PAGE EIGHT ON SALE TODAY |l Down, Balance Weekly cr Monthly. |S ""ALL NEXT WEEK YOU CAN BUY A SELLERS , I. KITCHEN CABINET SI.OO DOWN FitffShed Oak, Gray Enamel or White Enamel. The enamel 3ti Sellers Cabinets is guaranteed High Grade hardware nickle plafiffi and will not rust. Sellers is strictly a high class cabinet. H'itfe all the latest improvements and conveniences, at a price jtbi; qan afford to pay. Concord Furniture Co. : MY PRICES ARE RIGHT * : BUY NOW AND SAVE A B. POUNDS ICE, COAL AND SERVICE U “ "* rt FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR j . 0 30000000000OO00000COCCOO0000O0OO0OOOCXXXXXX5OCC00 s OMOLINE SWEET FEED TO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up i] better on a Balanced Feed, than you can on oats or corn. | Cash Feed Store f PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. iji bOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [ ~~ COMFORT ■ a wonderful Comfort shoe vis''• S®t you may wear without in any way sacrificing the style you I BLn. are accustomed to. Made of soft vici kid with built-in arch H which insures the proper sup ■ a to the instep. We have |‘|l J I H 7 shoe in B, C, and D widths ■m V X $5.85 i THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES,ll ii ip-i ■" I 'U Hot Water .IN A JIFFY pi This gas hot water heatei j HIL-H’ T ! is surely a friend in need and BffT | a friend indeed of every cook I |mpand housfewife. Apply a JB§ HfH match and in a few minutes EcH n m ' ■r“ k “““ ==: steaming hot water will run jg. M lIW~M from the faucet—enough fo> M- K| I JgNB, W. | the dishes, for a bath, etc Let us install one for you Pays for itself qukkfy. i EL B. GRADY * PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER I . Office and Show Room 32 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W 1 -’• is.. l Concord Daily Tribune TIMK QF CLOSING MAILS i The time of the closing of mail* at ' the Concord postoffice is as follow*; I N„-thboond 136-.1l :00 P. ii. 30*1-10 ;00 A. M. 34 4 -.10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P, M. ... Southbound 39 — 9:30 A. M. 43 3 :30 P. M.- 135- 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. t£. RAILROAD SCHEDUIJf In Effect Jan. 30, 1926. Northbound So. 40 To New York 9:28 P. M. No. 136 To Washington 5:05 A. m! f No. 36 To New York 10 :25 A. M. Vo. 34 To New York 4:43 P.M. So. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. Vo. 12 To Richmond 7 :K) P. M. •Vo. 32 To New York 9 :03 P. M Vo. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M Southbound I No. 45 To Ohidott* 3:45 P. M. ! Vo. 35 To New Orleana 9.56 P. M. ' Vo. 29 To Birmingnam 2:36 A. M. I Vo. 3j To Augusta 3:51 A. M No. 33 To New Orleana 8:15 A.M. ■Vo. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. Vo. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M. No. 39 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. Vo. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop m Concord •o take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Traill No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passenger* coming from be cond Washington. All trains stop in Ccneord except No. 38 northbound. | iJL BIBLE THOUGHTI 11C— FOR TODAY—I 111 Bible Thoturlita memorised, will ptore * f j JBi T'ricekM heritage in after year* JSj The Resurrection :—Jesus said un to her. I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall nevVr die.—John 11:2“>. | LOCAL MENTION | Rabe Ruth ami Lazzeri hit home runs yesterday 11s the Yanks defeat ed Detroit !> t.i S. Tlie Rube's foitr ply knock was his 30th of the sea son. The photograph of the bride por trait of Mrs. William Slither, which was carried in the Charlotte Observer ; ami Greensboro News Sunday, was j made by Boyd W. Cox, of this city. ; Vile limits in the city tennis tour j nament will be played on the Coun- I try Club court this afternoon bo | ginning at 5 o'clock, weather per- S mitting. Leslie and Robert Bed .are ! the finalists. ; We cordially thank Madison Furr. ! of No. !l township, for a lot of very ; fine Alberta peaches raised on his ; place, Nealy all of them weigh over [ eight ounces and are ten inches in j circumference. The Boston Braves continued to | show surprising form in the National ; League by scoring their third eonsee- I utive shutout Monday. liarry j Benton held St. Louis to five hits and | the Braves won 5 to 0. The doubles tennis team composed I of Robert and Leslie Bell had little ! trouble in winning from the team I composed of Wariick and Arrowood yesterday afternoon. They won in straight sets, the scores being 6-2 and 6-0. All classes at the Y. M. C. A. are |in full swing again The physical 1 director is specializing on teaching j business men t lie art of swimming I this month and all those who haven't 1 Lined a class yet are urged to do sc at once. The condition of W. f*. Cannon, who had the misfortune to have J»U leg badly lacerated several days ago. is reported as slightly improved. He spun a restful night and his gem ersl condition seems* to be slowly im proving. The Ford car of Ben Beavers that 1 was stolen from in front of the Con | cord' Theatre Saturday night was found Sunday morning on the road near the I’niou cemetery. The thief vacated it there after stripping it of its and horn. Hie Columbia Cellarites had no trouble in licking the skidding Hor-1 nets of Charlotte 6 to 4 yesterday.! In the other games in the* loop Greenville licked _ Spartanburg, Ashe ville defeated Augusta, and Knoxville had the best of Macon. The Bost-Stirewart-Plesg reunion is to be held on Wednesday, August 25, at Mt. Hope Reformed Church in Rowan county. The program is being arranged and the details worked out by committees. The reunion this year promises to come up to all former events in point of general interest. According to information from the Y. M. C. A., six local contestants will be entered in the pushmobile contest to be held on the Charlotte speedway Augnst 23rd. The push mobiles have already bedn construct ed ahd the owners are practicing daitv for the strenuous 200-yard dash. The G. C. Heglar property, in No. II township, will be sold at public auction on Thursday, Augnst 12. at 10 o'clock a. m. This farm contains 005 acres sub-divided into small farms. This is one of Cabarrus county’s best farms. Each tract will be sold to the highest bidder. See big ad. in this paper for particulars. Reports .from Acme, N. C„ state thrt officers there have apprehended ■Herman Rogers and Homer Wise, the two youths nnder sixteen years’ of age, who are alleged to have stolen i a Ford car belonging to Daniel Safrit from in front of the evangelist's tent ■on the Kannapolis road Saturday I night. The boys and the car are be ing returned to Concord. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TODAY’S EVENTS. Tuesday, Augnst >O, 1926. Greetings to Herbert C. Hoover. President Coolidge's Secretary 0 f Commerce, on his 52, d birthday an niversary today. The World's Student Christian Fed eration. founded in America 30 year ago. opens its international conven tion today at Nyborfi. Denmark. Today has boon set aside, as the date for the formal beginning of work on the hydro-electric development of Grand Falls, on the St. John River be tween Maine and New Brunswick. Pursuant to the invitation of Score tsry of Agriculture Jardine a confer-! ence is to be held at the Americau embassy in London today with a view ' to reaching an agreement for univer- j sal cotton standards for length of sta ple. Democrats of Alabama at a pri I mnr.v election today will choose their. candidates for I’nlted States senator ten representatives in Congress, gov-| ernor and other State officials to be j voted 011 at the November election. I Senator Caraway is expected to be ' 1 nominated for another term at the i ! primaries in Arkansas today. At the same time congressmen and State of ■ ficlals are to be chosen. Governor Teral, now completing his first 4erm. is a candidate for reiiomination afnl I is opposed by Chancellor John E. j Mart’ueau. In t(slay's primaries in Nebraska Governor Adam McMullen is seeking renomination 011 the Republican tick et. while tile Democratic gubernator al nomination is expected to go to Char- 1 les \V. Bryan, former governor and ! late Democratic candidate for Vice President. Only two of the present ! delegations in Congress have serious! opposition. Prohibition figures as a leading is sue in the Ohio primaries today, where ! candidates are to be named for Unit-1 ed States senator, representatives in j Congress, governor and other State I officials. Senator Willis, Republican. | and Governor Donahey. Democrat, are both seek : ng renomination and j both have opposition. GOVERNOR MeLEAN AND GRIST ARE ATTACKED j Barringer Says They Are Unfriendly j to I.ahor Organizations of State.N | Salisbury. Aug. b.—An attnek on j Governor McLean anil Frank Grist, j commissionef or labor and printing, as 1 being unfriendly to labor. featured the annual address of C. P. Barring cr, president of the North Carolina j Federation of Labor, here today. The governor lias been e“eminently j fair in his remarks," the speaker said, j quoting from the governor's address to the legislature, "but when we re-! view tlie acts of his administration j we find this boasted fairness weighed in the balance and found wating.” The governor, Mr. Barringer said, j lias eliminated representatives of la- j bor when their time expired from i the directorates of a number of State institutions on which they were ap- 1 pointed by former Gorvcrnor Morri- ] son. 1 ‘ ( He also criticised the action of Gov- ' ernor McLean in the recent eontro versy over the survey of women in 1 industry, saying there was no reason 1 why the state should not have per- j mitted the ngeney set up by the fed- 1 eral government to make the survey.)] The present commissioner of labor 1 and printing, the speaker said, has 1 been also “openly antagonistic to the labor movement by publishing mis- 1 leading articles in the state press rel- ] ative to wages paid in the dominant 1 industries." 1 A Go-Getter. 'Winston-Salem Journal. Speaking of go-getters, Highway’ Commissioner Wilkinson of the Char lotte district is in the running for the championship. The Charlotte Ob serier says there never was a time when Air. Wilkinson failed to “get something” for his district. The Observer tips us off to the news that at the next contract-letting in Raleigh Mr. Wilkinson is going to get fifty ipiles more of hard-stir fnee for the highways of the Charlotte district. Commissioner Wilkinson is to be congratulated on the prospect. But really it is surprising to learn that there are that many miles of road in the vicinity of Charlotte not already hard-surfaced. Georgia Editors Will Tour Land of . Sky. Asheville, Aug. 10.—The Georgia < Pretw Association will tour Western ! North Carolina on a special train 1 late this month, according to infor- 1 jmation received late Saturday. Har- ] .ry Stillwell Edwards, a member of i I the association for many years, and 1 la distinguished author of Macon will ] pilot the party through the Chimney i Rook estate where he now* lives and give the visiting editors a first-hand view of the gigantic development , gorng on around Lake Lure. The trip will be made 011 August 25 or 28. ] according to present plans. It is , probable the party will spend Au-« * l: «t 27 and 28 in Asheville, holding i « short "get acquainted session" *t Kenilworth Inn which will be 'head quarters. | ' W. 0. W. NOTICE. ! Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. ■ 1G W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8:00 • o'clock in the. Pythian Lodge Room. ! Every member urged to be present GEO. S. tORAEBER, C. C. R. C. LITAKER. Clerk. 1 666 I la • prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It hOh Ike germs. JfiP* »' *• • ' J ■ - 1 LIZARD DOWN BACK I CREATES WILD STIR j Commotion Among Negrces at Brawn f i Summit Station When Lixard Runs - i Amuck. Creensboro News. 1 ' i \ lizard running down the back of ' „ ‘negro woman at Brown Summit 1 Sunday caused considerable eommo-. I ion at the station there, just as a . ‘! train was pulling in headed for |j Greensboro. There was a big group of negroes waiting for the tram, sit i ting on a grassy plot near the station. I and the lixard had played around on the grass and then slipper! down the hack of the dress of a woman. : The negroes scattered right and! i left, while the screams of the victim • | were heard above the roar of the j annroa riling train. Her companion j was endeavoring to assist her get rid ] ! ~f the lizard, whi’e she shouted that 1 j the thing would kill her. j Magistrate S. S. Mitchell, of this! i city, who had made a visit to Brown i Summit, was among the few Waite I ! people at the place w'oo wore board- 1 1 ing the train to return home and un ! fortunately the party had to get on 1 before the outcome of the matter ; could be learned. As they got on the j train the woman was still screaming i and the negroes trying to get out of ; her .way and so avoid the lizard hopping on them was a greater dis- I play of agility than any Charleston I contest, he said. j The negroes had been attracted to 1 Brown Summit by two big revival meetings at negro churches nearby. I Fenner and Beane’s Cotton Letter, i New York. Aug. D.—The trade ■j was surprised and the market upset |by an increase in the government Bnew | i sell * 1. Our ll and right, them elec- M. R. OSTEEN 22 Barb rick Phone 806 aoooooaocoo&jooooooooooc | LOOK! I Beginning Sat-1 urday 5 All Hats Must Go Before ] New Goods Arrive ] I $18.50 HATS $1.50 Never Before Such Re- ' ductions PouvnAxtriA, j Wm-m* nuTxw-iyjmm Millinery Dept, i ] ! MISS ALLIE LEGO, Prop. ] Phone 830 ] ] jooooetmooA xxjofwyyvxscl LAST MONTH OF SUMMER Have | K. L. CRAVEN & SONS | Fill Your COAL BIN While Prices Are at Rock Bottom | * GRATE COAL $7.50 to $8.50 i FURNACE COAL $7.50 to $9.00 i. I ANTHRACITE NUT SIB.OO : SATISFACTION AND WEIGHT GUARANTEED ; • 40 YEARS IN COAL BUSINESS • ! j I REPAIRING STORAGE willys-knight SALES AND SERVICE , ; J See the Whippet on Display at Our Sales Room 1; , .forecast of cotton crop which nearly! (j eveiy one expected to show a de-iSJ I crease. Cotton ao’.d off over $4 a O bole no n result of the estimate but 18 recovered nearly .half of the loss in X I late trading. The government re- O jduced the condition a little over a X 1 i>oint but increased its forecast 252,- X i 000 bales to 15.d21.0f10. Statement O ' accompanying the estimate admitted 9 \ reports received by the government X 1 from its crop experts showed aver- O age about same number safe bolls ns 9 ast year and halt.ns much in eintes X excepting Texan. This wan accepted |0 as tending to offset the estimate and 2 led to the buying which later caused A the rally an it left some reason for Q plant with so little fruit to produce 2 ! nrai ticnlly as much citton as it did 6 - laet season when bumper cron was O ! produced. Today’s report is likely to X ! act heavy weight on the market for i j some time or until weather changes, j I One of the notable .developments of j the day was the large amount cotton 1 bought by spot houses and other trade interests. KEENER AND BEANE. Trauii Tfinirc! BY fCTZER fit YORKE iuiiii luriLJ rTHATIVEy ! ±GvrA , mo* > , JL I atif//YsyCj^ | j X I Take out a fire insur- 2 - ance policy and show it 8 to your wife. It will sij prove to her that you ij [ have got the brains she a ] always gave you credit 8 : trzaiaSaffittoAiifwcr CABARRUS | JAVMGS^SAtIK BU)C. 1— 01,',"-- 1 » NA They'll make your auto MB j robe look new; j J X ’Twill be a big surprise j | 2 to yod. H 2 Our dry cleauing will I I Q _ _ bring your auto robe I I | nback to life. Our me- U J tliods will restore the soft. IT Q py. fluffiness of your blankets I _ |i| curtains and hangings. UL " 111 We clean dresses and T_| Isuits in a know-how man- I fl ill fl near. 11l ! Walter L Furr I | Civil Engineer I Boundary Surveys, Sewerage, Sub- | | divisions, Sewage Disposal. ® I 10-12 Dixie Bldg. Phones 819--<590 j 1 . J-» .1 'ill'. 1 ■!!' . 'ml "■SaL"L!!LLJ!I!I ■ S |®^®®®®®®®®®O®®OO^IfIOdOOOOCiOOOOCIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCQ. There’s be no hot time ih the I old town to-' i Not in Hoover’s Pajamas __ Ijal/Ur j that open more windows hfaljlf |in your room and give “Z— X\jfjLrf-*^ m i ! ! ; you 8 hours of refresh- ‘ I Not in these big filmlike- -111— 1 gowns that contradict \ the expression that “one ; good turn deserves an- X other.” • W You can sleep better tonight if you want to 0 Here are the tickets to dreamland. The Pajamas $2 to ss.oo—The Night Robes $1.50 to 3.50 I Silk ftose—Plaids and Stripes HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOQOnnnonnexyyvMWAAAoP ®°OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC3CiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINCKS RED BAR OVERALLS § WE AR LUCE A PIG’S NOSE : Overalls that fit, give Better Wear, j and give the wearer Comfort. We are agents for Finck’s Red Bar ; i Overalls in Concord. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 QUALITY! PRICE! SERVICE! I These three words mutt be carefully studied by the grocery man. H Everyone wants the best— if prices were not a factor everyone would Ej buy the best, especially in food. We. buy Quality Goods —price them right and turn our entire a stock over on an average of twelve times per year. That is why we can beat the chain store on price and Still give 3 a you the service of delivery and a charge account. If you are not already 1 one of our patrons, give us a trial order H | today. j C. H. BARRIER & CO. I ■ ' Steadubaker and Dodge y Sales and Service * AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. Phone 228 EfH Vv j, f-i 1" <- h P 'III MAjmSEa-' PEACHES Peaches Peaches Choice Elberta Peaches fine for Canning $1.50 per Bushel FRIDAY Sanitary Grocery COMPANY Phones 678 and 688 * !: CONCORD COTTON MARKET' TUESDAY, AUGUST I®, Outtoa scad <4B ’ Tiiesday, August 10, 1926L1 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid. for produce on the market: Egga u .25 Corn sl.lO Sweet potatoes SI.OO Turkey* .25 Onions $1.78 Peas S2OO Butter .88 Country Ham .80 Country Shoulder'— .20 Country Side* _ 00 Young Chickens 23 Hens 18 Irish Potatoes *OO Paul B. Eaton I Patents and Trade Marks 406 Independence Building I j CHARLOTTE, N. C. Jfl — —-- r v 'ib. KM).,Tx\.

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