PAGE EIGHT CLEAN UP SALE One-Fourth Off on All Heaters Buck’s Parlor Furnace, Buck's Circulating Heaters, Buck’s Hot Blast Heaters. Also one Radio Heater. We have just a few of these on hand, but rather than carry them over to another season, we have decided to close them out at one-fourth off. We have a few Wood Heaters going at $1.45, $1.95 and $2.45. No charge for installing. | CONCORD FURNITURE CO. K.L CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 roAi & V/V/rTJLj Succor, TEN YEAR FARM LOANS Money to loan on Cabarrus County farms at FIVE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, interest payavle Novem ber of each year. No inspection fees. No life insurance required. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. Write or phone for information. Thies-Smith Realty Company No. 200 Com. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. PHONES 3278 and 4415 fVee ypWffPW with every' Oriole CAS RANGE flhisfine set free No sale could be more opportune l —\ £ VOU are always rushed for time around Ay ■mu n "ml * Xmas. There are hundreds of extra U -#* fttngs to bedone. Think what anORIOLK 'Heat Control Range will mean to yous It’ll 1* IMI iux.. 1 u|) ,-•* 'eliminate kitchen drudgery and give you % |l/ SpHjP \_JW extra time in which to do the many little l^Jf/ tasks you so want to do. More than that* 1 it'll free you from multiple worries. WKN W |Wj J jlj on ORIOLE Heat Control Range you are; V-2F' content andhappy in the certainty of per-. feet cooking fesuhs. Just put the food in the! This WhoU Meat Aluminum ••een, set the regulator and youoan be out. 1 W «f the kitchen while Xmas dinner ieoook. ! i *ooumz on ling. Whether it is fruit cake, mince pie Os! It 2s specially designed for UKMSt knoerk will bejuet whola meal oeen cooking and oonaisti of one Oval Roaster (i7V4 l *U f x7V4 f ),two3qt.Cen- I Y Fot * w,lh cover * one 1 1 J 111 Tl qt.Conve* Pot erith ring cover. £fpgßpPfeUc=g==sf The pots ere fitted with ring ... Uj covers, so that one pot can be |r 1 * \|jL===4e I eet on top of another. The en -3& i II Til tire eet fits in e 10" even et one Jf/ II IL. time. If lim ir GW thin W tnm. | Xi Maj joor rnnjntodsj. J VU 4k * jma»ni nthmhnn tm M ni. Ant tninj*- mA jM ««m4 H» Undm Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. Sale Ends December 23rd Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord posto&ce is as follows: Northbound 136—*1:00 P. M. 36-1-16:00 A. M. 34 4110 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 50—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135- 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 I’. M. | LOCAL MENTION Miss Mildred (JJass. /who has been ill for several days at her home on Spring street, is somewhat improved. J. F. Rimer, Jr., is seriously ill with , pneumonia at his home on Buffalo street. Don’t fail to see “Tike Keeper of the Bees” at the Pastime next Wed nesday and Thursday. L. 11. Johnson is serously ill at] the home of his daughter. Mrs. .T. Leighton Brown, on Ncith Ghureh ! street. . , Mrs. Martin Hullender, of Augus- * ta. Ga.. has returned to her home af ter spending Christmas in the city 1 with her father, J. F. Harris. 1 Mrs. E. F. Faggart, who has been , seriously ill for several weeks at her home in No. 11 Township, is very \ much improved today, according to rel- ( atives. Mr. ami Mrs. John Graham Webb, j who have been visiting at the home , of Mr. Webb's father, T. H. Webb, re- ( turned today to their home in Hills boro. j Miss Agatha Sides, of Sunderland ( School, and Gomelius Sides, of High 1 Point College, are spending the holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sides. t t Hundreds of gallons of alcohol were sold here by garages and filling sta- " tions Sunday. The cold weather fame as a surprise to many persons and frozen radiators were rather com mon during the day despite the large volume of alcohol which was sold. Chief Talbirt returned Friday Bar tow, Fla., with K. X.. Thompson, wanted here for forgery. Thompson returned to Concord without extradi tion papers and will be given a hear ing tins morning. He is alleged to 'have forged a note at a local bank. 1 Prohibition Agent Widenhouse and Deputy Sheriff Honeycutt seized a 25-gallon still Sunday night in No. 10 township. A barrel of beer was found near the still, which had not been in operation recently. No one was found in the vicinity of the still. Cotton mills in the city resumed operation this morning after a three day holiday for Christmas. The mills ceased operations last Wednesday so the employes would have Thursday i for shopping and Friday and Satur day for visits with friends and rela tives. As is usually the case, many mar- | riage licenses were issued in the coun ty during Christmas week. This sea- ; son is always the most popular in the year for Cabarrus couples and a number secured permits to wed last i week. Tiie list is carried in another | column of this paper today. Police officers report good behavior over Christmas. A number of ar- , rests were made Saturday, but there was little for the officers to do Christ mas Eve and Christmas Day. “Per sons do not get drunk on Christmas like they formerly did.” one officer stated in discussing the mater. Police officers of the city this morn' ing reported 22 cases for trial in re corder's court this afternoon. Most of the defendants, it is said, are , charged with intoxication, with a few charged with having liquor. No ses sion of the court has been held since i last Monday. ' Prof. J. B. Robertson returned Sun- , day from -Alamance County, where he j| spent Christmas with home folks. He I reports that all along the road he j saw persons halted with all kinds of I car trouble, most of the carts halted ■ along the road being frozen. The « thermometer stood at 10 above zero a wheh Mr. Robertson started home. B Vital drama—unconquerable cour-ljj age—the bravery of a world war .hero. || doomed to die, and of a stiame-garbed j | girl, condemned to live —the fresh l who’esomenese of ,the most popular G novelist in the world, the late Gene | Stratton-Porter, and a tale of rare G charm and distinction: “The Keeper Is of the Bees.” At the Pastime Wed- B nesday and Thursday. Fred P, Quay has purchased land | in No. 1 township from A. M. Staf- | ford and ,T. B. Stegall, according to | two deeds filed at the court house, the i purchase prices being given as SIOO | and other valuable considerations and | $24, respectively. Another deed re- | cords the sale of land in No. 11 town-i| ship by the Southern Loan and Trust B Co. to Liu Illackwelder for $250. | Business with local merchants is | back to normalcy this morning after | the Christinas rush. While the stores , were open Saturday business with most of them was very quiet, the drug " stores reporting the bdst business of 1 the day. Some of the business houses started taking inventory this morning, preparatory to winding up affairs for the year. Work was resumed in some of the public schools of the county this morning after a Week’s holiday for Christmas In some of the schools in the county work will be halted another week, these being the schools that teach longer thgn the required six months. Work in the city schools, will not be reeumed until next Mon- 1 4«X. *Whe Egyptian women tbouciht they could strengthen their hair by rub bing it with a donkey’s tooth crushed in honey. | 1 , THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE HEAR TALK OF EFFORT AT BUS CONSOLIDATION Rumors of Options on Lines Operat ing Between Greensboro and Char lotte. Greensboto News. Rumors of efforts at bus consolida tion between here and Charlotteover the much-traveled sections of routes No. 10 to Salisbury and route No. 15 from there to Charlotte, are heard here, with talk of options and a jeon test between two groups to get eoii trol of the traffic. It was learned ’here yesterday that consolidation has been sought but so far has no: been accomplished. The four concerns operating on the two routes seem to be in far better finan cial shape than were those that op erated between here and Raleigh' just before they were bought up by Ham b'.eton and Company, investment bank eds. of Baltimore, and a company known as the Carolina Coach Com pany formed to operated them as an etity. At the time it was supposed-ithat in good time the purchasers of the three lines that had run front here to Raleigh would make attempt* to buy the Greensboto Charlotte op operators cut. hut it does not seem’that those who are said to have made ap- j proaehes to purchase are connected in any way with the Hambleton pgople or the persons who incorporated the Carolina Company. Little information could be secured concerning the matter, other than seme talk of options secured, but no person would allow himself be quoted publicly. The bus business seems to be thriv ing considerably, compared to the lean deeply competitive days of the.pio neers. The union bus station here yesterday was filled with folk going and coming and ticket salesmen and baggage checkers were busy. An air of prosperity seemed to hang over the place and all seemed very peaceful, compared with the old days when bus operators competed fiercely for busi ness. Farmers in South Atrica put trousers on their oxen to protect them from tsetse flies. Why Not Slip “• p*" l us » t Ah! Santa With his bearn y * ihfe. smile and good wish- Xo es, is behind.this idea of _\ giving Slippers to friends an< Llc v ed ones. And that KWy ,' means everybody you V J know. After all,, everyone l vjrMv A iJ does expect qew Slip */jf pers. When they cost so I* f little, why not give vent / * / to this most appreciated f %p36jly j Men’s Slippers— . $1.25 TO $3.45 ) ’ a ST.2 5 5™52.45 • * * Girls’ Clippers— yk k \ 95c T 0 $1.25 \ 95c T 0 $3.95 I Ruth-Kesler \ Shoe Store ImV nA>t- — A * * \ V. •' • . . -la;; .iiiateo.L"; i i s raaSLa' ir i. IHi ai iir i 1 f BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL 667-677 BROADWAY NEW YORK Accommodations For 1,000 Guests In the heart of the down-town business section. Connection to all parts of the City within a few minutes b- from our door NEWLY FURNISHED AND RENOVATED High Class Service At Low Rates Large Banquet and Convention Halls INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause, your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. ; . - i F' HOT WATER IN A JIFF\T ft This gas hot water heater 1 f f is surely a friend in need and 1 ■RF . a friend indeed of every eoolj ■ | \m match and in a few minutes il. Let us install one for yoi* Pays for itself quickly. | E. B. GRADY * PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Otlice ajid Show Room 89 E. Corbin St Office Phone 334 W concord FRODUCKMABKOT! Oily I our Christ- (CotT#ct?l W*ekly by Clin* 4 Mooaef mas Cakes Now ' s** —■ ——-—-„•» Fruit, Pound, -and Layers in g w *»t 7 j, Ten Varieties Turkey* « Onion* „_hot rolls 'a, :--' -S' Froth 4:80 to 7*:00 P. M. Country Ham - , ~ jjjj Delicious Buns and Doughnuts country SHe**** T~ 20 Fresh Every Dajf Young Chicken* .20 The New Bakery 85 South Union Street « , t cb Tribune ' ri,n,!a •«<*. 10 '■. Our Penny ADS. Get Quick Result, Monday, Bee. 28, 1925