PAGE EIGHT ' —1 * r W** *' * , - ' ‘•'•SB WVtS / 1 \\ ■ n vi. * \ v ~'r£r »\ n * ygg. a (s?^%* * *J| •? Why Not Slip- ! P ersl ' > #*L Ah ! Santa wit!, ms t>eam f \ » ing smile and good wish ( \o es, is behind this idea of \ \ giving Slippers to friends and loved ones. And that i' means everybody . you / know. After all, everyone y'jij does ex P ect • new Slip aP/ i&W pers. When they cost so 1 i / ! I t 0 ‘* S a PP rec * a ted V $1,25™ $2.45 o o 0 y • * • * Girls’ Clippers— >v 95c 10 $1.25 / \ 95c T 0 $3.95 , Ruth-Kesler \ Shoe Store K.L CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 fOAT : S. *■ ■ Mortar Colors TEN YEAR FARM LOANS Money to loan on Cabarrus County farms at FIVE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, interest payavlfe Novem ber of each year. No inspection fees. No life insurance required. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. Write or phone for information. Thies-Smith Realty Company No. 200 Com. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. PHONES 3278 and 4415 tree with ever y 1111 Oriole CAS RANGE v /Jhisfine set free y No sale could be more opportune t JL •you ar« aiwily* ruth«d for ttmt .round Jr* IA Xmu. Then are hundreds of extra ■ 9* OMtifs to be dune. Think whet an ORIOLK jd^fe, ’.Weal Control Range will mean to yout It'll '■* (MY I Dll '•Uminele kitchen drudfery and fire you , \ 4— Wr 4 mj Uetra time in which to do the many little tasks you ao want to do. More than the*.’ hH free you from multiple worries. With ' I HI ■ W) an ORIOLE Heat Control Range you are' Vjr V— W content and happy in the certainty of par-, •act cookin* result*. Jtiat put the (opd in tha! Thu Whole Meal Aluminum oeen, set th* refulator and you osnha out: »t- _ c_, of the kitchen while Xmaa dinner Wcook. cooaing jet t Inc. Whether it ia fruit cake, mince pie of'. It la apaclaliy daalgnad for ' k foaat turkey, you know it will bejuat right. whole meal oven cooking and oonsiata of one Oval Koaatar , •• (17Vi*x U , a7V4').two 3 qt. Co n lira'll! vex Pats with ring cover, one 1 I I jll v qt. Convex Pot with ring covar. -41 Th* pot* are fitted with ring --Up .own, ao that on* pot can be Jy—l eat an top of another; The en fr II T\ tire set fits in a I#* oven at one if B lP Oaf (Us a*d flaa. • —lal—»aa< irUiW.SaMfH air area MAscrM, afiiwilaa h Mad. rfet tadgrwaafJor m m w* «• aaa UdUa/raadaa' Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. Sale Ends December 23rd J|||U ULUUV Mix A! UUAr\ I'Ll ULvJII lv illiii ■ run I illi,\ iii nil v a iir i fir\iii i \ wvii I ivvi i nuui vvfi i u iii i iii iiiii iij Concord Daily Tribune tIMB OP CLOSING MAILS . Th« time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoQce is aa follows: > Northbonad 138—A1:00 P. M. A. M. 34 4110 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M.' Southbound 89— 9:30 A. M. 43 3 >3O P. M. 133 8:00 P. M. 29—11:60 P, id. , LOCAL MENTION f The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting Monday nigiit at 7 :30 with Mrs. It. E. Riden hour. Jr. Miss Camille Alexander tins arrivetl in Concortl to spentl the Christmas hol idays at the home of Dr. and Mrs. It. B. Itauk in. Marriage license \vas issued Friday by Registers of Deeds Elliott to Fred Tetterton and Mms Ethel Hooks, both of Kannapolis. Beginning Tuesday, the regular pro gram of the Y. M. C. A. will be re sumed and will be continued on through the holidays with the single exception of Christmas day. The offering at the First Presby terian Sunday school tomorrow will be given to the Barium Springs Or phanage. The offering at the 5 o’clock service will go to Banner Eik. M iss Itcbecea Day vault and Mrs. L. I I>. Co|trane are spending the day in Charlotte. Miss Dayvault is visiting her sister. Miss Elizabeth Dayvault. who is in the Charlotte Sanitorium. C. 1,. McDaniel has sold property near Kannapolis to E. P. and H., E. Crass, nceording to two deetls tiled Friday at the court house. T'ue pur chase price was given as S3OO in each transfer. One mile of paving on the Mount Pleasant highway was been completed and the remainder will be finished in over a month, provided the weather remains clear and not too cold. The paving is only a little over three miles in length. Tlie committee in eharge of Christ mas Opportunities has suggested that where bags only are mentioned, it might be well to make inquiry and see if by adding a few toys and books to tile package, the Christmas Cheer could not be made more complete. Rising temperatures were predicted for today but they failed to material ize. Temperatures early this morn ing were lower than they were Friday morniug and throughout the day it continued cold. Heavy ice was re ported in the city, with a few frozen auto radiators. L. W. Barnhardt. from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, Albert Itarn hardt. from the University of North Carolina, and Miss Annie Ciine Barn hardt, from North Carolina College, at Greensboro, are visiting their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Barnhardt, on Kaontigiolis Road. An Essex coupe, parked at the in- 1 ferseetion of Corbin and Spring streets, was badly damaged by tire Friday afternoon. While the engine apparently was not so badly damaged. ' the body was practically burned from the chassis. The blaze was extin guished by local firemen. Quite a number of students from Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute passtsl through Concord Friday anti this morning en route to their homes for the Christmas holidays. Work in the school was halted Friday af ternoon and the students, will enjoy a vacation for .rile next two weeks. Grammar grade teachers of the county are meeting here today with Prof, ,1. B. Robertson, count? super intendent of schools. Various phases of the school, work of particular in terest to the grammar grades, are be ing discussed at the conference wllieh began this morning at 10:30 o’clock at the court house. A Christmas tree and program will be presented at the V. M. C. A. on New Year's Eve at which time of ficials of she T are planning an elab orate performance. In addition to athletic contests earlier in the eve ning. stunts will be staged and the new year will be ushered in with suit-1 able ceremonies. * I i Rev, .Frank L, Fesperman, mis sionary to Japan, now on furlough, will be the preacher at the evening service for the Trinity Reformed con gregation. Rev. and Mrs. Fesper man have been in Concord since July. They will go to New York City early in January to pursue graduate work • before returning to Japan. Two movie programs will be given tonight- at the T. M. C. A. in the din ing room upstairs on account of the fact that the gymnasium is partly fill ed with stage properties for the play. “Why the Chimes Rang." to be pre sented Monday night. An early movie will be given for children at 6 o’clock and a later one for the grown-ups at 8 o’clock. The State Supreme Court in an opinion announced Thursday, found no error in the case of Bradford vs. McEnglish, a personal injury suit, tried before Judge John M. Oglesby at the August term of Yancey court. This is the second case sent on appeal from Judge Oglesby's qourt and In both instances his decisions were up held. ’ There are many indications th»t persons are mailing their Christmas packages earlier Ibis year. Local mall carriers report heavy mail now with signs that the rush will be over by Christmas day. No delivery will be made on that day and the fact that tiie public knows this accounts for the early mailing, the carries think. \ j 4 Hie Boston church in which Bid ward Everett Hale preached for yea» Is mow the property of the Method Ma. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ' TODAY’S EVENTS Saturday. December 19, 1995 Centenary of the birth of Basil Manly, a noted educaftr of the South ern Baptist denomination. Greetings to the Chicago Daily News, on the completion of its. first half century of existence. Mrs. Minnir Maddern one of the most eminent of American actress es. reaches her COt'u milestone 'today. The Rt. Rev. John J. Monaghan, Catholic bishop of. Wilmington, Del., celebrntes bis 4.3th anniversary in the priesthood today. % jtisbop John J. laiwier, of the Rem an Catholic diocese of Lead. 8. Dak., observes rue -10th anniversary of his ordination today. The Alabama Educational Aasneiu tion has invited 300 prominent edu cators of that state to attend ing*nn ( ] banquet in Birmingham to day, when the necessity for making MERRY CHRIST- ! MAS M J Say It This Year |;| With Footwear v J: SPECIAL VALUES FOR A GREATER CHRISTMAS ! Men's, W omen’s and Children’s House Slippers— ]i 69c 79c 98c $1.25 $1.95 Ladies' Dress and Street Slippers and Pumps in all 8 that’s New 8 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 ° $6.95 Men s Tan. Brown and Black Calf and Kid Oxfords 8 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 TO $6.95 ,| Children’s Shoes and Slippers in All Styles 95c T 0 $2.95 MARKSON SHOE STORE PHONE 897 | 1 Come in and look over our line of Christinas Rolls for Your Player Piano QRS and Vocalstyle Cathedral Memories Medley of Christmas Hymns Silent Night, Holy Night* It Came Upon a Midnight Clear Snowflakes Jingle, Bells Christmas Jingles Fireside Songs 1 . Santa Claus Time Star of the East / Silver Sleigh Bells « O Little town of Bethlehem KIDD-FRIX Music and Stationery Co. he’ Phone 76 58 S. Union St. Concord, N. C. SsSncl THE UNIVERSAL CAR The All Steel Body Cars N All vibration has been eliminated by an added im provement to the new improved Ford. Ride in one and feel the difference. Buy a FORD and SAVE the difference. \ Let one of our salesmen show you. REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER Corbin and Church Streets . PJione 220 INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, -even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & York© Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER. A. JONES YORKE school progress and adequate budgets into political issues will be placed before them. The annual birthday celebration of the now well-known Toe H will be held today at the Hoyal Alberf Hall, London, when the Prince of Wales, as Patron, will light the new ‘damps of maintenance.” Tos H, fourtlded dur-, ipg the war, has grown from <a war time organisation to be a youth move ment for unselfish .service which has spread all over the British Empire. Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy is to erect a tablet in honor of Mrs. Ellen XI. Richards, its first wom an student. Mrs.'Richards was ad mitted to the instute ns a special stu dent in 1870, mill her succese paved the way for the repeal of {he fac ulty rule prohibiting women ‘students, a few years later. USB PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS W : nter brings It* trouble*, among which IS trying to spit out the enr window when you" only think It is open Home men are so honest their arms never steal around a girl. The stingiest mnn on earth won’t comb his hair because he is afraid it' will wear out the comb. " Lots of people who Wish they could leave' this town ought to be glad they are anywhere at all. Among the things cleaned by gaso line are poeketbooks. He who talks to himself has a sympathetic audience. (Copyright. 1925, Nea Service, Inc.) Mecklenburg Commission May “Burk” Bnimmit Ruling. Charlotte, Dec. 18. —Indications twere today that the - Mecklenbnrg county highway commission was pre paring to ‘‘buck'’ the recent ruling of Attorney General Brummit provid ing that state’s gasoline tax of four cents a gallon must be paid by the county on fuel used in motor equipment in service on road im provement projects within the coun ty. To avoid payment of this tax, the commission was planning to purchase gasoline outside the state. When n man becomes old enough to know better, it is usually too late for him to do better. Tk yvjf jH —„jnra„ r . CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS CHRISTMAS —and— ' CORSAGES Let us have your orders early, so we can make prompt delivery Mrs. J. A. Walker FLORIST 92 S. Union St. Phone 112 1 Moqty back without quMtior S.\l if HUNT* QUARAHXEBE wMWVdr \ I SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /If Ky (Hunt*. Em*, and Soap), fail ir I U 17 the treatment at Hah. *e»eraa /A Ringworm, Tatter or otherlteb * y Ing akin diacaaewc try tba tHUmMrtgatm. mmm (HunVa Sale a and Scan >,l*ll inf ifSfl the treatment ontoh,Bciema,>ef7y J Ria«wonn,Tttterafotbarltch- f If / / In* akin riinaana Try this * * J treatment nt our rlak. PKARL DRUG COMPANY The best sympathy rr is only human (or a fu neral director to fee) sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patron*. But it is i. , real sympathy when he recog nizes an obligation to see to it that the highest character of burial equipment is furnished at honest prices. Such a policy has been responsible for the eucceaa of this concern. t Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is the Clark Grave Vault, recognised as a leader in the vault indus try, because it gives positive - yyifl permanent protection* VVTLWINSON’B FUN ERAL HOME OH t—Day or Night n «n y Mijiif ii neda; for the things he . . j . Your choosing of a gift here endorses his judgment— it’s just the same as,telling him that he has a Wonderful family 4 * A list for your approval Bath Robes - t Lounging Robes Travelling Bags, Neckwear . Pajamas Mufflers .Belts Hosiery - HOOVER’S,Inc. “THE YQUNO MAN’S STORE” COAL The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 OR 279 I THE CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK HAS NEVER I LOST SIGHT OF**HS PROBLEMS AND REQUIRE MENTS OF ITS EVER INCREASING NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS AND HAS FITTED I ITSELF TO CONTRIBUTE A SERVICE COMMEN ■ SURATE WITH THEIR NEEDS. | CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK OONCQRD, N. C. PHONE 799 Our Product is Right—the Price Is Right—the Ser vice is Right, and this makes a combination Hard to Beat. You’ll need some Coal Soom When you do, remem ber we are here to serve you with the Coal that stands the gaff. ' ' > Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE r v HT This gas hot water heater f. O is surely a friend in need and HP w j a friend indeed of every cook r 1 and housewife. Apply a 1 Hnl match and in a few minutes | HII steaming hot water will run mu MB II from the faucet—enough for igt the dishes, for a bath, etc. llffS* Let us install one for you. Pays for itself quickly. LB. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALEE Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W The Concord Bakery Has Opened a, Retail Bakery at No. 88 South Union Street for the convenience of the public. You can get Hot Rolls .of all kinds, Cinnamon Buns, Doughnuts, Cookies of al] kinds, Fruit, Pound end all kinds of layer Cakes and Birth day and Wedding Cakes to or der. Our Penny ADS. Get Quick Results Saturday, Dec. 19, 19251 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline 4 Mooes) Figures named represent yrlojs paid-for produce on the market: Corn —,— ZZZZZ gIJO Sweet potatoes _ gi.Bo Onion* —JEr SI.OO Pose ± X— -J $2.00 Butter ' ■, ,8C Country, Ham J$ Country Shoulder i .$0 Cfvntry Sides JtO Young Chickens l.- .20 Hens —y.-;-?- , _ ■ .15 Irish Potatoes ””sl.Bo' Per Sale—“For Hire” Cards Psr M I neys, at Tribune-Time* offlee, 10 ' cent* each. 17-tt

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