Friday, Deoemfe'ef TB, 1955 [SOCIETY 1 "For Sport For sport wear nothing ts morn Intriguing than the printed scarf edged with brilliant red, tie in the manner sketched so that it resembles a stock. It is equally attractive with a suit or a dress. v L, MOVIE STAR WILL BE IN CONCORD TOMORROW Irene Rich, Famous Warner Brothers i Actress, To Visit the New Concord I Theatre. Irene Rich is" coming to Concord. I The movie actress, one of the most popular on the screen today, will visit the New Concord Theatre tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. _ Warner Brothers have arranged an extensive tour for Miss Rich, in which she will appear as hostess at the open ing of runs in several Warner thea tres. . The engagements of Miss Rich will be unique in that she contemplates no addresses to audieftees. In the thea tres she mets , the picture patrons in the lobby and grets her friends and admirers personally. Miss Rich's itinerary at present in cludes the State Theatre at I*itts burgh; the Metropolitan, Baltimore; Broadway, Charlotte. Warners', New York. Ikyne, Youngstown, and the New Concord. The management of The New Con cord invites the public to meet Miss Rich in the lobby of the theatre to morrow. She will be here at 2 o'clock sharp . / Fortnightly Bridge Club Meets. The Fortnightly liriilge Club held its regular meeting Thursday evening at the.home of Miss Helen Marsh, on South I'nioii stYet. At the conclus ion of the game. Miss Ijois Crowell " was presented with a prize for the high seorg. Delicious refreshments were kprved. 31 iss 3fary E. Dillon, vice presi-l dent and general manager of the cor poration which supplies the city of Brooklyn with gas, ‘nas just returned from Europe, where she made an ex haustive study of continental public utilities. •> Harvard has more tennis courts than any other two universities in the country. PNEUMONIA Always call a physician. Until his arrival use “emergency” treatment / with Vicks. This'does not interfere with anything he qpy prescribe. VICKS w Vapoßub <W 17 Million Jan U-d Ymmrtr /.y , • I n •w 1 r J * Mr JhuOT#m ioM By BELL-HA RRIS FUN ERAL PARLOB ’ Mr Rmh m* ‘ Night FfcMM ME-IML ill U Til PERSONALS. Miss Matthews, teacher in tile public school, left this afternoon for Asheville to spend the holidays with home folks. ■• • , J. B. Sherrill left this morning for Asheville and will return tomorrow with his daughter,' Miss Cottrell Sher rill, Vho will spend Christmas here with home folks! • • • Henry Foil, who is attending school in Staunton, Va., has return ed to hie home in Mt. Pleasant to spend the Christmas holidays with 1 his parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Foil. ••• V \ Rev- and Mrs. A. R. Tbsb, , <jf Roanoke. Va., are in Mt. where they are visiting Mrs. Tosh’s mother, Mrs. W. D. Foil. • • » Masses , Louise Morris, Miriam Ooltrane, Jane and Willie White are expected home today from Converse College where they are ip school. * * « Misses Lucy and Eleanor Crowvll, Sarah Ellen Linker and Louise Tow have returned from Quen's College to spend the holidays witl| their parents in the city. * * * Howard Collie has returned from a trip of several days to Danville, Va., where he had been on business. • • » j Miss Margaret Morrison has re turned from Queen's College and is spending the Christmas holidays in the city at the home of her parents, < Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mdrrison. * * • Miss Katherine Wolff, who is a senior at N. C. C. W., has returned to her home to spend the Christmas holidays with home folks. • * • Miss, Virginia Batte. a student at North -Carolina College, is home to dayand hits as her guest /Miss Mar garet Beam, of Asheville, also a stu dent at N. C. C. W. CONCORD WIN FROM OAKBORO TEAM —At Locals Overcome Lend Afire Visitors Made Brilliant Start.—Jarratt and Duval Star. Concord High School took its first game of the season Thursday night when it defated Oakboro bv the score of 24-21. The visitors took the lead at the start and looked like sure winners, set ting the pace until well in the sec ond half when a comeback, on the part of the Concord players put them ahead. Mills played well for Oakboro, with Hart sell ami Howard also contribut ing in the good showing. For Con cord. Jarratt and Duval were stars. Oakboro Concord Howard (6) rs. Davis >1) Fu*r If. , Duval ft) i, c. Jarratt (12) Hart.sell (7) rs. Mabry Fry lg. Caloway Substitutions: Hoover (4) for Ma bry ; Mabry for Calloway. Litaker for Mabry. Referee. Long (N. C. State). Weather Will Remain Cold For a Few Days. Raleigh News and Observer. Cloudy weather predominated yes terday although the sun did have a few opportunities to peep through, but it Was able to accomplisn little toward expauding the thermometer's mercury. The mean temperature for tlie day was 40 degrees, or three de grees below normal. The disturbance which was caus ing the cloudy weather was moving very slowly off the coast ami rains were reported from most of The sta tions from North Carolina to the Gulf. Elsewhere over the country the weather was generally fair but the mercury was inclined to remain at low levels. Freezing temperatures oc curred as far South as the middle portion of the Gulf States. Predictions are for moderately cold weather in North Carolina for a tfw days but after that the tempera ture should rise. Love's young dream sometimes de velops into a matrimonial nightmare. GOOD THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS Big lot fresh sweet “Lakeland" Flor ida oranges. We sell box or at re tail. They are alt sound. Good and sweet. The very highest grade fruit, at reasonable price. Our apples are the celebrated “-Val ley Cruises’’ Watauga county apples. The different sizes in New York State No. 1 Baldwin apples in barrels. Ollr apples have the flavor. They are cheap. Brazil nuts, California walnuts, j eoeounuts, layer raisins, package rais- I ips, dates, figs. Big assortment of candy. In fact everything good to eat. See us or phone before you buy. We deliver quick everywhere. I & Moose I Bargain Bags Friday and Saturday Only j A market; bag with samples j and staple merchandise for 10 C cents each. One to a customer. 5 Come early to be sure of getting V yours. Limited number to be 9 sold each day. - X Cline’s § Pharmacy | Phone 333 9 n: — —a* CLEAR WEATHER FOR . week-end predicted Local Merchants Expect Biggest Bus iness of Christmas Season Tomor row. , . y- With clear weather predicted for the week-end, local merchants are plairmrtg for fte biggest business of the Christmas season tomorrow. ~ White Christmas msiness has been j good during the past two weeks, mer chants of ConeWd know that hun dreds Os choppers Stlß have the bulk of their holidays buying to do and if the weather is favorable tomorrow, as is indicated by weather reports, the Stores here wifi be packed throughout the day. The warm weather of-(he past tea days has halted the side Os seasonable goods, it is said, aitd the colder weath er which started Thursday is ex- 1 pected to accelerate the «ale of goods designed especially for the cold sea son. / < While the stocks of Chrlstiqas goods in the city have been somewhat picked over, local marehants are atiil able to supply a reasonable demand for gifts. The stocks of goods carried thiii year in local stores were the largest by far ever carried in Con cord and for that reason many fine and attractive gifts are still avail able although after today only live more Shopping do.vs will remain. SCHOOL WORK HALTED for the holidays Children Dismissed at Knott Until Monday Morning January 4th. School work is now baited in the local schools and in practically all of the schools of th4 county. The Christmas'holidays began at 11 o’clock this morning and the children willl not be required to report back to the city schools nnftl Monday. January 4th. In the county, schools, however, the holiday period will extend only one week in a majority of the cases. Some of the schools which have eight month terms will be closed tor two weeks. Most of the out-of-town teachers in the city schools left during the morning and afternoon for their homes. Others plan to leave tomor -row and Sunday. Christmas exercises were held Thursday and this morning in sev eral rooms in the city schools, al though no school-wide exercises were held in school except in the Corbin Street school, and this was staged last week. CLINIC FOB CRIPPLES TO BE HELD SATURDAY Postponement of Charlotte Clinic In No Way Effects One to Be Held ht Concord. Tiie clinic for the examination of crippled children will be he’d at the ooupty health department on Satur day as had been planned, k was an nounced by officials this morning. Rumors had been extant since the publication of news in regard to the postponing of the clinic in Oharlottq that the Concord clinic would also'We' postponed. Dr. S. E. Ruclwtnan de clared this morning that, lie was anx ious to have this idea rectified. Tlie clinic jn Charlotte, it was pointed out, has been postponed from the 2nd to the oth of January. This in no way effects the clinic iu Con cord next Saturday. It wilTbe held as was announced with Dr. Myers in charge and all people who know of crippled children should see that these Children have opportunity to be ex amined. ' CONCORD LOSES TO THT HIGH POINT Y. M. C. A. Desperate Work in Last Half Falls to Overcome Lead Which Pointers Get at First. Concord Y'. 31. C. A. lost its fourth consecutive basketball game Tburg , day night when beaten by High Point in- a rough and ftnnble affair, more on the order of a football match than a , court contest, the final score being 33-2? T Tiie High Point team took tlie lead at the start and except for a brief while in the early stages of the game, held this lead. Although the loeals played desperately to- even the score in the second half, they were never able to come up to the pace set by the home team. IJneberger starred for tlie Concord team, leading in baskets and doing , some clever floor work. > CHRISTMAS FOR-BOYS AT THE TRAINING SCHOOL i Exercises Will Be Held Around Huge Christmas Tree on Night Before Christmas. Plans have about been perfected ' for the Christmas exercises to be held • at the Jackson School this ' year. The exercises will be held on 1 Christmas eve. Vnder tentative plans the exercises will'be held around a huge Christmas tree, which will be loaded with gifts ’ for every boy iu the school. The j gifts have been purchased by dona . tions given to the school for the pur -7 'pose, a fifty dollar check having been ' received this morning. Christmas carols, siiort talks and recitations by the boys will feature the exercises. The Unnamed 40. * The Pathfinder. t Dr. Russel Oonwell, famous for i his lecture "Acres of Diamonds.” 1 announced that he bad been making \ n study of millionaires. He stated that there were 404 Hin the United States and only 40 of them dis honest. nearly all, of them, or to be r exact, 8780 of them, started as poor boys, he added ,lt whets the curiosity to know ■ that there are just 40 dishonest mll f itonaires and not know who they I are. But Dr. Conwell gave a clue. He Ijsaid it was the dishonest 40 who are I I always before the public. Still it is I ft litle risky to drew conclusions. I It Is quite, possible that Dr. Con- I well made a mistake, and that one or I two of his 40 are honest after all. 1 It Is veftr likely, too. that he counted r some few hutujreds on the wrong | side? for only the recording angel | has all the real dope on the subject. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE MR. MORRISON SPILLED THE DOPE ONCE MORE Spkdi it Pee Dee Bridge Opening Different From One at Elizabeth tow*. , Raleigh, Dec. If.—Former Gov ernor Cameron Morrison’s Pee Dee speech at the dedication ot She Mor rison bridge sprls the dope again, but the Charlotte statesman has a habit bf doing that thing and the last time won’t specially hurt. Mr. Morrison has been very quiet. Even when he has talked he has been beautifully restrained of t*te. On bridge occasions he will say things and then the 'folks will talk about him. A trifle more than three months ago he spoke at a bridge opening near Elizabethtown and he knocked down and dragged out near!# all the politicians. He told them that pub lic rights must be respected and the progress of the state must not be in terrupted. He threatened Mo organize the state and beat the devil out of | the politicians. Then he came to Raleigh and hell urns getting up a statement which ] (Was to be his finale on the deficit , controversy. It came out and it was i the mildest utterance that the former \ excellency ever expressed- It was \ swet as the perfume of roses and < soft as the coo of a dove. It did im plore Elder Angus not to allow politician Wrlton to lead the Elder into temptation. But the statement was so mild that nobody understood It. Then an inspiration came. Nobody asked where, how. or when, but it came and friends of Mt. Morrison said he would be tractable hereafter, that the difficulty into which he and his successor hod fallen had been “fixed.” Mr. Morrison was to go to the United States senate from the west and Mr. McLean from the east. All this is to happen under the Max Gardner administration. Consequent ly, Mr. Morrison will say no more against Gardner, will let the deficit alone, will farm and law a little, waiting for the good day. This came from 3£r. Morrison's friends and they seemed to know what he was doing. For a time they appeared to have' it correctly, “dop- I ed.“ Mr. Morrison was living up to this imaginary arrangement. He has I been perfectly quite these tnree months, and when he did break his silence a few nights ago it was at a church that he chose to name Jose phus Daniels an a statesman apd to place him in the class of Aycock. Bickett. Craig, Simmons, KiTchin, and Pritchard. But Governor jtorrieon did not talk Wednesday as though he hod finished his say on the subject of North Carolina's He ha* a good deal to tell the Wirld yet. He talks a little as though he were mak ing "references to an allusion.” fie lucked no great sight of being per sonai. He almost made a comparison. Abd the contrast almost contrasted. He even hinted that he is unwilling to slash .salaries in the name of econ omy. But the nteresting aspect of t-his lfee Dee speech is that It was no varjatipU. from his original purposes Mr. 3forrison.' if he has agreed to maintain, quiet, isn’t staying put. If he is to be the teammate of Mr. Mc- Lean in the senate, the Rockingham speech doesn’t reflects the fact. If the state government is to Sis liking, he isn’t saying So. If economy is so popular Mr. Morrison hasn't heard it. It may be fine to go to the senate one of days without a struggle, but Mr. 3lorrison has become at>- * customed to fighting. .He admits that he has struck Wows when nice words would have worked better, but he liasji bunch that the reactionary and the standpatter must be kicked. And lie is still kicking. 3lrs. J. C. Tucker Dies at Home in Waynes ville. Salisbury. Dec. 17.—Mrs. J. C. Tucker, 7!I years old, died Tuesday night at the home of her son. Rev. I’. Wa Tucker, at Waynesville. Tlie itidy was brought to Salisbury to-1 night to the home of a daughter. Mrs. J. A. Brown, and tomorrow will be taken to 3lount Pleasant, where tlie funeral takes place at 11 o’clock. Four sons and one daughter sur vive. Impressed by the multitude of pamphlets issued by the Department of Agriculture, an Dswego, Kansas farmer has appealed for information on "how to put on a shirt, eat an apple, peal potatoes, adjust a dog collar, and eat a chicken." CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS CHRISTMAS WREATHS —and— CORSAGES/ l Let us have your orders early, so we fan make prompt ;. delivery Mrs. J. A. Walker FLORIST i • v > hi•• 4 I 93 S. Union St. Phone 113 CONCORD COTTON MAHJtKT~ I ——— ( FRIDAY, DECEMBER* 18, tffiiA I Cotton <*- .IN' . Cotton seed 49 1-9 WOMAN LOVER AGAIN IN JAIL Mrs. Francis Continues to Have a Weakness for Sloan Philbeck. Shelby, Dee. 17.—Several final chapters have been written to Cleve- . land county's colorful Francis- Pfcil beek romance, but apparently alll were only intermissions and the episode is a serial story that will perhaps never end, that is in the life of Mrs. Francis and the husky Philbeck. Back in the county jail again is the once beautiful wcpnan, Mrs. Francis. The lure of the man for whom she left O'er home, husband and children; and over whom she served a jail sen tence, is seemingly too strong to re sist. Sunday night she made an other visit to the county convict camp, where Sloan Philbeck is a prisoner. And the visit .was forbidden by law. Back, when the trial was attended by hundreds, the judge, in sending ‘Miss Irene Rich | A Warner Bros. Star Will Appear in Person at the ;i | CONCORD THEATRE Saturday at 2:00 P. M. Come and Meet Her qQOQQflP<x)ooooooooooQoeoooooooocx>oooooo(xxx>ooooooti gg?^! , !S'H|!! , »;rr'Trr>a^yrTr i r"r^rr’r T r:rTr!:’ i -T7rTr , rTrT ,, ry^ , irf^r»rg'?aiw^^yi | i;!'r»ii^«!ii!..B<»!!‘ Do You Need Money? a ‘i Weekly Payment Loan Department N We have installed a department to accept notes for jj small loans payable on the, installment plan. You can repay the loan in small amounts and not have ; to dread the day it will come due. We will lend you from j I fifty dollars ($50.00) to five hundred dollars ($500.00) to l " be paid back in weekly installments as per the following « Si table: > r From 50.00 to 100.00 to ba paid back at 2.00 per week " From 100.00 to 150.00 to be paid back at 3.00 per week ~ From 150.00 to 200.00 to be paid back at 4.00 per week H From 200.00 to 250.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week From 250.00 to 300.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week From 300.00 to 400.00 to be paid back at 8.00 per week From 400.00 to 500.00 to be paid back at 10.00 per week |L If you are in need, consult our officers today. They li •f will gladly give you any information desired. We base |’ ;; our security on character and personal endorsements, on collateral, and on real estate. f ( , * ■ PANK.*aVrf.TRUST Company* 1 CONCORD? IParks-Belk Beauty Shoppel COIFFURE The modem woman no long- jfe I er puts up her hair in un sightly “curlers.” The per manent wave has become Nlwn universal. We employ the T* j best method and our prices /Tl S# 1 arefair - - y-ißmriEtiTl g “° ur Methods Please” £ Phone 892 *2 fParks-Belk Beauty Shoppel I Southern Railway System Announces j!| Reduced Round Trip Fares on the Straight Certificate ]!| Plan to Atlanta, Ga. Account of: !j! ; The Young Peoples Missionary Convention, Southern \ G Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga., December 29th, 30th,\81st, 1925 8 Delegates sliould purchase one-way tickets goiug trip, securing eer- [ X titicates from ticket agent. Certificates will bos honored by ticket agent ' 0 for tickets returning at half fare, provided their arc 250 delegates 1 8 present bolding certificates. X DON'T Mias THIS CONVENTION. WONDERFUL PROGRAM. ' 6 Travel via Southern Railway. 9 Fine trains. Excellent schedules. Dining ear service. ?> X For further information, tickets and pulhpan reservations, call on any ! © 0 Southern Ruiikay Agent or address: / 9 M. E. WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, 8 O Ticket Agent 'Division Passenger Agent, ig X Concord, N. C. t 237 West Trade Street, X O Charlotte, N. C. 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO the two illegal lovers np. forbade their ever seeing or talking to each other again. Then Mrs. Francis served her time, and shortly thereafter she was appre hended near the convict camp where’ 1 her erstwhile lover is confined. A preliminary trial resulted in her ac- The evidence was none too binding, bpt more has been added to the story. Sunday ijight, Claude Harrill, gang camp official, became suspicious and lie called in Chief O. B. Hamrick j and Polieemas fester. They waited about tjie Camp for what might hap pen. About 10 o'clock they say a car stopped near the cemetery. Mrs. Francis got out and made her way to tie camp. The officers followed and learned enough to. classify her mission; she was arrestid and taken to jail. ooooao9ffio>eooooDooiai^oo>eooooßOffioeMO>ißiiiiliiiii|i^^B ij! Or a tony travelling bag for his next trip. «| ! Dad has worried about you since the nurse said ‘it’s a 11 jj | Boy’—or “its a Girl,” and now we are even offering to/ißj m relieve you of the worry and all you have to do is come mi 21 j! New Ties Gloves (Dress) 21 '!' Belts 91 i|! Buckles Gloves (Driving) XI jjj Bath Robes X Handkerchiefs i . 21 I Browns-Cannon Co. j Ij! Where You Get/Your Money’s Worth 21 | i | CAyTiNXDM^ An ' -1 II Iver-Johnson I For Christmas fl - I jj he have them equipped right: Steel rims, Morrow I coaster brakes, U. S. Chain tires, heavy roller chain, sporty I il handlebars, rustless spokes, .and complete set tools. ""'d2| A Bicycle For All Any Size ■• W We Will Be Open at Night Until After Christmas/ ' ; '2 j Ritchie Hardware Co. I . YOUR HARDWARE STORE I ./ PHONE 117 | A GENUINE SURPRISE SAIF, § |s ( 2 " e wairt to nominee the public Hint we expect to be of real ser- 9.- i vice by supplying it with merchandise as low in price as wben cotton X; \ s°ld for 10c per pound. You will find hero some of the surprises of 8 <3 J'°ur life. You must see in order to appreciate the values we are ofr ,X§ 6 sering in diamonds, watches, jewelry. Everything is reiluced in price. 2 Y We can quote only a few prices: j ''Cm H i i White Gold Diamond Bar Pins $14.50 X | I I J White Gold Bracelet Watches . $7,50 O jiji Elgin Whit" Gold Bracelet W’atches $18.75 ,I< J» $75.00 Elgin White Gold Bracelet Watch $50.00 2l ]l| Gents’ White and Green Gold Elgin Watches $ 15.00 8 X $2.60 Fountain Pens $1,75 B ‘ IS 1 $16.00 Fountain Pens i $7.50 2-1 I Alarm Clocks gg 'B 1 1 1 Ben Ben Alarm Clocks $2.50 A il | ’ / S.W.PRESLAR 8 JEWELER Christmas Gifts j ly showing a fine selection of gifts suitable for ft | i i men and women: I ]i| Men’s Hand Bags ‘ Ladies’ Fitted Cases , Ladies’ Hat Boxes X i! i Men’s and Women’s Silk Hosiery for Christmas Gifts. ■ i| | A Wonderful line of Neckwear. * A Visit Our Store before making your selection. ‘‘'iJß RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. 1 I PAGE FIVE

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