PAGE EIGHT It li- BHb / K CLEAN UP SALE One-Fourth Off on All Heaters, Buck’s Parlor Furnace. Buck’s Circulating Heaters, Buck's Hot Blast Heaters. Also one Radio Heater. We have just a few of these on hand, but rather than carry them over to another season, we have decided to close them out at one-fourth off. We have a few Wood Heaters going at $1.45, $1.95 and $2.45. No charge for installing. CONCORD FURNITURE CO. K.L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 fOAT Mortar Colors TEN YEAR FARM LOANS Money to loan on Cabarrus County farms at FIVE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, interest pavavle Novem ber of each year. No inspection fees. No life insurance required. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. Write or phone for information. Thies-Smith Realty Company No. 200 Com. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. PHONES 3278 and 4415 £Vee yilWffrW with every' vmk Oriole CAS RANGE flhisfine set free*. No sale could be more opportune l 1 yOU are xlwxy* ruthed for time .round I—■ XnMi There ere hundreds of extra ■ Odnge to be done. Think whetenOßlOLK |Omte,-v £^%SjlK 'Meet Control Range will mesn to youlltn T|~wr || H] altminete kitchen drudgery end glee you \ |WJ T-Hjr % w extra time in which to do the msny little tasks you eo warn to do. More than that, kill free you from multiple worries. With V rmj ■ HI an ORIOLE Heat Control Range you ere w —V content end happy in the certainty of per-. fact cooking results. Juet put the food in the'. This Whole Meal Aluminum oven, set the regulator end you oen be oov; r'„t • „ r w of the kitchen while Xmasdinnw iacook.' Lookmg Set Whether it Isfrditcake,mine*pW or. It is specially designed for ifosst turkey, you knowit will be just right* whole meal oven cooking end consists of one Oval Roaster . | ■ir w "T i. (l7% , *ia , a7% , ),two3qteCon- I V Ir " * vex Pots with ring cover, one 1 fl I 1| | qt Convex Pot with ring cover. \ The pots are fitted with ring ... J covers, so that one pot can be —1 set on top of another: The en * RTi I] tV tire set fits in a 16* oven at one I I 11 I * CW thim met Rea. >1 flay your range iwUy, J «e—■—•s»a*s^ jrhfc dfc bmmsi/kl eg msairf (Melt Isifr ym mtfrptktpm mm m 4me*ei ■ \ <*»*»» m flat A* fdmg—mdmmrtm eases 4e» Mas fmimJ : K t Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. »• • • I Sale Ends December 23rd H- • " «. Concord Daily Tribune TIMK or CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postofice & as follows: Northbound 13«—*1:00 P. M. 3ft*-10:00 A. M. 34 4!10 P. U. ‘ 38— 8:30 P, M. . 30—11:00 P. M. v Southbound 39 9:80 A. M. 45 3 :30 P-M. 135 8:00 P. M. > 29—11.00 P, jt. | LOCAL MENTION | All the banks of the city will be closed on January Ist. it being a legal holiday. The weekly meeting of the Concord Rotary Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock. Sir. and Mrs. H. M. Morrison're turned Sunday night to their home in Kenansville, X. C.. after spend ing Christmas here at the hon r of Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Fields. The body of R. .T. AY. Hitt, who died here early yesterday morning at the home of relatives, was sent this morning to Toccoa, Georgia. far burial. The funeral smices will be ■oeld there some time tomorrow.^ According to figures made public Monday 13,130 bales of cotton nad been ginned in Cabarrus County prior to December 13th. For the same pe riod last year 12.252 bales were gin ned. A basketball game will be played tonight between the Y juniors and the Kannapolis juniors, the game to be called at 8 o'clock. The Y varsity will play Lenoir-Rhyne on Wednes day night at 8 o'clock in the Y gym. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sabin and lit tle son. “Sonny,” and Charles R. Burnham, a noted baritone and voice teacher, of AsheviHb. will arrive on Wednesday to be the geusts of Miss Pat Adams, at Dr. IV. C. Houston's. There will be a regular meeting of the Fred Y. McConnell post of the American Region Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Barbecue and all the good things that go with it will be served and nil members are urged to attend. Volleyball practice for the business men's volleyball team will be held to night at the Y. M. C. A. at 6:30 o'clock. All members of the team are urged tv be present to practice for the game against Salisbury to be played on Thursday. Police officers report that $155.55 was collected in fines and pouts in police court Monday. Twenty-two cases were bn docket for trial and in addition to the defendants fined, oth ers were bound over to Superior Court. C. X. Fields, city tax collector, has a notice in The Daily Tribune calling attention,.to the fact that after'Jauu nry Ist a penalty will be added to city taxes. The penalty was postponed from December Ist to January Ist but no further extension will be made. R. L. Thompson, charged with forg ing a note on a local bank and ’ar rested in Florida, was given a hearing in police court Monday. Probable cause in the case was found and he was bound over to Cabarrus Superior Court which will convene here Mon day morning. Street work in Concord has been halted by the cold weather. The ground has been frozen so hard since Saturday that Superintendent R. C. Benfield has been unable to continue regular road work in the city. How ever, Mr. Benfield has his men and teams engaged in hauling cinders and other work that can be made. Gene Stratton-Porter’s great work. ‘‘Keeper of the Bees,” will be shown at the Pastime Theatre not only on Wednesday and Thursday but there will ,be a Xew Year's Watch run Thursday night. The last showing will begin at 10:45 a. m.. December 31, 1925, and will close in 1926. Ad mission. 20 and 40 cents. The cold weather has temporarily interrupted brick work on the new hotel building. It has. been so cold that mortar would have frozen if placed on the brick so for tlint reason the work has been halted. It is planned to rush this work again as soon as favorable weather prevails again.' Continued improvement is reported again today in the condition of C. C. Griffin, who was hurt Saturday, night when struck by an auto at the' inter section of Corbin and Cnion streets, llr. Griffin returnee! Sunnday to his home from the Concord Hospital, where he was rushed after the acci dent. The regular January term, of Ca barrus County Superior Court will convene Monday. The session will continue for two weeks with the first week devoted to criminal cases and the second week devoted to civil cases. Sheriff Caldwell reports everything in readiness now for the opening of the court Monday morning. Finer than “The Girl of the Lim berlost"4_a picture reeking with warmth, vitality, sentiment and move ment ! —the sweet, wholeoime story of a young war hero condemned by phys icians to die within a year and the Mystery 1 Girl whom he married to give her child (as he thought) a name —Gene Stratton-Porter’s finest work, "The Keeper of The Bees.” as the Pastime Wednesday and Thursday. In Turkey and Persia fashionable women dye their hair and the palms of their hands .and the soles of their feet; with henna. W-,0. W. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Gamp No. 16 W. O-i W. Tuesday,‘evening at 7:30 o’eiock In the Pythian Lodge Room. Every member Is urged to be present. B. 0. LITAKER, Clerk.' > r-" ' '• v V f - "t' ' ' nn it* r\ e\ a n «>- TOIDTIMI? Hk ■JH 1 * -k~M. J 9 A » A Sir Galahad of The Loop How & Midnight Meeting Blossomed Into Romance MISS) speak to a ntrangy feiji oa the street at night, ••.•eA.tjfijiifc girl is sobbing and is ev;cfqoT4idi*kresfl ? A strung/ 3CC«ftc« that devel oped it meeting is de in the case, in few he met the girl, at jFxartr' of Chicago’s fa mous "LboiPjPrib rsp: “I hu trdpflid. my way out of Ihe mufepijf (Cdk. and steppetl Into the a store to wait for a street-ete Cfcsa to me steed a girl, her face Kddsr, ic th< col lar of her coat “Her head eemO tomad from me but I caught a ssood that made me forget all abo«k my caj and ihe bitter cold. She trae crying. “Should I sneak Jo hest One is used to all kinds of sights and hold-ups in the city, but there was something unusual about this one. “ ‘What’s ’the trouble, Miss 11 finally asked, uncertainly. “She glanced up, the tears bright j on her lashes. r rhen she looked at me squarely. What she saw must! have won her confidence, for she put hor hand on _ny arm and al most whispered: “ ‘Could you, would you do some thing for me? I am cold—suffer ing so—and haven’t had a bite to eat since yesterday. Would you get me something to eat and a place to stay—and let any explanation coine later?’ “I was puzzled. Here was a gopd-looking, well-dressed young woman asking me for help. I had just a dollar in my pocket. “1 took another look at her pretty face. Well, 1 would take a f chance any time on that face. “A taxi driver soon answered "Shy call, and in a few minutes i Was ushering the giri into my one-roora kitchenette-and-bath apartment. "1 watched her silently as she seated herself near the table and I settled down for a smoke. She sat for a few minutes nervously twisting her handkerchief in her hands. “ ‘I know I owe you an explana tion,’ she began. And what she told me then made me grit my teeth in anger at the coward 1 y beasts who lie in wait for hard working, defenceless business girls; —when they know that their- in- m toiee.lso O l penoi*/jgg No Receiver—at ANY’ price i —equals the selectivity, distance and ~ v 'H clarity of Thcnniodyne t-H U U Ibcnaiodyne Radio Cotp., 1819 Broadway. N. Y. Cltv Jjj RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE We extend to our friends and customers our hearty Good Wishes for the New Year, and may it bring you an abundance of Happiness and Prosperity, and may it our privilege to add to youd success. . t > \ 7 . . . * . MARKSON SHOfe STORE \ ... . 7 : - •- t Sj*;-' t . PHONE 897 Q. A. MOSER, M%r. INSURE ' When You Start hr Build ;: r ;h • The right time to take cut Insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. “ : Fetzer & Yorke Insufonce Agency Successors to Southern Loop and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE > tended victims are alone in the city, far from family and friends. ‘‘Her awful experience in her first job in Chicago had made it impossible to secure other work. Now she was penniless, and the rent for her tiny hall-bearoom was overdue. “ ‘That’s my story/ she con cluded. ‘Now what are you going to do with me?” “ ‘l’ll tell you exactly what Fm going to do with you. I’m going to take you down to a friend’s office next Mondav and he will put you to work “ ‘Bdt ’ “ ‘And in the meantime we will have to make out the best way we can,’ I finished. ‘I can’t take you to a hotel tonight. It is very late, and you have no baggage.’ “She looked up and tried t» smile, but it was a pitiful effort “‘Y’ou have been very gbod to me—-I couldn’t have asked for more —and I will do just what you think —wish ’ “I dropped her hand and jumped to r.:y feet. For a moment I was hurt —hurt because sfie hud taken my kindness cs a bargain of somo sort. ‘So, that’s the kind of a fel low she thinks I am, eh I’ I thought “ ‘Let me tell you something, lit tle.girl,’ I told her heatedly, looking straight into her deep brown eyes. ‘You are as free here as you would be in your own home. I am not. a cad. It’s too bad that you understood. I don’t want any pay or any thanks. I understand your —but that will do for tonight. You are going tc bed—and that very soon. No questions asked.’ “I produced a pair of my pajamas for her, and let down the Murphy bed, telling her that I would go in and bunk With one' of the boys down near the end of the hall, that is, when he came in, which was usually late. Then I turned the hack of the big chair toward the bed and settled myself with a mag azine she went to bed. Sbon I could hear the little movements, the sighs, and then the subdued breathing which made me know she v*as as!Bgp. ,, , The outcome ofttnis “Smart Set” story, which is called “The Fellow She Thought I Was,” proves that love—deep, true and lasting—may often be found in the most unex pected places. r " Going to have a hifher tariff on. lipsticks. But their cost isn’t what •makes kissing so expensive. Florida . seems to want everything in ttie world. St. Petersburg man eyen thought he bad Hergdoll. News from the Riffs. Soldiers eating butter a year old. That's enough to make anybody want to fight. News bns been received by friends of a Laurel, Miss., man tfiat he went hunting without knowing how to handle a loaded gun. .An Oxford student studied so hard he went craay. If you have a boy in college don't let him see this. (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service, Inc.) • : j As manager of the professional hockey team in Pittsburgh, Odie Oghorn hids fair to repeat the bril liant success he made with the Can adians of Montreal. Seven women will wit in the next General Assembly of New Jersey. CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY) DECEMBER 29, 1925 Cotton 18 Cotton seed' 49 1-2 CARD OP THANKS. I wish to express my appreciation for the kindness shown me during the illness and death of my son. MRS. W. A. KENDRICK. 20-lt-p. f JMm HI -JTO,-! DON’T FORGET YOUR . CORSAGES We Make Them Up Attractive Nothing in the world is as soothing or cheerirfg as the beauty of flowers. ~ Mrs. J. A* Walker FLORIST 92 S. Union St. Phone 112 ■ tUTCK! •CQfKi Money back without qOMtier \ t If HUNT’S QUARANTKBt \ SKIN DtSEAIX REMEDIES /iff bV (Hunt*. Salve an. 3o.p>,fcll it f U ft the t/ntm.nt of nan. Senega V J/l Rm*wom,T«tt*rqr ot»«rl*6h treatment at our rUtu , ECZEMAS) Era traatmant at our flak. PEARL DRUG CO. The best sympathy. rr ia only human for a fu neral director to feel aym ’ pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But .it is real sympathy when he recog nizes an obligation to tea to it •that the highest character, of burial equipment ia furnished at honest price*. Such a policy I bee been responsible for the I , success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by ua is the Clark Grave Vault, recognised aa a leader in the vault Indus try,because it give* positive and permanent protection. , WILWTNSON’B FUN , ERAL HOME CaO 9—Day or Night I | JHpSSSSP "JSi i An invitation to ] t. yHf College men home for the AaS holidays— : Before The; Tribune re iO'i' ports “Mr. Will You, who I > has been spending the “I holidays in Concord has -‘T- 1 returned to his studies—” ’" ‘ Tffia we’d like t osee you/ First, we’d liVe to see v how you look—th%n, we* <? want you to look us over. This complete stock of school and college apparel con tains lots of items that you can pack with grace and take back with gain. . Schloss Bros. College Suits and Overcoats.—s2s to $45 HOOVER’S,he. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE" ’ « COAL The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS ( PHONE 244 OR 279 i • ■ - THE CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK HAS NEVER LOST SIGHT OF TKELRROBLffcMS AND REQUIRE MENTS, OF ITS EVER T INCREASING NUMBER k OF CUSTOMERS AND FRI&NDS AND HAS FITTED ITSELF TO CONTRIBUTE A SERVICE COMMEN SURATE WITH THEIR NEEDS. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK CONOORD, N. C. • ''A' '. * - snf • • PHONE 799 t* Our Product is Right—the Price Is Right—the Sdr Tv vice is Right, and this makes a combination Hard to Beat v -. ■i. - ■ > -■ , . P You’ll need some Coal Soon. When you do, remem ber we are here to serve you with the Coal that stands I the gaff. - % -//ft! Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 f HOT WATER IN A JIFF^ This gas hot water heater wv rTI is sorely a friend in need and P a friend indeed of every cooje | match and in a few minutes steaming hot water will rah Let us install one for yo& Pays for itself quickly. I 5 E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER t Office and Shew Room 99 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 384 W CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET Buy Your Christ- (CoAectid Wreklyby Cline A Moore) .I mas Cakes Now paid for produce on the* market :' Fruit, Pound, and Layers in Sweet • Ten Varieties - ' Turkey* .—i . .25 -,i Onions ; ; H m HOT ROLLS " 9»-“ From 4:80 to'7:00 P. M. , nmftitry'STw" -j--- jg Delicious Buns and Doughnuts Orantr? Ww**** Jo •• •» Fresh Every Day - Young Chickens 111””... .So The New Bakery Our Penny ADS. Get Quick Results Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1925

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