September 3, 1926 I COUNTFLVj ICORRESPONPENCB MISSION. Thf health of this community is very good at present. Mrs. Adam Almond is improving very fast. \ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mason and little son, of Concord, visited friends in Mission Sunday. Misses Elsie and Carrie Smith spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Cleonia Crayton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann and lit i tie daughter, of Stanfield, visited Mrs.' ” Some | . Fellows ; look around ‘ at their neighbors’ j houses to ! help them J decide which I! is the best |! shingle for | re-roofing I their own. « «• I Before you look jl let us give you of! a list,of | your neighbors who have re-roofed for the last time with Johns-Manville Rigid Asbestos Shingles. 4 ii ; L. L. Morrison Lumber Co. Phone 670 A BLESSING TO SUF FERING HUMANITY Charlotte Man Says, “I Feel That I Ought to Recommend This Medicine.” r ——— — —■—■— MR. a. P. M ULLINOX * J“1 1 bad suffered for three years with indigestion, constipation and was in a badly run down condition. Every thing that I ate seemed to hurt me. Aly food would sour and gas form a few hours after eating until I was in misery. It got so bad I was afraid to eat and I was losing weight and getting into a badly run down con dition. I couldn’t rest because of the stuffy chocking feeling. I felt as if I would smother. Losing my rest this way I would rise abost as tired as when I went to bed and hardly dar ing to tut I would go to work with my stomach sore and aching. I was tr tabled with constipation and it kept getting worse. I was taking something practically every day. I tried many medicines, in fact I wns.taking one when I heard of this \ herb extract known as HERB yilOE. Non* of them seemed to Delia Mann Sunday. T. F. Rowland and daughtei, Min- j nie, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harkey ai d j children, spent Sunday in Kannapolis with friends. Miss Flora Eudy and brother, Law- i son, spent the week-end in the home j of Mr. Hr D. Crayton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatley moved : into their new home last Saturday. They lost their home and ail tbeir household goods some time ago in n fire. Mr. and Mrs. Hatley will never forget the kindness of their relatives and friends. Little Miss Ruby Crayton, of Al . bemarle, spent last week with her . grandparents, Me. and Mrs. H. D. Crayton. Misses Minnie Almond and Sarah Page, of Kannapolis, spent the week end with home folks. SMILES. HARRISBURG ROUTE 3. This section has been blessed with fine rains for the last few weeks. Zeb Stafford took his vacation last i ; week. 1 Will Sossamon, of Virginia, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bing ’ ham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Mr. and . Mrs. Helms, of Union county, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Beard. Mr. Boone, of Belhaven, Mrs. Mil ton, of Davidson, and Mrs. Myers, of High Point, spent Monday with Mrs. T. S. Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin fielder Sunday. . \ Mr. and Mrs. Carson, of Gastonia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. IV. Alexander. LOCUST. P. E. Tucker is erecting n new barn. Elder D. S. Jones will begin n sing ing school tonight (Monday) at the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones are spend ing some time* in South Carolina. Miss Mildred Turner, of Concord, spent a few days last week here at her grand-fathers. Miss Belle Hayes left Thursday for her home at Hope Springs, after avis it of a week here with her sister, Mrs. D. G. Turner. Miss Selma Austin has returned from a visit to friends in Concord and | Kannapolis. Mrs. L. A. Helms and children of j Concord, spent part of last week here with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Osborne. Mrs. Cloud, of Monroe, a niece of Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Smith, spent last week here in their home. Mrs. Cora Starnes Drake was mar ried in Albemarle Saturday to Lon Aycock, of Cabarrus. Clyde Honeycutt and sister, Ora Lee left Monday for Wingate, where they have enrolled in the college. Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Burleyson, Misses Delphia and Belle Burleyson, of St. Martin’s Church section, were Sunday visitors at N. W. Honey cutt’s. Leslie Slmrington and Edward Bar tholomew of Louisburg were guests Friday night of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Turner. The young men were re turning from a week's stay at Ashe ville. Tlie Mission Study Course conduct ed here Inst week by Mrs. Connell, was a great success in many ways, al though not largely attended. One re sult was the organization of a Girls' Auxiliary, a Royal Ambassador and a Sunbeam Band. a The Union meeting held Friday and Saturday was unusually good. Much praise was given Rev. Mr. West on help me much ano I was really just about discouraged when my wife heard about this medicine and urged me to try it. I can truthfully say that it helped me. The very first bottle gave me re lief and as soon os it was gone I sent for another one. I am much better in so short a' time. It works my bowels regularly. The soreness has gone out of my stomach. I can Ue down and rest and when I get up I feel good. My appetite is better and the food doesn’t hurt me. This is the best mediciue"that 1 ever got hold of. It is a blessing to people who suffer is I did and I feel that I ought to recommend It. Mr. Mullinox ia a popular and ; well known milt man, residing at ; 807 Mint street, Charlotte. , For sale bj Gibson Drug Store. | the introductory sermon. Ail the j talks were inspiring. An out of the j ordinary interesting feature was the announcement of the coming marriage lof Miss Minnie Herrin to Fletcher j Lambert. | I These young pjeople have dedicated j j their lives to" the work of the Master and will go as fore gn missionaries just as soon as away opens for them. P. ___________ FAITH. Mrs. Settle Peoler, matron of Naza reth Orphans Home, is having a two weeks' 'vacation and is spending the time here with home folks. Rev. A. O. Leonard and family, of Lexington .are spending the week-end with home folks. Mr. B. T. Andrews, of Winter Fla., is here visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Andrews, for sev eral days. We attended the Home Coming at Organ Church Sunday. There was a large crowd present. The dinner ta ble was seventy steps long and was filled with the best the country nffords. The good ladies can sure set a fine ta ble, Rev. Mr. Fullenwider returned thanks. everybody enjoyed the fine dinnen Mrs. Chas. Barger had a fine cake on the table. Mandn Kluttz had a fine cake and Mrs. W. A. Cas per had a fine cake. Mrs. L. N. Brown had some fine damson custards, Mrs. D. M. Baker had some fine apple pies. Mrs, Shirley Overcash had fine pies nnd cakes. At Organ Church we met Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fesperman and three chil dren. He has the prettiest young lady for his wife you ever saw, and a beau tiful new home. Here are the names of several oth ers we met at Organ Church: Prof. R. A. Goodman, Newberry College, S. C., Charles O. I*. Trexler. Rev. Paul Mil ler, Rev. J. H. C. Fisher, Rev. George Cox, Rev. .T. A. B. Goodman, of Mooresville, Mr. and Mrs, Charley Moose and four children, J. D. Heilig, and those pretty -twin girls, Maggie Shaver and Lottie Shaver, of near Zion Church. Here are some others we met at Or gan Church, that said they read Ve nus' items in the paper: Mrs. W. T. Busby. Mrs. Emmont Thompson, Ger trude Thompson, the prettiest girl in North Carolina , and Sugar Lady [ Thompson. Chas. S. Heilig, member j of Mr. Fullenwider's Church in Salis -1 busy, all fine good looking people, Paul Bnrger, Salisbury, T. H. Rine hardt, the good old blacksmith Lela Coley, Rockwell, Mrs. N. B. Allison, Greensboro, N. C., John Robinson, Salisbury. Venus lost his spectacles in a fold ing case Thursday evening in the street in front of the Salisbury Post printing office and will give anyone 50 cents that finds them and leaves ! them at the office of the Evening Post. Here are the. names of some pret ty girls we met at Organ Church Sun day : Jessie Shuping, Ester Shuping, Roxie Shuping and Lena Shive. Here is what was on the register at Organ Church : No. on roll 355 J at tendance n year ago today tendance today 204; offering a J*eaf ago today $6.10; offering today $11.27. There is one kind or vegetable that grows in the garden and field ell over the United Stales, that if one will eat a full dinner of it nnd nothing else it will make him feel good for several days. We know because we have tried it ourself. Will tell anyone what it is for four cents in postage stamps, and you will sure be glad you found it out and you can eat a mess of it ev ery week or two. We sent another box of home-made eczema cure salve to Honolulu Satur day and the postage was 80 cents. They like it and sent for more. We saw people from all parts of the country at Organ Church Sunday. Some told us they read our items in the Concord Times and others said they read our '.items in other papers. VENUS. RIMER. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sifford, of Con cord, visited at Mr. John Sifford’s Sunday., Miss Delia Buekwell and Clarence and Dock Buekwell spent Saturday and Sunday with their brother, M. B. Buekwell. The Luther League of Prosperity E. L. Church was chaperoned Ijy Mr. and Mrs. IV. A. Sifford to Rocky Riv er on a picnic Saturday evening, Aug ust 28th. A picnic supper and ice cream was served. All reported a nice time. Miss Ruby Dry, of No. 5, spent a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Viola Safrit. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Host visited here Sunday. Mr. Walter Hkrkey and family vis ited Julius Barrier Sunday. Don’t forget the Old Soldiers’ Re union at Rimer Friday, September 4th. Everybody come. You are wel come. B. J 3. ROBINSON. Wilson Eudy and Miss Willie May Wilson motored to South Carolina on August 15th and were married. Mr. Eudy is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eudy and is one of the former guards on the' chain gang camp. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. Miss Levinia Eudy spent last week with Miss Beatrice Hager, near Hun tersvile. Misses Beatrice Ruth Hager, Li vinia, Beulah, Velma and Lula Eudy and Robert Eudy and Walter Hager spent a short while at the chain gang camp Sunday evening. The Robinson Christian Endeavor Society gave a very interesting pro gram Sunday night with Miss Lillian Browley as leader. Miss Lula Blggers has returned home after spending some time at the summer school in Boone. Many friends were surprised when the wedding of narvey McCombs and Miss Pattie Johnson was announced. Their many friends wish them a long and successful life. , M. L. Eudy spent bis vacation at home last week. He is one of the guards at the Biggers camp. He re-j turned to his work Monday morning.' Rev. Mr. Stafford gave an inter esting sAmon Sunday morning at Robinson Church, the pastor, Rev. J. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE C. McGee, being absent. Mrs. Mattie Stafford and daughter,' Miss Jennie Stafford and Mrs. Jennie { Teeter have returned home after 1 spending the summer at Brushy moun | tains. | BROWN EYED FABM GIRL. i' IVINECOFF. ( Tlie City Union Epworfh League meeting will be held at Mt. Olivet on 1 Friday n '*kt, September 3, at . I Children's Day services will be held Sunday, September sth, at 11 o’clock , a. m. at Mt. Olivet. Everybody is I cordially invited to attend. The Mt. Olivet Junior Miss'onary I Society will meet at the hotne of Mrs. |C. J. Goodman next Friday afternoon ,j at 3 o’clock. The mothers are invit ■ ed to be present at this meeting. I The Woman's Missionary Society met with Mrs. R. A. Caldwell last | Wednesday afternoon. Miss Janet Stroud had charge .of the program, which was very instructive. After the server a delicious ice course was served by Mrs, Caldwell, assisted by Miss'Kate Foil. The Missionary Society of Trinity Reformed Church met with Mrs. John W. Cook Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The play “The Path Across the Hill," given by The IVinecoff Educa tional Club, was splendidly rendered and enjoyed by a well filled house. The sum of $50.20 was realized. Mrs. J. A. Stroud and Miss Janet Stroud spent the week-end at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stroud near Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Litaker spent the week-end with Mrs. Litnkers par ents, at Albemarle. James Morrison spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. Brad Stroud. Mrs. E. J. IVinecoff and children spent Friday with Mrs. Walter Rum ple. of the New Bethpage Commun ity. Mr. and Mrs. S. IV. Cook and chil dren spent a few hours Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hartsell of Charlotte. Mrs. Roy Cline is visiting relatives in Lexington, j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Earnhardt and children spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. S. IV. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. IV. .Litaker and family visited relatives in Albemarle Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Litaker has been right sick for the pnst week. Mrs. B. L. Umberger suffered an at tack of appendicitis recently. Mrs. Maggie Dayvault visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. IV. M. Patterson and Mr- and Mrs. Hugh Goodman last week. Stanley Godby, of Virginia, spent the week-end at the home of B. L. Um berger. Miss Marie Winecoff spent a few days last week with Miss Louise Earnhardt near Center Grove Church. Little Arthurine IVinecoff has been siek for several days with tonsilitis. Mrs. Laura Misenheimer and Ed Miseiiheimcr spent Sunday at the Ignne ol Mr. and Mrs. S. IV. Cook. Dick 'Caldwell, of Charlotte, is visiting at the home of his unele, R. O. Caldwell. Mrs. IV. S. Ritchie and Miss An nie Mae Ritchie spent Thursday with Mrs. Fred Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rumple and family spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. IVinecoff. Mrs. Ida Graham is visiting her aant, Mrs. IV. F. Goodman, of Con cord. Mrs. A. W. Winecoff and three children spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Winecoff, of Kannapolis. Mrs. C. J. Goodman and little daughter, Marie, spent the week-end in Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. Mack McClellan. Miss Gladys Goodman spent Sun day night with Miss Margie Barringer in Mt. Pleasant. Master Victor Goodman spent last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Tina Johnson, near Mooresville. NEWS REPORTER. BOSTIAN CROSS ROADS. The health of this community is pretty good at this writing. It has been several days since Hap py has written any news. We all just have come back from a trip to Norfolk, Va. I tell you there is something to see out there. We vis ited n number of places, the first be ing the Virginia Beach. There were lots of people in bathing. At the Ocean View won a much better place to see thf ocean and to see the peo ple in bathing and there were lots of other things to enjoy yourself with. We all took a good old ride on the Leap the Dip. Happy and his part ner, G. C. Castor, rode on the second seat. Mr. Castor swallowed his chew of tobacco the first dip it made and the second dip it made his hair turn white. We all took a ride on the old mill stream which wns hard to beat. We all visited the City Park. There were .all kinds of animals to see. monkeys, bears, rattlesnakes, alli gators, pretty birds of all kinds. We visited the old soldiers home which was the prettiest place we saw. There were lots of old soldiers there. We all visited the old Fort. Mr. Hellard, of that place, took ns all ov er it and showed us everything about Protection Against ,• Summer-Colds SCOTT’S EMULSION Rich in Cod-Liver 1 Oiiyttamiris ! Pleasant To Take , } lit ~11 Beauty Dependability \ \ Performance Jjv va WL yjMf/yTT" Jpfcy What more do you need m an Automobile ? /F Because no other car provides such a re markable combination of the modem features essential to motoring satisfaction, tens of thou . f sands are daily asking themselves: "What more ', (l | mmm ttt tnGSC do we need in an automobile?” —and are Tjmp Prirpe f promptly and satisfactorily answering their own MJUW #1 # question by purchasing the Smoothest Chevrolet _ A in Chevrolet history! sse’SHl Brighter, more Striking Duco colors —the com- Coupe - fiAC forts and smartness of enclosed Fisher bodies— time-proved economy and dependability— TIC brilliant acceleration,effortless control,abundant power, amazing smoothness at every speed— landau $ all these qualities are yours in today’s Chevrolet * at Chevrolet’s low prices! J^TonTruck^^fC (cha«is Only) / Come in! Drive this splendid low-priced quality car! Learn why it is the overwhelming choice PriM. uhMich. of buyers everywhere. ' WHITE AUTO CO. East Corbin Street Phone 298 QUALITY AT LOW COST * it. There were two large guns there • that are 42 feet long. It cost S4OO each time one is fired. It takes 400 pounds of powder to load it one. The shell weighs 1070 pounds. There were lots of other things that iwe saw there. We all visited the Navy Yard where they work on big steamers. There we met one of our Faith boys. Myron Frick. Happy had a long talk with him. There weye several other places we visited. There is something to see all over in the. town of Norfolk. We stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller, of tfiis place, and enjoyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. Miller surely are fine, clever people. We want to thank them for their kindness towards us while staying with him. We did not have any trouble at all on the trip. IVe drove something over 806 miles in our cars and had lots of fun to gether. The best riding that we had was on the steamer across tlie big river. • The big ice cream party mat was held at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rrtz’ . home Saturday night. August 28, was a good one. Everybody had a good lively time. There was a large crowd there. The Happy Trex String Band was there and gave them some music. Mr. Thomas Leazer, of near Faith, has got cotton open for over a week. If anyone can beat that trot it out. , Happy has been having plenty of persimmon custard to eat. Come on, Venus. Can you beat this? Mr. Eli Sifford and Miss Pauline Fraley, of Faith, were married sev eral days ago. We all wish for them a long and happy life together. Come to see Happy. The Morgan reunion will be held at the Morgan Cross Roads Thursday,. September 2, beginning at 10 o'clock. The Happy Trex string band will be there to furnish the music for the crowd. Everybody is welcome to: come and bring a well filled basket of! dinner. Watermelons are the go along now ■in this community. Happy has lots I of them along now. There were several families from! Faith that took a big trip into the I mountains last week. They said they I all did have a good t ; me. The Rev. G. O. Ritchie, of Faith ! E. L. Church preached a splendid ser mon Sunday, August 29th. There was a large crowd at the, home coming day at Organ E. L. i Church Sunday. August 29th. There j were lots of people from Salisbury j and other places present. The good i near the table was 125 feet long and | four feet wide, and it was filled from ladies surely did put out a fine din one end to the other with all kinds of good things to eat. The Happy Trex string band wanta to thank the good people of the Stallings Memorial Baptist Church for their kindness and for the good collectiton that they gave us and also for the good (nipper and watermelon at their picnic.. TBe Charity Club, of Salisbury No. I 1, will meet in the Jr. O. A. M. hall next Sunday afternoon, September] sth, at 4 o’clock. The president wants all the ladies to come out to this meet ing with the men. This club is ex ' pecting to have a picnTc on one Sat ; urday evening and they want Happy and his band to furnish some music for them, so we truly hope that th? : ladies will turn out In a big number ; at this meeting. | Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sloop, of Kan napolis, both are wearing a big smile —it is a big girl, born August 25th. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson and | little son, of East Spencer, Mr. and ! Mrs. J. E. Wambles and little daugh i tec, of Chestnut Hill, all were wel come visitors at Happy’s home Sun j day evening, August 29th. We all | had plenty of watermelons and hon [ey to eat and had some music and I lotß of fun together. Happy and family visited Mr. and I Mrs. H. E. Shoe, near Ebeneser E. L. i Church Sunday evening, August 29. | Also Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shoe and ! family visited there. | Happy and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sloop, of China Grove, on August 30th. From your old frierid. v happy. EASTERN NO. 11. After visiting relatives in Stanfield and in No. 11 township, Mrs. Ada ' Saunders and little daughters, Lena and Sadie have returned to their, j home in No. 8. I S. L. Boot and family spent awhile I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G: F. Piott. ] Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Boat PAGE THREE spent the week-end at his father’s, D. G. Bost. Mrs. Beulah Biggers, of Kannapo lis, spent last Sunday here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klutt* and lit, tie son, William, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Lefler during., the week-end. Frank Piott and children, Heiain 1 and Norman, and Mrs. S. L. Bost and daughter, Margaret, visited awhile Saturday afternoon at the latter's father’s, G. F. Piott. Miss Florence Whitley has r*-< turned to her home here, after spend- I ing a week in Kannapolis with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Hartsell. ~ £gj I Mr. ani| Mrs. Lewis Piott and son, Hurnian, of Spencer, spent the day . with his father recently. Robert Bost, of Statesville, visited • his uncle, D. G. Bost, during thw £ week. 1 The second week of a protracted | meeting is in progress at Cold ! Springs Church. Although the church i is one of the largest country churches, it is filled to its capacity every night. Many from our immediate neighbor hood are attending the meet regular- • iy. An interesting meeting closed at Miami Church last Sunday. Eighteen persons who joined the church during the meeting were baptised in the riv- M ,er at Boat Mills Monday. Jfc »! Some people’s gifts are governed by . their means. Others by their memn-r-...^