I Friday, September 10, 1926 ' —— Special Announcement Public Auction Sale of High Grade Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut-Glass, Fine China, Parlor Clocks, Pearls, Knives, and Forks, Etc. W. C. CORRELL JEWELRY COMPANY Main Street, Concord, N. C. „ , SOMETHIN FOR EVERYONE NOTHING RESERVED A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME Husbands Bring Your Wives. Wives Bring Your Husbands. Beautiful Prizes Given Away FREE every day of this Sale. JULIUS J. HERZOG, Licensed State Auctioneer *' ‘i Come Whether You Buy or Not —He Will More Than Interest You. 'SALE STARTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 11th; 2 SALES EVERY DAY 2:30 and 7:30 . ■ ■ ' : f Remember our Location W. C. Correll Jewelry Co. We Sell Rain or Shine (Free Tickets to Everyone Attending the Sale) Look For the Red Auction Flag COUNTRYJ CORRESPONDENCE CENTER GROVE . Hips Bertie Eddleman and M.iss Idred Ililemnu are attending tl»e ther League convention which is’ ng held in China Grove the 31 St I August, Ist’and 2iid * of'Septem- Uiss M.-ytgie Un castor spent Wed <day and Wednesday night with ss Maggie Lipe/ of Kannapolis. Mrs. John Earnhardt and family, Hainlet, visited at the homes of trs. Mary Jane Earnhardt and.l,. . Earnhardt recently. Miss'Rebecca Castor and Miss Re ikah Kime and H. C. Castor attend the ‘league, convention Wednesday I China Grove. W. A. Castor attended the ball nine in Siler City 1 Wednesday be veen Kannapolis and Siler City. He ■turned home Thursday night. Mrs. F. M. Cook r.KjJ- Louise spent uesdny wifli Mrs. W. A. Castor, of [ileman's Mill. ‘ 'I I). B. Castor made: a busipess trip f THIS LIST I * ' No doubt there are at least a few names on our list of customers that ' I you will recognize. Why not consult them as to the advisability of buying |. your Used Car here? The list is at your disposal any time. AUTO SUPPLY & RE , PAIR COMPANY I X A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENOABLE AS THE SEALER WHO SELLS IT ' ,* *9 Pl°S Xuvdui<{) s|«o jsmvdO oi(i ! , uappt jam emeu ntoA puss "s|oog Aninoj dad-OTng »q»Jo Ados a—a3Hi N fMfutM ij* tai)9q pu* ejoia mou enjj oq *S)uatpajSut jsqjo pus {bsuxjbo / qsajj pus neap ‘amd o) uotjtpps ut ‘{sayq jSAtq po3 jo lunoure jDajJoo-Xipagiluaios sq} umjuoa saqsvui qjog sJ Totpatu OS-OS vaoJ } siptsaj 3*B V aumsai oj spaau aqs spuajeui aqj Xpoaxa jaq saAiS }wqj qsßjq ffla aqj «,)i puy -jjoui aqj qSncuqi uaq aq) satxmq pus mau spitnq jßtp qsßjq JJuimojq aq) B,)i daaO-YiU daa-O^al JIVH r»v dJVH aaaa •auit) )sa)Joqs axj) u| ButAb{ o) jjdbcj uiaq) 6)38 pus sjaxpeaj M3u 6pjinq paaj r uiaq^AiQ youtySnotqi fiTTATT IfIAA i IT I CONCORDjN. C. K to Clierryville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Karviker.and Paul Brmvn visited Mr. people, of near Mooresville, Tuesday night. Miss.Pauiine Chambers visited Miss T.nura McGhee Furr at Shady Dale Farm recent".}-. IJ. C„ Rebecca and Miss Maggie Lou Castor spent Thursday night with the family of J. I). Misen'ueimer nt Mt. Gilead. The September meeting of the Cen ter Grove home demonstration club was )nfid nt the home of Mrs. D. B. Castor. "Dress Accessories" was the topic for tlie.dny, and some finishes for dresses were also discussed and demonstrated. A large crowd of in terested women was present and wel comed with rest the new demonstra tor, Miss Ophelia Barker,’ who brought with her the district . agent, Miss Martha Creighton. Miss Creigh ton always lends charm by "her pres ence and gatherings are brightened by her being,ln tVe'ihiflst. -At the close of the 'meeting iced fruit and tean punch■ And ciikc were served. The piext,meeting of this club will be with Mrs. Mary jane Earnhardt (Vtobcy Ist at 2:30 o'clock p, m. 1~~ ' Miss Rebecca Kime, who has been visiting Sara Frances Castor, re turned to her home in Liberty Fri day. Miss Ethel Overcash bad her ton sils removed by Dr. Rankin Wednes day. September Ist. She is recuperat ing at the home of her sister. Sirs. T'za Earnhardt. Slaster Alton Eddleman also had his tonsi's and adenoids removed last Wednesday. He is recovering rap idly at '.iis father's, IV. F. Eddle man. Mr. and Sirs. Grady Ross and little non, Phifer Charles, of Center view, and Sliss Meta Castor; also Mhs Callie Wineeoff, of Midway, took dinner and i pent Sunday, September sth, with Reoecca Castor. Sirs. Jen hie Lipe and daughter, Sliss Aggie, spent the afternoon also thci-e and helped to eat some very fine water melons. Dr. and Mrs. Holland, of Salisbury, spent Sunday. September sth, with Mrs. H. A. Eddleman. Also Rev. E. F. K. Roof and son, Edwin, were present for dinner. Misses Slildred Hileman and Ver tie Castor, of Hileman's Mill, gave a “going away party" in favor of Sliss Rebecca Castor Slonday night, Sep tember 7th. Many young people gathered nt the hospitable home to wish Sliss Castor good luck and best wishes this last year of college work at Lenoir-Rhyne, Hickory. H. C. took hia sister to Lenoir-Rhyne early Tuesday morn ing. Sirs. Clyde Enrnhnrdt, of Spencer, recently visited in the home of D. A. Earnhardt. The little daughter spent l week with her grandfather. Sfiss Helen Cook spent a week late ly with friends in the mountains lround Chimney Rock. The home of Sir. and Sirs. Henry- Cook in the Center Grove community ia nearing completion. Electric lights arc being talked in our neighborhood and soon will be a reality in our farm homes. NIX. ROBERTA. The rain which fell Sunday was a treat blessing to the community. There were about two hundred peo ple gathered on the creek bank Sun day for a baptizing. There were 28 baptized. Rev. G. L. Hodge, of Landis, has been doing some very fine preach ing at Roberta for the past two weeks. The meeting started at Roberta M. P. Church Sunday.' Preaching ser vices at 2 o’clock and 7:30 p. m. Cotton is opening pretty fast in this section. Mrs. Ij. .T. Soloman and children, of Charlotte, spent two weeks in this community visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mack McCall, Mrs. S. 11. McCall, Mrs. Susie Brumley, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Douglas and Mrs. Mellon, all of Charlotte, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Miller Satur day and Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. G. G. Grubb were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Dulin last week. There will be preaching at Ro berta Baptist Church Sunday, Sep tember 12th. Sunday school at 10 o’clock and preaching at 11 o'clock. Everybody ig invited to attend. There will also be preaching there Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Harris will preach Sunday night, beginning at 7:80 o’clock. Mrs. Garnee Berbie is spending the week in Charlotte visiting her sister, Mrs. A. R. Henderson. Cephas Herrin is able to be out again after' having the misfortune of letting his mule step on his foot. HAPPY FARM GIRL. (Please add your name and address to all your letters.—Editor). MISSION. The health of this community is very good at this writing. Miss Ethel Crayton spent the week end with tiomefolks. Rev. and Mra. Fletcher Lambert have returned from their honeymoon trip of several days in western North Carolina and will spend a few days with relatives before going to their home in Magton, N. G. t where they will teach school this year. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Crayton, Mr. and Mrs. .James Mason and little son, Billie, have returned home from sev eral days spei it in eastern Nort'u Caro lina, Carolina beach and Lake Wac eamaw. The Sunday School convention of Stanly county will meet at Mission 1 ;V ftjffßjfcr ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE- high school Friday. They wore grad uates of the class of ’26. Frank Mauney, who had his ton sils removed Inst week at Hie Concord Hospital, is getting along nicely. Miss Della Herrin, of Mt. Pleasant, spent n few days last week with Miss Zula Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. E men Hatley, of Coneord, spent the week-end in Mis sion. Misses Dallie and Annie Irf-e Hat ley spent Saturday night with Miss Louise Mann. Misses Ethel and (Jieonia Crayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Teeter, near Stanfield. SMILES. ; POPLAR TENT ROUTE ONE. The Junior Christian Endeavor So ciety of Poplar Tent Church gathered at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morrison Saturday afternoon from 2 o’clock till 5. All enjoyed- eating watermelons. Then many games were played, after whit'll all were invited to the table wlier ice cream and cake were served. We left wishing many more happy times. Those present weie: Misses Sara Odder, Maggie Cline, Evelyn and Ruth Litakar, Grace. Beulah and Mildred Cline, An nie and Virginia Cline and Alice Vir ginia Morrison, Johnnie and Charlie Oeli’.er, Henry, Don and Charles Maul din. Larky and Kenneth Morrison, William, Tommy and Ralph Litakcr, INTENSE SUFFERING MADE LIFE MISERABLE Until He Fotmd Herb Extract Known as HERB JUICE Which He Says Brought the Relief He Had Been Seek ing For Year. Mi f ’ 1 |Lt>: hMSmEiKI : IP BL Hi- .W 1 W. B. HA RGETT “It wa« a l?nt time before I final ly found a medici.u that would give me any satisfactory relief and now that I am at last relieved of my former trouble, I feel us though 1 shall give this statement and tell others how my health was greatly improved through the use of the wonderful herbal remedy, Herb Ex tract. known a* HEiRB JUICE. "Herb Extract, known as HERB JUICE, is the beat medicine I have ever found to keep me healthy and in an active condition,” said Mr. W. B. Hargett, well known carpenter, who resides at 1882 Dallas Avenue, Char lotte. N. C. He told the HERB JUICE representative in an *n thuaiastic way how HERB JUICE had restored bis health. “For a number of yearn before I bogan taking HERB JUIfIE I had | suffered dreadfully from constipation and indigestion. My stomach Waa al- I waya upset, never felt like eating at I meal time and what little I did eat caused we to suffer afterward* with Edward and Lawson Bonds, Herman Litake:-, of Hickory Grove; Harvey, George, .lay and John Ivey C ine, Wil 'iam Pliarr, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morrison. Mrs. H. E. Bonds and sol and D. C. Bonds. I Miss Louise Pharr spent a few days last v.-eek with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pen nlnger. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Litak'et- and family were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. t. Li taker Sunday. Ivey and Ed Cline spent a few days at Chimney Itock last week. Mr. and Mrs. V,\ A. Whitley spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Litnker. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Linker, Mr. and Mrs. Sione Linker and Mr. and MrL Chason Spong and son. made a trip to Rock Hill, S. C.. to hear Mrs. Olive preach. We hope some more of our folks will go to Jiear her. Everybody enjoyed tlie party Satur day night at the home of Mr. and 'Mrau'L. S. Pliarr. Remember the Junior Christian En deavor Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, also the senior at 7:3ft. We wiil welcome you to conic. Some of the Poplar Tent girls are leaving for school. It will be lone some without them. L. . LOCUST. A* J. Furr returned last Thursday Ohio. Miss Vera Smith spent the week out feeling when I would get up in the mornings that I did not feel like going to my work. Several months ago I started taking Herb Extract known as HERB JUICE, having been urged to do so by a friend who said it would do the work for me nml pun me in a healthy condition. He did not over state the facts, for just as soon as I began to take it I be gan to improve and feel better in every way. It gave me quick relief from the gas pains,and bloated feel ing in my stomach, and througu its natural notion on the bowels I have been entirely relieved of the con stipation trouble. The result is my system Is free -of poison. I have a very keen appbtite. eat most any thing I want and digest all of it. I have gained in weight and strength nml now my work is a pleasure as I have more enet-gy than 1 have had in a long time. Herb Extract, knowtf as HERB JUICE, i« the most effective laxative, system regulator and build er 1 have ever found and I ran heartily recommend Jt.to all suffer ers of the same .ailments as I had. It end in Salisbury. Mrs. D. IV. Turner returned Satur day from Asheville, where she spent two weeks. 51. L. Green has accepted work in Kannapolis. Young Treece, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Tnlly- Brunson Hospital, has come home. Miss Lena Honeycutt left 51ondny for the A. N. I. I. nt Albemarle. Miss Maurine Jenkins is spending a few days at home prior to returning to school at the A. N. I. I. Rev. E. D. Teeter held services at Jno. W. Hartwick's last Sunday af ternoon. slr. Hartwick is unable to attend church. A. W. Talbirt, of Martin, S. C„ a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bass, is spending some time with them in their home. Albert Eudy underwent an opera tion for appendicitis in the Tally- Brunson Hospital last week. Blood poison had developed but we learn he is doing well at this time. The singing school conducted at night nt the Baptist Church by Elder D. S. Jones is attended by a goodly number. Samuel Teeter, who has been in Miami, Fla., for several months, is spending a while at home. IV. S. slorton, of Matthews, spent part of last week among relatives here, in Mt. Pleasant and in Albemarle. Another wreck occurred Sunday near Smith’s Ford when the car in which two young men from Stanfield and Jlisses Jamie Green and Jessie Crayton, from this place, were riding. The brakes of the ear failed to work and it was jammed into the bank. No one was hurt but the girls were ter ribly frightened. Mrs. P. E. Tucker had as Sunday dinner guests her parents, Rev. and 51rs. E. D. Teeter, her brother, Sam uel, from s!iami, Fla.. slrs. Daniel Teeter, of Charlotte; Miss Ethel Cray ton, of Bndin; Miss Cleonia Crayon and brother, of Mission. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and little j|l KlßSCHßAUM QLmmS^^^tkO^rfDnssingWeU^^ i?| Complete satisfaction! Because you get K j True QUALITY 1 Skillful Workmanship g fjj Through-and-Through || Correct Fall Styles jll \ Wil EXTRA TROUSERS (ci TO By M true quality ”we mean through and \jP L through quality—the kind of quality that 1 £1 is noticeable in the hidden parts of the m p garments as well as on the surface—the I 1 ■ (5 kind of quality that expresses itself in 1 V I I \ ® [£§ * complete satisfaction after many months 111 M of wear. 'Virgin Wool Jabricsi showing I k fl gt new distinctive patterns, and masterful I IV B Kirschbaum designing and tailoring are 111 n [to the right quality combination. That’s lllft I S| what you get when you come to this store. ln lI I | £35 *o £6O ■ I p RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. I Good Things To Eat Just now we have the verv choicest of the season , FRESH COUNTRY STUFF, EACH MORNING Fresh Corn, Big Ripe Tomatoes. Fresh Shelled Peas, and Lima Beans, Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes, Big Smooth Irish Potatoes, Tony Apples, Corn Field Snap Beans, Fresh Fat Young Chickens, Eggs, Kingan’s Reliable Hams. Breakfast Bacon Strips and Pound Boxes—Fresh Each Week. Our Western Meat, Fat Back, and Rib Sides is always the freshest AND BEST. YOU MUST HAVE IT. Melrose Flour, Liberty Self-Rising Flour, Fresh Corn Meal, Domino Fine Granulated Sugar, White House, Maxwell House and Caraja Coffee. All these and much more—We have it. You can fare the very best with us. Our delivery equipment is just the best. Our smart and polite delivery men serve you quickly and with a smile. Try us with your patronage. Our prices are Cheap er. Our Valuable Service costs you nothing Cline & Moose j (laughters spent Sunday in Salisbury 'in the home of slr. and Mrs. J. J. I File. slrs. D. D. Teeter, of Charlotte, ia spending sometime here among rela tives while her husband is in Charles ton, W. Va., on business. Among the Sunday visitors here I were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker, of PAGE THREE Kannapolis; J. F. Dry and Roy Dry, of Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Barbee and children, of Pineville. PA . Si. Louis reports the case of a woman who mailed a dress to. .a 1 friend in an ordinary envelope which required only two cents postage. > -

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