July 19, 1920 Summer days are here. Glorious days, bat warm. And even more glorious when Ihe day's work has been done. The old, old, round of household tasks has been fin ished. Time for relaxation with not a care ■ T)ut to enjoy the gentle breezes. And then callers. Members of your club dropping in for an afternoon chat." Or friends from the neighboring city who mo tored over for the day. What is to be done? How best to entertain them as you your self would want to be entertained. Frigidaire solves the problem. A daintv salad prepared during the cool hours of I chilly confines is ready for serving. An ice has been frozen in the freezing travs. And there is always a supply of ice cubes. Hospitality begins in the kitchen. And Frigidaire i? of real assistance to the host ess who takes pride in the quality of her hospitality, especially the quality of the food she places before her guests. For Frigidaire never fails her. It is as depend able as ??.er electric lights and is always on 4 th f jj°b | | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR | j CT-rTT-rrm-:-* -re Twmr si,; •'! ”yi %*!'-! Mft ai td* I JFYWFa£ "1 j To Attend Our July Clean-Up Sale You Will Be the Loser | This Is a General Clean Up of Broken Lots MEN WOMEN CHILDREN 85c to $6.95 IVEY’S THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES | OMOUNE SWEET FEED I f TO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES I ! And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up | better on a Balanced Feed than you can on oats or com. j Cash Feed Store j PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOQOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DELCO LIGHT light Plants and Batteries ftjjj Deep and Shadow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- Kfi uating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ls tematiug Current. | R. H. OWEN, Agent Bg .-Phone 668 Concord, N. C. ELECTRIC© REFRIGERATION MORE THAN 200,000 BOOSTERS luiiui a report . of the Electric Refrigeration Commission 1924-1925 Commercial National Section National Electric Light Association, proves Frigidaire consumes less current and has the least per cent, time in operation than any other well known electric Refrigerator, An analysis of Frigidaire value, from the standpoint of Construction, Finish, Ca pacity, Dependability, Economy and Service reveals at once why Frigidaire Leads the World In ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Manufactured and Guaranteed By DELCO LIGHT COMPANY . Subsidiary of GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Sold and Guaranteed by STANDARD BUICK COMPANY 85 South Union St. Phone 363 Come in and see our List of 40 Satisfied Owners in Cabarrus County. There is a Satisfied User Near You - «•• • « > <•»-. r 117 DIE AS TRAIN IS BURIED BY LANDSIDE Passenger Coaclies Covered By Mountains of Earth in Bosnia/—l9 Persons Are Drowned. Vienna. July 17—One hundred and seventeen were killed by a great landslide which buried a railroad train near Sare-Jevo, Bosnia, ac cording to latest reports. Masses of earth had been lossened by the tor | The little wheel Is your oven yjCHJnpl I Insurance j7 I | t i During this Oven Insurance Sale July 15-31 Cf for your old coal, oil, wood ' or gas range and long terms 65c down —lB months to pay i THESE Oriole Ranges are equipped with Oven Heat Control, enabling you to regulate every oven operation by time and temperature. A whole meal will cook without supervision. You owe your home this convenience—take advan tage of our liberal offer and install it now 1 ij I V 7 Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. CONCORD. N. ft • .*• ■ . : . ' 1 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE rential rains, and the passenger couches were caught up in the avalanche, and swept along with mountains of earth on top of them, Further advices from Belgrade report that 4fl persons were ’drowned July 15 ui the region of Ipek, which | is flooded. A family of ten, sur prised by the rising waters ih an open field, were drowned. Lightning killed 2,tMK) sheep and various wild animals. Beasts of the forests, driven by the floods, sought refuge in the, sheepfolds, but did not molest the terrorized peasants’ sheep. 'Phe foreign minister, the minister of *ar and the minister of agricul ture are proceeding to the flooded districts. The Dnnbe is expected to attain Its maximum within the next two or three days. Croquet is probably the only truly amateur sport in the world. i CHERRYVILLE GIRL KILLED IN ACCIDENT Two Others Injured When Cars Try to Pass in Lincolnton. Lincolnton, July 18.—Miss Lillian Beatty, 15-year-old daughter of James Beatty, who live near Cherryville, in Cleveland county, was instantly killed in an automobile accident on East Main street in this city Saturday night at 11:20 p. m. Her companions, Lewis Johnson, of Gastonia, and Miss Brunie Larmon, of this city, were injured and were carried to the local hospital for treatment for minor in juries following the accident. The accident occurred when the car driven by Johnson attempted to pass the Ford touring car occupied by Rush Foster and Roscoe Smith, negro farmers of the county. Both cars were traveling west along the highway, the death car, following the collision, turned over several times, spilling driver and com panions out and landing 30 yards from the point of collision in a badly smashed condition. The negro men ' escaped injury. Their car, driven by. Foster, was re versed in the road and broken up. The negro men left the scene follow ing the accident, but returned this 1 morning, and they with Johson are . being held for a hearing by the sheriff, i Coroner IVarlick had the body of Miss ' Beatty removed to an undertaking es tablishment, thence to the home of the parents at Cherryville. The fun eral will be conducted Monday morn ing at 11 o’clock at Bethel ChurA in Cleveland county. Big Black Bear Left in Charge of Tobacco Barn. Kinston, July 18.—Major Hodges, residing near Dover, had a strange visitor while curing tobacco on his farm on a recent evening. Hodges was attending a barn in which sever al hundred pounds of tobacco was drying out when a bear strolled up and inspected him with interest. The bear appaered to be friendly, but Hodges was not sure of its amiable ness. He quit work and left the barn in charge of the bear. Bears are more numerous than in many years in the Pocosin country between Dover and Trenton, accord ing to reports from Jones nnd Craven counties. Dover swamp is said to be overrun. As many as a dozen have been trapped since spring in one Jones county community. Aleck Wetherington and D, J. Donnerson caught two in traps near Dover re cently. One of the nnimals is kept chained to a tree, spending most of its time among the branches. The wild berry crop in the swamp I failed, due to cold weather in the spring, and the animals have been seeking sustenance outside of their accustomed haunts. In her first appearance in com petition an English girl athlete, Miss Phyllis Green, leaped into fame with a broad jump of 17 feet 2 1-2 inches, only one-quarter of an inch short of the world’s record. n Wis modem Ice bum" caDscmcc-wiAfrigiiaK and tin kc rtayj ahxyt >r. How best to solve the problem ? Let Frigidaire do it for you. Prepared or not prepared, the foods left to its care will be in just the condition you would most desire when needed. No worry, no care, no both- ,3 er. Frigidaire is the ideal refrigerator. K The summer days call for light lunches l 5f chilled foods. All of those things that go to make up the hot weather menu are best When served from the cold, dry, penetrat-. I ing atmosphere of Frigidaire. They are always crisp and wholesome. ■ fcjjjSSyf B / - ”»♦ Meats and vegetables retain their origi- 5. nal flavor. In fact, the quality !n many in- v stances is actually improved. Butter, milk 41 and eggs are as you would have them. And ' best of all is the assurance that Frigidaire » sweeps away danger of harmful bacteria growth with no danger of contamination. Any model Frigidaire may be purchased on the General Motors time payment plan. A small down payment makes it unneces-' I f' sary to wait until Frigidaire can be paid for in full before enjoying the benefits of electric refrigeration. | A Boon for the Flapper. New York, July 17.—One of the greatest disadvantages possessed by the fashionable, light-colored stocking is the rapidity with which it is marked by every splash of rain or mud. Now, however, a new kind of artificial silk has been discovered. It is waterproof, and stockings can be made from it thnt will be absolutely impervious to the ravages of the weather. Stockings made or this material] can be dyed to any shade, and look ; 11 >• ■ 11 ■ - .■a. i. , . . . [GOODYEAR TIRES I We used to sell Three or Four different lines of TIRES, a And we believe they were good ones. But we were ask- 9 ed many times, “Do you think that Tire is as good as the 8 Goodyear?” So we figured if our customers made Goodyear their standard of value—why try to sell them any other kind. And for that reason, we are now selling Goodyears ex clusively. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE PAGE THREE -- . , n -j _m,"j exactly like any other artificial »Ht| hose. Another recently invented cess in the artificial silk industry a method whereby the bright lustre etl the material can be dimmed to that * dull sheen which is the characteristic !, sign of a genuine silk stocking. ;i; Charles O. Messinger, a Minneapo- ij| lie machinist, has perfected a new pro- H cess for hardening cutting steel, which 11 I University of Minnesota engineers if- $ | clare will increase the cutting effi ciency from 400 to 500 per cent.