Monday, M»y 24, 1926 Dinner Stories ' Tbinleigh—l certainly envy Mra. 1 leigh when ahe laughs. 1 fuller —Why? i Thinleigh—There seems to be so t J ' tch ofter that is having a good ] ae- i Excavation contractor (to appli- ! 1 nt) —Do you think you are lit for ally hard labor? ' Hard Case—Well, sir, some of the ' st Judges have thought so. Only one passenger was killed in a ' tin accident on English railroads 1 it year. Al—X hear ya gotta raise. Bert —Yeah, I gotta ■ raise S4O by ‘ norrow or my landlady'll throw me J t. Our Horrible Language. A kindly but somewhat patronizing ndlady was inquiring of the profes f r's young bride as to her prospcc -1 e summer outing. "Our plans thus far,” replied'the 1 idea little distantly, “are only ten -1 ive." ‘How delightful!” the landlady ex ! imed. “I’m sure you will enjoy 1 roping out more thany anything.” Gave Teacher Advice. ,*- On Johnny’s return to school after ‘ ingAivay several weeks the teacher ' 1 d-slim that he must bring a written for hi* absence from one of his, 1 *nts. The neat day he presented 1 note from the mother: )enr teacher: I*l esse excuse Jfdm or being out of school for the last 5 weeks. He fell from a tree and e his arm. By doing the same , 1 will oblige. ~ “(Mrs.) Jennie Jones." Podr John. '•’tHV: r idow: “If poor John, had oftly j ea will there would ppf bA all* | difficulty about the property.” ' Concord Paint & Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L "I I " ' ' -- '•' >OLLY AND HER PALS Z id . Lm I j . aju,' t !>«•> eW*«vii4j!*« ***•'-« _J 524 . . -■■■■ Embarrassing Moments New York Daily Mirror. I was walking across the field to join my friends who were playing tennis. • I saw a young map beckoning and coiiililg toward me. Being rather ' nearsighted and thinking he was one of my friends. I ran to meet bbn, 1 and not until I was extending my, i hand to him, did! realise that hie wan - j a colored men, who bad been beckon-- | iug to his wife, who was wtilking hh- ( ktef mi.’' * i An Unexpected Pleasure. I asked the boss for an afternoon 1 off in which I could visit my aunt. 1 reality I intended to visit an -em ployment agency, for I was dissatis fied with my position. At the agency I described the sort of position I was sacking, and was informed that a man offering such a position was expected in half an hour. I waited. A* length the prospective employer came. As he advanced towards me I recognised my own boss, looking for sbmeoue to fill my place. Thfc Family Stole**. Going home in the subway a few evenings ago I met a girl kfhose posi tion I hnd filled in the Office. We started to talk about different mem bers of the staff, and I asked her if j she knew that a certain girl had be come engaged. She answered rfither promptly that she did. Then I said, | “It looks just like a ten-ejnt ring— the fellow must be awfully cheap.” Imagine iny embarrassment when she retorted} “Indeed he is riot, he's my brother.’* PSK PENNY column—it pay„ oooooootteooooooooooooooo Every new millinery de-' I tail. j x Every new Color Com- 1 9 bination. I: I Millinery Dept. O MISS ALLIE LEGO, Prop. x Phone 830 goooooooooor oocooooocs' ° HABITS PROVE POWERFUL . FAJDTORB W OUR LIVES I to •* W. Itsalis, President 'American Society set i thousand times easier to ooutract t hew habit than ts get rid of an •! »M*“ £ W]r > - T J jjLjjni I I a. w. stwAus | The philosophers of the ages havd i given us observations as *to tht gower and Influence of habits ancj ho one, wo believe, will doubt ttu expediency of cultivating good habj to and ehunniag those that ara bad, ' We all can follow the good advice If St. Augustine that “habits It not | resisted soon become necessity." j What has all this to do wit I ! thrift? I i It has very much to do with it I vqcause those who set out to prao S ice thrift have already wbn hall j he battle against bad habttß. j i There Is no N surer way Os develop j mg a system of Ilfs that is upbuild | I jng and progressive than by pi ac-1 [ ilclng thrift If you are thrifty you j tre not Wasting your time In Idle* j sees nor your money In dissipation. sou are not doing things that are | tearing down your health. On the lontrary you are spending your poney. your time and your epergles Uong Ones that will be to your best I nterests.*'; I The sanng off one dollar In Itself |oes not to so much. What really counts, is the paving* of one dollar regultfetly every month, every week or every day. It is the regu airlty of tfie practice i\et the amount j \ Involved that is helpful. I Learn to cultivate thrift, aot for ! the mere saving of money, hut as a habit that stabilize your en tire system of giving. • _j| l jj*_ - i ' • Wifey—l want my spring hat to be the kind that every dhc looks at twice. Hubby—ls that's wbat you want, why not w;ear your last year’s? OUTDOOR SPORTS | T v»u t . ! ——,— gßagggafift' i. , ii - 1,1 " > . ANO STOP TRIP .FOR PA THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE MARION TALLEY TAKES % j • ASHEVILLE BY STORM Yeung Star Sings Her Way Into the Hearts of Over 2,000 Peefcle. j toniiht'ssrig her way Into the* hearts of more than tw<| thousand people. Long befW* the doors of the old city auditorium were opened excited ‘iiut dtods fought for the few remaining seats in the house. Early this wee* all reserved seats had been sold, kfid i ■ it was necessary to place seats on the stage in an effort to aceommo- - date as many persons as possible. Miss Talley was greeted With a swelling roar of greetings op her en try, with hariddapping echoing from the mighty beams of the hall. ! it Delayed the Play. “Othello” waif being played by col- ... i ■*--1- - • V~i;V*.p 11 v’*- 11 * jjj ARMS ACttOSS THE w SEA AND AT HOME 1 ored home talent At #rl>l*c« whe ' e Otßellfl. asks Descjemona where the handkerchief wMcfc nc wW gweti bes the Moor approached Desdemoua and cned : “Des-da-mbna, wha’ tr dat bau’k’chiefr _ f*Y . I Loader: “De-De-DaS-da'm ona • wha is "tot han’k’chief ?” Btih,Uj answer. ffctii louder: "De-De-Des-dninonu, I yo' to give me dat han’k’- -Just then au o’.d Negro woman Smßillii the reter of the room and saidaimed*: "Now, look heah, Nath an, wipe yo’ nope on yo’ sleeve and let dat play go on t” ’■ J-- -, A Female Barliis. He! “iVon should see the, altar in our church." . . Sfhe: me to it!” OCX $$ Specials $$ j Four 35c Cans Sliced or Cl Grated Pineapple -- ’f Three 50c Cans Bartlett #1 j Pears in Syrup 1 1 Four 35c Cans Red Pit- ei | ted Cherried for *** S All Good Quality Packs ] 1 Cabarrus Cash Grocery Cc >OPCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --J OMOLINE SWEET FEED O TO FEED YCfUR HORSES AND MULES 8 jgj And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up I \gj better on a Balanced Feed than you can on oats or corn. 1' Cash Feed Store : PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. .1 aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodoooooooo FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEARj J □OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQtJOOOOOGOOOOOtJOOOOOCOOOOOOQI DELCO LIGHT If V. ;V - Light plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- . ;£ i ■ nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or A1 ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent 5 s ,_Phone 669 Concord, N. C. nu *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pirtPWCT ■,< •t-* 9 Have your car greased with AEEMITE HIGH PRES- • SURE greasing system. - * , • • . .dA' y \ j We Specialize in Csfr Washing, Polishing, Alemite Greasing and Crank Case Service. ' I Gas, Oil Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Tire and Tube re- * ijair. CENTRAL FILLING STATION - PHONE 700 >!»«■"*' ■ 1 ,l ’ ,w ' —l, m ■ * * -• r~ 7"*"1 Money Saved Gurney Refrigera for Millions of Users — torg have proved their efficiency in . laboratory tests with the high- * est priced refrigerators manu- CLEAN. PURE cold air The Refrigerator you have al- 1 ways wanted—and Moderately Save money on first cost. Priced. Save money on ice through the long years of service this wonderful Gurney Your money will H. B. WILKINSON hi a Gurney Refrigerator. We have the right sire Concord Kannapolis j for your requirements. • Mooresville China Grove ‘This refrigerator is am display nau-Sae it tadaib Hot Water i f This gas hot water heater f i is surely a friend in need and P | a * r ’ en< * ever y co< % | j||fl match and in*a few minute# | Ml I steaming hot water will n» Pays for itself quickly. **’. EE GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 384 W THE DAILY TRIBUNE 1 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER I BOTH ONE TEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: M- In State outside Concord . $5.25 V The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published, and its 1 price | g SI.OO a year. - B You need not pay tor the Progressive Farmer at the same time you ■ pay for The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any time ■ on payment of only 23 cents. * 491 Pay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, but-S oOme to The Tribune oßce to pay for your Progressive Farmer. . PAGE SEVEN