PAGE EIGHT *1? down sale SPECIAL BALANCE SATURDAY EASIEST OF s o»lv 'T sa^Mj J ™ SELLERS KITCHEN CABINET with beautiful 31'Piece set of Dishes free and also this equipment 10 PIECE SET OF KITCHEN CUTLERY 12 PIECE GLASSWARE SET SE£ THIS SUPER-VALUE SATURDAY SURE Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE HOOOOOCCiOSOOGOOOOCXIOOOOOOOI AL I Sells Coal for Less than I do. ] ) to $ll.OO. i| >al SB.OO to $9.00. ! [ 0 $7.50. 1 1 ■Made in Concordsß.so. j here you can get QUALITY i[ j| >OUNDS OUObOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC THE JOYCE j Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived at our store this week, this lovely step-in Pump is of *he popular parchment, trimmed f With narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is (j a wonderful little pump and tits to perfection $8 50 j IVEY’S "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” fi— ■ 1 - —1 - ~ 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGcXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I K.L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAT =■ \j\lrilj Plaster I Mortar Colors 1 Pack All Your Troubles in the Old | Kit Bag and Phone, Phone, Phone! Why worry nbmjt what yon are going to cook, or trouble yourselt to scatter your orders all over the city in order to get what yon want I to eat. Just make out your order and call “09” tor Fresh Meats, Cur ed Meats, Fresh Fish, Poultry, Cutter, Eggs, Fresh Florida Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Cakes and Crackers and any and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. “YOU NAME IT—WE BRING IT.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. SMILAX TONIC and Laxative Compound The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the . CSystem, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto mach and Liver. See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug Stores. Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 13orted in the con- j d : tioti of Mrs. .1. T. Fisher, who un- j derwent an operation m the Mercy ] General Hospital in Charlotte on j Monday. The Rt. Rev. Rishop Haley, of ; Raleigh, will deliver an address at the ■ 10 o’clock mass at St. James Catholic Church on Sunday morning. April J isth. The public is mont welcome. | G. T. Crowell has sold to Charles! H. Foil property in Ward -4 for S4OO. j according to a deed filed here Thurs- j day. Another deed records the sale j of property in Ward 2 by the Stonor Real Estate Co. to L. H. Sides for $lO and other valuable considerations, i The Johnson property at Harris- j burg, totalling about 100 acres, was : sold at auction Thursday. All of the property was sold, bidding was spirit- • ed and good prices prevailed. The property was sold by the Carolina Land Company, of Hickory. The public is invited to attend the j gym class exhibit at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 7 o'clock. Prizes and 1 awards are to be presented to mem- i bers of the gym classes who have I completed the fall and winter pro-! grams and the names of monogram i winners also will he announced. J. I». Halford and Will am Morris j are speuediug today in Charlotte at the dairy farm of ex-Govcrnor Cam eron Morrison, to inspect the Frigid aire installation that is in operation j there. Mr. Morris has purchased one! of these plants for his dairy, and : t will be installed at an early date. Eight cases are to be tred in re- I (•order’s court today. Two cases, both 1 charging abandonment. are lodged \ against one defendant and others are charged with intoxication, operating a car while intoxcated. larceny and disorderly conduct. This will lie the first session of the court this week, i The illustrated lecture at the V. M. j (\ A. tonghf by Henry Warren Poor.! A. M.. will begin at S o'clock. Ynri- j oils beauty spits in America will be j shown in petures to be used by Mr. Poor, who will explain each picture presented. No dmission charge will j be made but a silver offering will be j taken to meet expenses. John T. Morrison, charged with j abandonment and non-support, was brought back to Concord Thursday! from Columbia. S. C.. where he was arrested for fornication and adultery, j according to local officers. When he is through with local courts he will be returned to Columbia to face more warrants there. After digging 210 feet, most of the way through rock. well diggers struck water Thursday at the site of the new high school to be built at Harr'sburg. The well is the deepest well in the county, it is said, and the vein of water struck produces 15 gal lons per minute, according to a tost made Thursday afternoon. Miss Martha Creighton, district home demonstration agent, will be here tomorrow to attend the meeting of the girls’ clubs at the Y at 2 o’clock. Members of the clubs who have completed their course in club work will receive diplomas at the meeting. The program has been ar ranged by the Junior County Council but all club girls of the county and interested parents are invited. Result of Neglect. Statesville Daily. The fire which Saturday destroyed a wing of the State Hospital in Ra leigh, with a loss estimated at $300.- 0000 to a half million, partially cov ered by insurance, was the result of inadequate fire protection, it is de clared. A sprinkling system would have checked the fire, those familiar with the situation insist. Also there was inadequate water pressure be cause the mains leading to the hos pital were too small. Every legisla ture for a decade or more has been asked, urged, to provide adequate fire protection for State institutions. Lack of money has been the excuse. They j continued to take a chance because nothing had happened. What hap pened in Raleigh may happen any I time at the other State hospitals, or [ other State institutions, with the pos | sibility always that the loss of life, which God’s mercy prevented in the Raleigh fire, may be great. The Ra- I leigh loss will be worth more than it I cost if it brings results anticipated— i the best possible safeguard against 1 fire at all State institutions. The Canadian Parliament inform ed the British Premier six years ago that Canada desired no more titles conferred on its citizens unless the Canadian Government recommended such honors, and none has been recommended since then. > Lizard farming forms a new oc cupation in England, to supply the demand for lizard-leather shoes and nand bags. Students in American schools, from kindergarten to college, total 28,000,000. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE EVANGELIST MOLL IS LOCKED I P AT DANVILLE Is Held on the Charge of Cashing Bogus Check. Danville, Ya., April 1-s.—Rev. Earl R. Moll, of Jackson. Miss., evangelist of the Mississsippi Methodist confer ence, was in jail tonight while the ‘police were attempting to discover if any other cities in the Cnited States want him. Arrested « ! n the charge of (ashing two checks, one $5 und the other for $2. in local stores, local banker* claimed that he was sought widely and that they had been noti fied by the banking authorities of Jackson Miss., that he has left a wide trail of bogus checks behind him in many states of the union. Mol!, when arrested, was communi cative. the police say. but he would say little when a reporter went to see him. Officers quote him as ad mitting cashing worthless checks in Greensboro. Asheville. Charlotte, Mor- MERCHANT ACTED QUICKLY When He Learned of the Trouble Hr Pursued the Right Course, and Then by Stopped Any Further An noyance. As everyone knows, a merchant’s job is not always a pleasant one, and with me it was no exception to tin rule. Several months ago I was con fronted with the task of clearing up some trouble, and were it not for the fact that I pursued the right course. I am sure it would have turned out so well,” thus remarked Mr. O. A. Ross, well known and popular Cabar rus County merchant who resides at Concord X. R. F. I>. O'. “there is -something else, some other trouble I want to tell you about. (This state ment was given to the 11 ERR JUICE man a few days ago). This has to do with my health.. My nerves were in such a terrible condition before 1 started using Herb Extract known a* HERR JUICE.” continued Mr. Ross “that it was impossible for me to eoi the food I wanted without suffering untold agonies from gas and a tight bloated feeling in my stomach. Every thing I ate just seemed to sour and ferment causing awful gas attack*- and at times these pains were so se vere that I could hardly get my breath. Gas would form around my heart and I would have to jump in bed and gasp for my breath. de cided something had to be done. So it was flint on the recommendation of a fr’eud. I began using Herb Extract known as HERR JITCE. which saved the day for me. This medicine prov ed to be a real wonder worker, as it put me on my feet after I had about despaired of ever being well again. Herb Extract known as HERR JITCE immediately regulated ray bowels, freed my clogged intestines and my food was therefore properly noted upon and digested. No more poison was absorbed into my blood and carried all over my body, for? Herb Extract known as HERR JITCE, the true nature’s remedy that it is, cleaned me out thoroughly and I was soon 'n a healthy condition once more. It is the most effective laxative, system purifier and builder that it has ever been my pleasure to take. It is not only a very effective medicine, but a very pleasant one. I made a special trip to see the HERR JUICE demonstrator, to see him and to tell him how very much I was pleased and gratified over the wonder ful relief and very beneficial reesults I had obtained from the herb medi cine. I want all my friends and ev eryone to know of the wonderful re lief and good health Herb Extract known as HERB JTTCE brought me. and if anyone is suffering from stom ach trouble and kindred ailments, I hope they will try a bottle of this extraordinary medicine on my recom mendation.” For sale by Gibs°n Drug Co. HEALTH MEANS HAPPINESS! Woman, the finest work of the Crea tor yet how often is she robbed of her natural attractions and good looks by ill health and improper living. Does her mirror reflect good health or does sho look tired and wornoutf Docs she suffer from nervousness, backache or head ache! If so, there is a remedy which has helped thousands for many years. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a pure herbal tonic peculiarly suited to women’s ills. It relieves, soothes the nerves and brings to discouraged women health and strength. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. A Banquet That Was Almost a Tragedy "Three years ago at a banquet I was stricken with acute indigestion. Two doctors worked over me for an hour before I came to. I had had severe colic attacks before, but noth ing like that. No doctors or medi cine gave me permanent help until a friend, who was at the banquet. adv raised me to take a course of MATH'S ‘One Dose Will Convince,’ wbic.i 1 did with wonderful results." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the in flammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. Gibson Drug Store and drug gists everywhere. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY FOR SOLICITOR OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. To the Voters of Cabarrus County: I hereby announce m.v eaudidacy for nomination as Solicitor of the Fifteenth Judicial District of North Carolina, to be voted upon in the Democratic Primary to be held in June, 1926. Thia the 12th day of April, 1926. B. F. BRITTAIN. 16-6wks. Asheboro, N. C. ganton and Henderson. The police at first were suspicious when he said he was a conference evangelist. Going over his effects, however, they found a pemphet is sued by a Methodist publishing house in 1925 giving photographs and biog raphies of the evangelists in tlie Southern Methodist Church. Among riicin was Moll’s picture and under it the name he gave here. He is a na tive of Defiance. Ohio, and was edu cated at Centenary (’allege in Louis iana and a; Emory University, He conducted r« viva’s in most of the southern states of recent years and himself said that recently he held a series of meetings in eastern Caro lina ll’* declined to say where. The police said lie to’.d them 'he had been suspended by the Mississippi j conference for fiis money irregulnri- 1 ties. To the reporter he said he had j ‘withdrawn’’ from that confcrcnc". j According to the police he had no <1 if-1 fieulty in cas'uing his checks, for whenever there was a doubt the pam phlet was handy and hi* photograph in it with that of other well-known prenchers' paved the way for the ac ceptance of Phe checks. In this way the police believe he was signally successful. The Dahl Detective Agen cy. of Knoxville, recently broadcast a nottice of Moll. One reached a local hotel and when-Moll appeared today at the desk it did not take long to bring the police. The miiiKscer, who has the appearance of refinement and who is aged 33, *ent for a Metho dist preacher soon after being locked TODAY’S EVENTS Friday, April l«. 192(5 Annual observance of Arbor Day in Indiana and Colorado. "Humane Day* will be observed j today with exercises in all the schools. Clarence I>. (’lark, for many year* j United States senator from Wyoming. 1 is 75 years old today. The National Association of Cot ton Manufacturers will meet in Ros ton today for its spring session. Rrig. Gen. John R. Bellinger, as sistant quartermaster general of the United States army, is' to be retired today for age. The U. S. S. Holland, the first ves sel to be built for the United States navy for the sole purpose of acting :is tender to submarines, is to be launched today at the Puget Sound ::nv.v yard. Claims He’s the Man Who Belled Buzzard. Winson-Salem, April 10.—Thej belled buzzard, which for forty years FELT LIKE HE COULDN’T HOLD OUT MUCH LONGER That’s What a Rundown Condition Sexton Was; In Before Karnak Built Him Up in Health and Strength. “I am just finishing my third bot tle of Karnak and I’ll tell the world I’m recommending it to all my friends —this medicine is a knockout.” de clares F. Sexton, of 269 Henry St.. Spartanburg. S. ('., Supt. Feed Dept., of the Spartan Grain & Mill ing Co. “Here a short time ago 1 found myself in pretty bad shape.” continues Mr. Sexton. “1 tell you I was in such a rundown condition I don’t be lieve I could have held out much longer in the fix 1 was in.” “My appetite was so poor I couldn’t New Handy Pack More Tor your money ' and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money look for WRtGLEft P.K.Handy Bu*. had sounded its message to and fro! over the tops of the Appalachian j Mountains and which was killed a few days ago near Bristol, Tcun., | earned its fame from the triek of a Winston-Salem man nt a church in Wilkes County in IKS2, says the Winsti ,ll-Salem Journal. V. H. Wyatt, who lives nt Till' South Green Street, sent word yes terday to Tbe Journal ofllee by his son Criuh. that he was the one who tied the hell around the scavenger's neck in 1882. He says that he was in i:) church grove and happened to sec 1 1 1,0 buzzard alight in the nest. He I procured a bell and leather belt and I,nice and for aIU rendered that bird musical. The buzzard never came | bark to that nest any more says Mr. Wyatt. He saw the story of how the ‘ ! buzzard had kept . the mountaineers . iu awe for over 40 years in The | 1 Journal. j It was in Mulberry Township that i |this buzzard took on tones, accord- ’ ing to Mr. Watt. Kver since that . time the tinkling of the little bell which could be heard for miles'! around has augured the wenther and the seasons for some and has been the source of many superstitious tales for others. A Philadelphia bank recently was quoted to the effect that in that city S 3 to !H> per cent of all furniture, SO per cent of all phonographs, 73 per cent of all automobiles and washing machines. 03 per cent of all vacuum cleaners. 40 per cent of nil pianos, 05 per cent of all jewelry and Id per cent of all radio sets arc sold on the j installment plan. Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty appetites, vigorous, digestion and robust health. Give them a glass of this delicious digestaut with meals. Shivar Ale Pure Digestive Aromatics With Shivar Mineral Waller & Ginger Nothing like it for building j ricli blood and solid flesh. At all grocc rs and druggists— satisfaction or yonr money buck on lirst dozen. If your regular dealer can not supply you, telephone F. M. Youngblood & Co.. Whole sale distributors. relish a meal, ami I felt sluggish all the time, and just lost all my pep. I simply knew I had to find something to build me up or I would be in for a long sick spell.” “Well sir, everybody was taking Karnak so that 1 started the medi cine. and I want to tell you it has simply worked wonders for me. why, 1 come in so hungry now I don't think of anything but eating, and I just put my feet under the table and sure do a good job of it. I'm gaining weight, and just building up in health and strength all over. Be lieve me this Karnak is sure some health builder —I don't believe it has an equal.” Karnak is sold in Concord by the l’earl Drug Co.; and by every other reliable druggist in Concord and in every other town. With a stock like this of a/1 the new models—why drive j an old one? The old clothes .man has got to live and so should you! | [ SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. SPRING SUITS $ Some With Two Pairs Pants '5 HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE 'g mooooooooooooooooooqoooooooooqoooooooooooooooog «Frigidaire Satisfactory Electric Refrigeration Frigidaire protects the health of yourself and family, lends greater enjoyment to work in the kitchen, brings untold conven ience to your home and fresher, better foods to your table. Let us give you complete infor mation. For Sale By STANDARD BUICK CO. j -Sj»« 85 S. Union St. Phone 363 ¥ \ Frigidaire igg" REFRIGERATION A Specialty jj We Clean Beau j tifully Ladies’ Felt Turbans ■ Hats Received j By 10 A. M.WUI ; Be Returned Same Day | Pleating in All | Styles "MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 Office 88-27 W. Depot St | For Ambulance i and Profession al Services Ca 1 1640 I Day or Night Bell & Harris i Funeral Home Friday, April 16, 1926 CUNE& MOOSE The Seed Store SEED CORN FOR EXULT / WANTING Adams Early, Truckers Favorite, Southern Snow Flnke. We have it by the pint, quart, peck, or bushel. FIELD VARIETIES Hickory King, £)avis’ Prolific, Tex as Red Cob, Improved Prolific, Coun try Grown, Golden Dent. BEANS Extra Early Valentine, Stringless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder —loose. Also a large assortment of Ferry's Seeds and Lake Shore Seedß In all size packages. ..Buy your seed from CLINE & MOOSE NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of tbe Citizens Building and 'Loan Association will be held in its office in tbe Citizens Bank and Trust Company building in the city of Con cord. N. C., on Monday. May 3rd, 1926, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. ' A. F. GOODMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1826 Cotton IS Cotton seed J 52 1-2 r CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named repreaent prices paid for produce on tbe market: Eggs ... .25 Com SIJJO Fottitoee »1.50 Turkey* .25 Onions $1.75 Peas $2.00 Butter .85 Country Ham JO Country Shoulder .20 Country Side* .20 Young Chickens .85 Hens .22 Irish Potatoes 2.00 I f * ’ y I ■ -V ■ .1 M, tik. 7 PKULISDO CO.