ednesday, Mar. 24, 1926 ajSgfpi | ijjL Music OTART now to culti- * \\H(j O vate you • musical & , instrument. It will fp vA bring you both profit wfec-A you get ahead quickly; exclusive,easy-playing OjY\ features enable rapid LflV progress. Come In sad let w demon. \ \\ I etnte the instrument that \ \ \ Jl nppeab to you most. No \ V// / , obligation. Ask about our V \ \Y/ Easy Payment plan. UJL, l V Oww < Kidd-Frix Music & Stationery Co QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG THEY’LL DISHRAG | YOU EVERY TIME I Ij! Trying to buy a tire for les n your home in the 1 Y time it formerly took l Y to do a single room. Y Sturdily built to last Y a lifetime) and guar- Y anteed absolutely. JOHNSGNIS WAX Electric floor "Polisher I This marvelous new electric labor - •aver coats only s42.so—and we include FREE a $1.50 Johnson I LarabVwool Mopand apint (75c) of the famous Johnson’s Liquid Wax. Ask for a demonstration RITCHIE HARD WARE CO. Your Hardware Store Phone 117 x, ’ ■ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE THE NEXT AUTOMOBILE I RACES AT CHARLOTTE Will Take Place May 10th.—Milton.' Hill and De Pardo to Be There, j C'uarlotte. March 215.—Racing in terest in the next speedway classic I here May ,10th. southern memorial j day, centers about two of the young est drivers in the game. IVtcr Do : pnelo, the 1025 AAA champion, and ■ Bog McDonough, the former protege ; r.f Torr.mv Milton. 1021 AAA ehnm | pion. WheVicr the consistent jinx which has followed DePaolo around I the Charlotte oval for the past three j races and which has prevented him from finisfling in the high money will have the same effect on the little spepd king is the matter of conjee-■ turc. Regardless, DePaolo has already; made entry, and promises to run his ' usual splendidly clean race at Char lotte. The Carolina fans are fond of DePaolo. who entered the first! j southern race a very new raping | driver. He finished fourth in the I initial Charlotte race. Os course, I there is little eomparison between the j work of the champion and Rob Me j Donough, but there are many who 'predict a brilliant future for the Mil ton protege. In admirers, at least, this young rarer hast fallen 'heir to the toga of his renowned patron. Mc- Donough finished third in splendid time at the Miami-Fulford 300-tnile classic and he is expected to make a noble showing in Charlotte. A close competitor of the two is Harry Hart/.,' probably one of the grentest sprinters on the American track. Hart/ finished in second mon ey at, two Charlotte races and fifth at the inaugural race. He found second place at Fulford, the first race of the lf)2t> season. Any deductions made, of course, must include the veterans Earl Coop er and Bennie Hill, botli of whom have been persistent contestants for j tlie Charlotte laurels. Cooper was successful at the May 11th meet last year, it will be retneinbpred. and Hilt reached third place in his effort to gain high money in the first meet on southern soil. Doctor Estep's Candidacy. Charlotte Observer. If Representative R. 1,. Doughton desires to serve his district in Con gress another term, we should not think he has very much to fear in the “ndependent candidacy” of Dr. Thomas L.Estcp, even tfhough /the doctor hails from “Fanner Bob's” own county. To be sure Doctor Estep's plat form will appeal to some voters, but as we understand it he proposes to run independently of both Democrat ic and Republican party organiza tions. That is enough to settle the question at the start, because the vot ers of North Carolina and the eighth district are not in the habit of elect ing men independent of party organ ization to office as important as that of Representative in Congress. While the doctor makes bid for the vote of all the "wets" in the coun ties of Stanly. Cabarrus. Rowan. Ire dell. Alexander, Caldwell, Watauga- Ashe and Alleghany, he abandons all possibility of getting “dry” votes in those counties by his bitter attack upon the eighteenth amendment and the Volstead act. And. while many “wets” doubtless will like his plat form on the liquor question, lots of them will vote for the candidate of their party, Democratic or Republi can as the ease may be, rather than for an independent. In other words, many Democrats who may be classed ns “wet” would vote for a “dry” Democrat rather than a “wet” inde pendent and likewise many “wet" Re publicans would vote for a “dry” Re publican rather than a "wet” inde pendent. Resides ail that, the doctor cannot hope to count on any support from his own profession—the medical fra ternity—because he makes it appar ent that he is against the “unjust system of the medical practice rules and regulations by the will of the special-privileged Medical Society and its private board of examiners.” Doctor Estep doubtless knows lie has little or no chance of election, but he probably figures on having some fun at the expense of some folks he does not like and proposes to make the race witli a view of making use of the opportunity it will give him to fight some things that he feels like fighting. Okl Music, Old Songs, Old Customs. The Dearborn Independent enters a plea for the aneient and beautiful things. That paper says: “We ought to keep them forever j —aneient and beautiful things.. “There are no songs being written in this jazz day that compare with the old songs that grew up out in our own country. What jazz songs compare with the plantive, melan- ■ ehol.v. and the deeply moving melo-! dies like ‘Swing Low Sweet Chariot.' ‘Nobody Knows De Trouble I’s Seen.' ( ‘I Can’t Hear Nobody Pray,” ‘Singin' i All Over God’s Heaven’? “Just now there is a revival of in terest in the negro spirituals. A dozen books have been published re cently on those spirituals. We are beginning to put a proper valuation on our aneient and beautiful things. “There is n national revival of the old American dances; they are finding their way back to their place in the heart of America. “He who saves for America the old music, the old songs, the old hymns, the old customs, the old recreations, the wholesomeness and freedom, is making America his debtor." Couldn't Fool Polly. An old lady kept a parrot which was always swearing. She could put up with this until Saturday, but on Sunday she kept a cover over the cage, removing it ou Monday morning. One Monday afternoon she saw her minister coming towards Iter house, so she again placed the cover over the cage. As the reverend gentleman was about to step into the parlor, the par rot remarked, “This haN been a damn short week." The shell of the snail is built up from lime in the plants it eats; and they are never found in soil which con tains no lime. American Wives Biggest Grafters \ j Says Judge Strong , of New Yor\ l ,'OUDGE SELAH B.’STRONG' In an age of grafters, the big gest grafters are American wives and the easiest graft is marriage under American laws. Such are the conclusions of Judge Selah B. Strong, of the Su preme Court of New York, after a five year study of graft and graft ers from the vantage point of the judicial bench. The situation leading to this condition, and which Judge Strong declares threatens a breakdown of ethical and moral re straint, he holds to be a result of laws providng for the payment of alimony as a recompense for “lost love.” A recent announcement by the Jtylge that he would refuse ali mony in all cases where wives are healthy, able-bodied, childless and capable of supporting themselves, brought down on his head a deluge of criticism from divorce lawyers and beneficiaries of alimony allow ances. In a new attack on the ali mony evil, however, in the April : issue of Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan, in an article “Wives Are Grafters.” Judasa Kli'auar cucc WHAT COULD BE BETTER Than \to Be So Quickly Relieved by Taking j HERB EXTRACT Known as Herb Juice? MHF ' Bk m H M I MRS. GRACE GATLING | "J ask, what could be better than to be sick and then be relieved at once? And with such a pleasant med icine that there were no ill effects from which to suffer. All I did was to take doses of Terb Juice, known as HERB JUICE. the great herbal remedy, and I soon found my self en tirely well,” Mrs. Grace Gatlin, w*no resides at 4111 East Sixth Street, Charlotte, N. C., came in to see the HERB JUICE demonstrator and told how she was praising Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE since it had ] .cured her, and she gave the following) facts: l “1 do not believe (here is any feeling to be compared with the sick feeling, the tired feeling one has when suffer ing from stomach trouble and consti pation. I would get up ill the morn ing with a dull tired feeling. I would attempt to eat breakfast aud instead of feelling better 1 invariably felt worse, for I could not d : gest what i ate. Gas would form on my stomach and 1 ofteu felt ns if my stomach were blown up. The fact that I was constipated made me have severe headaches, for it kept my system in a bad condition and the impurities aud poisons went into my blood instead of being normally excreted. My stomach far beyond his previous declare- ] tions and invites far-reaching j feminine wrath by asserting: that i the alimony evil turns wives inti 1 parasites, liars, cheats, mone) ] grabbers and contributors to im- i morality on a wholesale scale. Th( 1 avalanche of criticism which h< j foresees he is willing to brave, hi i says, believing that only by such >' frank and fearless discussion ol j the situation will the public con- i sciousness be jolted to the point 1 where it will get actively behind a ! movement for adequate revision ol i the statutes relating to marriage and divorce. In reciting a number of cases ol , which he has knowledge he de clares, “the whole business of ali mony grabbing is degrading. It cheapens the relations between J men and women. I truly believe l alimony keeps thousands of couples' < from being reconciled. The woman j being supported by her husband i under order of the court isn’t an- 1 xious to effect a reconciliation. She ] is dawdling in idleness, free, irre- i sponsible. She’s making him suf- 1 was sore to touch it and I felt gener ally miserable. “I constantly read in the papers about Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE, and then when I had several friends tell me how effective they had found Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE. I decided to take it. It was a lucky day for me that I made that de cision, for my change for the better dates from that day. It was sur prising how rapidly I began to im prove, and by such a simple means, as! | I have said. Only doses of Herb Ex-1 j tract known as HERB JUICE taken j ' regularly, and Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE is a very pleasant dosel I soon was so improved that I could eat auything I wanted and not suffer from indigestion. No more gas form ing on my stomach, and I am relieved of my headaches, for Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE put an end to constipation, and my system is now in good working order. I feel like a ’ different person since I started tak ing Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE, have energy, itnd have really gained in weight. I consider Herb Extract known ns HERB JUICE the most satisfactory medicine obtaina ble today for stomach trouble and con stipation and recommend it gladly on all occasions.” Special Used Car Sale g 500 Votes on the California Tour contest, for each j 1 8 dollar received for used cars this week, Help yourself by ] 5 getting one of these bargains in used cars, and help your g contestant by getting the votes for them. | PRICES TO FIT EVERY POCKETBOOK WHITE AUTO CO. g Concord, N. C. 17 E. Corbin St. Phone 298 ]!| I Newest Easter Modes IN FOOTWEAR An array of smart models that willl delight you with ' their newness. \ | Our Shoes will more than please you in Style, Qual- j j ity, Fit and Price — n $2.95 $3.45 $4.95 TO $6.95 MARKSON SHOE STORE PHONE 787 i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOOOOOOOOOO I “When Spring Comes” |!| Now that the ice is all melted and the Crickets soon j y will come'from their hiding place into the darkness of !{! those beautiful nights, and their chirping will cause us to \ l l lift our heads in delight. We will then know that spring ]! ]I But in order that you may be ready to meet those warm ' ||[ days that are to come, we have our new and complete line 1 ji[ of Leonard Cleanable one-piece porcelain lined Refriger- ! I ! ators, all sizes and styles ready for your inspection, and '[ ] | will be glad to have you look them over. BELL-KARRIS FURNITURE CO. I OOOOOOOOOQQQOnnOtMVinClOOOeKMCimnoniafiWfVVVvvvvyyftft^ I THE UNIVERSAL CAR Thermo-Syphon Cooling System i The circulation of water in Ford cars is entirely gov ! erned by engine temperature—the flow starting as the ] motor warms, and being most rapid at the points of the ; i greatest heat. On cold mornings the Ford engine warms 1 up quickly, because the water does not circulate from the cylinder block until it becomes heated. In hot weather, too, the Ford cooling system is equally effic : ent, for the capacity of the radiator is unusually large in proportion I \ t 0 the heating surface of the cylinders. Since there is no \ water pump requiring frequent need for packing, the Ford, cooling system is exceedingly simple and always efficient. REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER I! Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 J; | • OOCMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooonoonftnQpnpQOPOOOOOOO OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 PAGE THREE