'uesday, August 10, 1926 COUNTRYJ CORRESPONDENCE ENOCHVILKE. Mrs. M. S. Knrrikm- is spending e week-end with her son, H. L. striker. Mrs. X. A. Karriker, wtio has been the Coneord Hospital returned to r home in Kannapolis last Mon y. Mr. and Mrs. X. V.". Brown, of iandis; Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Kar iker and children, of Unity; Mr. and Mrs. M. Goodman and children, of tear Kannapolis, all visited at Mr. urj Mrs. H. L. Karrtker’s Sunday. * Miss Kela Goodman, of near Knn lapolis, spent Saturday night with Miss Ethel Flowe. Mrs. C. A. Weddington has pur thased a lot in Enochville. . Mr. and Mrs. Slack' Overcash and amily, of lower Rowan, were vis tors last Wednesday night at Mrs. !. A. Weddington’s. Mr. and Mrs. Slack Overcash and, trs. C. A. Weddington spent Satur iy in-Bfftisbury on business. tMr. Mud Mrs. 1,. SV. Ovcrcashand rs. Si. 1,. Flowe went to Concord st Sunday evening to hear *Mrs. tive preat’u. Tliey say the ground round the tent has been covered pith cars at nearly every service. Miss !■ Bessie Talbirt, of Raleigh, pent two weeks in Kannapolis visit ng her sisters and brothers, but has eturned to Raleigh. C, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Overcash and Jrs. W. K. Flowe and daughter, 3the\ spent a few hours Sunday rith Aunt Sarah Ovcrcash, who has lean confined to her bed for quite » while. \Mrs. Samuel, Riley has returned ftjlln the Concord Hospital and, is get *¥* along fine. Iporn to Mr. and Mrs. Vick Deal, i (laughter, July the 31st. Mrs. M. K. Flowe, of Bethpage, pent Monday evening with Mrs. H. j. Karriker. Kittle Zelma Goodman, of near Kannapolis, spent Tuesday and Tues ay night with Kola Karriker. Mrs. C. A. Weddington, of Enoeli ille, spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. (ary Weddington. David Deaver, of Oak Kawn, has lurchased a farm just below old (ethpage Church. W. K. Flowe is expecting to sell is farnt or trade it for a house and it. Eugene Fink is boarding at thp ome of Clyde Weddington. Making ponds is the order of the ay around here for the little ones. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Weddington ml Sirs. C. A. Weddington nnd Chil ean and Vernon Benfield and Walter Belcher spent a while Saturday night If Mack Overcash's, of lower Rowan. I Mr. Glossin will soon have his new ■fuse completed on the Kannapolis Hghway. ( TUKIP. I jafesTlA.V CROSSROADS. ■ Happy and family visited the Cliar- Kte Hospital August Ist to see the | may carry Look into the face of your boy or girl. fj lj\ 'll There’s fine stuff there—that lift of the head is pride J 1 jj 11 Jr hi j¥j • -*-there is intelligence in'the level eyes. If I I gll \ i A man or woman of the South—in the making. II Il! jjj Our children live in a day of high pressure. The South has taken its place in the front ranks of in dustry. Modern methods of manufacture, scientific farming, improved transportation—all are factors in JT"** building the industrial South. This development brings with it many changes in our customs and But we must hold fast to the idealism of the Old * South—the ideal of useful and intelligent citizenship. The children must carry it on. “-knowledge being neceuwy to .... good government and the happiness This is primarily a matter of education. of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be en- The average year’s pay of teachers in elementary couraged.” and secondary schools in the states of the South From the y thi ,tot* served by the Southern is only $637. Southern Rail- • way System, which pays three million dollars per annum in school taxes, ventures to express the view that greater material rewards should be enjoyed by the men and women upon whom rests the respon sibility of teaching the children of the South. ' son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shoe, of near Ebcnezcr E. K. Church. He is getting alorfg pretty well now, we have ’heard this week. We all truly hope that he will soon get back home. The Charity Club No. 1 of Salis bury had a spfendid meeting Sun day, August Ist. We all hope that there will be a larger crowd at the next one which will be in September, the first Sunday, at 4 o’clock, espe cially the ladies. There was not' but | two at the last meeting, Mrs. W. H. Wilson, of East Spencer, and’ Mrs. Happy Trex, of Bostian Crossroads. Mr. and C. W. Deal and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Happy Trex and family August Ist. Mr. and Mrs.. W. K. Trexler vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sloop, of China Grove August Ist. Also Mr. - and Mrs. .T. ( M. Bnrnhardt, of near j China Grove, visited them August! C. M. C. Fisher, of near Faith, has been on the sick list but is better again. The ice cream party that was at the home of Mr. and M,rs. J. T. Artz July 31st was a good one. There was a large crowd there. There was lots of people from Salisbury 111 ere. The Happy Trex string band was there to furnish the music. Mr. nnd Mrs. Artz are going to have another one soon. Tliey are fine clever peo ple to be with. R. G. Robertson and Ik K. Kluttz, of Faith, were welcome v visitors at Happy's rock- quarry August 4th op business. Clarence Barnhnrdt, our mail car rier, has just returned from ' a big trip that he took last week. He caught several fine fish while on his trip. Happy would have liked to have been with him. The P. O. S. of A. No. 24 of Salis bury, had a splendid meeting August 2nd. This camp is doing good busi ness. We hope that there will be a large crowd that will go from this camp to the district meeting which will be held at Asheboro August 18tii. Happy and his sweetheart are go'iig if nothing happens until then. There was a large crowd at Cres cent at the Orhah's Home day. Happy met so many of his old friends that we have not seen in a long time. We met one of our old reporters but did not know her until she told us her name. She had her hair bobbed since she left from around here and that is why Happy did not know her any more. ’ Forest Beck and Raymond Kepley, both of near Crescent, were welcome visitors at Happy Trex's August 3rd. We all had plenty of music. Happy apd family visited Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Grubb, of West Spencer, August 4th. Happy furnished some music for them. They are fine clev er people. W. A. Stirewalt, of near Faith, took a trip to the peacli orchards several days ago. He said peaches were cheap jlown there. 1 guess Happy will have to go downl Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Trexler and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Trexler went to the peach orchards at Pinehurst Au gust sth to ret peaches and water melons. Z hey said that there was something- t-i see there. Mr. and Mrs David Earnhardt, of Faith, are planning to build a big fine' brick house, we were told by a friend in. Faith. J. C. Shepard, of near China Grove, had a boy that got kicked by a mule . the other day but he is getting along ail right. Boys,, mind how you go around a mu'.e for Jiiey will live a long time just to get le kick yon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tobias Miller, of near Faith, are wearing a big smile—it is a big girl. John ltinchnrt, of near Rockwell, is going to have a big time at his filling station on Saturday night, Au gust 14th. The Happy Trex string , band will be there to furnish the mu | sic for file crowd. Come and bring Iyour friends with you. K. H. Sloop, of Kannapolis, has set himself up to a new ear just re cent: y. There was another good rain in this community August sth. Everything is looking fine on the farm. HAPPY. Faith. We met J. A. Kisk, of Gold Hill in Salisbury, one of the old Civil War Veterans, of Route No. 1. His grandfather was 110 years old and was in the Revolutionary War. ' Mr. Kisk is now 84 years old. His grand father was formerly from Scotland. We met Cnpt. J. 11. McDaniel, pro fessor of English in the Collegiate In stitute at Mt. Pleasant, at the picnic. J. N. Rimer made 425 bushels of >vheat on Rockwell Route 2. At the Yadkin Hotel we met A. B. Robinson, Jr.,'formerly assistant radio announcer at station W. S. B. in At lanta. A fine young ,man. We met Mrs. Joe Kyerly in Salis bury, of near Barber's. She spent three days at Raleigh at the farmers' convention as a delegate. Something ; like 3.000 people there. Three prizes were won by farmers for calling hogs. Next year the women will cull chick ens for prizes. !\ e saw one of the finest movie pic tures at the Victory today and a crowded house. Misses Corrine and Nannie Bryant, of Charlottesville. Va., are spending some time with Miss Ruth Morris, of Spencer, Route 3. We met them all at the Orphans' Pienic nnd told them that Charlottesville \a„ was the place Venus segt his first ear of street curb ing ever shipped from this country. VENUS. GEORGEVILLE. The meeting at -Center Grove be gan Sunday. Services at 10 o’clock in the morning and 8 o’clock at uight. Come. A good many of the people attended the camp meeting at Beebe' Sunday. Walter J. Turner, of Winnsboro. Texas, arrived here Sunday to spend awhile with home folks. Misses Kizzie and Annie Kluttz nnd John Allman attended the Crescent picnic. The orpiianS gave a program in the afternoon which was enjoyed THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE by all. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eudy of Den ton, were visitors here Sunday. Miss Allie Teeter entertained a few of her friends Wednesday night after games were played Miss _K zz.ie Kluttz and Edward Shinn gave s -vcral selec tions on the piano and violin , Mrs. Clarence Gotten, if Baden, ■Cpent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cox. Mr. A. Eudy is improving, after being confined to his bed for several days. Mi'- Frank Furr is connm-d !i. Ins bed again, we regret *o snv. FARM GIRK. GEORGE VIKKE. The protracted meeting began at tile Methodist Church here Sunday. Services will be held both morning and evening. The condition or Hr. A. Eudy. wno was confined-to his room last week on account of rheumatism, is improving. Mr. Edward Shinn, who has been in Philadelphia for several weeks, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shinn. Mrs. A. M. Shinn and children, of Coneord, spent last Thursday here with relatives. Miss Bessie Joyner, of Concord, spent the week-end with her parents here. Mrs. T. F. Shinn spent last Mon day in Mt. Pleasant with her mother. Mrs. Hn'hn, who is sick. Boyd Kee Barrier. Aurtis Kittle and Charlie Furr are picking peaches in the saondhills. The sandhills seem to be quite a fav orite place w.th people here. The fol lowing were among those from here going last week: Mr. J. F. Eudy and Miss Elma Eudy. Mr. and Mrs. T. Frank. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Father T. Shinn, Misses Inez Shinn, Margaret Shinn nnd Miss Bess Furr, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mauney and family, and Mr. A. J. Kittle, while there Pinehurst and Jackson Springs were visited as as well ns the orchards. Those going reported very pleasant trips. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eudy and lit tle daughter Earncstine, of Denton are spending several days here with their parents. Mr. arid Mrs. John C. Shinn respectively. The condition of Mr. A. F. Fun does not improve very fast, we regret to say. Miss Pearl Shinn, of Kannapolis, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Z. Shinn. Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Barrier spent last Thursday afternoon in Albemarle. Misses Ruth nnd Elizabeth Drye Eudy spent several days last week in Oakboro, the guests of their aunt, Mrs. S. P. Efird. A number of our people attended the convention and camp meeting held at St. Paul’s lhst Thursday and Bethel on last Sunday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Eudy, of Al bemarle and Mrs. C. A. Whitley, of Stanfield, where here with their fath er, Mr. A. Eidy, last Friday. T J-'ishermen '\Vere quite lucky after the high waters last Monday. They reported seventeen fish captured in their trap. A nice lot of wood has been placed on the school ground pre paratory to opening of school this fall. Mr. Barry Barrier spent last Sat urday afternoon in Coneord. Mrs. Alvin I. Shinn spent last Fri day afternoon in Kocust with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Barringer, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bnrringer's mother, Mrs. M. F. Bar rier. Friends were greatly shocked to learn of the death of a former pastor one whom ail had learned to love, the Rev. N. R. Richardson, who met his death by being struck by an automo bile. Mri Richardson served as pas tor of the Methodist Church here for several years. Rev. W. C. Wnrliek, pastor of the Reformed church at Mt. Pleasant, de livered a fine sermon at the Methodist Church Sunday evening. TUKIP. WINECOFF. The protraeted meeting will begin at Mt. Olivet August 15th, at three o’clock. Rev. Courtney, of Central Methodist Church, Concord, will preach for us at this time. Everybody is in vited to attend each service. Miss Emma Kitaker and Fred Kita ker underwent an operation at the Coneord Hospital last Saturday for the removal of their tonsils. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gray and daughter, of Statesville, Mr. and Mrs. Flemming and son, of Mooresviile, and Mr. atid Mrs. K. D. Fisher and sou of Salis bury visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cook Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Stroud returned last "Saturday from Virginia, where she has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Vernon Crowgey and son, Claude Stroud, for the past month. Miss Blanche Pleas visited her grandmother, Mrs, Hethcox, of Kan napolis, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wineeoff aud three children, Reba, Bernice and Johnsie, Frank Crainshaw Wineeoff and Miss Elsie Hurlocker, of Kannap olis, and Home/ H. Wineeoff, of Charlotte, took supper Wednesday evening with Mrs. A. W. Wineeoff. Homer Wineeoff returned to Char lotte Sunday evening after having spent a week with relatives and friends here. Mrs. K. C. Overeasli and Bessie Mae, of Kannapolis, and Clyde Over cash, of Kinston, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J., Wineeoff. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Stroud and chil dren spent the week-end with rela tives near Harrisburg. Mrs. George Kluttz, Misses Myrtle and Susa and Herman Kluttz, of near Rockwell, spent a few hours in our midst laijt Wednesday. Misses Myrtle and Susa taught at Wineeoff last year and have been re-elected for an other term. The many friends of J. W. Dayvault will regret to learn that his condition is not so favorable. Miss Bessie Cook, of Katyiapolis, is visiting her cousin, Miss Kathleen Stewart.' Mr. and Mrs. Kuth Piess, Mrs. J. W. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cook and children spent Monday in’ the sandhills. They also visited W. N, Cline, who is HI at Sanatorium. NEWS REPORTER. C. C. Heglar Property = — AT . AUCTION THURSDAY AUG. 12TH At 10:00 a. m. CONCORD. N. C On the above day and hour we will sell the G. C. Heglar property located about five miles Southeast of Concord on the Phoenix Mine & Cold Springs Roads. This farm contains about 605 acres subdivided into numbers of small farms and consists of one very desirable home equipped with water, lights and sewerage. In fact all modem conveniences. Also about ten small homes and numbers of other good out buildings, one cotton gin and storehouse. Located near good schools and churches and known as one of Cabarrus County’s best and most productive farms. You also will find on this place plenty of good cold springs, running water and every tract adjoining a good country road. Look this property over before the sale, as it will be worth your time to see the beau tiful growing crops and you will be convinced as to the facts .stated above. We have no price on this farm as every tract will be sold to the last and highest bidder on very easy terms of one-fourth down and balance in three equal installments of one, two and three years. Remember the day and hour and bring all your friends and attend this sale. FORD CAR FREE A brand new Ford Car will be given away at this sale. No obligations on your part, just your presence. You must be on the ground at the beginning of the sale. Band Concert Easy Terms Sale Will Be Conducted by the Famous Pitts Brothers, Twin Auctioneering Force of America Carolina Land Co. inc. AGENTS HICKORY, N. C. OFFICES: Hickory and Black Mountain, N. C. HARTSELL INS. & REALTY CO., Local Agents MRS. MABLE HEGLAR, Owner , 4 ~ PAGE THREE

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