PAGE SIX h' Rase your tight, aching chest. Stop Sphe pain. Break up the congestion. I Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a |! short time. p '• *jjed Pepper Bub” is the cold rem s edy that brings quickest relief. It | cannot .hurt you and it certainly fcseems to end the tightness and drive the congestion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, " penetrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into eolds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheu v matism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Peppor Rub, made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest relief known. Always say “Rowles.” i Program. Invitations. Announcements printed promptly at The Times !;-t. tiee. Times-Tribune Job Office. (Continued on Page Eight) jpiQOOOCXiOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOQOg I Some Folks Grow Older and Wiser | Others Just Grow Older ; A good part of our retail tire business is with people who |< have grown wise to the “special bargain and extra dis- jj count” decoys. . g They’ve stopped fooling around with unreliable tire equip- n meat. . . !|! They buy Goodyear Tires from us because they have t found that Goodyear quality and' Goodyear serviceability jj are about the best safeguard against tire trouble in the jjj world. 1 1 [ They know, too, that they’re buying mileage at the low- X .est quotation on the market. _ ! j! Yoai’ll save money with Goodyears. We have your size— jij with a tube to match—when you want it. j j Yorke & Wadsworth Co. f Phone 30 Phone 30 | The Old Reliable Hardware Store : oOOOOOOOGOOOOOOGOOOOOOOGOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCfcJ New Easter I \ APPAREL FISHER’S points the way to Fashion and Moderate Prices In Its Representa tive Showing Os The Later Spring Fash ions. These are the modes definitely new and correct for Easter Sunday wear and for the long fashion season that follows. Ev ery new style, fabric and color will be observed, in a variety that would make it appear that mode has been created to your individual preference. You can save many weary steps and some money besides by concentrating your Easter shopping here. Give us the opportunity to prove it. COATS |L DRESSES HEADWEAR POPULAR PRICES ■§ VISIT i FISHER’S IT PAYS I jj • TODAY’S EVENTS Tuesday, March 16. 1826 Egypt today begins its fifth year as an independent kingdom. This is the 17!5th anniversary of the birth of James Madison, fourth president of the United States and the last of the chief executives to wear knickerbockers. The sixth annual meeting of the American Association of Junior Col leges will open in Chicago today and continue in session over tomorrow. A primary will be held in St. Paul today for the choice of candidates to be voted for in the city election to take place on May 4th. The Kent, one of five new powerful erusisers building for the British navy, will be launched at Chatham today and christened by Pile Countess of Stanhope. The suit brought by members of the Leiter family to oust Joseph Leit er from his position as trustee and executor of the $100,000,000 Leiter estate is docketed for trial in Chicago | today. Senator Joseph Robinson, of Ar kansas, Senate Democratic floor lead er. and a World Court proponent, is scheduled to speak at East St. Louis, 111., today in reply to Senator James A. Reed, of Missouri. Electric fans are installed in al most every office in < 1 reck towns such as Athen, Pireus, Salonicu, Patras and Delos. “Do They Answer?” ~ A beautiful decoration of valor in honor of our fathers Is placed on Our threshold by a great and generous government. Will we take it in and cherish it or leave it there tv wither and die? i COUNTRY! CQRRESPONDENCg i IMPORTANT NOTICE TO COR RESPONDENTS. Correspondents are earnestly asked to observe the following: i All items which reflect on any one's 1 personality must not be sent. Leave off all items of personal vis -1 its of people to others in the same 1 fleighborhood. [ All items MUST be accompanied I by the names and oddresses of the writers. i Hereafter when this rule is not ob i served we shall be obliged to consign j the items to the waste basket. As a whole we have an excellent corps of correspondents and we are proud of them. However, there are i a few who do not observe the above rules, and these we do not want, i Please also make a paragraph out of each separate item, j Please write on only one side of the paper. i Thank you. j We furnish all regular correspond i ents stamped return envelope# in 1 which to send in their correspondence. J We ask all not to fail to place their i names and addresses in the upper 1 left-hand corner of the envelope. GEORGEYILLE. Our people have been enjoying the nice fire during the past few days. Every one was surprised to see the snow. A number of our people ire confined to their homes with ‘ flu.' Mrs. Luther T. Shinn is confined to her home on account of “flu.” A number of our people attended quarterly meeting which was held at St. Pauls Methodist Church on last Sunday. Miss Elma Eudy spent last Wednes day afternoon in Concord. Miae Blackwelder spent the week end at Dome near Concord. A. J. Shinn has purchased a fine pair of mules. L. T. Shinn and W. W. Harring ton atteded church at St. Martin E. L. Church in Stanly county on last Sunday. Friends and relatives of Miss Bess Heilif, of Mt. Pleasant, were shocked ' to learn of her mother's death at her I home in Mt. Pleasant last week, Miss Heilig having taught school here for two yearß. Her friends here sympa thise with the family in their deep bereavement. TULIP. : FAITH. Born to Rev. and Mrs. A. O. Leon ard,'of Lexington, a son, siareh Bth. Mrs. Leonard was formerly Miss Pearl Peeler, of this place. Quite a few people from here mo tored to Durham Sunday to attend tbe funeral of Mrs. Luther Jones, of that place. Mr. Jones’ former home was here. Here is a letter we received from a smart little boy : 642 Pine St., Kan napolis, N. C. March 8, 1026. Venus, Dear Sir: I read your items in The Concord Tribune. My father has m razor that is a hundred and thirty year* old. Can you beat that? From Major Carter. My age is 13 years. If you have anything over one hun dred years old write and tell Venus about it. Here ia a nice letter we received from a smart little girl: Spencer, N. | C, March 6, 1926. Dear Venua: I ' am a little girl twelve years old and live at 113 Salisbury Avenue, Spen cer. I read in your items of March sth Whore 6 Mr. Fisher has 68 white THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE chickens and they layed 110 dozen>l eggs in February. My mother has i only 19 hens and three of them are setting and she got 30 3-4 dozen, or j ■ 30!) eggs in February. If you can | beat that come on. From your friend. ; Josephine Owen. Lewis Peeler and family are well i again. John A. Peeler is improving nice- . ly. There is nothing the matter with ; 1 Faith now only she is all covered up , 1 under a big soft dry snow. Two families iu Salisbury sent the [ samp day for eczema cure yesterday One lives on Concord street, the other lives on South'Fulton street. That's the way to do. Don’t let the little ones suffer. YTNUS. NO. 9 TOWNSHIP. ROUTE 5. The High Point basketball team was victorious over Pine Biuff last Friday, the 12th, on the Pine Bluff court, the score being 17 to 32 The game was played as follows: Pine Bluff—Ralph Barbee, r, f., sub stiute by Homer Wallace. Robert Furr. 1. f., Alonzo Voncaunon, g. In Jail \ ■ / When rumors spread.ln Tpsllantl , Mich..' that William 'and Hennas Croasio, held for tha murder of Harry Cyb, warn to be raleaaed for lack of evidence, townspeople petitioned State Attorney General Dougherty to lnveetlgate. His odßoe did so, and j the men are etfll being held o* ! chargee of murder. Herman Cross* I* above; William, below l Luther- Vonennnon. r. g., Albert Von cannon, 1. g. High Point—James Teeter, r. g.. W. M. Teeter. 1. g.. Worth Vander burg. c„ Dewie Love, r. f., Ralph Bust, 1. f. Pine Bluff will return the game the 19th which will bo played on the High Point court. Every one who wishes to attend the game is cordial ly invited to the fullest extent. We hope there will be a large crowd pres ent. THE GANG. WHITE HALL. If you are a baseball fan come to rur school the 19th and see our first game. Concord's enemy in the baseball line again this year is Kannapolis. But so far all they have done i« brag about what their team did last year. Last year is not this year, don't you forget that. And don’t you forget, Mr. Jazzy Morre. that Concord had a winning combination last year until Kannapolis fans came to Concord and saw what we were doing and don't you forget it they didn't get the play ers from any other county, but they came here and butchered up the Gib son team and Sid Basinger bad to visit all parts of tbe county for a winning nine, and he was good mali nger to find another winning combi nation, and yet I want to ask who the team was that came to Kannapolis and lost one game and won tbe next two games by a great margin? What pitcher worked the iron man stuff for the visitors? Baseball fans of Kannapolis and mostly Mr. Jazzy Moore. I want to let the Towel City know that Concord is going to put put out a stiffer winning combination this year than last year. Mr. Bas inger may argue but yet he is a good manager and lie knows how to make our team and his team win. Wait! Wait’ Kannapolis, and you will see what the Concord team will do. \ enus, don't drop behind with your news from Faith. CAROLINA KID. It’s a Pity to be ailing. Try this new-d&y help This is to urge you to learn what modern medicine is doing with the aid of gland secretions. A large share of our troubles come through torpid livers. That results in scanty bile, an intestinal antiseptic. Then toxins form in the intestines, and those poisons per meate the Mood. Indigestion Heart and Conatipatton * Kidney Trouble* Impure Blood Bad Complexions High Blood Premure Lack of Youth Modern medicine has found-that no drug stimulates the liver. It simply acts in the intestines. But it has also proved that ox-gall does stimulate the liver. It brings real results. It multiplies the bile flow, so essential to pood health. Now ox-gall in its finest form is embodied in a tablet, called Dioxol. Each tablet contains 10 drops of purified ox-gall. It ia bringing to countless people results that mil lions seek. And results begin in 24 hours. We ask you to learn those re sults. Learn what modern medi cine is doing. This advertisement will bring a test without any cost to you. Accept this offer. Learn what Dioxol does. It may change your life, your whole career, i “Clip this advertisement, take it to our special agent; Pearl Drug Co., and . they will give you a Überal sample oft Dioxol free.” ' “ACHEIF& ACHED” Lady Says Her Back “Hart Nifkt and Day”—-Least Noise Up set Her. Better After Takiaf Canhd. Winfield, Texas.—'My back hart night and day,” says Mr*. C. L. ( Eason, of R. F. D. 1, this place. “I g ached and acbed until I could hard- (j ly go. I felt weak and did not feel r like doing anything. My work was a great burden to mo. I just hated to do up the dishes, even. I was no-account and extremely nervous. ’ "My mother had taken Cardul and she thought It would do me . good, so she told me to take it My husband got me a bottle and I began on it. I began to Improve at once. It was such a help that I continued it until after the (baby’s birth. “I took eight bottles and I can certainly say that It helped me. It Is a fine tonic. It built mo up and seemed to strengthen me. t grew less nervous and began to sleep better. “I can certainly recommend 1 Cardul to expectant mothers, for to 1 me It was a wonderful help. ... In I every way I felt better after taking I it and I think It Is a splendid medi- f cine.” Cardul Is purely vegetable, and ( contains no harmful drugß. For sale everywhere. NO-162 ' VORETTE Spring is this fascinating Pump of Black Patent Leather. Graceful to the extreme, it cannot fail to tnliance the elegance of your new Spring Costume, if you desire distinction as weH as charm in your new footwear you will appreci ate the merits of Vorette. $6.50 Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store i —■ — ■ —- Atwater Kent RADIO ijcchow r xaaio , I improved I TT seems only yesterday J -*• that radio meant a tangle I of wires, best kept in the t attic or cellar. Bat the un- j obtrusive i Model 20 j ( Compact / j j| Wtmww # i stiKu/UmPi has brought radio into die best rooms. It’s like die modern thin watch-stakes up Uttle space but does everything that thfeM* ones do. It's a treat to hear it— _ in oar store or in yoac Lsa*. Yorke & Wads worth Co. 1 Phone 30 •pywrwrwrwitirr-'WT-T'.) i f.* in ■ a■* > .. i ■ _i CAR LOAD PAINT | Just Unloaded a Whole Car PEE GEE PAINT Whatever You Are Considering Painting, It Will Cost You No More = to Use PEE GEE PAINT SEE US FIRST-BEFORE BUYING If j ' Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 Hundreds of the most * I popular novels of the dsy by the following famous authors: Zane Grey Bound Rafael Stfbatini Emerson Hough Edna Ferber Temple Hailey *7Bslpk Connor Ruby M. Ayres I VncE Peter B. Kyne Ethel M. DeU _ Sm B.M. Bower Sinclair Lewis Jackson Gregory Irving Bacheller Kathleen James Oliver Curwood Gene Stratton Porter William MacLeod Raine •- Mary Roberts Biaehait ) | Edgar Rico Burroughs Sooth Tarkington Charles Alden Seltxer Grace L. Hill (Luts) Margaret Pedlar Harry Leon Wilson Marie Conway Oemler Kate Douglas Wiggln You are invited to stop in and look at our interesting display v of portraits of modern authors KIDD-FRIX j Music and Stationery Co. Inc’ Phone 76 58 S. Union St. Concord, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtXXXXXXWOOOOWUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Multiple Disc-in-03 Clutch— The multiple disc clutch is generally conceded among engineers to be the best, the smoothest, and the most re liable type for apy car. The Ford multiple disc clutch, ! has the further advantage of operating in a bath of oil. This complete and continuous lubrication assures smooth, silent action and extremely long life. The Ford dutch is so simple antn-eliable that many Ford owners have driv en for years without heing so much as conscious of its presence in the mechanism of their cars. X REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER | Corbin and Church Streets Phone 880 1 ■ .. I | Our Penny <£fck tomb Tuesday, March 10,'1926

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