Concord Stores Are Concord Institutions. Help Concord By Trading With Them ASSOCIATED PRESS * DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV NORWOOD OH STUD 1 GREENSBORO TO CHALLENBE CHARGE That Part of- the Case Against J. K. Deughtoo Is Completed in Greens boro Court. PROMINENT MEN ‘ ARE 0N STAND. . Frank Page, R. A. Dough-! ton and R. G. Vaughan ' All Testified for the De-' 1 sense’s Character. 1 Greensboro, Dec. 19.—VP)—Wit nesses are testifying in behalf of- J. ■ K. Doughton, former president of the defunct Peoples National Bank, of Salisbury, who is jointly being tried in, United States court here wit'j J. 1). Norwood, former chairman of the bank's directorate, including- Frank Page, chairman of, the North Carolina highway commission; K. A. Dough,- toil, commissioner of revenue for North Carolina; R. G. Vaughan, of Greensboro, president of the Ameri can Exchange National Bank. I Colonel Frank B. Hcbgcod, of de fense counsel, announced at 10 o'clock I I'Jls morning that he was resting the 1 case for Mr. Doughton with exception I ■ of introduction of character witnesses, I but Aubrey h. Brooks, counsel for Mr. Norwood, later stated Mr. Nor wood would take the stand in his own behalf. I Commissioner Page testified he had known Doughton for about ten years, that Houghton's character is good, and that he (Doughton) is now gen eral manager of tile Title Insurance Company in which Mr. Page is in-j terested. Mr. Vaughan said Mr. Houghton's character is good, and that he had known him for fifteen years. Doughton Freed by Judge I Greensboro, N. C., Dec. 19.— VP) — “There is not evidence sufficient for conviction, therefore I shall I verdict of not guilty as to J. hT' defum-t Peoples NattoiAU Bank of SiA 1 islrary, co-drfendnnt with J. I). Jfor- 1 wood, former chairman of the bank’s! directorate; declared Judge H. H. \Vat- j kins, of South-Carolina, after a pray er for a. not guilty verdict made by Coly. Frank P. liobguod, of defense counsel, and over the opposition of Thos. K. Harkins, Assistant U, 8. District Attorney. , •> ' t DOUGHTON CALM ON THE STAND JN OWN BEHALF Former President of People’s Hank Stand Up Well Undw Examina tion. Greensboro, Dec. 18—The govern ment completed presentation of its direct evidence today in western North Carolina federal district court here against J. K. Doughton aim J. D. Norwood, charged 'with violation! of the National banking laws. Attorneys for Doughton immedi ately placed him on the stand and for two hours and three fourths he related circumstances connected with his employment by the People’s Na tional Bank of Salisbury, ns presi dent in September, 1921, and for the period frolh then until the bank closed on June 8, 1023. District Attorney Frank A. ,L!n ney completed cross-examination of Mr- Doughton and the defense will place other testimony before the court Saturday. Norwood possibly to go on the stand. The former presidsht of the bajik stood the examination of attorneys well. He was calm, unhurried, an swering readily. His attorneys held him on the stand a little over two hours, and the District Attorney quizzed him a little over half an hour. Decision Soon in Nickle Plate Case. Washington, Dec. 19. — VP) —A de cision by the Interstate Commerce * Commission in the Nickle'Plate merg er caae before the end of Jarihary was forecast today by Chairman McChord after a conference with President . Coolidge. A charter has been issued by the Secretary of State of North Caro lina to the Cabarrus Lumber A Sup ply Co., Kannapolis, with authorised capital stock of SIOO,OOO and $1,900 subscribed by Lucy A. Brown and J. It. both of Kannapolis and Guy M. Beaver, of Concord. V y The Concord Daily Tribune i ' ’ lir m Dr. William McGovern of London. t» being sought in northern Peru by » searching party that fears he has pet some accident, He left London ■ bust August to explore South Amer- I )ca and has not been heard from | alnce Oct. 31. £******•#***#*♦ * NEW DRY ORDER * * HAS BEEN ISSUED * * Washington. Dec. 19. — VP) — )K Jfc Use of whiskey, brandy, rum or Sit Ik gin after next February Ist in * Hi the manufacture of medical prep- Sk urations or flavoring extracts )k Ik and syrups was forbidden today )kj Ik by treasury order. Alcohol and Ik Ik wines can be used instead for the Ik • Ik purposes named. - * * !K ♦###***##**##♦ SEEKING TO CONTROL PRICE Os GASOLINE j Attorney General of Mississippi Want* Gas Sold at 16 Cents P*r Gallon. .tfnekson. Miss.. Dec. 19|— VP)— Fill-, in* stations of Standard Oil Co., of I Kentucky and tb# Tfxas Company! were closed today in Mississippi pend-] ing a hearing on an injunction 'obtain ed ‘by Attorney General Knox yester-1 day' to require them to sell gasoline j at HI cents a gallon including the state tax of 3 cents. Managers announced that they bad received orders to close indefinitely and that there would be no deliveries of gasoline until after the hearing. STORM WARNING Small Craft Warned Against High Winds Along Carolina Coast. Washington. Dec. 19. — (A 1 )-— The Weather Bureau today issued the fol lowing storm warning: “Advisory 10 A. M.. Northeast Storm Warning ordered Jacksonville, Fla., to Cape Hatteras, North Caro lina. A disturbance centered south of Pensocola will move rapidly north eastward with increasing intensity. Will cause increasing northeast and east winds probably reaching gale force this afternoon or tonight. Small craft warnings displayed on Florida coas) except in Jacksonville section.” With Our Advertisers. Scarfs, Collars, Jabots and Flowers at Robinson's. Read the ad. today for prices of these lovely gifts. Electric motive equipment sold by W. J. Hethcox has the makers’ guar antee back of it. Read ad. today, v Rervices-at the First Baptist Church Sunday at. jl a. m. and 7 p. m. See the ad. elsewhere. Read the new ad. of Hoover's today. A splendid place to select a gift for “him." A Christmas gift for your boy or girl for one dollar deposited in the Cit izerts Bank and Trust Co. may some day be worth hundreds. See new ad. The. Concord Plumbing Co. wishes all patrons and friends a Merry Christ mas in an attractive ad. today. Let the Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. supply your needs for oranges, ean ■dies, nuts and raisins. Practical, popular priced gifts for everyone at the Parks-Belk Co, See new ad. today. Gifts to Duke University Not Sub ject to Federal Tax. Durham, Dec. 18.—According to a statement made today by Dr, W. P. Few, president of Duke University, the gifts made to that institution by the late James B. Duke will not be subject to federal taxation. North Carolina representatives, in Congress' are now attempting to find some way to prevent the collection ol Beveral million dollars in federal taxes on the moneys entrusted lrith the Duke foundation but the money wWdi was given to the local university whs given directly and therefore not subject to federal tax, it is said. Had a tax been imposed upon this contribution to the college it would have amounted to several thousands of dollars. In olden times it was believed that at Christmas the sound of church bells could be heard where ever a church had stood, thought no tracj remain. , OaVDSON STUDENT QUITS NEWSPAPER WORK ON REQUEST jd F. Monk Asked to Re sign From College Pub lication Following Print ing of Recent Article. “DIM MORNING” WAS THE ARTICLE Described as Attack on x “the Necking Evil.’— Students Wanted Tim to Stay at Work. Davidson, N. C., Dec. 19. — VP) — “Dim Morning.” described as an at tack on “the necking evil” has been the cause of a certain amount of con sternation in the student body of Dav idson College, following the publica tion of the article in the Davidson Col lege magazine. This was learned, today when rejmrts .were dffieially confirmed that <’. F. Monk, editor of the student publica tion, had been asked to resign by the faculty several days ago. This move was followed by a vote from the stu dent body refusing to accept the res ignation, wherewith faculty law was shown supreme and the editor com plied with the request. President Martin, of the Institu tion, said today when questioned about the reports, “Tee, those are the facts. The faculty of course maintains au thority over the life of the students.” The President described the article as one not suited for youths of 10 or 17 years to read. BAPTIST INSTITUTIONS BEQUEATHED BIG SUM Will Get Annual Income of 332,- 000 From Estate of Jacob F. Alexander. Asheville, Dec. 18. Bequests amounting to an annual income of about $32,000 to North Carolina edu cational institutions and emial to e dowment ofc more than 3300.000 .for these institutions Ovep a nreiefd. of 1® years’ were' left by Jacob -F. Alex ander. prominent North Carolina and Florida business man. who died yesterday in St. Petersburg. The deed of trust incorporating the bequests was received today by Rev. J. W. O’Harra of the Baptist mission bonrd, under whose supervi sion the schools endowed now op erate. The total endowment includes a lease for 99 years on a valuable piece of St. Petersburg real estate now bringing in about $32.Q00 an nual income as Dr. Alexander's in terest. T*e property is under option, to be sold between 1937 and 1948 for the sum of $1,190,000. When the property is sold, the schools benefiting by the bequests will receive one-third 40) this total amount, in addition to the income now running. The bequests from the income in clude the following: Mars Hill col lege, SIO,OOO a year; Alexander schools, incorporated, at Union mills. SIO,OOO a year; Baptist orphanage a£ Tbomnsville, $2,000 a year; Boil ing Springs academy, Boiling Springs, $2,000, and the First Bap tist and First Methodist churches of Forest City, SI,OOO each. The endowment becomes operative January 1.-1927, and if there is any remainder after the bequests are made it is to go to Mr. Alexander’s wife -and children. The bequests to Mars Hill, accord ing to Rev. Dr. O'Hara, will enable that school to enter the souhern as sociation of colleges, with the highest rating.' The Alexander school is an insti tution started only a short time ago by Mr. Alexander, and is devoted to the education of motherless boys and girls. Mr. Alexander was 60 years old and bad been in falling health for several months- He was formerly a prominent cotton mill owner, lum berman, and banker, being president of the Alexander National bank at St. Petersburg, trustee of the endow ment. Mr. Alexander's estate is estimat ed to total $82,000,000. Centre .Students Try to uet Presi dent Fired. Danville, Ky., Dec. 18.—Students Os Centre college haVe signed a peti tion asking the board of trustees to remove Dr. R. Ames Montgomery, the president, it became known here today. There has been considerable feeling against Dr- Montgomery's uu friendy attitude toward football, it is said. A few days ago President Mont gomery caused to be printed a small pamphlet, oh the front page of which was a picture of Yimself. The front page of about 100 of them were torn off and placed face downward on the floor around the front door of the president's office. It is reported the local alumni of Centre are considering calling a moss meeting of the friends of Cen tre the early part of January to con sider the situation. \ , As a beginaing toward the goal of “the liquidation of illiteracy by H 128,” the commissariat of Rusala printed special primers and scattered them broadcast over the country in 1921. North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily CONCORD, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1925 As the Dogsffiring * This unusual photograph, taken in France, shows an old-time deer hunt nearing itsTclimax. The dogs are ra« ing along the bank to head off their quarry, which can be seen emerging from the river at the left after a low 'aw la. FEDUm BEHWEDSOOI Next Step in Case of Judge George English Rests With House Judiciary Commmittee. Washington, Dec. 19.—VP)—Initia tion of impeachment proceedings against Federal Judge George W. English, of the eastern Illinois dis trict, as a result of charges of cor ruption, rested today with the judi ciary committee of the House. A special House committee iu a re port adopted last night, declared the judge "guilty of high crimes and mil demeanors requiring the interposition of the constitutional powers ot tbe House.” The committee readied its conclusion after extensive hearings during the summer in St. Louis, zrfiere the charges against Judge English originated. MOUNTAIN PARK FUND IS GIVE BIG BOOS* More Than $04,000 Reported Yester day and Remainder of Quarter Million is in Sight. Asheville, Dec. 18-—Buncombe county went a long way towards its goal of $250,000 for the Great Smoky Mountains national park fund today when, through its cam paign team workers and special gifts committee, an addition of $94,- 134.11 to the fund was reported. Os this amount the” team workers bought in $21,743.11, and the special gifts committee through Don S. Elias, city campaign chairman, re- Itortcd $72;400, , Although there is, needed approxi mately $90,000 more to complete the Asheville-Buneombe county quota, Chairman Elias announced at to day’s report luncheon at the ,George Vanderbilt hotel that the special gifts committee had in sight at least another SIOO,OOO. To date $160,134 has been subscribed, according to the totnls compiled at the close of the luncheon. The total subscribed today wns ■made up of the peunnies of negro school children, of substantial sums from merchants,' hotel managers and business men of Asheville generally, and was climaxed by the donation of $15,000 from one realty company. Virginia University Student Maga zine Barred From Mails. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 18.—Post master J. M. B. Lewis has notified printers here of the Virginia Reel, a publication of the University of Vir ginia student body, • that no more copies of the December number can be sent through the Lynchburg post office. Certain contents of the publi cation, Postmaster Lewis said, vio lates the postal regulations. He has qent a copy of the publication to the post office department at Washington asking for instructions. Most of the copies, it was said by tbe publishers, have already been mailed. The printers here announced this afternoon that as soon as their at tention was called to the offending articles in the Virginia Reel they had withdrawn copies from sales stands. Another Committee to Consider Muscle Shoals. Washington, Dec. 19. VP House rules committee today decided in favor of appointing a joint Con gresional committee to make recom mendations for disposal of the gov ernment's Muscle Shoals property. The committee directed Chairman Snell and Representative Garrett of Tennessee, the democratic leader, to draft a resolution designed to carry out this purpose, and to present the resolution to the committee January 4th for consideration. Fear Vessel Will Be Lost. Washington, Dec. 19.— VP) —Fears are entertained that the mine sweep er Curlew which early this week ran on a reef off the Atlantic coast off Panama will be a total wreck. Count Sonyu Otani, head of thi Buddhist church of Japan, and brother-in-law of the emperor, is mak ing hia first visit to the United Btatee. v DUMB FILL FILJUPFBLS District of Columbia Court *Refuses to Reconsider Its Decision in Their Sev eral Cases. Washington. Dec. 19.— VP) —The court of appeals of the District of Co lumbia refused today to reconsider its decision holding to be valid the brib ery indictments against E. L. Doheny, E. L. Doheny, Jr., and Albert B. Fail, former Secretary' of the Interior. The indictments which grew out of j the naval oil leases, were quashed by a lower court on the ground that au agent of the Department of Justice was in the grand jury room illegally. The government appealed and the court of appeals recently overruled the lower court. Fall and the Dohenys then asked for a rehearing, which was deiped. It is still possible for them-to attack, the indictments from otheiL angles ip the lower -courts, or take tbe case,to the Supreme Court of the United States. SELECTS CHURCH PEW AS PLACE TO SLEEP New York Man. in Durham Wilhout Funds, Arraigned in Court But Is Turned Loose. Durham, Dec. 18.—A white man who said that his name was William Green and that his home was in New York, appeared in recorder's court: here this morning to answer to a charge of trespass in Connection wif i his desire to secure n place to sleep last night, and failing to find this elsewhere, selected one of the pews in St. Philips Episcopal Church. The man declared that lie was on his way to Florida and that lie was without founds. Visiting the church he found the door unlocked, and en tered, curled up on one of the benches and was fast asleep when the police arrived on the scene. The rector re fused to enter charges against the man and he was alllowed to con tinue on his way. Before depart ing, however, the stranger suggested that ■Che rector have cushions placed upon the benches for the benefit of others who might drop in at his church for a nap. The troubadour grasshopper is one of the four or five insects capable of making a noise. He has no voice. He uses his hard wing cases as a sound ing board, drawing the shank of his leg across them and thus producing his music. The Katydid and the cricket are likewise noisy, but the devil’s horse is silent. House Passes Tax Reduction Law And Refuses to Reconsider Washington, Dee. 18.—A $325,000.- 000 Christmas gift to federal tax payers—useful throughout the year— was voted today by the House in pass ing the tax reduction bill. Bearing the indorsement of Presi dent Coolidge as well as lenders of both parties in the House, the non partisan measure was directed to the Senate for the more difficult part of its legislative journey by a vote of 300 to 25. Almost every member of the House was on the floor as the bill, which was the first introduced and was held constantly before the house since the opening day of the session, was called up for passage. , As the last of more than 50 pro posed amendments to the bill was mowed down today by the usual over whelming majority. Representative Tilson, of Connecticut, the Republi can leader, congratulated the House on establishing a new record of promptness in the consideration of an important measure. His words of compliment on the non-partisan manner in which the bill bad been acted upon had nlready died, however, when Representative Rainey, Democrat, Illinois, moved to •eeoommit it with amendments on the income tax and inheritance rates from maximums of 20 to 25 per cent each. For the second time during con sideration of the bill, the House db TEN PERSONS* IN TRAINACCIDENT Accident Occurred When Passenger Train No. 32, of Pennsylvania System, Was Derailed. Altoona, Penn.. Dee. 19.— VP) —Ten persons were injured, five of them se riously, in Clio derailment of the Penn sylvania passenger train Nog32, Pitts burgh to Philadelphia, near Benning ton, Hen miles west of here, early to day. The injured were brought to a hospital here. Passengers said the entire train left the track, and that thh engine and ■one car overturned ’and rolled down an embankment. The injured includ ed the engineer, firemnti and eight passengers. They were brought to Altoona in special train and tak£g to tbe Altoona hospital. THE COTTON MARKET Quiet in Today’s Initial Trading, Op ening Being Steady at Unchanged Prices to Advance. New York. Dec. 19. —OP)—The cot ton market was quiet in today’s initial trading. Uncertainty ns to the show ing of Monday’s ginning report, to gether with the approach of the holi days seemed to restrict business to week-end evening up, and fluctua tions wore correspondingly narrow. The opening was steady at unchanged prices to an increase of 3 points in ]n little trade buying and covering, with March selling up to 18.88 and May to 18.62 during early trading. This bulge met realizing, combined with a little southern hedging, but the market held fairly steady during the first half hour. Liverpool cables said that tragic calling and specula tive covering had absorbed iiedge sell ing in that market, but that spinners were apathetic and business in cot ton cloth and yarns were restricted. Cotton futures opened steady. Jan. 18.60; March 18.87; May 15.61; July 18.23; Oct. 17.90. House Committe Declares Judge is Guilty of Crimes. Washington, Dec. 18.—A special house committee tonight, adopted a report declaring Federal Judge George W. Fjiglish. of the eastern Illinois distrim, to be "guilty of high crimes, and misdemeanors requiring interposition of the constitutional powers of the house." The findings of the committee will be presented to the house tomorrow and then referred to its judiciary committee, to determine whether im peachment proceedings shall be in stituted against Judge English. vided almost on party lines, 133 Dem ocrats voting for the motion, which was defeated 267 to 147. Previously, some of those who op posed the bill expressed in short speeches dissatisfaction with it. but as leaders pressed forward for a vote, tile large majority of proponents sat silent, expressing their views oc casionally merely with cries of "vote." The final vote was not reached un tit after dark ami its passage less than two weeks after introduction sat a peace-time record in revenue legislation. Those voting against the bill were: Republican—Beck, of Wisconsin ; Browne, Wisconsin; Cooper. Wiscon sin; Frear, Wisconsin: Lamber, Wis consin ; Mills, Wisconsin; Sinclair, North Dakota; Schafer. Wisconsin; Schneider, Wisconsin, and Voigt, Wis consin—lo. Democrats—Colllins, of Mississippi; Drane-, Florida; Green, Florida ; How ard, Nebraska; Huddlestone, Ala bama ; Moorehead, Nebraska, Rainey, Illinois: Rahkin, Mississippi; Sab bath, Illinois, and Sears, Florida. Others—Bergen Wisconsin, and Laguardia, New York, socialists; Carss and Wefald, Minnesota, nde pendent—s. Representative Allgood, Democrat Alabama, was paired against the bill with Representative Abemethy, Dem ocrat, North Carolina, for it. FIGURES ON COT run l SPINNING INDICATE PROSPEROUS PERIOD While the Industry Was Less Active Than In Oc tober, It Was More Ac tive Than Last Year. spindle hours SHOW DECREASE Not As Many Spindles Were In Action Last Month as In Month Be fore, Report Shows. Washington. Dec. 19.—(/P)—Cotton spinning industry showed a slight drop in tbg aggregate number of active spin dle hours in November, as compared with October, but they were consid erably higher than year, the Census Bureau today reported. Active spindle hours for .November numbered 7,833,71)2,613 or an aver age of 207.000 hours per spindle in place, compared with 7,001,670,019 or an average of 210 in October this year; and 1,123.950.034 or an average of 188 in November last year. Spinning spindles in plaee November 30 numbered 37.919.358 of which 32.- 892.324 were operated at some time during the month ; compared with 37,- 005,330 and 32.425.206 in October this year: and 37.845,140 fetid 31,789,- 876 in November last year. DOUGHTON EXPECTED TO STICK TO DECISION Employes in Revenue Commissioner’s Office Think Branch Offices Will Be Eliminated. Raleigh. Dec. 18.—Revenue Com missioner R. A. Doug'aton is not here to speak for himself on the proposal of Coleman W. Roberts, of Greens-, boro, to recede from his proposal to take the branch offices of the auto mobile license department away; but employes have no doubt that the grand old man will stand by biff orig in*! plans to put in a machine and eliminate many . , * Mr. Roberts came here several days ago to see* Governor Doughtoft and delivered somewhat on the subject. He did not Chink the proposal work able and said so. The machinery for this work will cost about $25,000, but it will be months before it can be i*it into operation. Officials in (he office think it will save that amount in one year. Ivelley A. Griee, president of the t'nroiina Automotive Service Associa tion, of Charlotte, does not think so. He wrote a protesting letter to R. A. Houghton, commissioner of' reve nue, ami mailed copies of it to Gov ernor McLean ; W. N. Everett, secre tary of state, and Frank W. Page, chairman of the highway commission. He urges that the license distribut tion be left to the Carolina Motor Club. MITCHELL CASE TAKEN TO FLOOR OF HOUSE Representative Tillman Says Court Was. Organized Solely to "Get the Colonel.” Washington, Dec. 19. —OP)—The Mitchell court martial case came to the Hour of the House for the first time toilay 'when Representative Till man. democrat, of Arkansas, charged that the court was organized to "get the Colonel" and that its verdict “in sults free America." "I call upon the granite-faced and granite-souled President of this jus tive-loVing nation." he said, "to miti gate or quash this harsh sentence.” The court's edict suspending the air officer from rank and pay for five years, because of his attack on gov ernment aviation policies, Mr. Tillman continued, was "shameless, unusual and cruel.” "They sought to affix a gag,” he said, "and at the same time impover ish him and his family. JLt seems that in this trial the usual military pro cedure was not allowed to take its ordinary course.” History of Federation of Women Clubs. Raleigh, Dec. 19. — UP) —A history of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs has now been com pleted, and has gone to the printers, Mrs. Cornelia P. Jarman, chairman of the publicity eonmiitte of the fed eration, has announced. The book j is expected to be ready for distribu | tion on March Ist. I Responsibility for the sale of the books ha*s been placed upon the dis-. I triet presidents, and a prize of $lO in i gold has been offered the district pres- I ident selling the greatest number of the books by the time the Asheville convention opens in May. Santa Claus Comes. Chinn Grove, Dec. 18.—Santa Claus visited the Rowan County Farm Life school this afternoon as the first demonstration of Christmas spirit for the section around China Grov^. Benjamin R. Watkins Dead. Atlanta, Dec. 19.—C4*)—Benjamin Jt. Watkins, president of a local real estate company, and. one of the most prominent real estate men in Georgia, was found dead in his office early to day with a bullet wound in his temple. THE TRIBUNE PRINTS '?m TODAY’S NEWS TODAY \ NO. 300 MIL HOUSE IS | GALLED TO CAPITAII] BYTHEPREMf Man Who Served With a President Wilson and § on Peace Commission, is 1 Guest of the President. 'M § visit causeTof iHI MUCH SPECULATION"I Blieved It Has to Do With jl Request From LeagtftlV America Join in Planafjl For Conference. ,Jj I Washington, Dec. 19.—(/Pl-—Ool. E. ® M. House, for years president WilsonV confidential, ami appointed by him a II member of the Versailles ponce come mission, is a house guest of President Coolidge at the White House. . Unheralded by any public disc&gflM ure of his plans, the Colonel arrived 4&L in Washington last night, and by vitation once to the Executive Mansion. Today he visited Secretary- M Kellogg at the State Diqwirtment. I His sudden appearance and sugs ft roundings that once were so familiar a to him. and at a time when the Pre*- -iE ident and Secretary of State are seek- M ing advice an the league of nation* id- m vitation to take part in a disarmament -m meeting, caused something of a flat* ter in official and diplomatic Washing* :*IB ton. j Under President Wilson’s appolntQU ment. Col. House was the AmoricanSljJ committee which drew up the leaa-ne covenant at Versailles, and through J[ the acquaintances then formed as ft afl result of more recent trips abroad, he has kept, himself well informed intricate details of the league’s opcr-'IM ation. * CAESAR’S HEAD 1 TO BE IMPROVED M Laurel Park’s Head Purchases' Jfl Scenic Scuth Carolina Property. . I Hendersonville, Dec- 18. —One of L the biggest real estate deals ever jf consummated in the Carolina*'- whip;-ill announced here when it became known that H. Walter Fuller, presi- ® dent of Laurel Park Estates, Tuo., 1 has purchased Caesar’s Head, Green- i M ville county, South Carolina, from 5 the Paris Mountain-Caesar’s Head h company, of Greenville. Consideration was said to be ap proximately a half million dollars, and the area involved in the deal is i said to be about 2.500 acres. The i deal was handled by Jones McCrorcy, J of H. (J. Love and company, Hender sonville, and Parrish and flower, 1: realtors, of Greenville. The an nouncement of the deal was made j through the new owner, and offi< tals of the Paris Mountain-Caesarls Head \ company. , dS Caesar's Head rises to an altitude t of 3,227 feet and is the highest ac- * feasible point in the state of South | Carolina It has been a popular sum- $ liter resort for scores of South Caros lina families for around 100 years. Recent completion of a first-class highway from Greenville to the Head has made ft more easily accessible and add<tl materially to its in- y trinsie value as a resort center. I Along with Chimney Hock. Caesar's Head is probably the outstanding: 1 rock formation in the Blue Ridge mountains, and is annually ’ visited by thousands. The panoramic vie#. I from the top is said to be unexcelled ,J] by any in the country. Sal War Chief Wilt Inspect Holding M the South. Washington. Dec. IS.—Secretary i Davis will leave tomorrow on an in- • spection trip of war department * holdings in the south whfeh may ” keep him away from Washington un til after the holidays. His itinerary ":! has not been definitely mapped out. * but he will inspect particularly tracts in Georgia and Florida which might be disposed of ndvnntageaasly, | Miners Ready to Confer. 1 Philadelphia, Dec. 19.—OP)—The United Mine Workers today notified ; the anthracite mayors and burgess** | that they would resume negotiations with the operators at Scranton next | Monday, on condition fiat the peace ;/ proposal of Governor I’inchot would i be the basis of discussion. _ . 1 j» Will Participate In Conference. Miseow, Dec. 19.— UP) —Soviet Rus sia will accept the league of nations invitation to participate in the inter- -* national disarmament conference as 1 well as Pile world economic confer* cnce. ........ „„ Rain tonight and Sunday, somewhat >|j warmer tonight. Increasing north $ east nnd east winds, probably reui't "ig gal- gin. shifting to wsLJM

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