SaturcUy, Dec. 18,1825 FSOCIETVI Oriental \ r'4r Those mules seem to have just come' in from the orient, but they came by| way of Purls. They aft of painted y kid lined with flesh-colored satin the shade of the pink floorers. Tho strops' are of pink leather.. * Legion Auxiliary to Meet. The American Legion Auxiliary wili hold its ,regular monthly meeting Monday night at 7 ;3fl w|th Mrs. H. E. Riderftour, Jr. Miss Arrowroot to Cambridge for Hoi idsys. Miss- Julia ylrrowood, a member of the faculty of Central grammar school, left Friday night, for Cambridge. Mass., where she .will visit her sister, Mrs. Latshaw. Dr. Latshaw is con nected with the btireau of antbromet rie research at Harvard University. To Attend Party in Charlotte. Mrs. A. V. Reece is entertaining for her niece. Mary Louise Wads worth. in Charlotte Tuesday. Among the guests will be Misses Penelojie Cannon. Mary Cannon. Anne Cannon and""Kancy Cannon. Has Party at Home on Marsh Street. Miss Mary Cottrell Archibald en tertained a number of her little friends at a party this afternoon at 3 o’clock at her home on Marsh street. The af fair was given in libnor of M'ss Ar chibald’s ninth birthday. A coming Event. The Uplift. His local friends and scores throughout the state are- interested in the announcement issued from Marion. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edwards Hudgins have issued invita tions to the marriage of their daugh . ter, Sara, Josephine, to Judge John ’ w Montgomery Oglesby. Mias Hudgics is a most attractive and talented young woman . Judge Oglesby, himself a conspicuously strong character, a pleasing person ality, and has made already a fine record in the state's judicial meat, is congratulated in the man ner which fortune has in smi iug upon him. Xioltrscpower under the hood is not so important as horsesense behind the steering wt/bel. PNEUMONIA Always call a physician. "Until his arrival usa “emergency” treatment with Vicks. This does not interfere with anything . he may prescribe. WICKS w,Vapoßub OtmtrmrnunMn u—d -• I ! ■ ri | BoMS* Day £bone 640 MgM PkHM MO-MM. ■ 11 PERSONAL. Archie Earnhardt, arrived in Con cord. Friday night from Gainsville, Fla. to spend the holidays with home folks. • • • Miaa Cottrell Sherrill arrived this afternoon from Asheville to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mre. J. B. Sherrill. Miss Penelope Cannon, a student in Salem College, has returned from school to spend the Christmas holidays in the city wftb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cannon, on North street. • • • Miss Annie Canon and Miss Nancy Lee Canon have returned front Win ston, where they are in school and will spend the holidays with their parents in Concord. • * • Mrs. Roberdeau Wheat, of Isling ton, will arrive, in the city Monday to spend the day in the .city as the guest pf Mrs. W. H. Gibson. *• ♦ • Mrs. L. T. Hartsell. Jr., left Fri day for the home of her parents in Lancaster, 8. C„ where she will spend the Christmas season. * • * Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin left Friday for Kinston, where she will spend several days visiting friends. • « • M'ss Catharine Goodman has re turned from Hollins College, 'to spend the Christmas vacation 'with her mother, Mrs. J. F. Goodman. ■ # * Miss Muriel Buhvinkle, a member of the high school faculty, left today for Gaston where she will spend the Christmas holidays with her broth er, Hon. A. 1., Buhvinkle. • • • Dick Richards and William Mc- Auley left Friday for their respective homes in Liberty Hill, 8. C., and Mt. Gilead, N. C., where they will spend the holidays visiting their parents. -They are members of the high school faculty. • • • Miss Alice Yorke has returned from Washington, D. C„ to spepd the holi days in the city with her mother, Mrs. A. R. Howard. Miss Yorke is in school at Gunsten Hall. • • • Burnett Lewis will return from the Episcopal High School a/f Alexandria. Va., Sunday to spend the vacation in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Lewie. • • • x Archie Snyder, who has been ip, school at Wake Forest College, has returned to his home here to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snyder. * • » Miss Grace Caldwell left today for Washington State, where she will spend some time visiting her sister. • m « Miss Dorothy Black and Miss Mary Rebecca Day vault have returned from North Carolina College to spend the holidays with tfcirents in fjoncord. They are spending the day in Char lotte. Miss Maa Kluttz has returned from North Carolina College, at Greensboro, and will spend the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kluttz. • • • Miss Clara Sullivan, a member of the faculty at Mont Amoena Semi nary, left today for her home in Lin colnton. wbero she will spend the Christmas vacation. • • m C..A. Plyler, who lias been working for some time at Efird’s store, has returned to Salisbury. . • • • Prof. J. Thompson Brown, of Win throp College, Itook Hill, S. C„ is ■pending several days in Concord as the guest of his brother, W. G. Brown, on Georgia Avenue. • • • Tom Brown, a student at foe Uni ’versity. has returned to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. G. Brown. % * * Ed Misenhelmer, Jr., will return Sunday from the I’niversity of Mary land, to spend the holidays with his GOOD THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS Big lot fresh sweet "lakeland" Flor ida oranges. sell box or at re tail. They are all sound. Good and sweet. The very highest grade fruit, at reasonable price. Our apples are the celebrated “Val ley Cruises" Watauga county apples. The different sixes in boxes. New York State No. 1 Baldwin apples in barrels. Our apples liave the Savor. Th*f are cheap. Brazil nuts, Califortra walnuts, coeonuuts, layer, raisins, package rais ins, dates, kgs. Big assortment of candy. In fact everything good to eat. See us or phone before you buy. We deliver quick everywhere. _ N Cline & Moose Bargain Bags Friday and Saturday Only A market bag with samples and staple merchandise for 10 cents each! One to a customer. Come early to be sure of getting yours. Limited number to be sold each day. ' \ Cline’s Pharmacy Phone 833 parents in Concord. • o • Biilie Brown, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Brown, will return tonight to spend the holidays with his parents. He is in school at the University of Virginia. • • • Miss Mary Elizabeth Blackwelder has returned from Lenoir-Rhyne Col lege to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black welder. STANLY BACK ON BAND WAGON Albemarle-Salisbury 30-Mile Paved Hi zb war Assured. Charlotte Observer, 19th. Stanley eonnty refused to remain in the somewhat uncomfortable po sition in which it w*a placed by op position to the projected state high way from Albemarle to Salisbury, and sent a delegation to W- C. Wil kinson, state highway commissioner, here yesterday announcing that the movement was again triumphant in Staniy 'and that the necessary bonds would be sold next Tuesday. What “went on’’ in Stanly was not divulged, but ttye results indicated that it was enough. Mr. Wilkinson, after a trip west, came back by a state highway com mission meeting in Raleigh and said on his arrival here Wednesday even ing, before he had read his accumu lated mail, that he had arranged to let file Salisbury-Albemarle highway contract in January. The next day at his office he found a letter waiting for him saying that Stanly county was withdrawing from the agreement to loan the state commission money to build the Stanly county end of the road, owing to opposition which had sprung up. The third day, which was yester day, Commissioner Wilkinson re ceived callers from Albemarle. They were H. W. Quip, a member oi the Stanly county board of commission ers. and O. J. Sikes and R. L. Brown, county attorneys, who brought the news that the county, after all, had arranged to “get in’’ on the atrangement. They wore smiles of complete satisfaction and the highway commissioner wore one, too. What happened to the Stanly county opposition was not discussed. The new road is the longest single paving project in project in the sixth district for some time to come. Rowan and Stanly counties are rais ing the money through bond issues to loan to the state commission in order that the new road may be built be fore it otherwise would be construct ed. The monthly traffic census shows that the proant highway No. boCi*' one of the most traveled roads In that territory. It is of top soil and five-mile stretch of \v®ru as phalt between Salisbury and Granite Quarry. Cuts Off Cabarrus- The project replacing road will be of standard 13 food asphalt or con crete, following the 30 mile course of the present road in a general sense, but eliminating several had curves, grades and railroad crossings. It will swerve to the northeast some what in the Gold Hill section,- avoid ing passing over a projecting corner of Cabarrus county, therefore mak ing the road a Stanly-Rowau project’ exclusively. The highway will pass through Xew Loudon. Richfield, Misenheimer, Gold Hill, Granite Quarry and a number of smaller communities along the Yadkin railroad line. Contract in January. The contract, which is to be let some time in Junsury. will give Rowan county paving on its entire state highway system except for a short piece of Route 80 leading to ward llocksville. and will give Stan ly paving on its two leading high ways. jhat toward Charlotte and that toward Salisbury. The later al so has a iienetration treatment on route 74 from Albemarle to Swift Is land bridge. It is estimated that the new road will be completed in early 1927. State Pays Big Tax. A report made public by the in ternal bureau at Washington this week shows that North Carolina’s share of. the taxes for the fiscal year 1925 was $190,962,875.15 Only four other states. New York. Pennsyl vania. Illinois and Michigan led North Carolina in the matter of taxto paid to the federal government. mauaossa INIXNXIVA 88IN IfVWOnOO MOIHWVM Ufffi 9NUUONS I 3M3 mi —mpfpmO Sutureyrajufl pa* P»?snw t - ’AmwgTo )njo d MI mMO jw4o7 «a mmm I Hill mgdQjntoutuqs^f^ I Auditorium 1 , CHARLOTTE Mat. Night Xroas-Smts Now P| *T * l * >< fl, Ms CONCORD COTTON MARKET SATURDAY. DECEMBER t#, lggjk Cotton seed, "A'*s Jtnn CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CHURCH NEWS Methodist Protestant Church. (H. F.:Fogleman, Pastor) Sunday school 9:46 a. m. Church 11 a. np and 7 p. m. Morning sub ject. “A Christmas Message From Ezekiel,” Evening sdbject. J’Respond ing to God’s Call.” Christian En deavor 6 p. m. A. R. P. Church. (M. R. Gibson, Pastor) Sabbath school at 10 a. m., J. E. MeClintoek superintendent. IVeach ing at 11 a. m. and 7p. m. U. P. C. U. at 6 p. m. meeting at 7 :30 p. in. Wednesday. ' Central Methodist. -(R. M. Courtney, Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., How ard L. Collie superintendent. Preach ins at, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. At the morning service the pastor will discuss "The Incarnation'’ i or “The Word Made Flesh.” At the evening hour fflie subject willl be “When Jeus Was Born.” .Therewill be special Christmas music at each of these services. First Baptist. (C. Herman Trublood. Pastor) Sunday Bible school 9:45 a. m.. A. E. Harris superintendent. Regu lar worship at 11 a. m. and 7 p-. m. Pastor's morning subject, “Human ity's Cradle of Hope.” Evening theme. "Heavenly Music Upon Earthly Ears.” The choir is expected to ren der appropriate music at both hours i of worship. Young men and women of the church and their friends, not alrendy active, age urged to attend the B. Y. P. U. at 6p. m. This is a live organization of consecrated young people. Come, and see them "do tilings." To all services the pub lic is most cordially invited. Kerr Street Methodist. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., F. M. Sloop superintendent. Preaching \ at 11 a. m. Subject, “Job.” Preach ing at-7 p. m. Subject, “Who’s Go ing to Heaven and Who Will Be There.” AH are cordially invited to these services. , V. O. DUTTON, Pastor. Epworth Methodist. Sunday school 9 :45 a. in. Preach ing at 11 a. in. and 7p. is. Senior Epworth League 6 p. in. Prayer service Wednesday 7 :15 p. m. Christ mas entertainment Thursday 7:30 p. m. J. M. VARNER, Pastor. First Presbyterian. (Jesse C. Rowan, Pastor) Public worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Text: "And she shall bring forth a son A and thou slialt call his name Jesus; for lie shall save bis peo ple from their sins.” The Vesper service at 5 o’clock p. m. will be a Christmas service by the Sunday school. A cordial welcome for all at all services. ' ■„ Calvary Lutheran. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Chief service, at 11 a. m. Annual election of officers at close of serviee. Annual every member canvass in the after noon beginning at 2 o'clock. Light Brigade at 5 p. m. Luther J at 6 p. m. ‘'The Birth! of Christ,” will be given in the church Friday evening at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to all serv ices in this church. St. Andrews Lutheran. Sunday schcml at 9 :45 a. m. Light Brigade immediately after Sunday school. Luther League at C p. in. Vespers at 7 o’oloek. The pageant, "The Light of Men,” willl be given in the church Friday evening at 5:30. The public is invited to all services in this church. ’ Trinity Reformed. (W. C. Lyerly, Pastor) (Services in the East (Corbin Street school building) Sunday school assembles for wor ship at 9:45 o'clock. J. O. Moose is Superintendent. Childrens' division assembles on the first floor. Services at 1 a. in. and 7 p. m. sermon at 11 a. m. by the pastor, “The Message of Peace and Goodwill.” Sermon at 7 p. m. by Missionary Frank L. Fes perman. This congregation welcomes you. MsGill Street Baptist (J. R. Pentuff, Pastor) Bible school 9 :30 a. m. Regular serviee and sermon at 11 o'clock on “The Sunny Side of Life.” Also at 7 o'clock, p. m. Subject. “A Man With a Ring in His Nose.” B. Y. r. U. 6 Everybody cordially wel comed. St. James Lutheran. Sunday school at 9:45. F. R. Shepherd superintendent. Men’s Bi ble class in the BeH-Harris building lon South Union Street. Chief Serv ice at 11 a. m. Luther League at U> p. in. Vespers at 7 . Special mu sic at each service. This church wel comes you. Forest Hill Methodist. ,--'Sunday school 9:45 a.‘ m. Stone wall T. Sherrill superintendent. A. Gi Odell assistant superintendent. Morn ng worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening worship and sermon at 7 p. m. Subject, “The Methodist Church, Faith, Origin and Gift.” Epworth League devotional C p, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:15. You are welcome to all our services. THOS. F. HIGGINS, Pastor. A contest to guess the number, of cigarette boxes piled In the window of a store in Lawrence, Maes., was won by a man who had been totally blind since birth. This man guessed the exact number, i while -'.no, other contestant eaipe Within' fbrty of the correct figure. > Thq ; winner; made his j calculation after he had been allowed to feel the sise c# one of the boxes; and had been told tie general dimen sions of the pita. ’ USE PENNY COLUMN—FT PAYS First Baptist Church Corner Spring and Grove Streets A place of Inspiration and Christian Fellowship. The pastor, C. Herman Trueblood, will preach Sunday: 11:00 A. M. ‘’Humanity’s Cradle of Hope." 7:00 P. M. "Heavenly Music Upon Earthly Ears.” Cordial Invitation to all. < SCARFS COLLARS JABOTS and FLOWERS— SCARFS—Crepe de Chine, Georgette, knitted in plain and bordered fringed and hemmed TO $3.95 COLLARS AND JABOTS—Are here in a variety to suit every taste—Ve nise, Irish, Filet, Shadow, in Collar, Collar and Cuff Sets, Panels, Jabots, and Sport sets 50c TO $5.95 FLOWERS—Worn on the'lapel or shoulder are a smart fashion acces sory. They are here in Roses, Chrys anthemums, Garoenias and many oth ers 35c “$1.95 Quality Without the Penalty of High Price For Your Boy or Girl A Christmas gift for one dollar that may some ![.»»tea day be worth hundreds. Y'OU can open an account with us in any. name \ | >43 uM/k, A by making a first deposit Wnv' u) of one dollar or more. / The bank book will be k given to you for presenta tion on Christmas Day. ■|| ' Your gift will be a permanent one, en couraging additional deposits that will grow with compound interest. Citizens Bank and Trust Company CONCORD, N. C. Parks-Belk Beauty Shoppel COIFFURE 1 The modem woman no long- I | er puts up her hair in un sightly “curlers.” The per- VP/Pr '' '' 1 manent wave has become Nffifen I universal. We employ the ) 2*[ ‘ best method and our prices r S7. i /TWWBItI “Our Methods Please” '-HAIR WAVF- I Phone 892 Parks-Belk Beauty Shoppel Southern Railway System Announces Reduced Round Trip Fares on the Straight Certificate Plan to Atlanta, Ga. 4 Account of: The Young Peoples/Missionary Convention, Southern Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga., December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1925 • Delegates should purchase one-way tickets going trip, securing cer tificates from ticket agent. Certificates will bmhonored by ticket agent for tickets returning at half fare, provided their are 250 delegates present holding certificates. DON’T MISS THIS CONVENTION. WONDERFUL PROGRAM. Travel via Southern Railway. Fine trains. Excellent schedules. Dining car service. For further information, tickets and pullman reservations, call on any Southern Railway Agent or address: M. E. WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, Ticket Agent Division Passenger Agent, Concord, N. 0. 237 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. < » ( “Let’s See!” Or a tony travelling bag for his next trip. Dad has worried about you since the nurse said ‘it’s a Boy”—or “it’s a Girl,” and now we are even offering to relieve you of the worry and all you have to do is co'fljl&Jn] New Ties ' Gloves (Dress) If Belts , Buckles Gloves (Driving) Bath Robes Handkerchiefs Browns-Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth | CANNON BUILDING fll An Iver-Johnson For Christmas f We have them equipped right: Steel rims, Morrow., coaster brakes, U. S. Chain tires, heavy roller chain, sporty handlebars, rustless spokes, and complete set tools. A Bicycle For All Any Size I We Will Be Open at Night Until After Christmas. * - Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 ... 1 A GENUINE SURPRISE SALE | We want to convince the pu blie that we expect to be of real ser- j vice by supplying It with merchandise as low in price as when cotton 3 sold for 10c per pound. You wi 11 find here some of the surprises of your life. You must see in order to appreciate tl»e Values we are of- ! sering in diamonds, watches, jew elry'. Everything is reduced in price. ' We can quote only a few prices: White Gold Diamond Bar Pins $14.50 White Gold Bracelet Watches $7.50 Elgin Whit" Gold Bracelet Watches sis.7s *75.00 Elgin White Gold Bracelet Watch *50.00 Gents’ White and Green Gold Elgin Watches *IB.OO *2.50 Fountain Pens I *1.75 *IO.OO Fountain Pens x , Alarm Clocks ”__ u< gg Ben Ben Alarm Clocks f *2.50 '■ S. W. PRESLAR JEWELER , Christmas Gifts We are showing a fine selection of gifts suitable for men and women: Men’s Hand Bags Ladies’ Fitted Cases Ladies’ Hat Boxes Men’s and Women’s Silk Hosiery for Christmas Gifts, k. ; A Wonderful line of Neckwear. Visit Our Store before making your selection. < J RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. .“''l a ‘'Hr., PAGE FIVE