PAGE TWO ifPENNY COLUMN '■MSS* 25 CENTS, BE“ SflNN'm'O FRIDAY, DECEMBER WILE MAKE THE ■kalbi penny pictures Hil’f DAY AND NIGHT. Mm miPSON STUDIO. (OVER j ; WdST«It DRUG STORE. 17-2 t-p. Sir OMun Celery. Lettnc", Cran- Wrriei-,, Spinach, Collards. Lippard \ - 18-lt-p. . K. pftammet, Painter. Paper . Manger And decorator—the man who pnovrs %*hat to do with wall paper and pajdt. Give me a trial. P. 0. Box 46. 12 James Avenue, Con ieofd, C. 17-4 t-p. mm< felepk, Selected Oysters. Sanitary. Grocery Co. 18-lt-p. itß s*7* tor Your Christinas Eats. We have a, big; variety. ,T. t A”) H. Cash Store. 18-lt-p. »*?«'* l j-j' ;— : rash Fiah and Select Oysters .Mack erel steak, trout and mullet. Ca barrus* (Jiash Grocery Co. 17-2 t-p. ireworks! Fireworks! Ten Minutes from tfti square to Peck's Place on Kannapolis road, where you can get salutes, candles, rockets, baby wak ers, spit devils, torpedoes, pistols, caps, <|ago bombs and then some. Let’s aeiebrate. 17-ot-p. es! W< Have Anything Yon Want for Christmas, and a big variety. J. & H. Cash Store. 18 lt-p. pples. Oranges. Bananas, Tangerines, grapefruit, grapes, lemons. Lippard & Barfihr. 18-lt-p. fradqoagters For Fresh Fish and oyster#. Wholesale and retail. Phone” 510 and 525. • Chas. C. Graeber, 17-2 t-p. lew Safin Hats; New Designs. Im- CWna. Look at window. Miss Brachen. 16-3 t-p. Useah Dwk Hams, Aliy Size You want. 'Sanitary Grocery Co. 18-lt-p. lag Daf-j-Friday and Saturday We will 1.000 market bags with samples and merchandise for 10 cents JAeh. One to a customer. Sale begins each morning at 8 Cline’# Pharmacy. 16-3 t-p. r . » Vcsh Ffch, Spckled Trout and Mack erel speak. Phone 510 and 525. Chas. C. Wraeber. 17-2(-p. jest—White and Brown Setter bird dog. Notifv Rav Whitley at Hartsfll Mill. 16-4 t-p. % ■ |« i Inly a Fbw More Turkeys For Sale. Phoney : 175 R. C. J. Williams. 16-lt-p. R, -- i r ~ _ <>csh Pork Hams For Christmas, j Yes, Aqa'.l size. A ham for every! home.* J’hone 510 and 525. Chas., C. Graeber. 16-3 t-p. ! P* I ?or Safe—Three 3-room Houses on; Kerr Btreet. in good state of re ■* pair, & for $4,000 ; 2 2-room houses : • and 1» 3-room house oh Cedar St., j in gi.dti condition, for $3,000; one I " vacanf lot on West Depot Street. I $1,50(£;, 3 4-room houses on West I Depot. Street, $3,000 eag!) :1 7-room house *rtn West Depot Street for s4,sot?;t 5-room house on West De pot Sjrjeet near Scotia, $6,500; 1 5-roon* house on East Depot Street; 1 6-r6om house on Ann Street, $4,751#;; close in. $4,750; 1 6-room I 'house pu North Church St.. $4,500: 1 4-raom house and 10 lots near Browir Mill, $3,250; 1 5-room house 'Tin Cfiurcb Street, near Meadow Kerr Street. $1,050; 1 5-room house . on HAfis Street. $2,500; 1 5-room itonse*qn Dabeil Street $850; 1 3-roiiiu house on Crowell Street, $1,1100; 1 1 live-room house on Crow ell Sr* | $ 1 iNHI; 1 5-room house on 5 i house*an Kerr Street, $3,500; 1 bouse on Odell Street, prac- new. $3,500; 1 4-room house and several vacant lots on St. JamespSt.. $2,750: 1 5-room house on Carolina Avenue. $2,500; 10 5-rooni Jiouses in City View. D. A. BeLuurin, Real Estate and i Buildifig Contractor. Phone 43"). t »» 15-6 t-x. fc- j; .~ ~ | WHAT'S SMART IN MEN'S WEAR = Attention to details is I necessary to give a smart ensemble ■WHERE are two ways of satisfy- K lng the desire of being, or at Kpt febllng, well dressed. R One way—by far the most com hnnn vvay—is to follow the crowds. Sjfhe mati Who isn’t sure of his own ■HUnsAt, feels that the majority Enlist Alright, so he shifts, from Esseon to season, from powder blue K grayi to tweeds, to dark blue, or B Whatever the season’s lad may frail fort | The «t)ier way* Is followed by a of men of taste. They have thro courage to adopt a style ■Kit color before the crowd takes it Bat; to “pass on to something else K|tt tfti crowd adopts what they pi we. For Sale—One Conn Clarinet and case. Slightly used. Phone 245 L. 15-st-p. Try' Carolina Mayonnaise and Relish. Every bottle sold under a guarantee. (It must be Good). 15-3 t-p. Found at Last—With Many Thanks— A preparation that will positively remove pimples and blackheads. Buy i] it at any drug store. Call for Mel- i Bro Lotion. 12-11-30t-cbg. 1 W LJI ■&&&<£}*±' : kt/riv J* '4: | IN AND ABOUT THE CITY | "OP7M)l»Tl NIYI*S” ahe AVAILABLE FOR MANY Several Were Taken Monday and This Morning But Many Others Re main. ; * “For I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was tMrsty. and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in. “Naked, and ye clothed me; 1 was sick and ye visited me: I was in pris on, and ye came unto me.” Many needy in the city are dependent upon the generous hearted people of Concord making it possible that the Christmas may be at least, tinily, enjoyed by them. Little chil dren’s faith in Santa Claus’is at stake In many instances and that they may not be disappointed persons in this great and prosperous community are asked to adopt the "Oppoftunities'' as announced by the King's Daughters and J. H. Brown, county welfare of ficer. Some of the “Opportunities" have been taken but many others remain. Do you care? You should be in terested in putting just a snatch of the joys of tide that you expect for yourself and for those you love into lonely lanes of Con- j cord. You should Show those per-; sons whose fight against the wolf at ■ the door is grimly relentless, that j goodwill still prevails. Call Dewey Sappenfield at the Chamber of Commerce, located in Dr. T. N. Spencer’s office, and he will check off the "Opportunity” you want and will also advise you where to find the "Opportunity.” Don't delay in this important matter. Other "Opportunities" probably will be announced later. Those not taken include: Opportunity No. Four. Father and five children (mother dead) —Foot! and Christmas.bags. Opportunity No. Eleven. Mother, father and eight small children—Food, fuel and Christmas bags. Opportunity No. Eighteen. Mother and three small children (husband sick) —Food, fuel and bags. Opoprt unity No. Nineteen. Father, wife and six boys. 14, 11, 9, 7,4, 11 month, and girl 13 years— Food, fuel and bag-. Opportunity No. Twenty. Mother and five children, boylll3 1 years, boy 6 years, girls 11, 8 and 3 j years—Toys, dolls and bags. Opportunity No. Twenty-Seven. •Mother, father and five children —- Food, bags and toys. Opportunity No. Twenty-nine. Mother and four children, boy 7, boy 6, boy 4 and girl 3—Clothing, i bags and toys. Opportunity* No. Thrity-two. Girl 17 months, girl 5 years, girl 7 yeaers—Clothing, bags and toys. Opportunity No. Thrity-four. Five small girls—Bags and toys. Any one taking an Opportunity, 0o«. siring further information may calF upon Miss Margie MoEacherq, Treas-; urer of the King’s Daughters. Number Thirty-Five. Two boys, ages 11 and 9. Four! girls, ages 7. 5 and 3 years and 3 months. Mother sick and lias been for nearly 2 years. Anything given will be appreciated. **• Opportunity No. 37. One child. Bug. Opportunity No. 38. One child. Bag. Opportunity-No. 39. Four children. Bags Opportunity No. 40. Four children. Bags. Opportunity No. 41. Two children. Bags. Opportunity No. 42. Two children. Bags. Opportunity No. 43. Two children. Bags. Oportunity No. 44. One child. Bag. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I EFIRDS I | CHRISTMAS SHOP. j Gifts For Every Member of | the Family and Your Friends and Sweetheart Let Us Help to fix You* Up For Christmas Store Open at Night EFIRDS SOOOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOdOOOQOOd THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Opportunity No. 46. Two children. Sags. Five children. Bags. Opportunity No. 47. Three children. Bags. 1 Opportunity No. 48. O* child. Bag. I Oportunlty No. 49. TwN children. Bags. Opportunity No. SO. ' Three childrn. Bags. Opportunity No. 51. Three children. Bags. I NO EXPLANATION YET FOR SNAKES’ PRESENCE! Theory That They Were Left In the County by Carnival Company Can Not Be Substantiated. i No one seems to know yet how the i big rattlesnakes, killed during the past i two weeks near Rocky River, came i into the county) ' Several theories ■ 'nave been offered but they can no# be substantiated. \ The latest rumor, and one of the most persistent of the many suggest ed. is that the snakes were left iu ' the county by the carnival company which played for the last colored fair l in the county. T.iis rumor has it j that two snakes died at the fair grounds, and that while moviug the | carnival company from Concord to j Charlotte, the driver of the truck carrying the snakes, threw them off at Rocky River, since the carnival owner was afraid all of them were going to die. This rumor sounds all right but the facts in the case prove it to be with out foundation. In the first place the carnival company did not have any snakes and in the second place they went by rail from Concord to York. S. C., and not to Charlotte by motor. It is said that the rattler captured alive in the county several days ago had no fangs. That indicates that he formerly belonged to some show company. Just what company it was. and how the snake got away, no one knows. It's a fact, however, that the snakes did not behmg to any- carnival com pany at the fair. Memorial to Mrs. E. C. Register. We. the Daughters of the Mecklen burg chapter of the American Revolu tion. wish, to express our sorrow at I the parting and separation from one of our friends and loved member. La vinia Montgomery Register. (Mrs. E (’.), who bii the tenth of October pi ssed on to be "Wish Him, whom having not seen she loved." We think of Mis. Register as she lived her daily*life ns making an in terpretation of real Americanism. We think of llier as having perfect freedom from the fear of man to live her creed, and -we think of her as otic who \*as no rcspector of cast, craed or color and as one who gnve ' 'ht'Rctf 1 freely in love, sympathy and ' lielpLilness to those in need. VTe shallYniss tile radiance of her j happy cheerful spirit. * We wish to [bear witness to her loyalty and faith i fulness at* all times ittid in all lines of our work. LAURA J. BAIRD. MARGARET H. IRVIN. Kannapolis Child Dies Suddenly While Asleep. Charles Smith, two-montb-old son 1 of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. R. Hoke, of Kan j napolis. was found dead in bed last j Sunday morning. The parents | thought the little one was asleep but it had been dead several hours When its death became known. The fun eral took place from the home on Chestnut Street Monday afternoon. Rev. M. L. Ridenhour, of Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church, eonduct ,-ing the service, and the burial was in Greenlawn cemetery. MWMMMMMOTWMiMMmmMamaMMMMraMMw MDKiwMioisMwwwwo.noinnsw ; PARKS-BELK CO. the Christmas store SOur second floor is overflowing with Gifts . that will last and would be appreciated by any one. What could be more appreciated than a new dress, coat or hat for mother or sister ? We have all Styles, Colors and Sizes and can KllH suit you in both Silk and Wool. JH $2.98 Hi I JH One big rack Silk or,Wool. Areal * A Art hHi P 58.95 value. Special ~v 4.90 j|| llf lot oO J Presses, value froms9.9s to QIC TO (in nr UIH ?2i.50,. Specially priced for Christmas Drive vIS/.S/O j / (YOU SHOULD SEE US AND SAVE MONEY) ' • I n Ladies’ Hats Specially Priced Big Event & PARKS-BELK CO. | fjj * ” 11 111 MttT- I Visit FISHER’S Yj H SANTA LAND i Friday, becefnber 18, 1925