ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV 10 Us IS SEEN FROM COLD WEATHER BEWICK* Tar Heel State Folk Are 1 Experiencing the Coldest Late December Wave of the 20th Century. ASHEVHXEREPORTS ZERO WEATHER Charlotte Has Coldest De cember 28th in 47 Years. —Entire State Feds the Cold. Charlotte, Dee. 28.—0 W-r-The Tar Hee’ia folk snapped, about the coldest late December wave of the 20tb cen tury today, reports from oyer the state indicate. ' '. Rock bottom for the mercury was attained at. Asheville, high in the wgst ern North' Carolina mountains, at 8 a. s, where the reading was even aero. An official tabulation at Hickory at 0 o'clock showed the mark at four de grees above zero. State department officials at Ra leigh were back to th«- tasks of com monwealth duties with a north breeze scurrying down the thermometer, to 5) degrees at 7:80. • j Charlotte had the coldeet Decem ber 28th in 47 years when it was D 1-2 degrees hbore at 5 a. m., and Winston-Salem was even colder at 7 degrees at the hour of 7. At Salis bury the reading was 7 above at' 6 o'clock and a High Point it was at the same point a half hour later. > indications from weather officials were that no relief from the icy grasp was in sight before tomorrow at the earliest. GOVERNOR SEES BOOM FOR NORTH CAROLINA GRANITE i Has Called Upon Department of ConservaffianOevelopment to Make Complete Survey. Raleigh, Dec. 28.—Governor Mc- Lean, who expects to see a great boom for North Carolina granite - from the use of the native material in Duke University’s great new buildings, announced today that he has called upon the department ■■ of conversation and development aa one SMfel fiwt ,undertakings to make A wnwey ‘ and study of domestic building v »tone and its availability for construction pur poses... "It is to be assumed that such a building program as is involved in the constriction of Duke university will strongly affect important popular standards in thd future tafcte of our pebple, and history > shows howJtaste may vitally effect thought and character," the 'go.vernor declared in a satement on the significance of the adoption of the native product by the university. With Our Advertiser* Full-fashioned hose, only 98 cents at J. C. I’cnncy Co.’s. It’s fonr-ply silk with a fibre thread, which assures wear. The Concord Plumbing Co. will fix your frozen pipes for you. Phone 576. Get a Fyne Poynt pencil 4t JVes lar's auk save pencil whittling. For colds take Cline’s Cold Cap sules tor quick, results. * The Richmond-Flowe Co. is show ing the advance styles in mews spring hats. See new ad. Read tHe new ad. today ol th° Cit izens Bank and Trust Company. Roberts Wicks suits and overcoats, $25 to S4O at Browns-Qannon Co.’s. The Concord Furniture Co. is giv ing one-fourth off on ail heaters in the store. Only a few on hand. No charge for installation. Attractive corsages made by Mrs. J A. Walker. Phone 112. C. H. Barrier & Co. want more tur keys and fat hens npt later than Tues day noon, December 29th. Christmas cut price sale. Big re dactions on- ladies’ winter coats and , dreseeg, and meu’c and men’s and boys' clothing at Efird’sT All holiday goods at greatly reduc ed prices at Kidd-Frix Co.’s. Big line of New Year greeting cards. , Let Yorke A Wadsworth Co. give you a demonstration of th* Atwater Kent? radio. In Temote rural districts' in Nor way the bride dans the native dress of her district and rides to the church cefemopy op a pony. StarTheatre Monday-To 'day. *KRARTS OF OAKS" One Good Picture. Lookl— Hobart Bosworth and Pauline ' Starke. It’s a Fox Special. Also a News Reel No. sll ■ Thursday-FrMhy. "KVERYMAN’B WIFE” With an All Star Cist. A pho toplay that every man and wom an should see. Also a Fox News ffo. 25. It’s a Fox pic ture.- - Friday and Saturday. . Hex. the wild fadrse, in THfc MACK CYCLONE” Remember the king of wild horses and you won’t mias "Black Cyclone.” It’s a Pathe Special! Comedy: *‘Nipo The Concord Daily Tribune . North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily * % * SEVENTY DEATHS IN TRAFFIC ADMITS IN SOOTH IN,WEEK An Unusual Number of Deaths Occurred Over the Christmas Holidays, New Survey Shows. 377 PERSONS HURT IN ACCIDENTS Florida With 13 Deaths Led the South.—Seven Deaths Are Reported in North Carolina. Atlanta. Ga.. Dec, 28.—(/P)—Death cut a wide ipvath through Dixie over the Christmas holidays. Three score ami ten persons in the South met their doom through traffic accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, trains and trolleys. In addition, 377 persona were hurt by the same means. These figures art revealed in a sur vey made today by the Associated Press for the week which closed last night. The figures ape from ten states. Florida led the South with 13 deitths,' while Virginia and Georgia trailed closely behind with 12 each. Tennessee and Mississippi were the lowest with three each. Georgia led in {he number of injur ies, her figuresc being 66. North Car olina and Florida* reported 61, and 60 injuries respectively. At the foot of this column was Alabama with 9 in jured. There were no outstanding accidents duuring the week in which heavy toll of life was taken. Tabulation by states include: North Carolina 7 deaths, 61 injured: South' Carolina 7 deaths, 36 injured. NINE DEATHS. BIG FIRE , DUE TO CHICAGO COLD C'nloid Misery Result of Sub-Zero Temperatures, With Winter’s Grip Holding. Chicago. Dec. 27. —Nine deaths, a million dollar fire loss and untold misery and sufferings were tfie toll exacted from Chicago by the sub lero temperatures of yesterday and today. The cold will stay a while longer, weather reports indicated tonight witr prediction* of ,10. beiqw before mrtrnttig. Last night ams early to day .the official thermometer at the weather bureau showed eight degrees below but westA suburbans reported as much as six degrees below. Inur ing the day the merucy crept slowly up to zero at 3 o’clock and shortly af terward started a nose dive. Yester day and today there were upward of 300 fire alnrtns which taxed Chicago's fire fighting equipment to its eacapity. Firemen fought four general alarm blazes, one of which destroyed tre Marx building with an estimated loss of $300,000 while another destroyed a 12-story apartment building. Most of the fires were caused by overtaxed heating equipment and in scores of cases families were driven to the streets in their night clothing to face tlie sub-zero blasts while the firemen themselves were coated with ice and water froze almost as it touriied the buildings. Untold misery and suffering was Reported by relief organizations who were swamped with requests for food, coal and clothing. One man was found frozen to death, bringing- the total number of persons frozen to death for the two days of severe cold to four, while 'two others died of causes indirectly due to the cold. Firtl other deaths with heart disease given as the cause probably were superin duced by the cold, the coroner’s bffice said. One of today’s fires attacked the Milwaukee-Western State Rank caus ing a loss estimated at $30,000, al though bank officials said its vaults were unharmed. Firemen also Were kept busy answering calls from tre poorer sections of the city where frozen water piper and mains caused the water supply to be shut off. Hiring Detectives to Spot Dry Agents. • Chicago, Dec. 27.—Case and cab aret owners, anticipating extensive efforts of prohibition agents New Year’s Eve, are reported to have em ployed private detectives in etforts to identify agents who may enter their places in the guise, of patrons. The detectives have submitted de tailed reports regarding appearances of agents likely to be assigned to squads for holiday service. They have even arranged for schools for jnan agers and head waiters, who will be taken to court rooms and corridors of prohibition headquarters and shown the agents, so the story goes. Dry circles 'adniit that it may be necessary to exchange staffs with some other districts before next Thursday, if the detectives have suc ceeded in viewing all the agents that E. C Yellowly, prohibition adminis trator, plans to use. Baltimore People Injured In Char lotto. Charlotte, Dec. 27.—8. L. Mc- Kinley, of Baltimore, Mil-, is in the Pneebyteriau Hospital with a broken collar bone, and his wife is also in the hospital suffering from bruises as a result of the overturning of their automobile at 10 a. m., Satur day, at Bast Seventr Street and Hawthorne Lane, when it was struck by a ear driven by Cleveland L. Smith, of the Charlotte Motor. Car Company. Look Kere is the architect’s drawing-tor Bryan Memorial University, which In to be built at Dayton Tenn memorate the great commoner’s flghtjhere against the thedry of evolution. > ” * GEN. ANDREWS OFF FORINOTHERTOUB Going to Key West and Havana to Make Investi gation In Connection With His Official Duties. Savannah. Ga.. Dee. 28.—04*) —Hnv lug completed inspection of customs ports of entry and coast guard, and prohibtion while in the south Atlantic seaboard except Florida, assistant sec retary of the treasury. Andrews, and his party left here early today bound for key West nnd Havana. They were aboard the coast guard cutter Modoc and only a brief stop will be made at'Key AVest. ■ . Gen. Andrews is satisfied with con ditions in the three agencies under his control in North Carolina, South Car olina and Georgia. He feels they are meeting the present situation and are mnking plans for any further require ments upon them. In each port where the treasury official lias talked with his subordinates, he has assured them they should not hang back in asking for needed personnel ami equipment. Without proper support from Wash ington. W said, lie" good' wbrit they have done would be nullified. .The Florida situation will have the Assistant Secretary’s attention when he returns from the visit to Havana. BUTLER WANTS HIS JOB WITH THE MARINE CORPS Withdraws His Resignation and Will Go cn Duty at San Diego Stale Time in January. Washington, _ Dee.,2B. —C4 3 )—Brig. Gen.. Smedley D. Butler today with drew his resignation from the Marine Corps. Although the leave under which he had been serving ns Director of Pub lic Safety of Philadelphia would not expire until December 31st, Gen. But ler immediately reported for duty. He will return to Philadelphia for a few days to arrange his private affairs and then come back to Washington. Late in January he will go to San Diego to take command of the Marine base there. Green Sees End of Coal Strike With in 10 Day s, Coshocton, 0., Dec. 27.—A pre diction that the anthracite coal strike* will be S“ttled within 10 days was nj»de tonight by President Wil liam Green, of the American Federp" tion of Labor, who is spending the holidays with his family here. , WJith this controversy once set tled, Mr. Green said, labor will en joy a year without serious disorders. Manufacturers will continue on a satisfactory basis and show gradual improvement; wages will be maintained on a high levej. and rela tionships between the employers nnd employes will improve, he. declared. Steamer Rammed and Sunk? Vaucouver, B. C., Dec. 28.—OP)— In a heavy fog 30 miles north of here the Lady Cynthia, pass linner, last night rammed and sank the Cowichan, a freighter. The Cowichan sank in eleven min utes after the crash. The Cynthia picked up 14 passengers and 31 mem bers oUthe crew.. Miss Fisher's Funeral at Noon Todhy. Salisbury, Dec. 27—Mice Christine Fiisher who died in Mercy Hospital Charlotte Saturday night will be buried here Monday the funeral be ing conducted -from Sacred Heart Catholic church at twelve o’clock. Cfh c [ ■lj IIY I L.L CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1925 Memory of Woodrow Wilson Is Honored JEWS ARE FLOCKING TO SUPPORT OF WISE Comes Under Fire of Orthodox Rab bis and Offers Resignation From Palestine Committee. New Y'ork. Dec. 26—Jews through out the country are flocknig to the support of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who is under fire from orthodox rab bis for praising Jesus in a recent address. The executive committee of the United Palestine Appeal, raising a $5,000,000 fund, today had under consideration Dr. Wise's resignation as chairman of the appeal, offered when he was criticized for his asser tion that Christ was a man, not a myth, and that Jews must accept him. Actioin on tlie resignation! kt expected within ten days. Among those who are protesting against its acceptance are Nathan Straus. New York philanthropist, who sent tlie fund an additional pledge of $150,000 after having al ready given $500,000: Rabbi Sidney Tedscbe. in New Haven: Rabbi Samuel Gup in Providence; RabbL Samuel Rrvnvne in Newark; and the' Jewish ministers in northern Cali fornia who adopted a resolution in his defense. COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED Seven Men Taken in Elizabeth, N. J. —Cameras and Plates Found. Elizabeth. N. J.. Dec. 28.—OP)—Po lice today were informed that the ar rest of seven alleged international counterfeiters in New York had been made as a result of the apprehension here yesterday, of Frank Weigand on similar charges. Weigand. former Newark jeweler, was arrested at home by three secret service agents accompanied by police. Federal agents said that the eight arrests ami three additional ones which they hope to make today, would dis pose of a band of counterfeits whose operations extended through United States and Cnnada. Cameras and plates and other ap paratus for the manufacture of money was found at the Weigand home nnd partial confession was obtained, the officials said. FOUR SMALL CHILDREN CAPTURE LIQUOR STILL They Find it While Gathering Holly, Load It on Cart and Take it Home. Tarboro. Dec. 20.—Four small children betweeu the ages of seven aud eleven captured a still in Ingram township a few days before Christ mas. These little folks, Mildred, Al mond, Maebell and Derwood Keene, were out in the woods about a mile from Four Oaks gathering holly _o prepare a Christmas tree to be held at the Baptist church. Hidden care fully iu tlie underbrush, they found a still. They succeeded in loading the cap tured still in their cart and carried it home, leaving it in the custody of Mrs. R. A. Keene, The citizens of tlie neighborhood congratulated the chil dren in helping to make for a quiet Christmas in that vfeinity. Big Reduction at the Parks-Btlk Co. In order to make a final clean-up before stock taking, the Parks-Belk Co: will make a clean sweep of all fall and winter merchandise. The prices on these have been shot to pieces, and range from 10 to 50 tier cent. off. This store will continue to give sugar on ticth-ts until Saturday night, January 2nil. Read the big page ad. today. Fire Under Control. Hickory, Dec. 28. — 04 s ) —At 10:45 this morning the first which threat ened to destroy the Martin Furniture Company was almost entirely under control and she damage has been esti mated by officials of the concern nt $150,000. As secretary of the National Pe troleum Marketers’ Association. Miss Eva Arnstein handled alii of the de tails of the big convention recently held by the association in Louisville. Forty-eight bacon packing houses in Denmark are conducted o the co operative plan. The co-operative es tablishments have a membership ol Dinners and Other Testi monials In His Honor Being Staged in Various Parts of County. -T 89 “WOODROW WILSON” YEAR 1925 His Admirers So Call This Year Because of Prog ress Made During It For Worldwide Peace. New York, Dec. 28.—(A s )—Calling 1925 a "Woodrow Wilson" year, be cause of the progress made toward in ternational peace, his admirers are mnking today, which would have been his 69th birthday, a national event by dinners and other testimon ials in bis honor. Tlie Post Office Dept, has joined iii the spirit of the day By placing on sale the new 17-cent Wilson Memorial Stamp here, in Washington, Prince ton and Staunton, Va.. the' tear Ihres iaent’s birthplace, today tor the first time. At Amherst. Mass., a collection of records and personal letters of Wood row Wilson has been placed on exhibit. Princeton University has compiled in formation about him which shows that he held more University degrees than any other person of modern times, in cluding 18 from American and 9 from foreign institutions of learning. He was also an honorary citizen of eight European cities, and a field marshal in the Brazilian army. Memorial Dinner in Charlotte. Charlotte, Dec. 28.—04*)—Josephus Daniels, war-time secretary of the navy, will be the principal speaker at the Woodrow Wilson memorial dinner here tonight. Approximately 400 Caro linians are expected to gather for the occasion in observance of the 69th anniversary of the late President. Millions Are Waiting For It. With the eleven year old grand daughter of the famous novelist play ing one of the, leading roles, "Tlie Keeper of the Bees,” Gene Stratton- Porter’s latest govel, finished just be fore her death ami published serially in McCall’s where it attracted the at tention of literally millions of readers, appears at the Pastime Theatre on Wednesday when it opens a two day engagement. This is the first showing of this popular writer’s second picture, which was directed by her son-in-law, ,T. Leo Meehan; nnd it bids fair to •prove a:i even more pronounced suc cess than "The Girl of the Limber lost.” Ffc-e at Miami. Miami, Fla., Dec. 28.— UP) —Fire of unknown causes starting in tar on the Belcher asphalt wharf of Miami Bay front at noon threatened adja cent harbor craft loaded either with gasoline aud building materials. Near by oil cars also are threatened. A general fire alarm brought ail avail able fire fighting apparatus to the water front. 18 to 20 Above in Florida. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 28. — (JP) — Temperatures in extreme northwest Florida dropped to as low as 18 to 20 degrees above zero, A. J. Mitchell. U. S. meteorologist here, was advised today. Starting at 35 degrees short ly after midnight temperatures at Jacksonville tobogganed to an official low of 24 degrees above zero before dawn. Tallahassee reported tempera tures of 20 degrees. Colder Weather Tonight. Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 28.—(A 9 )— With the low mark of 11 degrees, the cold wave which struck here last night, apimrently destroyed the entire crop of cabbage and lettuce and dam aged the onion crop 50 per cent. Cold er weather was forecast for tonight. According to recent reports the seventeen building trades unions in the United States now have an ag gregate paid-up membership of 864,- 000, representing a gain in tbe last two years of approximately five per cent. FURNITURE PLANT AT HICKORY SCENE OF DAMAGING FIRE Blaze Which Started Dur ing Morning in Martin* Furniture Co. Burnfed Half the Plant. MUCH FURNITURE 1 ’ WAS DESTROYED A Brisk Wind Fanned the Blaze Into Fury, Making Harder the Work of the Firemen. Hickory, Dec. 28. —C4*)—Fire start ing in the finishing room of the Mar tin Furniture Co. here nt 8:30 o'clock this morning spread rapidly through out the packing department and stor ing room, until nearly half the large plant was completely destroyed. Of ficials of the company estimated this morning that' the damage would reach nearly $175,000. Every fire fighting apparatus in the city was called,' but the flames in the packing and finishing house could not be stopped. A brisk wind fanned the blaze into a fury. It was estimated that more than 100 finished suits of high class furniture went up in smoke, nnd nearly 200 finished suites were de stroyed. The loading room where the crated furniture is placed just before it is packed in cars for shipping was com pletely destroyed, and its bulk of fur niture marked for the northern mar kets. Two freight ears ready to be loaded with furniture were piled out by the switch engine just in time to save them from burning. At 10:15 o'clock the fire was still raging. THE COTTON MARKET Covering Movement Which Began Last Week War Resumed at the Opening Today. New York, Dec. 28.— UP) —The cov ering movement which started in the cotton market just before the CSirißt mas holidays was resumed at the op ening today. Some fresh buying also may have been promoted by firm Liv erpool cables and moderately bullish weekly estimates. Liverpool was an active buyer here, and while the opening advance of 30 to 35 points ran into some Southern hedging, offerings were readily taken. January sold up to 19.50 and July at 1A73 before the end of the first hour, with the general list showing net ad vances of 35 to 39 points. Liverpool cables attributed the advance there to covering, trade calling and speculative buying. The weekly statistics showed an in crease of 83,307 bales in the world's visible supply of American cotton last week, compared with an increase of 61.154 bales last year. Cotton futures opened steady. Jan. 19.30; March 19.35; May 19.00; July 18.75; Get. 18.30. KANNAPOLIS BOOTLEGGER CAUGHT DISPENSING WATER Crawford Captured in Chestotr. S. C., and a Sizeable Fine is Plaster ed Upon Him. Chester, S. 0., Dee. 27—8. Frank Crawford, of Kannapolis, N. 0., was tried before Mayor S. Churchill Car ter on the charge of selling whiskey and was senenced to pa a yfine of *IOO or serve 30 days on the Ches ter county ehaingnng Crawford was said to be a unique bootleger and practiced the old game of selling water in a can with enough moonshine on top to give it the odor of whiskey. In court he ad mitted the selling, but argued that no statute denied one the right to selling water. However, Mayor Oar tter enlightened him on the laws of tihs municipality by informing him he could ‘not sel 1 whiskey, even though it was a small amount nest ing upon the op of the water. Chiaf of Police at Rowland Killed. Wilmington, Dec. 2Gj—M. B- Rogers, chief of police of Rowland, was killed tonight in .a gun battle with two negroes, according to long distance telephone reports received here. Rogers, about 30 yea is old, married and the father of one child, sought to arrest one of the negroes for some trivial violation of the law. The negro opfened fire. When the of ficer returned the fire another negro stepped in with a shot gun and riddled the officer’s body. He died al most instantly. The negroes were members of a construction gang em ployed on state highway route nutn ber 22. Arrest of the two negroes who are charged with having shot and killed Chief Rogers was effected shortly be fore 11 o'clock by rural police and sheriffs deputies. They were taken into custody two miles from the scene of the shooting. Botli were still well armed but offered no resistance. One of the men was badly shot, which was a big factor in their curly capture. Meets Death While Wrapping Live Wire. Albemarle, Dec. 27—Heriry Smith, a machinist at the Norwood Manu facturing' Company, was electrocuted while wrapping a live' wire at the plant. Hie fingers were burned to the bone, He was 40 years old and leaves a wife and four children. The worst at regular habits is that people about you are scandalized when you briak' them. ANOTHER EFFORT TO HALT HE STRIKE i NOW BEING PLANNED —.— t | Operators and Miners Mt . In Separate Hotels To day to Discuss Plans for | Conference Tomorrow. j ! OPTIMISM NOW IS APPARENT I | Observers Who Know Con ditions Feel Confident That Settlement Will Be Reached at Conference. — l J Xt‘\v York. Deo. 28.—(A3)—Repre sentatives of the anthracite operators ami miners were quartered in separate hotels here today preparing programs for a joint meeting tomorrow when I another effort will bo made to reach I a settlement of the controversy which j has shopped the output of bard coal j since September Ist. While spokesmen for both groups maintained silence ns to the basis of the discussion, experienced observers professed optimism as to the outcome. Chief among these was Wm. Greene, president of the American Federation of Labor, who predicted the strike would be ended in ten days. With the coal controversy settled, he said, or ganized labor would not have any se rious discords during 1926. HAYWOOD MAN, FATHER OF 10 CHILDREN. SHOT Taylor McCracken Killed By How ard Messer—Fight Over Dog Caught By Steel Trap. Asheville. Dec. 27.—Taylor Mc- Cracken, 38. farmer, of the Crabtree section of Hawood county, is dead, and Howard Messer, 32, farmer of the same section, is in the county jail at Waynesville, ns a result of a shooting nfrray Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Crabtree, following a hand-to-hand tight between the two men, according to reports reaching the city today. Messer was unin jured. Tht' fight is said to have occurred as a result of Messer’s dog being caught in a steel trap set out by one of McCracken's sons on land be longing to Messer. The latter is said to have abused McCracken's wm.aud the farmer took the matter up with Messer, resulting la a quar rel and the shooting. Both men be long to prominent Hawood county families. Chain-Gang System to Be Readopted Rutherford ton, Dec. 26.—For the first time in about 12 years Ruther ford county 'has n chain-gang. The county commissioners completed the details this week and the first day’s work by the convicts was done Wed nesday. The old jail will be head quarters overnight and Sunday 1 ', They will go out into the county to work on he roads in trucks. Thomas Blanton will be superintendent with t>uy Edwards, guard. The' prisoners will sleep in the cells. Heat and water has been installed in the sleep ing quarters. As long as the convicts behave and work they will be given tobacco and cigarettes and five days off of each month. When the refuse to work or behave they will lose their credits end tobacco. Only able bodied men will be compelled to work and they will be examined regularly by the county physician. Hot lunches will be sent to the men. T&e county now has from 20 to 30 able-bodied young men in jail. With three many roads should pe built soon. Raid on a Mecklenburg Home. Charlotte, Dec. 27.—A spectacular raid on the home of Zaeh Belton, in Seversville, was staged by four Mecklenburg County jmilce officers about 1.30 a. m., Saturday. The raid was featured by flying halt gallon jugs of whiskey and a miniature re production of a World War liquid fire attack, when some inmate of the house attempted to burn a quantity of the contraband. Belton was bound over to the next term of Mecklenburg County Su perior Court on charge of possessing whiskey, after a hearing Saturday before Magistrate J. W. Cobb. In de fault of a SIOO bond he was sent to jail On a charge of being drunk he was fined $5 and costs. One-Fourth Off Clothing Sale at the Richmond-Flowe Cc’s. Beginning this morning the Rich mond-Flowe Co. will give one-fourth on the prices of all men's suits annd overcoats. This is a cleanup of Fashion Park, Kirschbaum and other nationally known colthes at a big re duction. Better go at once so that you may get a good selection. Long hair makes a man look all sorts of things, especially after his wife has found one on his coqt. CITY TAX NOTICE Effective January Ist, 1926, penalty on City Taxes. CHAS.N. FIELD, City Tax Collector. THE TRIBUNE PRINTS -M TODAY’S NEWS TO DAY I NO. 307 1 GENERAL PERSHING 1 FORCED TO RETURN j HOlflFnvillness e UWarS jJ | as rsot Definitely Known J How Serious Is His Con-1 dition But Physicians® Order Him Home. I HIS WORK WILL • 1 NOT BE HALTED! ’ Vi Planned to Send Some One 1 Else to South America to j Continue Work He Has 1 So Well Planned. \ Washington, Dec. 28.—<A > >—]Be- I cause of failing health. Gen. John #. ;ij| Pershing is expected to return here | within the next mouth from Chili, where lie is representing ident Coolidge in the Chilean-Pefuvfafli J arbitration over Tacna-Arica. 1 His physician has recommended, tM't JI he begin the homeward trip not later a than January 13, and he may dephwll from Arica before that date if propetU arrangements can be made. 1 ' pH I Details of the General's illness are not known here, but reports reaching v Washington have somewhat alarmed J his friends in the capital. There had® been a marked increase in his blood 3 pressure, in addition to complication* si resulting from infected feet. He ig in a his 66th year. j Although Washington officials de- -3 dined to make any announcement re- 1 garding General Pershing's return to j the United States, there were evidences M that his departure from South AmMMj ca would in no sense be a diplomatiis|B retreat from an international situa-e® tion which lias become Steps will be taken to continue as | far as possible the work he has been J doing as head of the Tacna-Arica pre- | 'biscitary commission. Except for minor troubles the for- | mer commanders of the American J World War armies had enjoyed un- J usual good health for a man of his | years up to the time of his departure 1 last July for South America. As a precaution, however, Major | Glenn I. JoneA of the army medical j corps, was detailed to accompany him. J Some weeks ago Major Jones reported that tlie general should, take a trip J to this country and have dental work 1 done but his condition was not csugßa sidered sufficiently serious to” make ] mandatory his withdrawal from thg South American work. MORE TAIK ABOUT FORD ROAD IN N. C. But Mait Who Han the Dope In- j dulges 1 Only in Mysterious As sertions. Greensboro, Dec. 26. —With the j promise that “'lt will be a big story J when it does break,” a resident of this city, formerly actively engaged j as a civil engineer, gives hints now and then of a survey said to have j been made for Henry Ford for a j railroad fine from Tenncsse to South- 3 port. N. C. It's one of ttiose stories where 3 there does seem to be something but J the person with the information pre- J sere to be mysterious and promises to divulge his information in the -1 future. All the newspaper men here j know of it but so far have been told j in a whosper. "Not yet, not yet,” nnd j “It’s going to be a big ” However, from what has been told, J sudh a survey was actually made j and handed to the motor king- He j has coal mines in Kentucky, thou- ] sands of acres of them and is sup- J posed to want railroad connections I with the Atlantic Seaboard some* j where along the const of the Caro* 1J linas. to trade with South America, jj The story, however, at this end, :j apparently can't be told. It is one ! of those yarns where the reporters i informed that to print it now would be "to ruin everything.” Why ruin ; would follow is not disclosed. May- i be Ford would be peeved tind run his line to the Pacific coast, instead | of to Southport. Maybe he would tear up the survey. Anyway for sometimes this story has been in the air here but couldn’t be snatched - down because it would be better, it is said, to wait until the time was $ ripe, “when it would be a big story.” ’ Perhaps it is as big now ns it la j going to. Besides, waiting for Mr- Ford to give his O. K. on the story is long, tiresome business, especially. when Ford is in Detroit or some* where 'way off hearing Mellie Dun ham make the fiddle talk. t When the International Alliance of Woman's Suffrage holds its conven tion in Paris next June it will be. tlie first time that the .feminists of the entire world have met in the French capital. BAT*B BEAR SAYSt | f[ ■; " i. Fair tonight and Tuesday, r amp tinued cold tonight, hard freeze ttm coast. Slowly rising tempera tumi Tuesday. Moderate to fresh northwSi winds.

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