let \ what y. >u read guide you in the This the store he comes, to 8 for his own things— out of the - crowd and cry he chooses one. 'j , This one store now offers gift v possibilities from 25c to s7s— us to you and frofti you to him with absolute satis- ! faction. . - - i , Bath Robes Lounging Robes, Luggage Belts, Linen and Silk’ Handkerchiefs HOOVER’S,Inc. ' “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” J qOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOCKIOCMMVinnnrVVVMMVMVVv^ei^^^ COAL I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 OR 279 oooooooooooooooooooOfiooooe^omoopooooooooooooom For twenty-eight J) factor in furthering the de- j| j | velopment of this vicinity, the Cabarrus Savings Bank ■ still extends its constructive service and excellent facili j! ties in the interest of progressive enterprise^ j CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK CONCORD, N. C. 1... Kxwooooooboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocio ! PHONE 799 I /Our Product is Right—the Price Is Right—the Ser- \ | | vice is Right, and this makes a combination Hard to Beat. '] You’ll need some Coat Soon.' When you do, remem- I r her, we are here to serve you with the Coal that stands ! , | the gaff. j Cline & Mabery Coal Co. ;! - PHONE 799 t >OOOOO9OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT WATER IN A JIFFY, n. \f 6* This gas hot water heater * is surely a friend in need and J Jkjah»Ldip match and in a few minutes steaming hot water will run Let one for you. Pays for itself quickly. E. B. GRADY W PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W GOLDFISH Common Comets * Japanese* Nymphs American FantaUs Shubunkins ■ - Tadpoles Pond Snails Sea Moss Fiah Bowls N • CLINE’S PHARMACY 1 Our Penny ADS. Get Quick ResultJ Tuesday, Deo. 15, 1923 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moore) Figure* named represent priow paid for produce on the market: Em - BO Corn _ sl.lO/ Sweet potatoes * $1.50 I Turkeys „ I Butter .. *6 I Country Ham M I Country Shoulder a V*j .20 I Country Sldee .... .20 I Young Chickens .201 Irish Potatoes lI.BoZ i jR fW Side—“For Hire” Cards For Jit l « neys, at Tribune-Times office, tffiffi w>l> *. 17-*^

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