Saturday, April 10, 1026 I Dinner Stories || The Advantage of a Trick Mirror I Salesman: *‘Tbat'e the new spring [rtrue-form’ coat” I Customer: "Simply grand l’ll [ Itake it.” I Evolution. "What happened to the little boys who used to rend 'Diamond Dick’ be hind their geographies in school’/” “Oh, now they're rending tfye col lege comics behind their opera pro grams.” I Lady: ”1 think there is something ! [so romantic about a night watch- Imnn." Watchman: "Her. right, aia'arn, * ] t settle* in me pore ol’ legs some times, till*! can't 'ardly walk." , A New York policeman the other night saw a man staggering about ill Colnmbus he was looking for something. "Whut are you looking for?” the policeman said. "Overcoat. Lost—hie—in' over coat," “Where did you lose it?” “Jersey City.” “Why are you looking for it in Columbus Circle, then?" ‘.‘More —hie—light here.” "■ I “My neighbor's lot,” signed the ■ softhearted Boggs, "is a most un- Efoctnnate one.” UP'Where did he buy?” 4 asked the ■practical Biggs. “Florida?” ■ Women and Men Under Arrest at Salisbury. R Salisbury, April B.—Three waite !' men are in jail and two women companions are in charge of the wel fare officer as a result of the party running out of ga,s and money while IMissing by. The five camped near town two nights anil their appear ance caused officers bo called to investigate, with tile result that the five were bought to town by Sheriff Krider. The men readily admitted that they stole the almost new ford touring car in which they were rid ing from a street in Asheville Sun day night. They say they picked up the women near Spartanburg. S. 1 promising to take them where fiioy [ lmd started, but instead brought ' then! towards Salisbury. Tlic mrn give their names as William Biucsett.. of Gaffney. S. C.: Floyd Prince, of Greenville, S- C„ and Henry Adams, of Altavista, Va. Protect Your Property and Your Money , n 1 ■ ' »i—EfT house, when painted with j k Marietta House Paints, is practi \ §| 1 caily guaranteed against the ravages of flft M foil! weather by the Marietta Service AURORA MB Certificate. No other paint manufac i turer off*™ you such a certificate. Agfc i- us about it today. Concord Paint& Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L TMARinTA iALvr station * EVERETT TRUE " BY CONDO~ tv HATH *IO,OOO t=OR/Tf+4T ‘FRopeRTY «' NO hiONO&R, \S*l OflNi'T •” L Sfecc irl UjHT, tHat'3 tjvrtsN, | J MR. Teute, H— l h dgL U-C-< SNOUCrt ! ROCKWELL ROUTE TWO. I We are having some spring weath er along new. I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Troutman and j *on. Hoyle, of Concord, spefit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor and . family, of- Rowan, j Little Jack and Hugh Ketner spent ■ a few days in Washington with their 1 grandmother, Mrs. Alice Ketner. Miss Lillie Troutman, of Concord, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mite. J. W. Connell and family. Victor Yost, of Salisbury), spent Monday witff Mrs. T, M. Yost. Miss Hope Ritchie,' of East Spen cer, sjlent Easter with home folks in Rowan. R. R. Funderburk and children, of j near Rockwell, spent Sunday at J. A. Taylor’s. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Iky and family spent Sunday in Concord with the former’s sister, yrs. Ellie Fink. Mr. and Sirs. J. 3d. Clark, who has been having pneumonia, is improving, we are glad to note. Sirs. Nora SlcCollough, of Raleigh, is spending a few days with her mother, Mi's. I. M. Yost, who is im proving slowly. Haliie RitAie, of China Grove Farm Life School, spent a few days with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. W, F. McOoilough. | Ernest Yo#t» of Raleigh, and' E, p. Yost, of Greensboro, spent Saturday I night and Sunday with their parents, Sir. and Mrs. T. M. Yost. | Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Auten and I son, Harold; and Mrs, Wade Biggers. of Georgeville, spent a short while Sunday afternoon with Slissee Sarah and Bessie Jackson. Mrs. E. D. Yost and children re turned to their home in Greensboro Sunday, after spending two weeks | with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Yost. There will be preaching of Phanieks Cbnre.h Sunday by Rev. Sir. Wells, of Salisbury. Everybody •is invited. SWEETHEART. Burbank Very 111. Snutn Rasa. Calif., April !).—The condition of Luther Iturbank, noted horticulturist, became critical to night. The patient was suffering ox tremely from weakness and exhaus tion, it was announced in a bulletin issued by Dr. Joseph Shaw, the at tending physician. Dr- J. Wllson Shiels, of San Francisco, is ell route here. German parents sometimes' change the name of their baby if it is serious ly ill. S.Lior Norris’ Bta. -Ur, Olio Senators to .War. --- BY CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer Washington, April secrecy of executive sessions of the United States .Senate has been, at least in modern timet, about as imaginary as the ’atjfenth degree nortli latitude. Theoretically a senator who told what happened at one of these sup posedly secret sessions was liable to expulsion. f Practically the senator who refused to speak freely concerning them has been regarded, by correspondents and by other senators, as a foolish old Betty about the rules. * * « So when a case comes up in which the majority warns the minority that, this time, secrecy must be the real tldng—that any senator who talks is exceedingly likely to find himself on the outside looking in—one can only draw the conclusion that something unusually queer has taken place. ThatM just what -occurred in con nection with the Senate ballot on the confirmation or rejection of Presi dent Coo'.idge's appointment of Thom ns F. Woodlock as an' inter-state commerce commissioner. Now, why, presumably, was the majority so extra anxious to keep the details of that vote from leaking out? « * * Senator- Norris made bold to sur mise that the reagon was this: The administration group in the Senate couldn’t get Woodlock ■ con firmed—which he was—without win ning over sonic votes from the op position side, and certain opposition senator*, while personally willing to oblige, were afraid to have the home voters know they were doing it? This guess of Norris’ greatly, out raged the feelings of various sena tors, vriio denounced it in- pained tones, as a reflectiton on_the whole Senate, but Uncle George stood pat. The known nickel reserves of On tario are equal in value to the debt of Canada. TRY BAMBY BREAD / 3est American Made Bread Yet “It’s the Butter That Makes It Better” Made by the Blue Ribbon Bakery, Charlotte, N. C. Order It Through Your Grocer i ''Delivered Fresh Every Day- W. J. HETHCOX \ GARDEN SEED Jet y Package * Gibson Drug Store FREE Just the remainder of this month left to get votes ot» the ‘Free tripfe to California. You can get votes as well as Good Prices by trading with us. * J ■ Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co, ■, THE CONCORD DAILY TRIDUNE v Still Sawing Wood OtJT OUR WA-Y ~ • bYwtuTtTms iff ffofl V r « ""v. AkIECL WOO OOJfT MEED X J* p'&w <3o ahead*. \ -to roar at me *. woo \Sstk / Lumb oP TpiaT Pole, A -teu_ me to press some \ ; M i I OMER PEOPLES 1 -iHlSter AKIO VNHEteJ XDO }«§ ' Hrr a Traffic \ MO o BLOAM BLAAM W V-TmM ' F^ so ° 'A-amt. .Jl blah at mei* stop Ell mi eSew * y s “ w /\ | LTR-VNillmsi3 APc. MADE —KiOT BORKi. M - c , m „■ MQM’N POP ~ BY TAYLOR ' MOtty-I'M ANXIOUS TO W l RE 1 K/OOW HOW HE F6ELS W . \ I ABOUT ME SEIMS HERE J \ XM. A SERWAWT— imk i J KAND EMD OOTjf I! OR IT'S from PoP —X f e.e.c. ftw> oh mv Tris LETTERXi HEWAIOTS TORMOU) f Side - Side - TARE W WRU.E Y 0E 7 mp To mv Room - » Voo UE(?E AT '( To LOOK AFTER AMV f 1° S ffiiP M AND DO THE HOUSEWORK V , \WML< 1 h-’ ’ I Don’t Be Misled, Look and see that r ou get the yellow checkered Bag and then you will know that you have got the original Starting to feed your baby chix on. Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. jj aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO t f li hi ti i;; | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR | f r ssas : rir j XXXK>OOOOOOOOOOOOaoOOOOOQOOOOCwODOOOQOOOOCSOOOOOOOI DELCO UGHT | Light Plants and Batteries ! Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! j nating curient and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- ] | ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent | —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. j X>qoo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX>QOOQOOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOO> Big Price Reduction on Batteries for Fords and Chevrolets PREST-O-LITE $15.50 COLUMBIA $11.95 Compare These Prices. REPLACEMENT FOR ALL CARS PHONE 228 fjj (Studebaker Sales and Servic®) | „ Auto Supply & Repair Co. i _ Living Room Furniture of Quality V'V e arc now showing a complete line of Overstuffed Liv ing Room Suites, in a wide variety of Mohairs and Velours. V e are sure you will be able to find jifst the Suite you have been looking for. AH Suites with loose spring filled cushions, spring edge?' and quality construction throughout. H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District, Where Parking Space Is Plentiful and tupn unlimited. Concord Kannapolis, Mooresvillc China Grove Hot Water P|| i a fri#nd indeed of every codk' Pays for itself quickly.^ E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W THE DAILY TRIBUNE l AND THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER BOTH ONE YEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: I In State outside Concord $5.25 if i . T,u - Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and its | price is SI.OO a year. I * >ay Progressive Farmer at the same time ydu j P ay f°P'The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any time on payment of only 25 cents. jj Pay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, but jj come to The Tribune office to pay for jour Progressive Farmetf. j SLucmam-Lu ■». PAGE SEVEN