Thursday, jan, fk Isl M gjpjPl ipl fj»- “w *- tB ~ W^t,£^— *~ : ' jj buT Ofjß WAY ' ' BY WlLUilfe — ' ' g«wt# ■Pi'll ' ■ Jmmm M m/Mm ■> ‘ ' j -mm^m MsiudPlin / -A > * /weavw? gosh\ s“' .** 'msfmmf cM @t mo! ught&rVxi ■ WWiM'fc MOM‘N jft R AFE ATHER! WV ■, Mfittw' jo* /CA mom * \/rlm 1 would*' evewl jsga| G» rT OFFnj YTiJpy \ Kwovm VA WuZ ON .^B», -TAERE! Thunk r / A,Krr 1 \ There 1 F r o*o**’ IZ%£¥* ' J \im a mole?/ / *'mda seenaJ draOt/ J&sg\ /C V \ neavjm Noof? feet \f /Mmm, / M y iffiS j||| ;. / ~£f gs J A/sfwßb -* [M. Z jM ylt I ’- lit HLROtS ARE. MAOL-kicTT BORM. 1 JJKA>It»«» ~ . .v eit*> BV fct* SCMifc IHC. S ==^oltrN p » p ~~~~" xEY~TAYLOR" 1f / AwMT LUCY '/P y£S LO«CTTA.\ / tLL ™*£j**J ( YOU 3H<SULOM*T> i A CAR’t 1 WASH ) L IT WILL HELP/ ( J > l A eA l^ C I 'lv Uß ) «Y TME ini she G i If ME A LOT 'S MEflfE dN THE J f RIMQ L>AY S J \ -7 BLiTFBTTILL f f AROUND SO < THtf'j^tlfV^Mfe.,~-r' j R6»WS-1 WEBP AU, v )f pslgglllf)iTß; )^| Uy J" r v '^—~\ LOAF OF BREAD FOR \ jM fJI/||V «r VE fioDS CTHis is a 4. Hf brSarfast Hiißßv S ISSipSlsllll L Nf/ml l TfcRIM#LE PREDiCAMENTT j feOVON To ThE BARERV ; ■) t ! MM 0 I'M IN-HOW CAN I EVER 4 BEFORE THEy ' -'■' gif/ HWI § REPLACE THAT HUNDRED 1 Hn c r o cg = —.'T::: 0 K'l ftWIY L DOLLARS X LOST IN < -: jg- \lf«(MM\ I a?y ’Jlljp "flfflfflii'l lit '' : /:*'/ . '■. ' ‘ J ~ i ; ‘ '■■V' v* .t/vJ.;-' '•''- ..-■■■- v. :S THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Haberdasher Says Oar Senators Are Very Old-Fashioned. By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer Wellington, Jen. 27.—“AinT it surprising,” observed a haberdasher 1 know, “how old-fashioned congressmen are V I’d never particularly noticed it myself. “Gosh! yea,” said the haberdasher, “particularly senators. The lower house ain’t so bady. They’re mostly younger men. I guess Chat accounts for. it. But the Senate’s full of old roosters who can remember back to theTivil War, and a lot of ’em stick to the same old styles they wore then.” •»**■. • • * ‘‘Wou’.d you believe it.” continued the haberdasher, “I sell suspenders to half a doaen senators. Say, they can’t keep their pants on with belts. “There was a lot of jokin’ about Magnus Johhson’s suspenders. Gosh ! if folks did but know! He ain’t tfie only one by any manner o’ means. Wheu he was out speech-makin’ Mag nus had a habit of peelin’ off his coat and vest. That’s how he hap pened to get found out. “But if you could look underneath the whole Senate's coats and vests, I'll bet you’d find suspehders on 30 per cent.” ,* * « “Haven't you noticed," queried the haberdasher, “bow many senators wear those old style straight collars, rolled over a bit at the corners and open in front, to give their adam's apples free play? “And black string tics? “’they ain't been good styles since I been in the business, but those old bozos won't stand for nothin’ else. Why, 1 saw a picture of Daniel Web ster once that had on one of those dollars and ties.” Prior to 18JW each city in America had its own time, which was deter mined by the time of passage of the aim across the local meridian, conse quently the traveler from one city to another had continually to change his watch to the local time. A Civil War veteran, more titan thirty years ago, made a vow lie would not have his hair cut until Wil liam Jennings Bryan was in the President's chair. Upon Mr. Bryan's death, however, he consented to have it cut. Persian rugs are being duplicated Cleverly by the Chinese. pijir ACHING JOINTS “Heet” Relieves Instantly With applicator attached to cork, just brush “Heet” over the pain area, whether in hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, knees, legs, back, neck or body. In stantly, you feel this harmless, glori ous, penetrating heat draw the pain, sofeness and stiffness right out of the aching or swollen joint, muscle or nerve. Besides, “Heet” scatters the congestion and establishes a cure. “Heet” contains two soothing, pene trating ingredients, too expensive to use in ordinary liniments or anal gesics. “Heet” is a clean, pleasant lidnid; doesn’t stain, blister or irri tate the skin and costs only 60 cents at any drug store. GtßgON’g White Pine and Tar Ceufh Syrup Especially Prepared For Children Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store ■' '» .lii "' .!•«» Don’t worry about what to cook. Just phone us for any thing In Canned Goods. * We handle the best in canned veg etableS; white and yellow corn, small June peas, tomatoes, green beans, kraut, okra, b&ts *nd delicious canned fruits. Don’t forget our fresh meats. Sankary Grocery Company Embarrassing Moments New fork Mirror. A *«n entered the office the other | day aad asked for the boss. I replied i that bq was out to luneb. Soon we started talking and I happened to re mark that my boss was an awful grouch. At the end of my recital, the stranger remarked that he never had considered him so, whereupon I ask ed if he knew him long.” “Yes,” came the anstver “he's my brother.” Yesterday my sister took her daugh ter to visit a friend with her On the ! way she told her that she should be very polite and quiet as the lady they , were visiting was very fidgety. When they arrived at the house, the little ' girl sat down and was very quiet. The lady asked her why she was so quiet. “I have to." came the prompt answer, “mother told me you were very fid gety.” Bnrbank’s Bankruptcy. Raleigh News and Observer. There will be only sadness in read ing the statement of Luther Burbank that he is a religions bankrupt, with no resources of faith that spans the chasm from life to immortality. As a scientist he says he has come to , the conclusion that "all religions of the past and probably all of the fu ture sooner or later wfH become petri Bed forms instead of living helps to mankind. As a seientict I cannot , help but feel that all religions are trs a tottering foundation.” It will not do to even accept Mr. , Burbank's fppling that he is a “skep , tici for he says, and perhaps yearn ingly, “when it can be proved to me that there is immortality, that there , is resurrection beyond the gates of death, then will I believe.” „ The troqble with noted scientists , like Mr. Burbank is they “seek after a sign." They demand proof by the crucible or some human test. No such prooof is possible. Religion is , founded on faith. It oometh not by observation and is not proven by weights or measurements. It is not material but is of the spirit. Mr. Burbank is looking for the same proof of immortality that he finds in his horticulture. No student of anatomy can locate the soul. And yet the soul dominates the body. It is great er than the physical. It lives when i the body returns to earth. It lives ! forever. Are we to reject immortal- 1 ity because it cannot be demonstrated , by the tests we apply to all physical life? Mr, Burbank's “honest doubt" is not seeking pre/of of immortality from the same source he has found it ami changed it in the vegetable and ani mal life. The need men is to be told how to see by faith, greater miracles of faith than he has per formed in tlie material world. ’■ Fund to Fight Weevil. Washington. Jan. 25.—Expendi ture pf $3,000,000 annually for the holt five years for an intensive cam paign to exterminate the boll weevil in cotton producing states was pyOposejl in a bill today by Repre senttilive Edward. (Democrat, Ueor gia. r ’ Bachelorhood in Japan is very rare, being almost unknown. oemg almost unxnown. reeled i-ecKriage. NUi. i» 11 Hi i .«*! )i.. “ in- -*«- >. I -W„ INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take cut insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO r_^ NS > ANOTH€S.(e. THfNO:, "ftr •C’Gar, \tr 1 iYoo'lD move that C49{H&T< o vtsfe 7TO TW<S GNID OF= TH<5 S>!NK AN« Put FIXING- AROOUfi THfetel*, IH A. G.R.OU P 4NP 'SAVcs A COT OT STEF’S.' ANYTHING. TOK ! «*,, CSCSTTING- OUT OF THV& T". ' Jf OF depicte-NCY IS KY )v&a op caz/niss-s m . DINNER STORIES I “Why do you pundi tbftt hole in jmy ticket 7' asked tht man of the railway official. “So you can pass through,” was the reply. Mrs. Teller—They gave Mr. Eat more one of those grat Jiig “over staffed” lounging chairs for Christ mas. Mrs. Crisp—How fitting! % “Have a cigar.” said the man with the smiling face. “Don’t mind if I do,” said his friend. “But what’s the occasion? W’ay this lavish display?” . I * ot an addition to the family,” was the answer. “Yen don’t say so? Congratula-f 1 tions f” said the .other man enthusias- j tically, as he put a match to his cigar, i After a few puffs he observed, “About 1 the fifth child, I should say.” Medium—The spirit of your wife is j here now, do you wish to speak to i her through me? Yictim—Yes. Ask her where she put my winter underwear. “Is it true that poor old Bill has married again?” “Yes; he's under entirely new man agement.” Penley—But you said you liked a story full of imaginative qualities. Editor—Thftt’s true. But the qual ity of this is not imaginative; it is merely imaginary. Young Poet—Yes, I have a writ ten a large number of poems, blit I do not propose having thetn pub lished until after my death. Chorus of Friends (raising their hats) —Here’s a long life to you, old man. Yoosf Like Dat. + Lars: "Where you from come?” ! Ole: “Nort’ Dakota. Where you from com#»?” Lars: “OH, from come. By bane here.” Information. “How did yon lose your leg, my good man ?” asked tile bore, on his j tour of a vessel fn the harbor. “Shark,” replied tbe old salt la con j ieally. “Gracious! Did he bite it off in the water.” “NAw. I brrike it off when I kicked the darn thing downstairs.” Liberal Reward. “I don't see what good's the use sending missionaries to the South Sea Islands,” growled the old sport. “Don’t you know that they believe in eannibalism?” asked the mission ary. “Well, suppose so? Isn't one re ligion as good as another?’’ Word Meaning Freedom. “Yes.” Peekridge was telling his wife, “that chap was sentenced to ■ ten years iA prison, bat after serving one year he was jilted.” “He was what?” demanded Mrs. Peekridge. , “I mean he was pardoned,” cor- 1 rected Peckridee * ANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAtti OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOIPOeOOOO I TEN YEAR LOANS . Cabarrus Farm Lands Lowest rates to borrower. j j*, No inspection fees. i r- No Life Stock. Interest due Novem- ' 1~- ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. X THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY CHARLOTTE, N. C. A. F. HARTSELL, LOCAL AGT., CONCORD, N. C. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooc ——— I PURINA FEED j IS THE BEST BY TEST Chowder for More Eggs ; Cow Chow for More Milk i Pig Chow for More Pork. j „ ; ! Come in and We Will Sell You the Best i CASH FEED STORE f ; j PHONE 122 ' SOUTH CHURCH ST. F ' The reason You Are Not Getting | Any Eggs is That We Are “Layin’” I 5 For Your Heiis: L jj We again guarantee you 20c per pound for heavy hens delivered ■ I; to us by noon Thursday, January 28th. We will accept Leghorns and M |H light weight hens at 18c per pound. i ■ Turkeys arc jn demand at 30c per pound. : Butter market dull. Butter not wanted. Bring us your cream. 1,-. Will pay you 45e per dozen for what egsg you have to sell. Rabits j! s 25<- each. See us before you sell. Sell to us and you know you have l the top market price. I C. H. BARRIER & CO. . DELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Altef- X • fi nating current, and Washing Machines for Direct or AI- 3 5 ternating Curfent. 8 R. H. OWEN, Agent I —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. .. I DO YOU KNOW 1 There are nearly one million parts assembled in an autom le? Most 11 ffl of them help to make it go, but t here is just one important part to Ij g make it BTOI* when you want to—GOOD BRAKE LINING. |J We are specialists and use only the Best—Rl’SCO BRAKE LINING. H j! Leave your car here tomorrow morning and drive it home tomorrow H U night with good brakes. Our charges are reasonable, g We use a CADY BRAKE LINING MACHINE which _ drills and || H counter sinks the rivets, together with a riveting machine which uses V |j solid copper tubular rivets that never score ybur brake drums. g f AUTO SUPPLY* REPAIR CO, ! PHONE 228 ■ U -1‘ L= —Lm_l jJWIiL-L'.. ' -l. J ———.-- . ... New Simmons’ Graceline Bed Walnut Finish, Panel Head and Foot, 2-inch Continuous Post and Large Fill ers as Shown 8.5 U Less For Cash 20 per cent S3.To Only $14.80 500 Votes Per SI.OO on These Specials H. B. WILKINSON OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville PAGE SEVEN

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