PAGE SIX K BATS Hos I QUALITY ■Rp?- '#t ? 7t* 4 J H / JLt/* * > ♦* ■L/ Wffrwr j- >r7y:!//'j«7-T7?JBr C ■Millinery Dept. j w Q KkISSALUE LEGO, Prop. 8 * Phone 330 A <v«i — I TOR MEN Bew of I Bostonians Blacks and Tans | Bummer weight Patterns, ■ Light. Flexible, Airy j ■p And ’Style That Stays I I $6.50 $7.50 I i 58.50 ■uth*Kesler Shoe ■ " Store ■ £HONE 116 ~— ■ -■■ ■■" --■" -- ■ - JMP I f^SrS^BL, I H I A r%' , ■ ;JUNE BRIDE’S GIFTS B; Many">useful things will be found here for the Tune Kde's Q3ft. and the June Bride will find many beautiful Bees fop her home. \ H.B. WILKINSON ! * i Bt of t£e High Rent District Where Parking Space Is ■■ -» Plentiful and Time Unlimited. ■fou || n „ .11 11.11 Jl IIJUM. j “OMOLINE SWEET FEED \ I ! tO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES B ■And you can feed one-thtrd less and keep your stock up ■better Ipn a Balanced Feed than you can on oats or com. , B Cash Feed Store ■PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. K.L CRAVEN & SONS jSSi'' H 1 Hr - - 1 I; PHONE 74 \ •• jk T Wood I I . ■ ■Jm ■ Lime B. M I M Plaster I Mortar Colon | Babies Love It For all stomach and intestinal i troubles and disturbances due | ID teething, there is nothing | better than a safe Infants’ and ! Children’s Laxative. i Mrs. Winslow** Syrup < For feminine hygiene I Enlightened women are now ! using Zonite instead of j poisonous compounds for : this important purpose. [ Zonite is thoroughly effec tive but harmless to delicate tissues. PRETTY DRESSES 1 are kept pretty by dry clean j ing. With the same freshness i and fit which pleased you when ; it was worn for the first time. You can depend upon our promise of satisfaction. SEND IT TO “BOB’S” dmssmasr \ PHONE 787 Office 25-27 W. Depot St ‘ v A Tip for Coolidge <x s V' r< if W * •la ;■*/ |*A M 1 SSgf^'JH President Doumergue of France greeted one of the girls who j welcomed him on his visit to Metz. T. S. FRANKLIN DIES | SUDDENLY AT CHARLOTTE Prominent Business Man and Civi* | Leader of Charlotte Dead. ! Charlotte. June s.—Thomas S. Franklin. (12, former Mayor, died ’ here today following a cerebral hemorrhage, which occurred while he was in a barber's chair at the: j Central Hotel barber shop, j Six weeks ago Captain Franklin i j suffered an attack of vertigo, but re | covered and a day or so ago return -1 ed from a business trip to Asheville. 1 Saturday he stopped at the barber i 'ho;i and while there a second attack k came causing his death. | Captain Franklin was interested |in business, political, religious and _ 1 civic enterprises. He was superin ’ tendent of the First Baptist Sunday > school for 35 years, also deason in 1 the church. Largely through his ef forts. Andrew Carnegie gave the ;: City $25,000 for the erection of a ' library building and Mr. Franklin bandied the transactions that result ed in the city's appropriation for maintenance and upkeep. Jackson to Hold to His Job as Marshal. Charlotte. June s.—High officials of the national administration have agreed to a proposal that Browu low Jackson, of Hendersonville, United States marshal for the west ern North Carolina district, will con tinue in that capacity, despite his ■ recent election as chairman of the Republican executive committee of North Carolina, according to private reports received here Saturday from Washington and Asheville. It was understood that Mr- Jackson , and Johnson Hayes, of North Wilkes (boro. Republican national committee man. recently held a conference with officials of the Republican party at Washington on this subject. An ad ditional deputy marshal for the W estern North Carolina district probably will be appointed soon, ac cording to private reports. And the Bandits Got Away. An excited man rushed out of a Bank. 'Banditsl A holdup! Police 1" he shouted—but not a single policeman was in sight. ! A pedestrain ran north to find a policeman. A messenger boy on a bieyele dash ed south to find a policeman. A driver of a deliver truck speed east to find a policeman. A lady in a Buick went west to find a policeman. A man in a Ford muttered: “Fools 1 I H get half-a-dozen police i nicul"—and he parked his ear be side a hydrant. I As if by magic six policemen ap peared. I But while he explained, the bandits got awgy. ; Women Rave , Over New French Powder [ A new kind of face powder is here. I Made by a new French Process — j stays on until you take it off. Pores | and lines, do not sbow. Not affected ■ by perspiration. Gives life and beauty to your complexttjon almost unbelievable. It was called MELLO | QLO. You will love it. I What Are You Doing | For Your Puny Child? (j For weak, frail, under-developed I children—and especially those that 1 have rickets, and need a sure builder [ that promotes the growth of teeth and J bones, cod liver oil is the one medi cine supreme—nothing helps like it. But it is nasty and repulsive and evil smelling and nearly always up set children's stomachs—so now up to-date chemists advice McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets. Children love them as they do candy, because they are sugar coated and easy to take. One boy gained 11 1-2 pounds in seven weeks, and is now healthy and happy—thousands of other children have grown strong and robust. Sixty tablets for 80 cents at Pearl Drug Company and all druggists— but be sure and ask for McCoy’s— the original abd genuine. Give them tp the sickly, frail child for 30 days, and if they don’t help— wonderfully, your druggist is author ’ J* yon back the money you THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE I MRS. ANNET HARRIS. Salisbury Post. Wade H. Harris was honored Wed- I nesday at Davidson College, reeeiv-; ! ii.g the degree of LI.D. in accordance j 1 with the unanimous vote of the trus tees some weeks ago. Os course we j | extend congratulations. Mr. Harris.; | tlie dean of the editorial craft in i I North Carolina, well merits the honor. ' | The thing about this that appeals to us is that the old mother sat tnere: and saw this first born stand cover-1 ed With respect and honor by and be-j fore his fellow men. A Davidson vis- [ itor remarked that this was a most pleasing sight to these who sat in the auditorium when the Observer editor' was decorated by Davidson. And if 1 the presence of the noble mother of Concord, now ninety years of age, so J appealed to an observing stranger, how much more so to those who have been so extremely fortunate as to en-1 joy the rich friendship of thks dear, good woman. i Some of the earliest recollections here is that of lying on a sick bed and seeing the kindly neighbor, gen tle. sweet and good, come ill to bring a tasty morsel, and above all a neigh borly greeting. Mrs. Harris is one of the choicest spirits of earth. One of the fondest recollections of childhood and young manhood has been this as sociation, and later in life to know that one lias tile confidence, the re spect and the established faith of such a fine. Christian soul is of itself sufficient to urge a fellow on to some thing well worth while. Every worth while man loves and respects his mother and looking back over the years gives her first place al ways. It seems to us that about the next brightest spot in a fellow's fife is the friendship of some other fel low's fine mother, who was good and by precept and example helped him. This exceptionally fine woman, wom an of intellect and character and no ble sentiments, was a mother first and we lived close enough to her for many years to spc and appreciate the full meaning of the statement. So Davidson college honored and pleased a tine southern woman and Christian mother when it gowned Wade Harris and decorated him with : a degree he doubtless deserves and ■ will honor: but it did more than that. | it brought to the mother that which no doubt cheered her mightily, and the brightest spot in that auditorium for many of us would have been where sat the radiant faced Annet Harris beaming in joy and suppressing as best she might the jumping heart within her. Wade has our congratulations and very best wishes, but here it is that we wish to speak to the honor of that exceptionally fine Christian woman, his mother who sat and looked on through the tears that a happy heart forced to the pallid cheeks. May the God who made good women keep her now and hereafter. Catawba College Win Get Financial Aid From Synod. Salisbury. June 4.—Dt. E'mer Hoke, president of Catowbn college, and Dean Khuford Feeler, have re turned from Philadelphia where they attended the triennial session of the J general synod of the Reformed I church in the United States, and they bring good news for Catawba college. The institution was placed on a budget of the synod for the next three years nnd will receive | from the synod $20,000 a year to be | used in running the school. The Woman’s Missionary society, of the general synod pledged an addi tional gift of SIB,OOO to be used to wards paying the debt on the girl’% dormitory. Tliis is in addition to the $28,000 already pledged for the build ing of the dormitory. The college la now closing a fine year with pros pects for a larger student body and added features and departments for next yeas. Patrolled Forestry District* In Ala - bant a. (By International News Service) Montgomery, Ala., June 7. —More than 3.000,000 acre* have been added to the area included witbin forestry districts in Alabama since January Ist, it was announced here today by Col. Page S. Bunker, state forester. This, according to Colonel Bunker, brings the total patrolled area to nearly 8, 750,000 acres. About 5,- 750,000 were under patrol at the close of 1025. . b The new arras araJ^BaMwin^Mo EFIRD’S CHAIN SALE !_ OFFERS THE GREATEST VALUES | CHAIRMAN’S KI LLINGS BRING MUCH COMMENT Gallatin Roberta at Asheville Ap points Persons to Mark Ballots. Asheville. .Tuiif o.—lhilinge by Gallatin Roberts, vhairmai of the beard of elections. barred new*;mj»crincn and elector* from tlie canvas of the vote and which took the right of ballot marking from the two factions and left it in the hand* cf [K’rsoius appointed by him. are causing much comment here today. I Doing one thing I well i « ' v iT is betterto do one thins well than to l|P do many things indifferently.*’ To render a gas service that shall measure up to the highest standard is our sole purpose in this community—our aim and obligation. Every member of our organization has the same purpose—from the expert gas engi- I neers who are responsible for the efficiency of our plant, the men who lay the pipes and install your equipment, the production and maintenance men, inspectors and meter readers, to the person who sells you a new stove or receipts your bill. You may count on us all to do our part, whatever that part may be. « . 0 Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. J * Concord, N. C. Gas&’Pbwer utility Corporation GUM-DIPPING the Extra Process for Extra Miles! Breaks all Tire Records The 500 Mile Speed Clastic at Indianapolis hat always been a Battle of Tires. In 1911, Firestone won with fabrio tires at 74.59 miles per hour. In 1920, Firestone won with cord tires at 88.55 miles per hour.ln 1925, Firestone won with Full-Sis* Gum-Dipped Balloons at the record breaking average speed of 101.13 miles per hour. In 1926, Firestone again won with Full-Sise Gum-Dipped Balloon*. The ten can to finish “In the money*’ were all Firestone-equipped. They went the distance without a single blowout and with but two tire failures—one due Co s Duncture the other to t leaky valve. This performance iv even more remarkable when you consider the terrific speeds at which the can traveled over this fifteen-year-old, rough brick track. The Firestone Remrd Experienced race drivers will not rlak their Uvea or chances AIIC lIICSIUIIC XVCCUIU of victory on my other the*. And in rise commercial field, large in Rattle of Tires truck, motorbua and taxicab fleet operators, who keep careful coal 111 DdIUC U1 A irc» records are among die Mauser. of Firestone Gum-Dipped Urea, at Indiananolis The City Transportation Cov, of Tacoma, Wash., writes: “On* of our 12 buses on Firestone Gum-Dipped Hies has gone fnr pjj* 40,600 mile* and still looks good for many miles of extra service Year Driver Cor Tires Hour For all around tire safety and mileage, Firestone cannot be beat.’* 1911 Harrow Manaaa Biwoss 74.59 From Calumet Motor Coach Co., Hammond, Ind., the following! 1911 £* w *°° r.ttTT 1 n^rI** 1 ** ™ « ,<We °P er » t * 40 buses all equipped with Gum-Dipped Tires. ThS 1914 Than.. Dedee «A47 very low cost per mile on which these rites operate is considerably 1915 DsPalms Merced., Goodrich 89.54 less than that of any other make.” Hayes Bus Lines, Columbia, S. Cl iffs fa**. p *”**■* Goodrich 83-24 say: “We operate 19 buses equipped with Firestone Gum-Dipped I9ia f World Wor Tires. A number of these tires have run over 45,000 miles without 1919 Wilcos Peusoos Gssdrose hm ever having been removed from the rim.'* !S?Sr ,k fegl. **:” The largest taxicab companies in the world standardise on Fireetons 1*22 Murphy Murphy Sp. Hnw« Gum-Dipped Tires. W. R. Rath well, taxicab operator, Detroit, Mich. 1924 Conw Fhswsui 90.95 ‘T/wo of my Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have run 76,00(1 Boyor Spodsl Fhoisons M2i Hundred* of thousands of car owners voluntarily testify to th« 1925 DoPooio Dussssibofg iFuit-Siso f 101.11 safety, comfort and economy of Full-Sise Gum-Dipped Balloon* <Balloons » w. H. Peaca_4, Birmingham, Ala., testifies: “I have had Flrestons »“■ v-isast.. ““ stone Balloons have gone 49,900 miles and are still fat good condition.” HW These records of endurance, speed, safety and mileage could only VIV have been made because of Firestone development of the Guns VP Dipping process which Insulates and saturates every fiber of every HM-l cord with rubber, reducing friction and heat and building great*: ypy strength and endurance fas the cords—assuring you at illiMM I MOST MILES PER DOLLAR TJre*tone RITCHIE HARDWARE CO. Concord, N. C. f Phone 117 We aim sell Oldfield Tires and Tubes at Remarkably Low Prices— > Mod: at the Great Firestone Factories and Carry the Standard Guarantee. i PROPUCE THEIR OWN RUBBER .. . . The rulings are held to be illegal, and talk in board on the streets of the necessity of another primary in Buneombe. At one of the polling places a-deputy sheriff walked in, drew his gun and- ordered, two regu lar markers to do the work, declaring the voting there would be haired un less his order'was comp ied with. Newspaper melt, reaching the ee*ne. found varying report.: of the affair, but it seemed that the orders of the armed man had been com plied with. Monday, June 7, 1926 Girl Expelled For Intoxication. Springfield*. Ohio, .Tune 7. —Four Wittenberg College co-eds and one male l student have been expelled from college for being intoxicated, accord ing to an official announcement made by college authorities. One of the students was a member of thi.; year’s graduating class. The • pamra of the five were not made pnblje. T~ She (Out driving) : I'd hate to fce walking tenight. He: That’-. what; 1 thm«h;. ,

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