PAGE TWO Kenny column MKjefl othJrx. If not tell us. Call We get ’em. Concord Service ■Mhoe Works, 77 McGill Et. Ip. 2S-3t-p. Bfcr Sate-—4-Foot Pine Weed. C. A. ■Km. Phone 833. 28-3 t-p. Rooms For Light close pi. l’lione did It. : | 28-2 t-p. fever}’ Day—Distribute 150 products to established ■•fesere. “Extracts, soaps, food prod: ■filets, etc. World's largest company back .you with surprising plan. ■pWltte The J. R. Watkins Company. ■fUcpt, K-l. 231 Johnson Ave., New- ■ ■ ark, Ni- J. 28-2 t-p. ■,' K. Hafcime.t. Pi inter and Paper- 1 ■ hanger. I handle Wall Paper. Ask ■ |Ur. H. -W. Blanks and Mrs. P. B. ■S*J*etzer About my work. Interior Also outside painting. ■pßardwood floor finishing a specialty, ■jr Bfi» 46,jConcord, N. C. 28-4 t-p. ■"No Trtejgissing'’ Notices, 20 Cents a ■ dozen, *t Times-Tribune Office. ■ ts-c. ■u-—i fc’apcrshcff Pecans, Peaches, Apples, ■ plums, , grapes, Japanese persiin- B" mons. Sntsama oranges, figs. Qual ■vjjty and satisfaction guaranteed. ■■• Write ]J>r free catalogue. Bass IV ■>r%ui Company, Lumberron, Mis.-is- Hm. ' 28-lt-p. ——v ■EfirtTs After Christmas Cut price ■-Bale lasts one week. 24-2 t-c. Kb Per Sbnt Discount on Mi»’s and B, boys' shits at Efird’s. 24-2 t-c. ■Notice of’Sale—l Will Sell to the ■ highest bidder for cash on the 29th M day of'December, 1925 1 binder, ft- 1 mowar, 1 hay rake, 1 wagon. 2 ■ ’bnggiesy; 1 surry, 1 land roller, 1 ■ wheat effeaner, 1 pea huller, 1 Oliver ft plow, 2 old-time bedsteads and ft household and kitchen furniture, the ■ sale to begin at 10 :30 a. m. S. ■ M. Ritchie, Concord, Route 4. 21-st-p. Kleatcd Famished Rooms For Rent, ■phone 501. 19-ts. | Discussing Their Meal Tickets j g:: TSrrgrafMM - - jBl .IpfjHBBBjBB- . ;• /if Iff' fy, - ' ’ ■" *'•" All-y iy.;,, -U- L?'' Here are the brothers Pyle—lra D. Pyle at the left and C. C. Pyle at the. right. C. C. Pyle Is manager of Red Grange, and as such Is reapfng a fat" harvest. Ira Pyle has Ernie Nevers, famous Stanford star, under his wing, and expects a harvest no less fat. Photo was made In San Francisco, where ithe two brothers met to talk things over. Ira Pyle lives in Santa Rosa, Calif- '' EFIRDS After Christmas Cut Pirice Sale | Extra Specials in BLANKETS Just the Time You Need Them Most Big Reductions on Ladies’ Winter Coats and Dresses 20 Per Cent. Off on Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats I You’ll Find Them Better and ; 4 Cheaper at Kv ■gfe!. ■■&£ -.. r ;AwgkSrh -“If liftoffTy~•• fje >i | : I | I I ■ I ft ■ Good Farms For Sale—The Goodman tract, 156 acres 7 miles east of Con cord, with buddings and a large lot of saw timber. The M. L. Cline tract, 197 acres, 3 1-2 miles East of Concord with good buildings and a lot of line saw timber. The L. S. Pharr Tract, 63 acres with beauti ful frontage on highway at Poplar Tent Church. Splendid buildings. Very desirable. The Coates tract. 177 acres 12 miles east of Concord, with buildings and a large lot of timber. $25.00 per acre 51 acres in No. 6 township with buildings, at a real bargain. 140 acres on high way with buildings and timber two miles west of Cook's trooping. Jno. K. Patterson, Agent. 28-2 t-p. Fcr Side—Practically SWw Dodge coupe at a j-eduetion of $175.00., Run about 2500 miles. Guaranteed. Corl 'Motor Co. ' 28-lt-x. Lest*-Pair of Automobile Gloves. Re ward if returned to A. P. Black welder, South Union. 28-2 t-p. Few Thousand Dollars to Lend on town or country real estate in Ca barrus County. J. Lee Crowell, At torney. 28-lt-p. We Pay $1.20 Dozen Sewing Bun galow aprons at heme, spare time, threadi furnished. No button holes to make. Send stap. Hill Garment Faetcruy. Auburn, N. Y. 28-lt-p. Stolen—From in Front of Our Store Saturday a/teruoon, a new Colum bia bicycle, dark red. Liberal re ward for information leading to re covery. Ivey Shoe Co. 28-tlp. Wanted—Job as Butler or Cook. Lavan Hardin, 18 Pine St. 28-2 t-p. Ladies' Dresses and Coats 25 Per cent, to one-third off at Efird'B. 24-2 t-e. Buy Your Blanke'x, Sweaters, and underwear- at Efird's_ Cut Price Sale. 24-2 t-c. Found at Last—With Many Thanks— A preparation that will positively remove pimples and blackheads. Buy ,it at any drug store. Call for Mel- Bro Lotion. 12-11-30 t-chg. i IN AND ABOUT THE CITY ‘ JUDGE OGLESBY PRAISED BY ASHEVILLE NEWSPAPER “Just and Able Judge” Is Caption of Editorial In The Asheville Times. Judge John M. Oglesby, of Concord, last week completed a long stay in Asheville, and The Asheville Times of Igst Wednesday carried the following editorial under the caption, “A Just and Able Judge “Judge John M. Oglesby, now end ing the last week of his judicial so-' journ in Buncombe and the other counties of the 19th district, will leave behind him a splendid reputa tion for diligence in business and un alterable determination to uphold the law and measure out impartial justice 1 from the Superior Court bench. ‘'Ube people of Asheville.,and Bun combe will especially remember Judge Qglesby for his charge to the grand jury following the storming of the county jail by a mot) in search of a negro who, fortunately, had been re moved from the county. His Honor on that occasion delivered a stirring appeal to the jurors for prompt and fearless dealing with a lawlessness which sought to tear down and trample underfoot the very structure of the law itself. Such men as Judge Oglesby are creators and upholders of North Carolina's best judicial tradi tions.” Judge Oglesby arrived in Concord Saturday night and will remain here until tomorrow when he will leave for Marion, where he will wed Miss Sara Hudgins on Thursday evening. • TO PRESENT COMIC OPERA IN CONCORD Price Doyle To Put on Musical Pro duction. “The Gondoliers,” in Mid- February. “The Gondoliers." a comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be pre sented in Concord on February 12th by a cast composed of outstanding singers in the community together will, a chorus made up of high school girls and boys. The opera is to be under the direction of Price Doyle. Mr. Doyle is .".'ready making plans for the opera and at an early date will announce ins selection of the chorus. This part of the opera will be ti ained at once. Th<c leading, char acters in the performance wftl not be announced until the latter part of Jam nry. “The,Gondoliers" has an unusually clever plot and has bright sparkl iiui music customary with Sullivan scores. / An opera. “The Chimes of Nor mandy,” was presented by At ■•. IVyle last yftgr an l was A ery well received i". the gity. Fhi- year's nleshni pro dm lion pr noise., to surplus pas* achievements of Mi. Doyle. A Cabarrus Situation. Charlotte Observer. The Albpinar.e-Salisbury highway No. SO, barely tips the northern corner of Cabarrus. The Concord Ob server- bears ■that the- -road-, -financed ' by Stably nlftl Roif-ati cwuMfies," ”<ylli be given ts turn and a curve to avoid Cabarrus.” If that should be the case, it will be because of simpli fying the mater of financing, for the read woUld touch Cabarrus only to the extent of one of the white wasifes indicating the unfinished road, and the slightest deviation would be suf ficient to escape complication over a small financial matter. This. How ever, is simply speculation. It is a fact that Cabarrus has been liberal in providing money for the highway reaching toward Albemarle. The Concord paper insists that it was an outright gift of $300,000 to build the State highway to the Stanly line, and not a “loan." That being the case, it may be assumed with Some degree of certainty that there will be no discrimination against Cabar rus in the routing of the Albemarle- Salisbury highway. Mrs. Frances Thompson Dead at Home on Crowell Street. Mrs Frances O: Thompson, 70, died . at her pome on Crowell street Satur day. December 26th, after an illness of abt ut two weeks, death resulting fri in pneumonia. Funeral services lime conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 uieiock at the home and burial was njadi at Rocky River, Mow -M. E. Hansel officiating , Mrs. Thompson was born in Cnid , wed county on March 11, 1835. tile (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stillings. She had resided in Con cord a number of years. . Surviving are six children: Mrs M. L. Rogers, of Brown Mill; Mrs. F. A. Morris, of Cabarrus county ; IV- N. Thompson, R. C. Thompson and •I. A. Thompson, all of Concord. alt(i Airs. John M. Coley, of Montana. Three brothers and two sisters also survive. C. C. Griffin Struck by Automobile. C. C. Griffin, of South Union street, was struck by an auto Saturday night about ft o’clock at the intersection of Union and Corbin streets. He was not seriously hurt. Police officers have not been able to find Hie driver of the car. Sev eral persons saw the accident, the officers report, but the eye witnesses can not agree as to the make of the car. Some sky it was a Ford tour ing car with the curtains up, others say it was a Ford sedan, while others say it was a Buick. Mr. Griffin was dragged several feet after being struck by the car and it was feared at first that he was se riously hurt. He was rushed to the Concord Hospital where an examina tion showed his injuries to be mostly cats and brusies. He returned to hie home Sunday afternoon. The driver of the car stopped a minute after striking Mr. Griffin bnt soon sped on. ; One person near the scene of the accident said the car started up again after one of the occupants shouted to the driver: “Pour it in her.” The United States Bureau of Fish eries r llas discovered that barnacles on shin bottoms collect only on plates painted blue and black and that other colors are practically free from them. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE COLDEST WEATHER OF SEASON FOR CONCORD V. ’ Temperature Hovered Around 20 Above Zero During -Mast of- Sun day Despite Son’s Rays. ; The sun shone with much splendcr Suuday bet his rays made little im pression on the freezing temperatures which rode into Concord Saturday night on a wind which had its origin ih the west where temperatures rang ing from 18 above to 12 below zero carried suffering to many. The public generally did not antici pate the decided Aange in tempera ture and for that reason the cold was more pronounced. Persons without overcoats were seen on the streets fn numbers Saturday afternoon, but the only persons who ventured out with out them Sunday were those who had none. Police officers on duty Saturday night state that temperatures dropped to 15 above zero during the night and so far as is known, the temperature Sunday was -cover above 22 degrees. There is no official government weath er bureau here but many persons kept tab on the weather with individ ual thermometers and t|ie average temperature for the day was 20 above. At 6 o'clock Sunday night the mer cury started on another tumble and dropped rapidly to 18 Above. Per sons who watched its progress during t)ie night report that it touched 8 above at 4 o'clock this morning. At 7 this morning a thermometer at the Pearl Drug Store resigtered 9 above I and one afe Gibson Drug Store was down to 5. i Plumbers were in demand Sunday and today, with the greatest number of calls reported this morning. Froz eti pipes were the, rule rather than the exception. Auto owners in many instaces also found the change in weather very costly for frozen radiators were re ported in great numbers. Many cars which were placed in garages Satur day night refused to move Sunday morning anil a few others are said to have frozen during the day after leaving warm garages early in the . morning. Falls for fuel were received by city officials from a number of families, it is said, and in most instances the fuel was furnished. It is said that more calls would have been received had not many families been given fuel op Christmas. Jl Continued cold weather for the re mainder of the day and night is promised, with slowly rising tempera tures later in the week. THREE BASKETBALL GAMES TO BE PLAYED THIS WEEK Wake Forest. Lenoir-fUiyne and High I*nint < cme to -Concord For Con tests With h-.oals. Unless tlie present plans go awry, as did the plan to play White Oak . last week. ( the local Y hoopsters will Itavejl. busy week this week. with.three of -the roughest games on their sched ule to be run off. •• And. with the assistance of the col lege boys who are home from their - respective institutions of leaning, the i visiting basketball fives w'll probabl ly have about all they can handle. I Three games are to be played on the local \ floor. The a Ist conies on Wed nesday when Wake Forest comes to the city for a match. This is the first appearance of the Demon Deacons in Concord In the last three years and fans are looking forward with much interest to the game. Among the players will be Capt. Ober, Greason. Chaokles, James. Green and other players of fame. It is rumored that Emerson will be here to jump Center. Following the Baptists. High Point \ r plays on the local floor for the first time in history. This team beat the locals by a small margin of four pbints at High Point and the Con cord" quint is planning to turn the ‘ tables on it this time. On Saturday night. Lenoir-Ithyne makes it bow before a Concord audi ence, the first appearaik-c of the Luth eran five on the local floor in recent years. Coach. Gurley nas a strong five and will probably make other teams ih the state sita up and take uotee ere the season is over Promi nent among the players on this team is Moose, who is not only a basketball star, but who is a boll pitcher of note, rated as one of the foremost hnrlers in the state. These three games will give local fans an opportunity to observe the playing of some of the best basketball in the state. A large number of peo ple are expected to attend the games. iAII the games ale to be played at the Y gym. Colleen Moore in a Western Comedy. AVith the bustly background of t'ae B est in the making, peopled by faith ful replicas of the period, “The Desert Flower.” latest Colleen Moore vehicle to be released by First National, is now the attraction at the Concord Theatre today. Admirers of this spirited sprite, who have been surprised time and again by her many-sided ginues, will lock upon Colleen Moore quite dif ferent from the one they zeheld in the flapper classics rile has contrib uted to the screen. As Maggie Fortune in “The Desert Flower" Miss Moore is said to have achived her greatest histrionic tri umph. The building of a railroad, with Maggie keeping house in a boxcar for her step-father, who is foreman of the construction gang, supplies inter esting atmosphere for the early Scenes. Lloyd Hughes appears opposite Miss Moore, and in Hie cast are to ] be found such well known character actors as Frank Brownlee, Kate Price, William Norton Bailey, Monte Collins and Gene Corrado. Irving Cummings directed the production. j' Women of the Kashgar oasis weep, at the graves of tneir parents an a demonstration of their ancestor wor-1 ship. Taxes are so high. They cost al- ! most,as much as bootleg booze. CONCORD’S POOR ARB CARED FOR CHRISTMAS King’s Daughters Head Charity In City and Provie For Needy—Gen erotn Gifts Received. Concord’s poor and needy were well provided for this Christmas. A committee from the King’s .Daughter, assisted hy J. H. Brown welfare officer, tobk cane of the pear ih rtiv city nnd county: fri finds ut toil that the Jackson Tralhing School' boys were not forgotten and other friends remembered jiAiatfiS, of the xfflnt.v home and tile jkil. Fiery chse, where ft - tvas known that there Was an actual want, was attended to and the things most need ed were given them, along with the Christinas bags. As is customary at Christmas time, the King’s Daughters took the lead in charity. Seventy “Opportunities'’ were listed and the committee found ho trouble in getting the co-operation ot tlie different individuals, according to Mrs. J. P. Cot*. Among (lie contributors to the “Op oornmiticß" were men’s Bible ciaMffi of the different churches and sevethl of the fraternal organization. Two hundred Ind Sfty wete lifted with fruit ahd candies and were distributed over the county to people, who were having little or no Christ mas cheer. Clothing was distributed to twenty-two families, averaging five children to a family and fuel was given to seven hemes. "All the fuel given ont as an “Op portunity" was contributed by A. B. Pounds, who very kindjy agreed to give to the King's Daughters all the coal they needed in distributing to the poor this Christmas. Another generous gift chine from C. A. Cannon, who telephoned to the office of Dr. T. N. Spencer on the day before Christmas and inquired how many '‘Opportunities" were still not tnken. and later sent a check to cover all needs. He expressed a hope that tiiere would not be a cheerless home in Concord. Tlie King's Daughters iwere loud in their praise of the co-operation of Dr. Spencer, who permitted them to use bis office throughout the campaign Get It At r Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 The All Steel Body Cars ' All vibration has been eliminated by an added ini* provement to •the new improved ford. Ride in one and feel thfe differ^ice. Buy a FORD and SAVE the difference. Let one of our salesmen show you. REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD'S FORD DEALER Corbin ind Church Streets Phone 220 P ■gigjj To Our Faithful Friends Old and New, and to those whose I •friendship we strive 'to deserve, we tender ' BIS MAR q2SSL SHOE to secure contribution* to tbe “PP- I portUteltiea. They were also grate ful to Dewey. Sappenfield, they said, for hi* untiring work in answering all calls relative to information neces sary to placing tbe “Opportunitjee” (properly. ' i I ‘•The committee from tbe King's, Daughters,” satd Mrs. Cook, “realir-1 ing that it was. • season of goodwill j afcd gtOdH " cheer wfflkrd constantly! afflfl <»t> w ertd efcdi&Vored to | Some criticism has been directed ■toward the King's Daughters, it was learner today, about misplaced char ity. Jt *a* pointed out. by Mrs. Cpok, however, that in giving to so IMny families, there are bound - to be some mistaken made and .that any ft ktrrdng these same mis-' takes from being made another year would be appreciated. At the Jackson Training SAooi ex-; etpises were held on Christmas morn ing, with Rev. 8. M. Courtney as the -g>rtlwtfff*l spMdcer. A tree was figrtea hnd the boys of the institu tion sang earole. Well-filled bags . were then distributed, this made pos | siWe through tbe generosity of friends Who contributed over f4OO to tbe Christians fund of the training school. * The Elks played Santa Claus to tbe inmates of the jail, purchasing 21 bags to the nnforunates housed there, the Silver Crash Circle of the King's IHmfrtera presented these bags. Another , King's Daughters circle. Junior Daughters, distributed 32 bags to children Who would not have had any gifts this year. As was customary, the ladies' Aid Society of St. .tames Lutheran Church took gifts and bags of fruits and candy to the men and women of the county home Christmas day. V* “Nomenclature” is a profession of which a woman, Miss I.aura Lee Rogers, of Elizabeth, N. J., is believ ed to have A monopoly. Wr twenty years Miss-Rogers has made a Busi ness of supplying “catchy” names for houses, boats, and commercial products. SoiKT ofthe names suggest ed by her for prepared foods- aud similar products have become known throughout America. YFT) DEPARTMENT STORES 40 54 South Union Street. Concord. N. O Full Fashioned Hose Here Is Exceptional Value Hosiery! That small, but so important item! A you think that you spend too money. on silk hosiery? 'fry this new, full fashioned hose. It*S four ply silkwfth a fib* thread which assures wear. Reinforced Heel and Toe' Southern Railway System Announces Reduced Round Trip Fares on the Straight Certificate Plan to Atlanta, Ga. Account of: The Young Peoples Missionary Convention, Southern v/ Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga., December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1925 Delegates should purchase one-way tickets going trip, securing cer tificates from ttCkct age Pt. Certificates will be honored by ticket agent for tickets returning at half fare, provided their are. 250 delegates present holding certificates. , DON’T MISS THIS CONVENTION. WONDERFUL PROGRAM. Travel via Southern Railway. . Fine trains. Excellent schedules. Dining ear service, g For further information, tickets arid'pullman reservations, rail on Shy Southern Railway Agent or address: M. E. WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, Ticket Agent Division Passenger Agent, Concord, X. C. 237 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. - . ■# mIuBSI L.- Atwater Kent NOT VI)I() ■ ||k BUT THE R ADIO M LeKUs Give You a I Demonstration , fg Yorke & Wadsworth Co. TttS OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE • Save Your Christmas Money By Spending it at KIDD-FRIX’S # All Holiday Goods including Pictures, Frames, Mir rors, Games, Toys, Flowers and Pottery— Reduc ed. Don’t forget your New Year’s Greeting . C«trds-—we have a great line. ' *»•')'*■ '£/’* KIDD-FRIX Music and Statloneiy Co. Inc* Phone 76 58 S; Union St. / Concord. N. C. Monday, Dec. 2s, 1925

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