Friday, Septemßer 10,1026 I & Ar» fT'i'rffi't a I l Wtg --MM# ■ y I V y Yelldw Swta Dotted With Orange Makes an Appropriate Fall Frock. The little girl abfevp chooses a dainty frock whose colors are qditc in keeping with the season. Its material is Swiss, yellow with ° r W« .dots. Plain yellow muslin will) rolled and whipped edges out lines the petaled skirt, while the little yellow riWalin flowers have orange leaves ehmbroldertd above .them. - j For a dress of slightly less 1 fragile material, one might choose yellow dotted tfiallls, and bind the scillops in orange biaif"binding. i Lenta Complimented. One of the Season’s prettieut af fairs was the bridge party given in hfnor of Miss’ Lucy Richmond Lent* Ipursday evening by Mrs. W. H. MTadsworth. SLovMy fall‘flowers were used in pro ftfsiotK'in the, and dining room, wfitW the bridge tables were ar ranged. After playing several rubbers, Mrs. E. C. Itariihardt. Jr., held high score, and was presented an attractive pottle of Coty’s perfume. Mrs. Wadsworth ' gave the honoree dainty lingerie. A tempting salad course was serv ' ed to the following guests: Miss Mesilames R. B. Rnn -4 kin, E. C. Earnhardt. Jr., Charles ,4 Wadswort(jjof(Charlotte. J. F, Uan ~ juju, C. J. Harris. A. Jones Yorke,' Richmond Reed, W. M. Sherrill, K. F. White, Jr., B.' E. Harris, Jr.. L. T. Hartsell, Jr., and Ernest Robinson. y and Misses Helen Marsh. Elizabeth j Smith, Margaret Virginia Ervin. Mary Phifer Pemberton, Adelaide Harris. Elizabeth Black and Adele Pemberton. Godbey- Imberger. On Saturday evening. August 28, at 8 o’clock in the Mt. Olivet Method ist Church. Miss Maribelle Umbergcr. daughter of MV. and Mrs. B. L, T'm berger, be<«me the bride of Stanley Taylor (iodbey, son of Mrs. Isabel Godbey and the late Thos. F. Godbey. of Virginia. _ Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Godbey left by automobile for Asheville and other scenic portions of North Carolina. They will make their home lil Galax, Va., after Sep tember BtH, where MV. (lodbey is I principal of the city schools. ’ The bride Is a graduate of R«n ■dolph-Macon Woman’s College, and has a host of friends in Lynchburg, where she taught in the city schools. The groom is a veteran of the world war and a graduate of Roanoke Col- ; lege. He has a graduate degree from ; the University of Virginia, and is a member of Phi Betta Kappa honorary fraternity. X. Young Woman’s Auxiliary to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Young Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church will be held to night at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. E. Harris on ' South Union CATARRH of nose or throat is made more endurable, some*' trils. Also melt somd and inhale the vapors. | A CHEAP WATCH I 8 Is only mode to oeU you. A 1 8 good watcHis honestly mlfiie to ■ Q serve you. Wo have good 0 X watches at price*: that moan l/A I | realtiNM&ttot ftai -.{ i • © II «7 i I 1 I * # ys! I** 1 ** 1 ' JEWBLIaX 8u PERSONAL, Miss Elizabeth Walker will leave Sunday for Greensboro, where she ; will take a commercial course during I the winter. - f • * * Mrs. John I. Walker, of Kannapo- ( lis, underwent an operation for the removal of! her tonsils here Thors' 1 day. The operation was a success and Mrs. Walker is reported as testing very (comfortably ’ today. * * • Salisbury Post: Misses Penelope Cannon and Louise Morris, of Cim-i cord will be guests of Mias Josephine, Craige Kluttz on Friday at/her borne on. West Bank street. ••• 1 \ Salisbury Post: Mrs. J. P. Allison, of Concord, igjn the city today visit ing Mrs. Clarence Kluttz and Mrs.; John E. Ramsay on West Bank street. • * • r . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, ©f’ Lynchburg, Va., are-'visiting friends, and relatives in Concord for several days. • * • Dr. B. W. Kilgore, of Raleigh, spent the day in Concord on business. Miss Zana Stroupe, city nurse, is enjoying a vacation of two weeks now. • • * M C. Corl returned to his home here, Thursday, from the Charlotte Sanatorium, where he has been'under going treatment for several weeks. * • * Miss Carolyn Yancey, who has been the guest of Miss Helen Marsh, - ' returned Wednesday to her home in Jacksonville, Florida. ret'* * Mrs. Charles Wadsworth, of Char lotte, is the guest of relatives here. Mrs. E. H. Brown, of Dillon, S. C., arrived this afternoon to be the guest for several days of Mrs. J. F. Cannon. * * * Molcolin Lockhart was a visitor at the home of G. A. Batte, Jr., for sev eral days the first of tire week. .* * * G. A. Batte, Jr., left Tuesday for Davidson College, where he has re sumed bis studies. C. W. Byrd (has returned from Hillsboro, where he was called by the illness of S. A. Johusonr * * * Misses ltuth and Ruby Jarvis went to Sunderland School Wednesday, where they will be boarding pupils this year. /. • « Mrs. Alice Broom, of Raleigh, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cline, left this morning for Mt. Air} - , where she will visit her son* Hugh Broom. • * * Mrs. Thomus M. Rowlett is the guest of her mother, Mrs. RAT. Jones, in Richmond, Va., for several weeks. * » a H. H. Faggnrt has returned to PKil adelphin, after spending some timt here. He was accompanied by Mrs. Faggart as far ns Danville, where she is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Fag gart. , * * * W. D. Sen is, of Taylorsville, spent Thursday in Concord with his sister Mrs. Annie Shepard. * * » Stephen F. Morris left Thursday for Rome. Gm, "where He will be a student in the Darlington School. * * * Mrs. Bert Jesap, of Rockingham, is the guest of Miss Allie Legg. I* » • Clarence and Gub Groner. of Olidt tunoogn. will arrive in the city to night and spend several days here with their sister, Mrs. R, V. Black welder, on Soutfi Union street * * * Rev. W. O. Kidenbank and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller lMt’ this morning for Chimney Rock, where they will spend a few days. aft. Kidenbank will he back in tihie to conduct services Sunday. Mrs. T. W. Kitchens and Mrs. C W. Litaker, who spent the summer in China Grove with relatives, and have been visiting the latter’s sister, Mrs. C. L. Bunn, on Academy street for sev eral days, left today for their home in Washington. D C. * * * Roy Litaker, Os China Grove, left* last Friday night for Washington, D. C., Where he. attends school. " * * •© Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Tower}’ have as A heir Quests, Mrs. Towwy’s- brothers. James and Richard Cweenslade of Banes, Oriente, Cuba, who are en route to Oak Ridge Institute, where they are to continue their studies. At Hotel Concord Thursday. Thursday the following guests reg istered at* Hotel Concord: J. T, Cobb, ’Greensboro; B. W. Kilgore, Raleigh; Mr. and Mis. C. W. SeabAMek, Miss Ethel Sen brook. ,T. B. Seabrook and links Annie Whaley. Little fidllsto, S. C.,; E. B. Shubrick, Greenville, S. O.; Thomas J. Hayden, Gastonia; “■Mr. and' Mrs. Henry C. Pears and Mrs. Thomas C. Pears, Pittsburgh; y. H. Warren. Atlanta ; It. H. Brad ham, Roc#? Mount; Mrs. D. V, Co* and daughter, Miami. Fla.; Horace B. Lindsay, Asheville; W. H. Adams. St. Petersburg, Fla. j John J.’ Slat tgry, Philadelphia, and Charles J. Edwin Smith died .at* his home out Academy street here Thursday after- at 5 The 'funeral seriw? w*T hehl at the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon con* ducted by Rev. Henry T. Black wel-' der- - & V 1 i AllA BetFegk the flrsf aiw second cataracts of the Nile. SNAPSHOTS i I‘ , - NO. EIGHT—GEORGE. Because I have left George until last It doesn’t necessarily mean that ;he is least'—ln bis own opinion, I mean, fbr there, I am sure, he isAhe acme of perfection, and the Beau Brummel of Asheville's dark to wit. He is the major domo ofMhis estab lishment, and to a stranger he must Mppfear to be the lauded proprieter ■also. He always walkk «n soch away >as to give one the impression that he jowns tHe earth, and there exists in: 'the hearts of many of the patients’ here a strong desire to give him a swift and vicious kick. But somehow he haß managed to escape such brqtal treatment so far. Perhaps the ones who are most hitter against him are, just waiting until they have develop-' -e/1 the requisite amount of strength necessary to indict such a kick! George it is who- brings up to us all the telegrams, special delivery let ters,; packages and medicines, from the /office and his air of lordly condescen sion as he does this is almost more than some of us—the Southern born ones, especially—can stand. It’s a 'rare occasion indeed when George per mits a smile to flit across his counte nance, and when once he does the fact is heralded from room to room— [“George has smiled!” But perhaps its just as well that he tries to do a Blister Keaton, for on one memorable occasion when »he went into the room ,of one of the women here gaily skip ping and chanting “Money, money, .money J” he so startled and infuriat ed her that at the mere mention of his nanfe now she fairly gnashes her teeth! George takes a vacation occasional ly, as indeed what man in business doesn’t? and he generally goes to call on the Sisters in other cities. I sup pose he thinks that the life ed anywhere while BcreaUm" MM the air and fain tings took pUWK Having a dead man walk in on fjpj at, dinner time is no joke. '