ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVI UHSTIL GIVEN EMINENT EUCE BEFORE COMiITTEE Still Erected in Room as Exhibit During Debate on Modification of Vol stead Act. ANDREWSAGAIN DISCUSSES WORK He Is Called as Last Wit ness by Wets, and Dis cusses Troubles With the Illicit Distillers. Washington, April 14.—OP)—The progenitor of John Barleycorn him . self—ji large whiskey still—sat with members of the Senate prohibition committee today while they listened to Gen. Andrews, the prohibition chief 1 relate how illicit distilling is becoming \ more and more n problem to the en forcement staff of the Federal govern- | ment. The still was set up in the commit tee room as an exhibit, standing on j three ginger ale cases. It consisted \ of a huge copper kettle on a three 1 burner gas range, with a shining cop per coil leading into a five-gallon keg. Gen. Andrews, who has testified once before in the inqu ! ry was recall ed as the last witness for the wets. He is expected to complete his testi mony today, leaving the way open for the drys to take over the hearings to morrow morning. Documentary evidence of various kinds was submitted by the wet coun sel during the session, and went into records along with General Andrew**’ description of his troubles with the il licit distillers and other law break ers. • A sworn statement from Dr. Wil liam Roby Sr., of the Boston City Hospital showed increase in the num ber of admissions of alcoholic patients in recent years under prohibition. A statement of like import from Dr. U. B. Gray, superintendent of the Washington Home for Inebriates also was ndmmitted to the record. Among the documents placed in evidence was a compilation of the results of the poll conducted recently ■faj'iljl ,WHnher ..of newspapers, showing vo&'fnr thr nf the Volstead Act. and 697.083 for prohibition. Figures then were submitted show ing that seizure of stills advanced from 5)5,933 in 15)21 to 172,537 in 1925, “Does that indipate an increase in illicit stills?" asked Julian Codman, counsel for the wets. “That's a fair inference, but it may be that there has been greater activ ity of agents" General Andrews re plied. “Isn't it true that there prob ably are more stills you don't know about than those that are seized." “I don't know about that. I de pend on local law enforcement for seizures.” Wants Non-Intoxicating Beer. Washington, April 14.—(A’l—-Re .strieted government sale of non-in toxicating beer probably \yould aid in prohibition enforcement, Assistant Secretary Andrews of the Treasury, declared today before the Senate pro hibition committee. The prohibition chief expressed this opinion in reply to a series of ques tions narrowing down the field of consumption of such beer and stipu lating that sale should be by the gov ernment itself. “Do you not believe that the legal sale of liquors, non-intoxicating in fact would bring about improved con ditions?’' was the first question of the series asked by Julian Codman, coun sel for the wets. “We would have to know the condi tions of manufacture and distribu ion," Andrews replied. SURRENDER OF RALEIGH OCCURRED 61 YEARS AGO Confederate Soldier Was Hung For Firing Revolver at Approaching Federate. Raleigh. Apr. 13.—Sixty-one years ago today, in a drizzling rain, mark ed by cold, Raleigh, the last con federate state capital to be occupied by federal troops, was peaceably sur rendered to General William T. .Sherman by a committee of.provate citizens. The confederate flag which had flown over the state house for near ly four days after General Lee's surrender, came down, and in its place was raised the stars and stripes. Late in the same day a con federate soldier, who hnd riden up Fayetteville street in advance of the approach of the federate and fired a pistol at the troops, was hanged by order of General Kilpatrick, follow ing a brief trial. Car Ivoad Sale of Kitchen Cabinets. The big ear load sale of Sellers Kitchen cabinets by the Concord Fur niture Company will close next Satur day. If you buy your Sellers now, you get a 32-piece set of Dinner China without cost. Glenwood China. This set consists of Cups, Saucers, Plates, Bread and Butters, Fruit Dushes, Vegetable Dish and Platter—enough to set the table for six persons. The smullest of down payments is all you need make on this famous Sel lers Kitchen Cabinet. The dishes are given with the cabinet free. Pay the balance on the cabinet while you use both the cabinet and dishes in your home. See big ad. in this paper. The Concord Daily Tribune _ North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily Refutes Charges That Modem Newspaper Is Crime Scavenger Birmingham, Ala., April 14. —