PAGE FOUR i h£SS I' W.jfc SHERRILL, Associate Editor HI MEMBER OP THE P ASSOCIATED PRESS £■*• UW Associated Press is exclusively K Untitled to the use for republication of K. nil news credited to it or not otherwise K Credited in this paper and also the lo p cal news published herein. All rights'of republieation of spec | fad dispatches herein are also reserved. Special Representative K: FROST, LANDIS A KOHN 1J- 225 Fifth Avenue New York s Peoples’ Gas Building, Chicago 1004 Candler Building, Atlanta Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Concord, N. C., un to the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; In the City of Concord by Carrier: I One Year $6.00 ¥'■: Kit Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 F {Hie Month .50 Outside of the State the Subscription I Is the Same as in the City g. Out of the city and by mail in North Carolina the following prices will pre r vail: KOne Tear , $5.00 Six Months 2.50 Three Months 1.25 LesS Than Three Months, 50 Cents a Month AH Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance f RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect Nov. 20, 1925. Northbound i No. 40 To New York 9:28 P. M. * No. 136 To Washington 5 :05 A. M. I No. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. I No. 34 To New York 4 :43 P. M. i No. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. » No. 12 To Richmond 7 :10 P. M. f No. 32 To New York 9 :03 P. M. Rt No. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M. Southbound F* No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55 P. M. £ No. 85 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. *;/ No. 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. i No. 33 To New Orleans 8 :25 A. M. -v No. 11,To Charlotte 8:05 A. M. f No. 185 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M. f» No. 89 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. „ Train No. 34 will stop in Concord v, •to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Sr. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from be yond Washington. £ All trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. |r^ B i B^TOOUGH Tf I M —FOR TODAY—I ||| Biblo Thought* memorized, will prove * || HI priceless heritage in after ream jttj CHRISTS BENEDICTION : Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.—John 14:27. AGENCY FOR ORGANIZED CHAR ITY NEEDED. The list of “Opportunities” prepared for Christmas shows the need of an or ganization to do charity work in Con cord. It is fine for tile nissly persons to be cared for at Christmas time but it would be still better if they were cared for the year through. We make the plea for organized charity after commending the King's Daughters, the county welfare officer and other organizations and individ uals for the very- efficient work they are doing alog tnhis line. Their work is hadnicapped, however, by lack of funds and it seems to us that such funds should be available at all times. Any organization that does not spec ialize in charity work is of necessity hampered by lack of money. At pres ent charity work in Concord is con ducted more or less on funds given by the county or individuals who are can vassed for some specific cases. In other words there is not fund suffi ciently large and available at all times to care for the needy cases in the city. And if Concord had a charity or ganization officials of the organization could keep in touch with conditions. I'hcy would know at all times just where help was needed. We are cer tain J. H. Brown, county welfare of ficer, would give such an organization fine co-operation. Mr. Brown during his tenure of office has shown a splen did consideration of the needy peo ple of the city and county, but the duties of his office are so numerous and he can’t devote all of his time to these people. Take a newspaper with the list of “Opportunities” printed in it and you will see that in many eases a request is made for food. We repeat, it is indeed fine to give these people food for Christmas but what about the rest !of the year? If they need food on | Christmas day won’t they need it the day after Christmas and the day af ter that? And the colored people of Concord. Who looks after them on Christmas? Are they included among the “Oppor tunities?” We know- for a fact that there are many instances in which ne need food and fuel and clothing, and they -need it just as badly iu Jan uary and February and other months as they do oh Christmas day. • Restrict the “Opportunities" to children Who need toys and other Christ mas gifts and give tite city an 'organized charity, is the suggestion we would make. Then We would have the satisfaction Os knowing that the charity work 1* ably carried on sow by organisations and Individuals would be more efficiently operated on •‘larger scale. sfet. Js - „ «i)v» -Mt m' »■ *y , ..,. EVERYTHING. This wall-known picture of Henator Borah is by Walter Uppinan of The &Jf«r York World and appears in For eign Affairs for January: Jfcfe has been against the league, and against the court, and against the Pa cific pact, and against the British funding arrangements, and against the Wilson-Hughes Russ’an policy, and against the CaTribean policy , and against the Isle of Pines treaty, and | against the exelusion of Count Karolyi | and Mr. Saklatavala, and against the alien property administration. and against the bonus, and against the child labor amendment, and against Cooldige republicanism, and against LaFollette insurgency. He is an in stinctive conscientious objector, and his mind seizeig swiftly upon the rea sons why anything that is about to be done should not be done. His pas sion is to expose, to ventilate, to pro test, to prevent and to destroy. Since he does not have a hankering to cre ate institutions, pass laws, or facili tate agreements, he has no use for the reticences and frustrations that required in public affairs. Thus, tor example, he was once arguing with Senator Brandagee that treaties should be discussed publicly in the senate, and Mr. Brandagee made the point that too much plain speech might give offense to foreign countries. “What are these delicate questions," retorted Sen ator Borah, “which may offend for eign powers? These delicate ques tions are too often questions of dub ious righteousness.” We have to have our Borahs, how ever. They are always on the job and for that reason they undoubtedly cheek much objectionable j legislation. However, there must be no majority of them. They are worthless as a min ority ; they would be disastrous as a majority. GENERAL BUTLER OUT OF A JOB? Brigadier General Butler has been “kicked out” of his job in Philadel phia : he has resigned from the ma rines and on the New Year finds him self without a job of any kind. General Butler was sent to Phila delphia to clean up that city. He went after the crooks, he says, and would have succeeded in liis work if the Mayor and other officials had giv en him any support. They refused to aliow him to go after the higher ups, he charged. Still General Butler was willing to stay on the job. That's the thing we can't understand. He says he couldn’t do what he started out to do because he was hampered. He says that May or Kendrick handicapped him and that the /Mayor protected the big crooks. Then why did General But ler want to stay on in Philadelphia? President Ooolidge stated some time ago that he would not "loan" General . Butler to Philadelphia for another year, so General Butler resigned from the Marines so he would be eligible for a job that he admits was not suc cessful as directed by him. It seems that the General would have wanted to get out of Philadel phia he would have left some time ago instead of staying until be was “kicked out.” AMERICANS COMPETE WITH FOREIGN GINNERB Try to See Who Can Reach Highest Efficiency in Producing Best Short Cotton at Adana. Adana, Southeast Asia-Minor. Dec. 28.—Three young Americans, who have faith in the future of Adana, are engaged in 0 competition with the Belgians and Turks to attain the highest efficiency in producing the best short cotton. They are Robert H. McDowell, of New York; Thomas H. Bower, of Middleburg, Pa., and Ivy E. Valentine, of Waxn hatehie, Texas. Under the name of the Anatolian Cotton corporation, the Americans are completing the construction of a $100,600 plant designed to gin 15,- | <*oo bales of cotton monthly. It stands between a Belgian and Turk ish owned plant. All three plants are equipped with ! the latest American machinery, but all of different types and different makers. All three are guarded jeal ously. least a rival should diseovwy the type of machinery and the de gree of success the competitor is making in producing tiie best cotton after it is ginned- The cotton is the short “holly” variety arid the annual crop is 150.000 bales. Argrntine Wheat Crop Not So Large. Raleigh, Dec. 28.—04*)—Argentine wheat forecasts are lower, says a bul letin of the United States department of agriculture, just received here. The second estimate for wheat pro duction in Argentine places the crop at 214.785.600 bushels, a decrease of nearly twenty million bushels from the first estimate of 235.157.000 bush els made in November, according to a report from the International Insti tute of Agriculture at Rome. The flaxseed estimate remains un changed, being placed at 75,000,000 bushels. Oats, barley, and rye have all improved slightly, amounting to 84,808,000 bus'.iels for oats, compared with 82.674,000 in the first estimate; 13,595.000 for barley, compared with 12,410.000; and 4,330 for fy.e com pared with 3,937.000. Production of these crops in 1924- 25, according to the final estimates. Was 191,138,999 bushels for wheat; 45.084.000 for flaxseed; 53,456.000 tor oats: 8,981.000 for barley; and 1,457JHK) for rye. / Seasonable weather prevailed in general over the grain *fe* of Ar gentina during the week ending De cember 14th, according to a report to the, weather bureau. \ No Let-Up in Work on New Duke Buildings. Durham, Dec. 28.—Construction work on the 11 oew buildings at Duke University is being pushed to ward completion, and will continue the .holidays, The $6,- OOOjOOO HaUdiag jgktmn," the first Mg unit, must be completed within n year, according to the contract. ' The bald eagle Is not really Bald, . hot from a distance it appear* to be I fie. Its head, and part of its neck ,«■* pure white. ARCHAEOLOGY AIDING THE BIBLE TEACHERS Bishops Says It Is Proving Authen ticity of Old Testament / Nashville. Tenn., Dec. 28.—(^)— Archeological investigations will prove the authenticity of the Old Testament and destroy destructive criticism of the Bible, declared Bishop H. M. Du- Bose, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in an address here recently. ♦Authenticity of the Qld Testa ment will be proved and destructive criticism of the Bible will wane with the revelations of archeological -in vestigations,” declared the bishop, wpo expects to accompany ail expedition next spring which will have as its goal the uncovering of the site of the city of Sechem, the early home of the Israelitism patriarchs, and the mak ing of other archeological surveys in Bible lands. “Everybody knows that in our time faith in the Bible,” said the speaker, “has been sorely disturbed and sadly distressed. This is known to Chris tian and to Jew alike. It is known to the people in the churches and the synagogues, as also to the people on the outside. “What has brought about this dis tress upon Bible faith? The ques tion is answered in one word: Criti cism. The idea, more properly, is destructive criticism, a perverted crit icism which-has gone so far away from its original purpose as to be come an attack against the Bible, rather than an attempt to explain its composition and contents. “But since the close of the World War. a new era has dawned for Bible criticism. The foundations of the old, destructive criticism are be ing discredited and destroyed. Schol ars and men of science every where are turning back toward old-tiirie be lief in the Holy Scriptures. ’ This is particularly true in Germany, the land of old offending. It is also largely true in England. In America do the lines of pragmatism hold with aftything like a show of persistence. Another fifty years will suffice to com plete the reversal of the verdict of the old destructive school against the Bible. "What, now. let us ask. has been the cause of this so great reversal of critical thought throughout the world? The answer again is found in one word. That word is “archaeology." Bible archaeology has been like a new law from Sinai; a new sermon on the mount. Since the World War, the results of archaeology have been summed up; and the resuit in the way of Bible proof is tremendous.” WITH DEATH GOES MARKET VALUE OF MOVIE STARDOM People Will Not Go to See Picture in Which Dead Star Is Featured. Hollywood, Calif.. Dec. 28.—OP)— Why the public will pay money to read a dead man's books, see a dead man's plays or hear a dead man’s music, and i yet invariably will spurn the acting of a film star who has died, is a question which perplexes motion picture producers. Particularly puzzling it is when it is considered that the average film fan never sees the living body of his favorite actor, but only the reflection of that body upon the screen. Yet when a screen celebrity is buried, liis other self upon the film is buried too, just as effectively, it seems, as if the actor and his celluloid counterpart had been boxed in the same coffin. When John Bunny, the popular comedian of early movie days, died during the height of liis fame it was accepted as a foregone conclusion by officials of Yitigraph, the company which had featured him in soores of productions, that his motion picture immortality was assured. His death they thought was an opportunity to demonstrate a great movie miracle — the power that is in the films to make a man live on beyond the grave, as real, as lifelike to his audiences as if he never had died. But the public dropped John Bunny with emphatic suddenness. His com pany found Bunity’s pictures werp a drug on the market. He was dead; the papers had said so; and film fans declined to pay motley to see the shadow of a man scarcely any of them had ever seen in the flesh. His pic tures died with him. When Sidney Drew died an attempt was made to continue showing the de lightful comedies of married life in which he and Mrs. Drew had risen to popularity. The attempt Tailed. Similar were the exiwrienees with Harold Lockwood, Olive Thomas, Jack Bickford’s wife, and_with Wal lace Reid—invariably the public re jecting fimis which, had the featured stars been alive, would have run on and on until the celluloid wore out. Odd Pranks of the Law. Last June John Washington, ne gro. was to have been electrocuted in the Oklahoma state prison as a reusit of his conviction for murder. But Warden Key forgot and did not discover his mistake for tVo months. Then the courts fixed a date in No vember for Washington to die. How ever; an 11th hour reprieve was grant ed only to have the court of appeals refuse to Interfere. .And so the man went to the electric chair still hop ing for a Christmas commutation in riew of the circumstances. Tyrus ('lark, now in the Arkansas state prison, will 'He executed for mur der to which another man has con fessed. It happened in t'.iis way: Clark and Boyd Jewell robbed a bank at Sulphur Springs. L. M. Stout, president of the bank, was killed. Both bandits were convicted of his murdet, but Jewell was sentenced to 49 years in prison while Clark re ceived tile death penalty. Recently Jewell made a statement in which he claimed that he alone shot Stout. Governor Terral considers the con fession false. | While Hie English railways do. not build their fassetiger coaches wholly 6l Sthe’,, hs hne become the custoih ii» America, it Ig their usual practice to firepfddf all the timber used in the construction of the cars. The trortt of tore in a cottage is that the love doesn’t last anti the cot tages does. THE "6oNCOftD DAILY TRIBiIINE FERTILE VAULET OF WEST MAT REVERT TO A DESRRT I-o» Angeles Has Diverted the Water To Its Own Use. Bishop. Calif., Dec. 28.—(4*j—■Gw ens Valley, cradled on tjie western slope of the high Sierras, once a fer tile, productive region ’where cattle roamed its grascy floor and fruits and grfiins grow iu abundance, is threat ened with return to the desert wastes frpm which hardy pioneers reclaimed it more thafi half a century ago. Water, the perennial point of con troversy in the West formerly flowed through Owens Valley between the banks of the Owens River and into canals and ditches dug by the early settlers to irrigate the fields and or cards. .Now it has been diverted into the Los Angeles aqueduct to sup ply the needs of the city, 235 miles southward. " Citizens of the valley declare the city used arbitrary methods to get the water, when, ’in 1905, an agent, al leged to have }>een disguised as a fed eral official, dntered the region and made filings along the Owens river for some forty miles. His filings in cluded storage .fights which the valley people had given back to the govern ment in exchange for what they un derstood to be a project to reclaim 150,000 acres of thi desert stretches. Toe agent, they say, later proved to be employed by the city of Los An geles. Instead of the reclamation project, the city announced plans to bnild an aquedeut and carry the water southward. During the four years of drought that followed the first land acquisi tion. the city negotiated with ranch ers for rights along canals and ditches, and raon obtained virtual control Os one of the larger canal systems. Its waters were diverted into the aque duct. leaving adjoining ranriies arid. Resentment, -generated through the years, found a climax the night of May 21, |924, when forty ,or fifty raiders dynamited the huge concrete headgates, near the first large reser voir at Haiwee. No krrests were made, however, and the explosive, deftly placed/ failed to damage the aqueduct materially. Investigators be lieved it an act of warning rather than a move to cripple the water system. Late in November the same year an open demonstration of protest wa<- made when scores of the rwichers seized the Alabama waste gates, 60 miles south of Bishop, and opened them, allowing the stream to flow into the parched bed of the Owens Riv er. * The valley is approximately 100 miles long and varies in width from five to fiftffiuniiips. It has a popula tion of 8.000. including the four prin eipal towns. Lone Bine, Independence. Big Bine and Bishop. THE FARMERS FEDERATION Rapidly Spreading Over the Matin tain Sections of North Carolina. Asheville, Dec. 28.—1 V. Scott Hade ker, financial secretary of the Farm ers Federation, Inc., an organization of western North Carolina people for the development of the ' mountain farm, has resigned. His resignation became effective last week. Mr. Radeker was employed by the federation last March ns financial secretary, and the task of increasing the capital stock of the farmers as sociation to three Kmndred thousand dollars through the sale of preferred stock was assigned to him. At the tine the capital stock was one hun dred and sixty thousand dollars. The campaign organized and direct ed by Mr. Radeker through the spring and summer months was unique iu trial it contemplated raising the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to complete the financing of the farmers organization from among the bii-i --ness and professional men of Ashe ville. Its appeal was based upon graphically presented facts calculated to bring out dearly the benefit to the urbanite that lies in co-operating wiill the farmer. After several months of preliminary organization and edu cational work in Asheville the cam paign which was patterned largely on the modern drive methods, went over in the scheduled four days with an over-subscription of more . than ten thousand dollars. Nowadays nearly all cigarettes arc machines-made. though ill some factories there are arilf employed nimble-fingered girls who can make 2.500 of the “fags” a day. But ma chines can turn out 400 finished cigarettes a minute, or 190,000 in an ordinary working day. One farming corporation in Mon tana cultivates nearly 75.000 acre* of land. Using only power machinery. —PERFUME— The Perfect Gift D’Oraay. presents their perfumes to the increasing demand qf the Ameri can woman, who always knows, seeks the best, Who loves the beautiful and insists oh quality. . 0 D fc U R S Chevalier, Tojours. Fidelc, Charme, Mimosa, Chypre, Rose Jaquiminot, Myguet, Jasmine Bold Exclusively Ry Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store ’ WANTED To supply your needs in Ap-, pies, Oranges, Candies,”Nuts and Raisins. NJypeeial Prices qn Quantities for Chrtetrtiks Trees. Cabarrus Cash ' Grocery Co. Cupyrighl P F CMM*r « Son Co. anil A P. Putnam', Sana ••BOBBED HAIR* with Marie Prevest Is a plrturisatlon at this story by Ttntr Bros. Plctares, In*. SYNOPSIS Connemara Moore, instead of an nouncing her engagement tonight, as ; the neas expected to do, stole away from Aunt Celimena’s, being assisted in her escape hy young David Lacy, i whom she had never seen before. i There followed hours of wild adven ture, in the company of strangers who | talked much of rum-running. Now I Lacy, aboard a motor boat, believes he has resound Connie—who was lost— but the woman he if addressing keeps her face averted. > CHAPTER Xll—Continued "I’m beginning to think I'm in earnest. J’m wishing we were both out of this. 'l’m wishing we were out somewhere on the plains of Kansas where there’s a train once a day biggest excitement of the year is V, church supper fallow ed by sterehpticon slides of the Holy Land.” “Don’t be silly,” said Aunt Cen mena. who was fealty having a bet ter tirpe than she had had for years. "I’m silly because I’m scared,” said David Lacy. “Dofi’t you know that’s the way frightened people al ways act in fiction? Think of the noble heroes of the war un der shell fire. The more certain the death, the higher the grade of humor.” Aunt Celimena cleared her throat again. “How much more danger ous do you think our situation will have to become before the quality of a certain gentleman’s levity be comes—shall we say, heightened?” “Lhikind,” said Lacy, “but I laid myself open to it. It’s difficult,net to swat the easy balls hard, even though you put them out.” IJe Picture “There’s ways of thinning a pas senger list.” i stopped. “I feel I shall be of ser vice to you yet, though, before this little joy ride is over.” “I fee) you have been already,” said Aunt Celimena. Then she turned her face full upon him arid by the palish light of an intermit tent moon she studied his features with what might be considered ill bred intenseness. “My God!” said Lacy*. “Yes." she said, “I thought so, It was Auteuil. Your face comes barik to me now, slowfly, and completely lacking in pleasurable associations ” Lacy stared. “Your face doesn't, come back to me at all, but I must say that the present sight is shorn of glamour.” you don’t remember me” snapped Aunt Celimena. “You not looking at me but at some one else.” “I always said I had a record for taste and discrimination,” murmur ed Mr. Lacy. “And now,” said Aunt Celimena, “wheff'is my niece?” “Niece?” > ' “Connemara.” “Well, considerably safer than we •re” said Lacy. “What do you mean?” "Why, since you’re not she, she escaped with McTish." “Who’s McTish? 1 ’ , "Oh, a man of part's,” said Lacy noncommittally. v “I _thinle you’d like' him, and with any luck we’ll meet up with him again some time this night." , "Young man,” said Aunt Cell* mena, “was it my niefce’s plan to he abducted Ijy you this evening, or your own?" “Or possibly a collaboration?” suggested Mr. Lacy. “ft will make considerable differ ence to me in the altering of a cer tain document.” Her face was grim. “My lawyer, Mr. Brewster, is on board -tOO.” .4 SAMI EL FINK WOUNDfeI) FATALLY AT WOODLKAF Dies In Hospital From t YortwCfiit j&ft Ciufishot, S *W^>di ry f Flak. Saturday afternoon. IVih a number hhoOiT ,; " !h -'T? Fiuk ' wa> ta - llet "How prepared \ou are,” mur mured Mr. Lacy. "Do you always travel with cRIe? Now if one gets a cinder in one’s eye how conveni ent to have one’s solicited there to, sue the railroad without interfer ing in any way with the jojjrney.” an absurd and irrelevant young man,” said Aunt Celimena. “I’m only a scared young man,” safd Mr. Lacy. “That’s really true v I happen to know who th\se gentle men are who are aeting as crew on this purloined vessel and 1 happen to have a hunch about their desina tion. There is not perfect amity in their midst, which js our only hope of salvation. But In any event, this is destined to be a spirited journey.” “What, it I may ask, Is our des tination?” said Aunt Celimena. “A ship at sea. A curious ship that has been a long way. It has come fronr the land of slow mov ing rivers, junks, and yellow-skinned sailors. Forests of exquisite beiuty crowd down to the idgfe of the black rippled waters. Poisonous lilies grow upon its surface,, flamin goes and mocking birds flash back and forth above their brief reflec tions. Black fishes with silver fins leap up like shadows on a wall and " “Beautiful,” said Aunt Celimena, “but unimportant.” “You’re right,said Lacy. “Well, that’s where the boat started from lb’s shy a lot of papers, decorated with official stamps, that other boats carry. It took it a loqg time to get here. No short cuts through the Panama, owing to’ the inquisitive nature of certain officials regarding the cargo.” Aunt Celimena’s eyes opened wide. “How do you know?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just guessing.” , “Listen,” commanded Aunt Ccli mena. Two figures had conic closet in the dimness. Pooch and Sivcde were discours ing. “I tell you again you’re a fool to run for it," said Pooch, “with all this party on board. The thing tc do is to land somewheres and beat it.” “Beat it,” retorted Swede sharp ly. “Don't you knew we’re as sutjl now as we would be if we went l through? Might as well die for a sheep’s a lamb, I always say.” “Look here, I won’t stand for no rough play,” said Pooch uneasily. “Then look the other way b you’re so sensitive. I mean to bring back what we started for. If it seems we got too many extraneous souls on board, why, there’s wayi of thfnnin’ out a passenger list.” Swede paused and looked -at hii companion with opprobrium. “Don’ 1 be so durn delicate." “It’s sense I'm talking. I tell you it’s dangerous.”! Pooch strained his eyes out to sea. “You know what I’m afraid of.” “Just the ghost of a Scotchman." “If it was only a ghost,” said Pooch, “I wouldn't be so particular But I tell you therejj. no ghost about him. y None whatever. I’m expecting to see his red head boh up on every wave. I tell you 1 know that pelican now. He's an old bird in the business. If I’d evet guessed he was going to be mixed up in the deal, I wouldn’t have touched it, not for five times fifty thousand. Ah’ that's flat. Say,” Hd added thoughtfully, “you got anj notion how he happened along stj pat tonight? You an’ Doc figgefed you’d covered up your tracks pretty good, Wit this here don’t look like blind llfck, to me. Looks more like there’s' been a leak sbmtwhcrcs." The Swede swore with heartiness %nd some inventiveness, yet Pooch, whose ears were keen in the facg of danger, was sure he caught a note ot apprehension in the other’s tones. He whistled between his teeth shrilly. "So-o—” he exclaimed, ‘There was a leek!" ‘‘Leak/’ Swede said furiously, ahd spat. “Hell! He Was tffe leak him self, the red-headed blankety* btahk—” He improvised freely for half a minute, and then contmued more quietly. “What’d you say to his holdin’ down a job for more than sic months with the Shanghai Line —in the Old man’s private office too. He only blew tonight. I got a mes sage tippin’ me off, from the Big Noise himself. It’s the whole damn show busted wide open; that’s how good a leak it is.” Mr. Pooch drew a long and pain ful breath, and swallowed hard) twice. (To be continued) m that had been thrown into the air the cun fired prematurely and the entire loud entered the body of. Mr. Fink, tearing a great hole In bin (tide and. making a wound that , caused his death shorty after midnight Mr. Fiuk lived hear. Woedleaf and the fuheral will be conducted from t lie Methodist church in that plane MoMhy Uturniug at 11 o'clock. Hy hi survived b hfr parents, twb^u'othefs CBE m ortr pair BELI-HARRiS FURNItURE CQ. * As the year is drawing to a close, we want to thank you, > - one and all fbr the splendid x trade given us during the year and hope that you have had as prosperous a year as we have had. As the New Year dawns, we send you these greetings, wishing the new Year brings you Health, Wealth and Prosperity. jt - ' " . 3 ; ' v. v i BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. Dependoble motive equipment Money is too scarce to spent for any kind o(j equipment that is iyjt en- j tirely dependable.-' We I would not offer any elec-1 trieal equipment that I lacked the guarantee' of I its maker td us. Our guarantee to you is that any motive equipment bought hero must give sat isfaction. •- # I “Fixtures I W. J. HETHCOX W. Depot St. Phone 888 € t e c T R I C Give Huylers this Xmas V Pearl Drug Co. Phones 22 And 722 Monday, Dec. 28, 1925 We carry at all times a complete line of genuine Buick parts, will be glad to supply you. » STANDARD BUICK CO. 0 ' Opposite City Department r * x T U R £ S a*mo. So folks say * • - You’re apt to heed OS ANY PAY . . We figure that you’re «Rrd about hut expert plumbing skill arid about the moderate size of the bill we lentffer for the work wc do. And some day we thinly "-that you may need us and if you do the tele- , phbmrwill spefd us towatd the work we’ll do for you. CONC ? R o D Me P A L N U r iNG m Kerr St. Phone 578

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