PAGE SIX 'Quick Clothing Sale r This Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Overcoats Must Be Moved In a Week 1-4 OFF d •'* ' > MEN’S SUITS MEN’S OVERCOATS BQYS’SUITS 145.00 Suits .$30.00 $35.00 Coats .....$26.25 $20.00 Suite ’ SISOO $40.00 Suits $30.00 S3OOO Coats $22.50 $18.50 Suite sl3 88 $35.00 Suits $26.25 $25.00 Coats $18.75 $15.00 Suite . $11*75 $25.00 Suits . .$18.75 $20.00 Coats $15.00 ’ $12.50 Suite .. s9*3B $20.00 Suits $15.00 $17.50 Coats $13.13 SIO.OO Suite '. .!. $7.50 One lot of Men’s Suits, fine quality, mostly small sizes, a few 38’s and 40’s. These Suits sold as high as $45.00. The entire lot on floor. Will go for SIO.OO per suit. Come and get your share of these Real Bargains. ' . , i RICHMOND FLOWE CO. j Concord, North Carolina :‘‘ . « - - ■ - " " • -- 1 ■ . : i : !• ® I Today s events. ■St Tuesday. December 29. 1925. of the birth of William H|&teqsrr. noted Maryland jurist. BjSeventy-five yearn ago today saw I « beginning of the second Kaffir Etr in Kouth Africa. B pne hundred years ago today died ■ cquesv Louis David, celebrated B fench -painter and a favorite of B tpolcon. . ■ Thirty years ago today the world ■g stiri-ed by news of the Jamesson Bid infjj th<> Transvaal. Appending representatives of a num- B of -Protestant denominations in Bmeriea will be speakers at the In- Braehomirmtionnl Student Confer- Bfe which opens today at Evanston. scientists throughout the Hiked States. Canada and Mexico Ell attend the formal opening of the Blabody Museum of Natural History Wk 1 >qr •••♦ I' Jr -:■ !r^\ I at Yale University today. Kappa Alpha, the only general college fraternity with a membership confined exclusively to Southern col leges, opens its biennials convention today at Richmond, Va. May Solve Cyclops Mystery. The accident to the naval collier Orion may explain the fate which overtook hey sister ship, the Cyclops. A disaster was narrowly averted when the plates on the Orion were sprung during a severe storm off Vir ginia. Her keel was twisted under the strain of straddling choppy waves. The Orion was heavily loaded at the time but managed to make port though leaking. The disappearance in 1918 of the Cyclops, with a full cargo and 290 persons on board, is one of the many mysteries of the sea. This huge ves sel, almost similar to the Orion, was never heard from after leaving the Barbados though equipped with radio and lifeboats. Germany has no rec ord of any of her submarines torpe doing the Cyclops. It is possible that she met the fate which so nearly befelll her sister ship. This conjecture has been left with the naval court appointed to deter mine if the Orion's construction was faulty. Has Cat 19 Years Old. Anna Norman, of St. Paris. Ohio, who is only 14 years old, has a cat which is five years older than she is. “He is pure white,” Anna says, "weighs 12 pounds and is 1!) years old. and is just a common cat—not any one breed that we know of.” Do any of our readers have a cat which they know to be older than Annas' cat? THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE t \ . MEMPHIS READY FOR YOI'NG METHODISTS Plans Rapidly Maturing For Enter tainment ofthe 5.0(H) Delegates. Memphis, Tenn., the date for the Methodist young people's convention close at hand, plans are rapidly maturing for the entertainment of the 5,0(50 delegates expected to arrive in Memphis with in the next ten days, it is reported by *he Rev. R. E. Nollner. executive secretary of the convention move ment. Mr. Nollner has moved the con vention headquarters from Nashville to Memphis and is now working out the last details with the steering committee and other local organiza tions. Mr. Nollner reports that he is delighted with the response and in terest manifested not only by local Methodist but the city at large. The success of the conventioili is assured, be declares. Convention dates are December 31, 1925, to Jauuarv 3. 192(1. Three thousand delegates have al ready enrolled and applications are pouring in at the rate of from 200 to 300 a day. according to reports from the convention headquarters. On account of the mounting interest, the dead line for registration has been fixed for December 25. By Christmas day it is expected that every place will be taken. At a recent dinner meeting in Memphis, at which were present the steering committee and other con vention workers. Mayor Payne an nounced that the city was in read iness for the visitors, and no pains would be spared fortheir pleasure nnd comfort. Arrangements have been made for special trains over practically all roads running into Memphis. Plans are also being made whereby the dif ferent state and conference delega tion will be, as far as practicable, entertained together. Plans for the approaching conven tion have been in the making for the pa t two years, says Mr. Nollner. While the idea originated sh the Epworth League organization, seven agencies of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South, are sponsoring /he convention, namely, the Board of Missions, Board of Education. Lay Activities, Sunday School Board, Methodist publishing interests. Wo man's Minsionary Council and the Epworth League Board. It is expected that the Methodist young people’s contention in Mem phis, December 31, 1925, to January 3, 1926. will be epoch-making, not only in the Methodist Episcopal, South, but in the annals of young people of America. Funikp Mitani, of Kyoto, Japan, has been awarded the cup annual bestowed upon the “perfect girl” in the senior class- at- Mount Holyoke College. It is the first time that any foreign student has received this highly prised reward. The cup ia given to the member of the graduat ing class on postore, proportions, weight and general fitness. . "i* l ; a"."V, I.f 1":.'.,), tJ : ‘ . . Shining Examples. The rathfimler. There died recently in separated cities two men whose lives should be examples to others. After a remarkable useful career of 82 years, the Rev. Dr, Russell Con well. lecturer and educator, passed away in Philadelphia. Unnumbered people, old and young, have cause to remember him. He was often re ferred to as the "penniless million aire" because the large fortune earned from his speeches and writings was used to educate needy and ambitious young men. Even on bis deathbed Dr. Conwell found time to pen the following lines of inspiration which he called “My Prayer”: “I ask not for a larger garden, But for finer seed. I ask not for a more distant view. But for a clearer vision of the hills between. I ask not to do more deeds. But more effective ones. I nsk not for a longer life, But a more efficient one.” Heavy Lansburgh, of Washington, was prominent in fraternal and other circles. His will stipulated that the mausoleum containing his body should bear the simple inscription, “Call Me Henry,” as he was known to a host of friends and admirers. But this was not the thing that wins mention of Mr. Lansbnrgh's name in these columns. Rather, it was his broad sympa thies, civic pride and generosity. Though a Jew, he gnve freely to in stitutions of many faiths. In re membering Protestant and Catholic clergymen alike, he called them his “very dear friends.” Negro and white orphans, without distinction, and the aged, the sick and the infirm have reason to honor him. If there were more Dr. Conwelte nnd Henry Lansburghs in the world the path to peace would not be so hard. “Say It With Flowers.” The Pathfinder. A peculiar custom has grown up in the underworld of Chicago. Whenever a gangster, gunman, root logger, cut-throat or thief passes in his cheeks his pals buy thousands of dollars worth of flowers for his funeral. At a recent burial the flowerß coat $30,000, It is hard to unndenitand such an esthetic, not to say feminine, taste among /uch rough-bark men. Pos sibly they think that flowers enough will offset the bad odor of a criminal, misspent life. It is apparent that a sort of rivalry in the matter has sprung up. If things go on in the same direc tion and at the preeent rate, there will be 0m much money in the flower business at Chicago as-'in bootleg liquor. Kentucky now has three women county Sheriffs and a fourth will I take office anuary 1. Two Richest Men in the World Never Went to College V J 9 I *;j^iiw o i || & jpp x> JB ; H ) CHICAGO—The two richest men in the world, Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller, never went to col lege, it was pointed out by Presi dent Jesse Grant Chapline of La Halle Extension University, in an address here at an educational con ference. “When men can succeed In the world of business as well or bet ter without a college education, it indicates something wrong with education,” said President Chap line. “Os twenty-three industrial companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, fourteen are oper ated by men who never went to eelleae. Letter to Pape Draws Fire. The Pathfinder. The action of Clinton N. Howard, chairman of the united committee on prohibition enforcement, in asking the pope to use his influence to make Catholics in this country obey the dry law has led to these develop ments : Several Protestant bodies represent ed on the committee have disclaimed both responsibility nnd knowledge of the letter. A few have severed their connections with the group. A large number Os Catholic organi sations stamp the move aq “impu dent.” They especially protest that part of Howard's letter to the Vati can which read aa follows: “As a Mend of Catholics, as well as spokesman of many patriotic citi- “Julius Rosenwatd, head of Sears, Roebuck .and Company, started in business when ho was sixteen years old. Lord Lever hulme, the soap king of Great Britain, Charles M. Schwab, and James A. Farrell, steel magnates, and John Wanamaker, Philadel phia merchant and former Post master General of the United States, began business at the same age. “James B. Duke, the tobacco manufacturer who recently be queathed nearly $100,000,000 to found a university, A. W. Douglas, shoe manufacturer. John D. Archi- »nB, I am filled with deep regret in bringing to the attention of yonr holi ness the fact that the Deeming indif ference, if not opposition, on the part of so many Catholics to the enforce ment of our prohibition law bus creat ed a great deal of opposition to the Catholic Church and did much to call into existence the Ku Klux Klan.’’ “I«ove of America and its funda mental institutions did not direct the hand that wrote this letter,” declares the Rev. John Burke, general secre tary of tfte National Catholic welfare conferenced Howard is held responsible for the letter sent the president attacking his stand on the dry law and since repu diated by various member organisa tion* despite tht chairman’s claim that it waa “authorised and approved” by f ..IT*- , Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1925 bold of the Standard Oil Company, * and John N. Willys, the automo bile manufacturer, are among men who started in business life as boys of thirteen yean. “If we could get college educa tion that would produce results like that there would be no complaints Os it. The education of which then is never any criticism is that which puts knowledge in a man’s mind;' by which he can make his way to success. The fault with higher’ education in America is that it has' tended to become a social asset, rather than the kind of training that enables a man to win in the ' struggle of Ufa.* t the committee. Subsequently How ard was not invited to a banquet at which all important prohibition bodies gathered. Mr. Ooolidge refused his request for an audience. It is said that Howard is seeking Bryan’s toga. He is somewhat simijar in appearance to the Commoner, having a bald head and fringe of bnshy hair. , Fifteen hundred dollars a year is an average income for a stewardess on a big frans-atlantic liner, and when she gets well known and is given regular employment she may earn as much as threp thousand a ' year. y-t>- There are still in existence in New England old blue laws whieh forbid women to smoke in public.