Friday, April 30, 1926 DDT SALE^W ■vw A WllMAi X w A i|y That Must Be Sold Regardless of Price, We Must / \ I >f|ce to Get What You Want. A Clean Out-A Clear-Outr j Vi f flow That You Will Be Compelled To Buv. I I f[ST, AT 9 A.M.-BE HERE THEN no SMASH/ v t' l *Give Away! -as High Grade Slippers in Browen lots and sizes. J , c U P to $7.00 will be sold on the opening day at x»nc inly SI.OO ffIURRY! ► /nor roup of Women's Slippers in most ail sizes and lesi last long. Remember we are going out of busi ißrn marking these fine shoes down so low. Wonder sl.9s lesatdrday, 1:1:00 A. M. ilk SHOES BELOW j cosr. |URRY! iiRYTHING MUST GO! FIXTURES AND LEASE FOR SALE! SHOE STORE D, N. C. WORK ! MEN’S SHOES 12 STYLES 400 Pair $1.95 Sold up to $4.00 MEN! LOOK AT THIS! Several Desirable Styles in Shoes and Slippers that sold up to SO.OO. Browen sizes and lots. While they last— sl.9s * the cohcofcb DAILY TRIBUNE f Bargains for Men •• t* *«"» «•»!».• *T f ■ : ; r ' . 4 '% /' „• .. .■ \ . ■’■ Every Man’s Oxfords and Shoe in the House will, be sold at prices that you can afford to pay. Every pair must go. We nK All $8.95 and $5.95 Wear-O-Pedic Oxfords, in light tan and blacks SALE PRICE $4.95 Men’s Shoes and Slippers that sold for $4.95 and $8.95, in Tans and Blacks. Nothing reserved. Every pair must go. All leather and guaranteed SALE PRICE $2.95 A Big Assortment of Odds and Ends, but every pair a good Shoe, m tans and blacks. This lot consists of about 500 pairs all good leather shoes and oxfords and a big bargain. Only > SALE PRICE $1.95 We have arranged our store as convenient as possible to handle the crowd. AH shoes on racks and tables will be marked in plain figures, showing the size and price. We will have plenty of sales people to give you prompt ser vice. Don’t hesitate to join the big crowd. It will thrill you to see the bargains we will offer. Bring your neigh bors and friends. t _________ v CHILDREN It will certainly mean joy to the Mothers who have so many Uttle feet to shoe to see our children’s shoes. With our tremendous stock ,of pf Children’s Shoes 1 we feel that our loss here will mean a great savings to the entire community. Bring the children to this Wonderful Going-Out-of-Businsss Sale BIG TABLES OF CHILDREN’S SHOES and SLIPPERS TO GO FOR ONLY SI.OO ; We have taken the cream of this big stock, in all the very best patterns and ®* lsses Boye’ and Children’s Shoes, and agreed to a clean $1.95 We have a big stock of Children’s Gym and Tennis Shoes. Regardless of cost or former selling price, very pair in the house will go at this one price— -69c ■ . . - ; - . * i . INFANTS’ SHOES A Clean up of several hundred pair that formerly sold up to #3 00 All sizes “ and styles in both shoes and slippers at * i: ; 50c FAIR ■■ ■ ■ • ' ' jr SB" A i • PAGE SEVEN Store Closed Thursday and Friday Marking Down Our Entire Stock