dispatotEs .ll VOLUME XXVI Woman Confesses Tale About M’Pherson Case Was Given For Funds Mrs. Lorraine Wiseman Seilaff Says She Was to Get $5,00 For Helping Los Angeles Evangelist. FIRST SAJD SHE WAS IN COTTAGE At Carmel With Kenneth F. Ormiston But Now She Says She Told That Story to Get Money. Ix)K Angeles, Sept. 13.—OP)—The Examiner in a copyrighted story to day says Mrs.' Lorraine ,Wiseman Mc- Donald Seilaff, $lB a week seamstress, • '.ms confessed that her story of having shared a seaside cottage at Carmel With a sister, the anonymous "Miss X’’ and Kenneth G. Ormiston, former Angeluß Temple radio operator, was n fake for which she “was to receive j $3,000 from Aimee Semple McPherson, the evangelist. I The admission was made in a sworn statement. I The alleged confession climaxed a ! dramatic meeting between Mrs. Seil nff and her twin sister, Sirs. Virla Kimball, of Oakland, and is said to have been made at. the request of the latter. They met in t'ue newspaper i office, Sirs. Seilaff having been taken under guard from her cell in the coun- I ty jail where she had spent two days ' since her arrest Saturday on charges of issuing worthless checks. The sis ters kissed, and after consultation with her lawer, Sirs. Seilaff announced her intention of “making a clean breast of the whole thing.” She. then proceeded to dictate her state ment which was acknowledged later I by a notary. Sira. Seilaff began her affidavit by stating that she was approached in! San Francisco on about July 30th by a man who gave his name as “Mr.; Martin”, and who asked her if she j would Come to Tsjm Angeles on “some work which would pay good money i and would take only n few weeks or I pot all of that time.” She said the man could give her i only a few details, but informed her] the work offered was in connection, with the McPherson case. She stated that she was instructed to send a. tele-j gram to ('District Attorney As Keybs, with Ormiston at Carmel, and that | she had wired the sister to return j immediately. The same day Keyes received a wirej from San Francisco, signed “Belle Owen.” Mrs. Seilaff said she left, that night for Angeles. Unable to reach Keyes over telephone on her arrival here, she said she went to t'ae Angelus Temple. “I had some time getting in be cause no one knew me, but I told them it was in regard to the Cartnel case, and that I had come to help Mrs. Mc- Pherson out,” Mrs. Seilaff said. "I talked with Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. Vertch, on<* of her attorneys, - ’ her statement continued. "I eould not tell them must because I did not know how to go about it until I had got gome information. I met Mrs. Me-, Pherson for just a few minutes that i day.” Mrs. Seilaff said rflie remained Ini town two days, during which time! she went out to the temple “quite a ! number of time” talking with Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. McPherson. “During these two days I at no time talked with Mr».' McPherson alone with the exception of just a moment when Mrs. McPherson told me it was all right to go ahead,” the woman related. “T.iey told me to go ahead,” she continued to dictate, “and they would pay all my expenses, and that If I could do this I would be well paid.” DENIES HE KNEW FOUR I nuns were arrested James A. Casaldy, Acting Head of the Catholic' Diocese of Fall River, De nies Knowledge of Affects. Fall River, Mass., Sept. 18.— (A'l — Denial that he had any knowledge of the detention of four nuns by customs authorities at St. Albans, Vt., was made today by Monaignor James A. Cassidy, acting head of the Roman Catholic diocese of Fall Hlver. Nuns w\io gave their names as Sjsters Isarr and Perfectu Locoroj of Bt. Anthony’s convention, Fall River, and Siater Sagrado Mother Superior of the con velit of Our Lady Glorida, New Bed ford. were taken from a train at Rich ford, Vt, Saturday. Sewn In their clothing was valuable lace With them was Sister Dea Olivers of the Convent of Our Lady of Good Help, Blast Boston. | Bishop D. F. Fceman did not ap-1 pear at religious services yseterday at i which he was expected to officiate and it was explained that he had gone to Washington. At his residence to day it was said that he was absent and that no one there could speak for him. 1 When asked today if the diocese planned to aid the nuns detained at St. Albans, M. G. Cassidy replied: “I know nothing of the matter.” He admitted having seen newspaper account of their detention but refused to make any further statement. tution, has picked the crater of a vol cano in South Africa as the best site in the eastern - hemisphere for a new astronomical station, North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily -UNTRAINED THINKING- Dr. Martin Says »«.* Is Onr Great est Curse. Davidson College. Sept. 13.—( A )— j “There is a great deal of ignorance in the world, but I rather think that our greater curse is shallow, sporadic, untrained thinking,” declared Dr. W. J. Martin, president of Davidson Col lege, in his opening speech to the stu dent hotly here this morning. President Martin asked the ques tion : “What is the chief purpose of a 'col ege education?” and answered it: “Hie main purpose is to train you, to think.” ’ His address was a plea for deep reasoning and the elimination of the superficial. “If the objective of the institution is not intellectual it is iniseal ed a college and had better be known by another name. There are other func tions. but this is the central and ino , tivating one.” he declared, j President Martin’s address took to | account both the individual student i 1 and the educational system. ’He stressed the importance of reflective ! reasoning as requisite to knowledge, 1 and the apparent /trend of the educa tional system in high schools and col leges from what he termed “Educa tional Lock-step”, which he explained, means the grouping of students of the most varied abilities in a class and re quiring all to ke#p the same pace. | This system, he declared, “is ruin ous to the alert, well endowed young student t’arough teaching him slovenly habits of work and thought, and equal ly unfair , to the slow worker in de manding more of hi mthan God had given him ability to do.” The special harmfulness of this, Dr. Margin emphasized, comes when t'je student reaches the upper year* of a college course, when the system of “spoon-feeding” dictates that "les sona" be given, whereas the real need is a “subject” anil not disjointed seg ments. The “subject method, the speaker I said, “demands a much more intimate and personal relation between teacher and student than is attained or is possible under our system* of formal classes and class assignments. It is recognized that it’ is a more expensive educational process but it is proven, I believe, that it turns out more and tatter thinkers and Is worth far more ttan It costs.” SnM.fcitot.of .tSe prevalent iackof deep reasoning, President Martin sain:' “In some measure, all humans are thinking creatures. Our mental pow eht ana processes are distinctive, hut net all tfßMsiuP|hink clearly, connect edly, nor are they , capable/■/»{ .sus tained thinking. Theif thinking is shallow, superficial, incoherent, short lived. In a loose sense or way we all think or reason, bat the hardest, the most paniful thing most people can undertake is sustained thought or reasoning. ‘“Reasoning is the highest mental process and until you have trained yourself to sustained effort In this process you have not become edu cated from the intellectual standpoint. The attainment of proficiency in this is somewhat like learning to plow. Some one may lecture to you in learned terms about the methods and reasons for plowing, but you will nev er learn to plow unless you plow. . - just so in learning to reason —it is well to be told about the process, to be advised and directed, to learn and even memorise certain facts and laws, but to become thinkers you have got to think and to become reasouers you must practice reasoning.” President Martin counselled the stu dents to practice reasoning by con centrating their minds upon one sub ject for an hour at a time in a setting free from interruption and annoyance, and to refrain from too much light in tellectual diet outside of what is nec essary for diversion and variety. “You cannot make a good pudding by UHing a larger measure of season ing than you do of fruit and flour. Do not clog you fiiind with trash,” he stated. SENATOR SIMMONS NOT READY TO RETIRE YET Senior North Carolina Senator is Good For Another .Term or Two, It Is Said. New Bern, Sept. 11.—Senator F. M. Simmons does not now intend to retire at the expiration of his pres ent fifth term in the senate of the [United States, according to authori tative Information learned here fol lowing the recent endeavor of vari ous state newspaper correspondents !to select his possible succesor. The senator is 72 years young and is in better health apd strength I than he has been for some tjme. 11l I effects from past illnesses and last I Rummer’s minor operation are not 'now apparent in hie appearance. His weight and color are better than they have been in months. Friends of the local man say that he aeema fit,for another term or two in tike senate, after he has com pleted 30 years service in 1031. At present he is the ranking Democrat in the body and his prominence and knowledge of public affairs make it Advantageous for him to r«*ma::i there as long as possible, thgy say- Otherwise, in their opinion, the- state would suffer at the hands of a new and experienced man. Senator Francis E. Warren, Republican, of Wyoming, ranking senator, is now 82 yearn of age. Among the Egyptians Saturday Is considered- the most unlucky day of j DEMITS CHS NOMiIEES HERE IT MONK MEET All of County Offi cers Except Commission | ers Named as Candidates j For November. tHARMONYRULES I THE MEETING C. Ai Isenhour Unanimous Choice For Chairman of Commissioners—No Bit ter Fight Made. In one of the moat harmonious 1 gatherings in the history of thes party in tile county, Cabarrus Democrats met here Saturday and gave their stamp of approval to those uttidi dates who will be the party's stand ard ben reiv* in the November election. All of the present office holders! |seeking another term of office were accepted by the convention delegates, the vote in each contest being over whelming in favor of the incumbent. Every precinct in the county ex cept one was represented, the miss ing delegation being the one *r/>m No. 7 township. When the conven tion opbned Box 2. Toivruhip 2 and Ward f> were not represented but later delegates from these precincts answered the roll call and were seat ed- There was one rather unusual in cident in the convention. When the chairman culled for eandidates for the nomination of sheriff the name of R. V. Caldwell. Jr., was the only one presented, although W. H. “Fow ler had received a small number of votes for in the primarf. However, his name was never placed in nomi nation and .therefore he was not vot ed on na a candidate. The ticket chosen by the conven tion follows: For House of RcjjreoeutativcK- 1 — Sam Black. For Sheriff—R. V. Caldwell, Jr, For Clerk of Court—J. B. Mc- Allister. For Register of Deeds—L. V. El liott. For Treasurer —Miss Margie Me- Enchern. For Coroner —I)r. Joe A. Hart aeU. For Ootton Weigher—JK. Bt yyStorwi waiter Chairman Hoard of County ’ Com. missioned*—C. A. Isenhour. Commissioners —W. F. Smith, No. 3 Charles Graeber, No. 4 tpwMhip-J? W. S, towiv , ship,;* mild J. My-'tjjurtsfflf, No. fjli > township. *f ' V7 The only new- faces on the ticket are on the board of county commis sioners four of the five candidates for places on the board being new men. Nine men were p’aoed in nomina tion for places on the board but only ballot was needed to nominate. In addition to those nominated, those placed in nomination were R. O. Caldwell, J. H. Barrier, William Harry ami John Q. Shinn. Only three times was it necessary to call the roll call to decide - the win ne.. One the roll call was made for the commissioners, once for clerk of court and once for cotton weigher. Mr. McAllister won 127.01 to 39.- 1)0 for M. L. Widenhouse, his only opponent in the race for clerk of court, and Mr. Boger won 143.43 to 33.57 in the contest with H. W- Johnston for cotton weigher. When the name of Mr. Fowler was not presented to the convention Sheriff Caldwell was nominated by acclamation nfter his namo had been p'aee before the convention by L. T. Hartsell. The speaker described the officer os “effieient and courteous” and expressed the opinion that there is no better sheriff in the State. The nomination of Mr. McAllister was made unanimous by motion made by Mr. Wideuhduse- L. T. Hartsell Jr., presented the name of L. V. Elliott to the convention, say ing he "possibly is the most efficient register of deeds in the State.” Mias McEaehern’s name was presented by MBw Rosa 31 uml and the unanimous vote of the convention for., her was cast by Mrs. Richmond Reed. After Dr. Hartsell had oven unanimously nominated h;s father, J. L. Hartsell, cast the unanimous vote of the convention for him. Walter I* Furr had no opposition and Mr. Isenhour was nominated by acclamation o'so as candidate for chairman of the commissioners. At their convention two weeks ago Cabarrus Rcpub'icans nominated their committee chairman as candi date for the chairmanship of the board, and as the Democrats have done the same thing this contest will be a personal campaign between the two chairman ns well as a party fight. Chairman Isenhour asked M. B. Sherrin to preside and R. I>. Hart sell and W. M. Sherrill were named as secretaries.- This temporary or ganization was made permanent. Chairman Sherrin made no lengthy address, declaring it was not necessary to have a keynoter for Cabarrus Democrats who are willing to atond on their record during the past four years. “When the Republicans held their convention recently,” he said, “an inported keynoter spoae. Some peo ple said he talked an hour, others said, he talked two bonis. I could not imagine what he was doing all of that time until his subject matter became clear to me. He devoted hie time to an adverse criticism of Ihe last Democratic administration and 1 praise-aiaging for the Harding ad- CONCORD, N. C„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1926 In the News Spotlight 8 I IGU TAV^STRESEI'CANN S’ TELLER Foreign Minister Stresema&n headed Germany’s firat dele- g r t .'l’ n A?. 1 ,* 1 ® Leagne of Nations. Andrew T. Dice, president of the Philadelphia and fading Railroad, precipitated a na tional fight among railraa* when he attempted to take over the Lehigh & New England Railroad for his company, foreign interests are attefipting to stifle American ship ping, said Philip S. Teller, Chairman of the Shipping Board paiesLoni mittee. Dictatorship is sweeping Europe, Mrs. Will iam *C Bui lilt, writer. decJxtreri on her return «o America.. THE COTTON MARKET | Opened Easy at Decline of 3 to 82 Points Under Liquidation and Sell ing i New York. Sept. 13.— (A) —TBie cotton market opened easy today aj n decline .of 8 to 22 points under *e n**U?d.. fiquidatioii, southern and wfeih sellfng. The latter was promoted by a more favorable view of weather con ditions In the South and relatively easy Liverpool cables. Active .gjiowedUnet by**!®, of Wfsto 25 points : Wirii'tttp firseflft miMtiifL f Ocjtobinr solq’olHlo lt{.s() An reports | that'consigned’ cotton " was arriving' hero from the South, presumably for delivery next Monday and January declined to 17.0<! but there was con siderable trade buying at these prices, leading to rallies of 5 to 10 points from the lowest by the end of the fir.t hour. Covering was promoted by reports! of another tropical storm in the Yu catan Channel which some thought might develop unfavorably within vhc next few days. Cotton futures opened steady. Oc tober 10.75; December 17.00; January 17.32; May 17.51. High Pointer Has Fight With Un-1 known Robber. High Point, Sept. 11.—J. B. Mil- i ’.er, of this city, was sent to the hos-1 pital last night with serious injur- j ies after he had been attacked and robbed by an unknown man whom ’ e described as big and dark. According to information' obtained,; by officers. Stiller was he'd up at the point of a gun, nnd when he knocked the pistol from the hand of the rob ber, n fight ensued "in which bis cal larbone was broken and other wounds inflicted. Miller’s condition is much im proved following hospital treatment. The man who held him up is still at large, while officers are scouring the city in search of him. ni’nistration. Then I saw wherein his trouble lay. No man can uphold an adverse criticism of the last Demo cratic administration in two hours, nor is it possible for a man to con vince any one in two hours that Harding administration with its Do henys, Falls, Duughterys and Millers was what the people wanted.” After the nominations had been made motion was made that the con vention give endorsement to F. J. Haywood, candidate of the Cabarrus Democracy 'for the State Senate. Mr. Haywood tiled with the State board of elections nnd is not nomi nated by the convention, but full ap proval of bis candidacy was given by the convention. G. O. Alleu, of Kannapolis, was endorsed by the convention ns its choice for the County Board of Kdu r-ation. Under the law governing such matten* members of the board are appointed by the State Legisla ture so the convention voted to cer tify the name of Mr. Allen as its choice. Mt. Allen's term will ex pire next April and the oonventioif action means that he will be apimint ed for another term of two years. Every proposal before the con vention was accepted or rejected unanimously, a fine spirit of harmony prevailing on every hand. leaders es the party dcc'are the convention was one of the best in the history of the county- Several women, were present, both from the county precincts and from the city wards. 118 A<3KEVs£ TjiDICEf I EL • ymk EVERHARDT WILL NOT WITHDRAW HIS CHARGES Against C. P. Barringer.—Files Hot Retort to Him. Tribune Bureau ■ Sir Walter,,Hotel Raleigh, Sept. 18.—Declaring that he does not desire to withdraw tire 'protest filed with the State Supreme Court to prevent the granting of an application by C, I*. Barringer, of |sj*!i*ifeiry, recently elected head of the gtate fcederation of j&abog, for a Jj tisnse t* practice lahr, O.' K. Evey mirdt today fifed a repfly to “parringei’s answer in which lie-further charges that Barringer has tried to "beg, per suade’ and even coerce this affiant” to make an affidavit to the effect that the charges made against him (Bar ringer) were untrue and that on the night of September 7, 1926, Barringer ““tried to bully and coerce this affiant into signing un affidavit to the effect !hat -the charges made were untrue.” Kverhardt further declares that all of the charges made in the original com plaint filed with the Supreme Court are “true and correct in every re spect and that he was deceived, mis led and defrauded and parted with his i money because oi the representations I made by C. P. Barringer. It will be remembered that while | Barringer successfully passed the ; State bar examination on August 23, jhe was denied a license by the Su- J preme Court because of the protest |flied by Kverhardt, who objected to j the licenseing of Barringer on the j grounds that he was not of good char j aeter in that Barringer had failed to pay a note of SSOO. Everhardt now | admits thnt the SSOO note has been' paid in full since he filed the protest with the Supreme Court. | In closing his reply to Barringer’s [answer, Everhardt says: “This affiant ■ here and now swears and affirms that [every statement heretofore made by I him is true and correct and that he has full knowledge of the contents of I this affidavit and the affidavits hereto fore filed. That this protest is not made on account of any malice on , the part of the affiant, but because i tris affiant believes that it is his duty I as a citizep to help, if he can, to pro | tect society from having this man C, j P. Barringer licensed ns an attorney ! at law.” Everhardt admits Barringer bor rowed SSOO from liijn, and that Bar ringer did not tell him that his prop erty was otherwise encumbered. Ev erhardt denies that 'he ever had any understanding with Barringer con cerning the foreclosure of the note and mortgage hc'.d by Everhardt and that only as the result of repeated at tempts by his attorney to collect something on the note were two pay ments. one of SSO and another of $25 made by Barringer. The allegation made by Barringer in phragraphs three and four of Mis answer are expressly denied by Everhardt. It is further contended by Ever | hardt that the original complaint was filed with his full knowledge and con sent, and was not tiled by his attor ney, as Barringer alleges, without Ev erhardt’s knowledge. It is further alleged by Everhardt that some daya after the complaint had been tiled, Barringer came to him and begged 'aim to allow him “another chance” and to withdraw the proteat He addß that be was so impressed with Bar ringer's apparent sincerity that he took steps to see if the complaint 1 Ipbuld be withdrawn, and that Bar ringer thereupon made payment of RISING RIVER NOW THREAT TO STOCK; BUILDINGS RUINED; Neosho River Has Risen i I Foot and Half Since I Midnight—Now. 27 Feet | Higher Than Normal. | KANSAS FAkMS ARE INUNDATED/ ) Section Swept by River Is i I From 3to 10 Miles Wide, j —Damage Also Caused by Other Streams. Emporia, Kans., Sept. 13.—( A )— | The Neosho River, rising a foot and a half since midnight, today threatened Ito inundate new territory nnd in crease the damage to buildings and livestock losses caused yesterday, when' the waters of the Cottonwood, Verdi gris nnd Neosho rivers swept a sec tion of southeastern Kaunas approx imately 25 mi.es wide and 60 miles long. Today's rise was caused by cur rents pouring from the Cottonwood in to the Neosho several miles southeast of here. The Neosho was appioach ing the record he gilt of 27 feet te eorded in the flood of 1923. The raging Neosho today covered a territory from 3 to 10 miles wide, from a i*oint several miles ws' .jf here to Parsons, about 100 miles southeast. Burlington. Letroy an! other points between here and Neosho Falls. 45 miles southeast of here, reported the high mark apparently reached shortly before midnight, but it was feared the deluge from the Cot tonwood river would force the Neosho to a high today. lola reported the Neosho holding steadily at 23 feet at 4 o’clock this morning, the volume {Missing south in to the Chanute nnd Parsons dish-cts where rapid rises were recorded caus ing heavy damage. AFFIDAVITS FOR NEW TRIAL FOR ITALIANS Sixty-Five Affidavits For Nicola Saceo and Bartolomeo Vanaettl. Dedham, Mass., Sept. 13.—l A )— Sixty-three affidavits in support of a motion for a new triul for Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanaetti, con victed of murder, were submitted to Judge AVebstcr Thayer In Superior Court today. All were based U|*on a confession by Celestino Madeiros. condemned murdered, that he was im plicated in thq- double murder of 1920 for which Saeco and Vanzetti were mmdicted. The confession exonerated them. With Our Advertisers. Now is the time to think about your fall painting. The Yorke & Wads worth Company has a complete line of Rogers paints and varnishes and the prices are right too. Milton Sills in “Men of Steel” at the Concord Theatre today and tomor row. Thursday and Friday Con stance Talmadge in “Her Sister From Paris.” September 20 and 21, Ru dolph Valentino in “The Son of c Sheik,” his last picture. to. H. Barrier & Co., sell you the vest vegetables that can be bought. Get a new Schoble hat or up-to-the minute neckyvear. hose, caps and shirts, all at Hoover’s. The new fall rugs at the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. are of rare beauty and design. Read about them in the new ad. today. A house full of new merchandise for fall and winter at 7fird's. The Yorke & Wadsw rth Co. car ries a full line of Goodyear tires. Do not buy a so-called “bargain” tire when you can get a Goodyear as cheap or cheaper. New Fall Styles are displayed in Belk's assortment of new fall dresses and hats. Phone 18 or 608. The Beauty Shoppe phone is 892 and the grocery phone is 268. Robinson’s millionery department will deem it a pleasure to show you their complete line of millionery. The fall opening of new fall ap parel is now on at J.C. Penney Co’s. They can outfit you from head to toe. Bees Campaign Against America. New York. Sept. 13.—<d*>—Europe is carrying on a campaign against America whicj has Wen inspired by the foreign nations’ debts and obliga t!ons to the United States, said Unit ed States Senator T. H. Caraway, of Arkansas, who arrived on the liner American Farmer today from a tour abroad. targe Tobacco Crop. Raleigh, Sept. 13.—With prices ranging from 22 to 28 cents a pound, growers in North Carolina and South Carolina are marketing one of the largest tobacco crops in history, i Enrly reports from some of the leading markets indicate that from five to ten million pounds were dis posed of in the opening sales. the balance of the SSOO which was still due Everhardt. “But from the answer filed by Bar ringer . . . tbis affiant is convinced that the said Barringer haa not changed his ways . . and that he ia a person to be avoided by all hon est men, and that if licensed to prac tice law that he will be dangerous person to society,” Everhardt con cludes. Police Get Right Name Os Man Who Sought To Assassinate Mussolini! NORTH CAROLINA AT -,^ e THE gESIT-CRNTENy'.^ People hi Ctiarge Kept Busy Aik! ing Questions About the State. I Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel | J Raleigh, Sept. 13.—The North Oar * olins exhibit at the Sesqui-Centepnial | {at Philadelphia is getting to be more lof a North Carolina information bu reau than an exhibit, according to I those n'jot have just returned from I | presiding over the space slotted this . j state at the Sesqtii. For people not. I only pause to look, but to ask ques- j tions as well, and it keeps the two people in charge of the exhibit busy! from morning until night answering questions about the Tar Heel state, according to Dr. F. M. Register, of the*State board of health, who has just returned from the exposition, a Mere he was lu charge of the North Caro ina exhibit. | Withjn the space occupied by the booth, which is situated between two of the inuin aisles and can be ap proached from three sides, is furni ture — deks, chairs, rugs, etc. —all of which were made in North Carolina. There are charts and pictures showing the work done by the various depart ments of the state and other exhibits of the state's industries. Blit the principal function which those con nected with the booth are called on to perforin is to supply information of all sorts about North Carolina to ‘.Me hundreds of interested persons who daily stop and ask questions. These cover every sort of activity from agriculture to industry,'and an swers to most of them are to be found in the descriptive literature which is handed out from the booth. ' However, so unexpectedly great has been this demand for information that additional charts and banners are be ing prepared, so that many may get the information merely by glaring at t'ile booth. | At present a larg* banner that will extend for thirty feet across the arch way over the booth is being prepared that will contain the following in formation, einblazened in big letters that can be easily read from afar: “North Carolina has the fewest deatli rate of any state on tbe At lantic Seaboard.” “North Carolina lias spent $125,00,- 000 for good roads since 1921.” /, , “Nort'j Carolina ik'spending $12,-' 000,000 annually for feodern school buikUiifs.’' -*■ “North Carolina, the land of agri cultural opportunity.” “North Carolina, total yearly in come from manufactured products, $951,911,000.” The only other North Carolina ex- hibit, aside from a tobacco exhibit, is that of the North State Pottery Company of Sanford, where pottery is made by hand just as it |s made by the potters of Sanford. This is Lie only hand-made pottery exhibit at the entire exposition, and has been attracting a vast amount of atten tion. One day recently the pottgrs at the exhibit weep making arm-ring jugs, that is jugs with ring handles, large enough to fit over the arm, such as are used extensively in the moun tains. Many questions were asked about them, and the man in charge of the exhibit tola the people that the moonshiners in the mountains used these jugs to carry their moonshihe in, as there was less likelihood of drop ping the jugs. One of the Philadel phia papers printed the story, and next day the demand for the jugs was so great that t’.iey were all sold out. North Carolina is at the Sesqui ■ith bells on, and people are learning more than ever about the wonders of the Old North State. One Divorce For Every Five Mar riages in California. Washington, D. C., Sept. 13.—(A*) -—California, country of the silver sheet’s sbiefes and shebas, granted one divorce for every five marriage li censes last year, according to prelim inary figures compiled by the U. S. De partment of Commerce, whicli have just been made public. The figures also reveal that both marriages and divorces decreased from the total in 1924, and that di vorces led in the decrease. During 1925, according to the table whicli is subject to correction before official publication, there were 55,080 marriages performed in the states as compared with 55,677 in 1924. rep resenting a decrease of 597, or 1.1 per cent. During 1925 divorces numbered 10,623, according to the same tables, and the year before to 11,258. This accounts for a decrease of 635, or 5.6 per cent. The estimated populat'on of Cali fornia on July 1, 1025, was 4.179.708 and on July 1, 1924, was 4,048,503. On the basis of these figures, the number of marriages per 1,000 popu lation was 13.2 in 1025 and 13.8 in 1924. and the number of divorces per 1,000 population was 2.54 in 1924 as against 2.78 in 1924. Japanese Finance M twisted Dead, f Tokio, Sept, 13.—(A*)—Finance Minister Hayami died at 5 o’clock to night. M. Hayami became a member of tbe present cabinet last June. Previous to that time he had been minister of agriculture and commerce. Tbe largest international body is the International Inatitute of Agri culture, which represents 86 per rent of the territorial area of tbe world and 90 per cent of the wor'.d’a population. —'• ■ TRIBUNE ■ 1-ttE 1 KIDUIxC ;t 'fJ f-. ; TODAY'S NEWS TODAY j NO. 216 - Tells Police Hft Gin Lucetti and -Tsmi He Gave Wrong )liH| to Save His Family. DENES FRIENDS ? jji ENTERED PDMg Sticks to Story That 1 Planned Attack on Ol of Premier Who EscqpH Without Injury. ™ Rome, Sept. 13.—C4 3 )—The sin who attempted the life of ~|§mH mier Mussolini Saturday by threWMMfJj a bomb at his automobile as. it.ijMpi passing the I’ia (Tate into now is believed to be Gin Tifr*nslM*S 26. n native of Avenza, Tu When seized at the scene of fjNSfl attempt he gave his name as Krmelfc •» Giovannini, and said he wps bom ! at Caste uuovo di Gerfagnaii. explains, the police say, that fie a false name to avoid compliC(|iHH| for liis family. i:; According to the new account givegfeta by the prisoner he arrived in Romegjflm August 2nd, took lodging in a ItbluKf class hotel under g false name, XM>‘l began patrolling the streets thranjprfl which he thought t'je premier imgjip|| pass. • He constantly carried two bombs his belt with a piece of emery turpetsl strapped to his wrist, this to stt'ijfll operation the detonating apparatus «fi|B the missiles. The fact that the premief’s-ear waKSI driven over different routes. butXNHBS his office and residence baffled Xaggi cetti at first. Then je noticed tb»f| whatever route was chosen the«|SßH always passed the Pin Gate and fCS was there he found his opportunitJAߧ| The . prisoner's personal istics are such that the police are net’ inclined to take even his present at full face value, and are continuing their investigations. He is evidently a man of education, ® although a stone cutter by trade. family at Avenza is said to be laUmgm well to do. Furthermore he is a man 1 a of exceptional natural intelligence, the police believe his present attitude is one of assumed stupidity. .'vjjSfl Lucetti is of medium height, dari|sj and very robust. There are .iMHjj scars on his body'and fatobed'acfififlH his chest are the words ‘‘Vive IM : M Morte" —long live death. . j-Jj laicetti fought in the war, serflMfl with Italy's ( joicest shock - Later he lived for eight France, residing successfully in and Nice. Although police have little infesyaa- 1 tion regarding ills antecedents Ins’ is | known in his native village and oil tbe A French cities where he lived as. $ daUr gerous anarchist. The police now are busy lnveoligajss "5 ing whet’.ier in the period after his ttit? \ rival in Rome he entered into rda* tions with certain communists ans 4p|| cialists, acquaintances he is knosra have in the capital. Lucetti himself asserted today ejM|H his arrival here he kept strictly being afraid that false friends 'Would j denounce him to the police, or at|HH attempt to dissuade him from hiupnrv pose. He declares his only relation*''' wit’ll other persons were in connection with the purchase of a suit of claw ing. The police, however, assert' evidence thus far still supports theory that the attempt was the bintt '; come of larger machinations abroad, rather than individual action op tbp part of the prisoner. Acting on this theory they have j*jp| rested numerous suspects, Rome and the provinces. These pejks sons will be submitted to careful j vestigation to ascertain whether tbjjii were in any way conneeted'u(j|jpßM outrage. Among those awresjijt’JM the notorious anarriiist Enrico'Jdala testa. who recently settled in opening an electrical bitters Investigations regarding the ibiUnffll in which Lucetti obtained the revealed they have been in Ilia jmgj session at least since 1290 and pr«Bsj ably were obtained immediately afMRj the war when such articled ctHHgfi easily be carried off by the demdlWhy ized soldiers. NEW YORK MAN IS t^Ji CAPTURED BY BANJMfSt Joseph Rosenthal Being Held by Bgjft dits in Mexico. Mexico City. Sept. 13.—(A-MH Rosenthal, retired New York ; dB business man, who came to Mexico ** a tourist, is held prisoner by, but (Ml who attacked an automobile: -'■jmmk forty miles from Mexico City Ute jttfe terdny afternoon. Others in the party were Jacjt "Jk Zah’.er, a prominent Amerieip MM* dent in Mexico City, his wife and Joseph Ruff, Mr. liosenthpt'q jtiifjH law, who is also a resident or jaß capital. The party was returning tMji Cuernavaca from a week-end holton when stopped by the bn adits. jS were robbed and Mr. Rosenthal, iH is more than sixty years old, toaa c*» rled off. I THE WEATHER Generally fair tonight, mostly cloudy and cooler. ModijM north and northeast winds, iMoH j Tuesday.

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