PAGE SIX IP* §DUR PRIVATE CHAPEL P*FFORDS PRIVACY, COMFORT modern funeral chapel provides . Est the privacy and comfort of a pri- HpS residence plus every facility and that- the funeral director has EHOw mortuary is a beautiful and ■fitful place that provides our pa ■jjtiliU with m' type and character of Ervice unequalled. : W AMBULANCE SERVICE BELL & HARRIS | FUNERAL HOME Bn Day and Night Phone 640 fjSesqui-Centennial Exposition | PHILADELPHIA, PA., : June -November 30, 1926 1 Special Excursion Fares W ;• via Railway System tickets on sale daily from all outhern Railway stations up 1 and including September Oth, inal return limit all tick ts fifteen days including date f sale. E Raver's permitted at Wash- Son and Baltimore in each Ction within final limit' of CKets. toe traips, excellent sched les, pullman sleeping cars, ay coaches and dining car erviee. jsor further information and oilman sleeping car reserva fcwis call on any Southern Railway agent or address: R. H. GRAHAM, D. P. A. * Charlotte, N. C. ii: I will help you keep up your hysical and mental tempera pjre at the efficiency point. >ur Pure syrup sodas will sat- Sfy rour thirst. The sanitary bare that is employed at our hoda fountain will give you an gtpetite for the- proper cooling rk. Folks are talking about rich creamy goodness of »ur ice cream. | “We give S. & H. Green dis eunt stamps.” PEARL DRUG I Co * 22 PHONES 722 5 & Our policy is one of Hgp&dor and respectful ser ' Elite where need is to be with digmty and j i' are properly equipped to j? HlKinson 8 rimer l , fJ' _"* loo: fa? dAxntuhna In - ' 'L. IIA W A TVF jjjT- c °ssl I *V***HAMHTON I & Author YOffllE* TkbliskedbiicUTUKpmutfwiik ?iat nettoaol fichim U| .1. ' 11 SYNOPSIS At the close of a soy Convent Gar den Ball box party given by Lady George Cornish and her husband , Lumley, Teddy Sherwood attacks Tony Fortescue, disinherited scion of i noble family, because the latter un hinkingly monopolised the society of i Christie Burning. It is a case of loxfe if first sight with the adoring couple. 1 Sherwood is worsted in the fray by Fortescue who is not really a black luard but a throwback to the days of swashbuckling ancestors. Sher wood failing strikes his head. Tony t nd Ghrissic take him home. He is still angry and demands an explana tion. "Oh, so you’re the latest, are you? You're the new one to kneel down and kiss the boots ot this damned humbug. You're all the same, the toi of you. You put up barbed wire ind virtuous notices against the de cent people you come across, but let x wily skunk sneak in with a mov ing-; Afire profile and down go your ■defences and you hand yourself away. God, it makes me sick 1" "Oh, so you're the latest, are you? said Teddy. You're the new one to kneel and kiss the boots of this damned humbug." The smooth-footed presence of Beppo with a tablecloth brought the argument to a stop for a moment. Accustomed to seeing strange peo • pie in that room at all hours of the day and night, his childlike, expres sive face showed no surprise at the sight of a girl in the costume of the ballet and the familiar Tony in the decadent garments of a Dulac illus tration. Nor was he in the smallest degree upset because his master’s head was bandaged. It all belonged to what he called life, and it ap pealed to the natural passion for dramatics that plays so strong a part in Italian psychology. As 'Soon as he was out of the room, the ball was in play again, this time in Chrissie’s hands. “I don’t know what you mean by all that, Teddy,” she said quietly, “and it don’t seem to me to be any use to make another scene. It's very simple, all of it. I'm just ai sorry a* Tony is for spoilin' yogi; evening, but it’s as much my fault as his. All those hours were like a tninute to me too, because just the same thing happened to me as hap pened to him." "I know that. You're only telling me what I told you.” “Yes,” replied Chrissie, watching every word with the greatest care, in order to try and live up to Tony’s wonderful flow. “But with this dif ference.” “What difference?” “You think Tony went nutty about me as he’s been nutty about ■ther girls.” “So would you, if yon knew any thing about him.” “No. You’re wrong there, too. You won’t let yourself understand vliat I mean when I say that this vus meant,” “Meant?” The word completely floored him. “Yes. It .was marked out to come, and it would have come just the i same if I hadn’t gone with you to the ball. Tody and I had to meet tonight, we had to. and we should have done it at the corner of a street, in a chemist’s shop, any old place. Sherwood shot out a scornful and incredulous guffaw. “And having met”—a rising emo tion put her off her grammatical guard—“we’re not goin’ to cut loose again never in our lives. See? It’s inc and him against the bloomin' world I” She left her nurse’s place at the head of the sofa, and with a dignity and finality that proved to poop old Teddy that hi* hopes were dead, placed her head on Tony’s cheat and dosed her eyes in peace. if they imagined that they had \ “How touching,”'he said, with the best attempt at sarcasm of which he waa capable. “If I had a camera j handy, you’d make a Leautiful pho tograph of love’s young dream. But unless Tony’s the monkey the man agers asked you to find, how do you thick you’re going to set up a house tor your domestic bliss? Is he go ing to pinch one when nobody’s looking, or are you both coming to live on me?" The entrance of Beppo again, this time with a large tray of cups and plates, spoilt the effect of the heavy insults with which Sherwood had hoped to draw blood. It is more thas probable that he would have been rewarded with a smile. There waj genuine humour in the last sug gestion. As it was, Chrissie drifted to tbs window over which the blinds were drawn, and Tony strolled casually to the table on which there was the familiar cigarette box and helped himself. "And as to all this fatalistic muck that you’re trying to hide behind,” continued the unscientific fighter, a: soon as Beppo had gone, "it doestn go down with me. If you were frank and were to tell me that you wem mesmerised, I might believe you, Chrissie. That blighter has mes merised me often enough for money and food and roof. And if you wer? to say that you’re going off thj straight because of the suffering you’ve had and are going to chuck yourself away on any woman's mail in a violent reaction, I might even believe you there. But this pifflf about 'having to meet’ and being together against the world—Whal do you take me for?" ' “These cigarettes are a little toe dry, old boy/’ said Tony) endeavour ing to change a perfectly useless con versation. "There’s a little man in Jcrmyu Street—” “Oh, shut up,” cried Teddy. “You’re not going to put me off like that You may not know it, and it wouldn’t matter to you if you did, but Chris sie’s my friend. I’ve been her slave and bottle-washer for the last six months, and you're not going to get away with this high-handed com mandeering as lightly as you think It’s all in a day's work for you, this sort of thing. You’ve only to bat your eyes at a woman to take her from any man she’s with. But I’m going to fight to'save Chrissie from - you as long as there’s one damn bit of truth left in me. She’s worth it” "I agree with you there,” said Tony. “Fight to the last gasp. I like you for it” Sherwood sat up straight, swung round, and put his feet on the floor. The towel nad slipped a little ovei his left ear. His collarless shirt from which the studs had been taken gaped as dress shirts will. He cut a strange figure in that prosaic room. “I love this girl,” he cried out, with a depth of feeling that made his voice un steady. “I’d sell my soul for her. Unlike you, who will drop her in a week, I’ve asked her to be my wife, over and over again. And unlike you, who live by the skin of your teeth, I'ih in a position to make her happy and comfortable, give her a house in the country if she’d like it, with a car and a maid and dogs to walk with, and settle my business on her to win a smile. Have you asked her to be your wife? Have you? You bet you haven’t. You think that just be cause you call yourself the Honour able Anthony Stirling-Fortescue— and preciqus few people believe you are—that you can take what you want and nde loftily over all the rest of us. But if, before Chrissie goes any further, she’ll take the trouble to look up your record at Bow Street, she’ll probably find that you’re as common a man as I am and without as honest a father. I ask her to Oq it, that’s all. I ask her to remain un charmed long enough to make en quiries, to be the ‘hands-off Chrissie to you that she's always been to me. That’s fair, and I deserve that Don’t I? Come, don’t I? Both of you?” And he flung out his arms in a sort of pathetic appeal, unware of the fact that tears were streaming down his face. And then, taking advantage o{ Tony’s utter speechlessness, he sprang to his feet went unsteadily to sie and seized her by the wrist. “Own up, go on, own up. You haven’t an) more true idea who this man is than I have, have you? And he hasn’l asked you to be his wife and haj never come anywhere near it has he? Say it Say ,it" “No, he hasn’t” said Christie quietly. “Ana I never expected him to. r "What!— You never expected him to? You —who have been through aq the cities with verboten on you back?” / “This is different Teddy” As i said, "I’ve tried to tell you so.” r id Sherwood was not a tnan of lemsq THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE i CHARLOTTE IS CHOSEN BY THE MOOBE LODGE Queen City Win Over .Asheville and Gastonia.—Shu ford is President Hickory, Sept. 6.—Selecting Char lotte ns the 1!)27 convention city, {he North Carolina Moose Labor Day as sociation adjourned the first annual meeting here early tonight and en tered in the Mooseheart legion frolic which included the public initiation ! of 00 legionnaires. Other Cities ex* i tending invitations for the conven tion on next Labor day were Ashe ville and Gastonia. E. W. Sanford, of Hickory state Moose secretary * for the past year, was eleetted president of the associa tion. W. C. Moreland, of Asheville,; was re-elected viee-president, and W. B. Stuart, of Charlotte, who headed the association the past year, wan elected secretary, other officers elected were. Judge D. H. Collins, ot Greensboro, treasurer; C. M- Heilig, fßf DESTROYS Flies, Mosquitoes Roachesjtedbugs 'tEAMOARD OttOOkC HEW JSRSET^ f|| <2l FREE—from motor taste and odor. !| FREE —from afrer-jMUKa. Not Ww Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil wm m the original tasteless castor W oil, made roc medicinal use only. FREE —literature on request to WALTER JANVIER. Inc.. 4*7 Canal St.. New York Two mrrt —aye amd yoe. at all gooek dmg Mom. A “Master Cleaner” LOOKS FAR INTO THE FUTURE! He sees HUNDREDS of bundles of cleaning work being sent from YOUR home to Somewhere. He sees a possibility of GETTING that work if the QUALI TY of his product merits it. That’s the reason he tries so hard to get a TRIAL order. “Master” Cleaning of TODAY must be good enough to insure the re ception of your additional work— TOMORROW A “Master” Cleaner KNOWS that his claims to superiority are widely broadcast—so—he simply must make good. If you appreciate really efficient, meat and prompt work TRY the “Master.” Phone 787 oopooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooooooo J DELCO LIGHT . light Plants and Batteries g Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter luating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent .-Phone 666 * Concord, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnOOOOOOQOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOexwsffpoo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCcaOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo jKELVIN ATORI i 9 Oldest and Most Reliable Electric Refrigerating Machine Forty-Eight Machines in Operation in Concord Forty-Eight Boosters For Kelvinator X ’ 2 Ask Us For Detailed Information fi X K x jf 8 8 8 I V DLm Q Dm. 1 § I t mar? & lirAs i 8 »• * UUll n VIVoi 8 18 9 •I Phone lt7 C«s»d.N.C. [ Jest Winston-Salem, state guard, and I ! < 361. T. L Kirkpatrick, of Charlotte, [ ’ Hjief marshall. T. H. SSykes, of Char -1 Sne. was chosen to represent the ,’ afcoc iation at the Philadelphia con vention next Labor day. ’ fifteen hundred members of the | order from Tennessee, Maryland, j Ndrrh Carolina and South Carolina were in Hickory today for the con [ vention which opened at 0 o’c’ock this morning. Advance officials and 1 a number of delegates came in last Eight and by early morning other |SPbse and their families began pouring into the city, the attendance peak being reached at 11 o’clock ‘ when a big parade was held. Secretary of Labor James J. Davis, ' who was scheduled to speak today, ■ notified officials that he could not attend a-- he was forced to attend a 1 meeting at Indianapolis but many other prominent men were on the ; program. Haxel and Mabel Fulp, two of the "Mooseheart Jewel./" from the supreme lodge at Mocseheart, 111., , headed the parade and later spoke a few words regarding the Moose home. A number of women from t*ae Wom en’s Mooseheart legion were also reg istered for the convention, i i Forty members of the Baltimore lodge ante in on a special car at- 1 taehed to train No. 15 this morning. They were met at the station by the ®ici« ry Moohe band which played "Maryland, My Maryland" as a wel come The business houses displayed flags as a welcome to the visitors and from 11 to 1 o’clock during the parade 1 and public exercises in Carolina park, chased their doors. • The pennant winner in the Mid- Atlantic League will have to neat out Johnstown. Which dopjied the honors in the first half. The Creenvllie Spinners are set ting a hot pace, for other teams in the South Atlantic League. Tfiuiii Tfimrc By Tctzer €k Yorke lunniueiLj \ Don’t Wait for the fire ] j ] and take your bitter med- < i i icine—take out fire in- 5 ! ! surance at once and let us j ] | ’ffey your less in full when J r i j the fire visits you. CTzmYoßfffoA«Hcr RRHK7 CABARRUS JOyrttCjlSAtiK. BLDG. W. J. HETHCOX THREE SERIOUS AUTO CRASHES NEAR NEWTON Udh in One of the Wrecked Cars Apparently Escaped Without In My. Newton, Sept. 6-—Three . automo bile accidents of n seriouea nature happened near Newton last night and early this morning, each in a different direction from town. The first was in the Vartown sec tion, about two miles west of New ton, when’ three negroes in a ford,, apparently drunk, ran into Walter 1 Clark, a young white man of New ton. Both cars were badly damaged. One occupant in the negroes' car. Malt Mullins, was injured. He re ceived several painful bruises about the face and head. Later on, about 12 oc.ock two Ford cars had a head-on collision near Maiden, on the Xewton-Liw* colnton highway. Both cars were complete wrecks. One was a coupe driven by Lee Bainev. of Lenoir, ac companied by two ladies, and was headed in that direction. The other was an old Ford touring car and was occupied by four or five young men. One of the men is said to have lost an eye in the crash- Two bottles of whiskey and a lady’s hat was picked up near the wreck. The ramies of the men in the touring car have not been learned. The driver stated that he was nearly asleep when the cars GJheNem ~ CHRYSLER 50 Thousands upon thousands hail the new Or' Chrysler “50” a» the greatest value to buy W / ° and the thriftiest car to operate. It brings outstanding Chrysler superior. I within their reach —at a very low / first cpst, combined with unequaled O operating economy. H | Economy \ / M 25 miles to the gallon. JR F. 0.8. DETROIT. Performance All these features—available now for the first 50 miles-and more—per hour. time because of Chrysler’s plan of Quality . . • . . ' Standardization—are the resultof a complete co-ordination of scientific engineering and I V manufacturing methods of utmost accuracy. 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds. ... . „ „ i -jn » Through it the certainty of Chrysler un- JSeaiLty surpassed performance is built into each Typical of Chrysler. * nd every Chrysler model, eliminating i »» O* purchaser’s risk and making possible the I \/U/lI~StZ6 buying of any Chrysler regardless of price, i Comfortable bodies-with a roominess .... with positive assurance that She v*hie of | such as no low-priced car ever gave. each is unquestionable. ( . f Come in for a ride—you will then consider ( ISUIfU# no pther car near it in price—for no other Quality materials and expert workman- gives such measures cf quality and value, ship plus Chrysler genius for precision with assurance of long life, as the new manufacturing give this car its astonish- Chrysler “50”. ing value. M Chrysler Model Numbers V Allpricesf.o.b. Detroit. ' ■ 111 X *■» Subject to current Fed* erul excite tax, SYLER MOTOR CO. i - - Fine Living Room Furniture Reasonably Priced- For a Quick Turnover. We have just unloaded a car of “Tomlinson Quality” Living Room, Dining Room and Hall Furniture. All new patterns, and the most beautiful line of upholstered furniture ever shown on our floors, at prices unheard of for this quality merchandise. Beautiful Cane Suites, three pieces Duco finish, spring seats and reversible cushions for $99.50 to 198.00. d Overstuffed Suites, Three Pieces, Spring Seats, Reversible Cushions for $183.65 to $274.00. Dining Room Suites, ten Pieces, Ducoed. Walnut, $139.00 to $530.00. , 0« r atocks are complete. Our prices are reasonable and terms are* easy, and our ser vice unsurpassed. - ■' Ass 'v ■ it x » him* • * » > ► • -■' - . ■ ‘ #1 1, • j /^i } U w w aw™■ *■ 1 M. Ul ** r j struek. [ j A third and much more serious ac cident occurred on No. 16 highway, • near Conover, this morning, when 1 ' the Ford driven by a young man named Flowers, of Highland, crash? ' ed into a telephone pole, and as at ‘ result Flowers and a young man <' t named Hedrick, who was with him, ' 1 are both in the Hickory hospital. It ' was reported late this afternoon that 1 ■ flowers is in a serious condition. - An Error Corrected. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 7.— UP) —A story from Atlanta, (la., September ' 3, erroneously referred to the Bank ' of Palmetto. Florida, in connection ' with court proceedings against the Bankers’ Trust Company of Atlanta. The Palmetto State Bank or Pau -1 metto. Florida, has never had any connection with the Bankers’ Trust [ Company of Atlanta. The bank of Palmetto, Georgia, was a member of the chain of which the Bankers’ TrtM company wan fiscal agent. The Palmetto, Florida, was organ ised in 11)12 by home people, owned, officered and controlled by home peo ple. It has no outside alliances or - connections, and is in no way con [ neeted or tangled up with outside , policies of management. i The Pnlinetto State Bank of Pal • metto, Florida, intends to stand on i its own resources, ft. ‘ ; > s ’- • v’-T rfnt} Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1926 - , ■ —m u II : WILL USE M TRUCKS IN IREDELL SCHOOLS Cost of Operation Has Been Re duced to Four Ceuta Per Pa*U Per Day hi County. 1 Statesville, Sept. 6. Thirty-six j trucks will be used to transport the children of the rural schools of Ire dell county this year, states Miss Celeste Henkel, county superintend ent of schools. Twenty-six school trucks were in use last year and 19 the year before. Last year 1.395 children in Iredell were transported in school trucks, and during the coming year between four , and five hundred will* be added to that num ber. Each truck is driven by a de pendable school boy who has stood an examination and received special instruction in the operation and ogre of the truck. During the past year a full-time machnuic was employed by the Iredell county school and the cost of operation- was reduced to 4 cents per pupil per day, the county superintendent states. England boasts of two first-class cricket teams that are composed en tirely of authors and poets. .An ice cream company in Louis ville signalised the opening of its new plant by giving away ten thous and gallons of ice cream.