Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1026 KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT CONDUCTED BY JAZZY MOORE KANNAPOUB NEGRO BHOT THREE TIMES IN BRAWL Offleer Chatman Returns With Pris oner.—Baahethall. Profeslonally Ig. nbred tn Kannapolis. Kannapolis, Sept. 2&—Three shots fired from the pistol of Jap Withers, ■egro, found their mark in Willie rlrown, dusky resident of the Tin Cup iertjon. after a brawl over a girl had aken place in the colored metropolis if KamiapoFs last Saturday night. Two of the 'outlets from Withers' ;un entered Brown's stomach and the bird shot struck his left arm. He as . rushed to a hospital for treat ien(. Brown lied the city and county fol >wing the shooting but was captured few minutes later by Chief of Poiioi fagstedd at China Grove, on the no fication of local authorities. He vas “turned here, but later in the lil at Concord to await a bearing. It appears that the two men were in ove with the same girl. They had •een for some time. One was of lhe opinion the girl should pay him 'ear- at all times. The jrtfßP disagreed and the shooting fol- RETURNS with prisoner Deputy Sheriff I. T. Chatman has returned from Spruce Pine, where lie went for a Salisbury man wanted here for a serious charge on a young lady of this city. T The man admitted his guilt and was released binder bond for ids appear ance at a hearing to he held shortly. His name is' withheld by request. PROPOSED pro. TEAM GETS A JOLT. ' Kannapolis will he without a pro essiornil basketball team this winter. 4 far as Charles A. Cannon, presi ent of the Cannon towel mills, is oncerned. Plans have been underway for quite jvhile for a team of bssketpers, to )ur the eastern and northern part f the United States, Kptij. apolis and the Cannon towel . trade ame. Six nights every week for iree mouths tile team would inert rofessional and college teams-of re- Johnny .Johnson, veteran atiitete of STUDIES REFUGEES Kt : ' ign 1- Copyright international RACHEL CROWDY F'|* \ HIS British war heroine, who I Just returned to Ett- JL rape alter attending con* Ktlpns of. the Near East Relief Red' Cross In America, has n appointed by the. League nt ; ions'to, study the Near Eastern j igee ' situation and recommend i international program for lmr I ring 1L - -,.... . . j tILLIE THE TOILER A LACK OF CONSIDERATION VMHOJ6UV \ HELLO 6UV. n SEEM(S Kl WD OF QOdD ~Tt> OUMjS XUfAVS A \ Nou TtoUD MENOUft ease] TRAVIS. V/ voi'rtdA'r CAMP HEAR VOUR. V/Otce AtiAlM v h eh. do conAe. TREAT for sore \ SA'D WOULD &E back. HE Spr A ;PAW TO .COME- 6ACK So I wouldwT j TH-LIeLT WSuMMErF >JW &dES. MA.riE'S A, \ FROM HIS VAiCATOM * HAVE TO BE TWfeRE EV&feM PA-V?THAT TlEa ' \T/ MA, HE'S A Y TM gOIMki TO AQhMCe Triis EUELIIMGJ SMAPPV DRESSER. ) AJsl\ DAN MOW .THEREME DOWU lER.fJIBD/t] - X / X . cu-re kit. r- / Lylf I \ At/ ;;" y — -r~- r — fore woo 3hol)-dw‘t , . :“Yr- -. , f // ' ' 1 * /. \ XX W 1 MEET SOUR FR.e-Uie / X I ■/ : \ . ... j | , ■ ijl iS o s. -. f i JERRY ON THE JOB . IS fIUtfAN iTf X'GZAGjI - A MAf J 2iGriT-3iyr THEke'S-\J~^^AA\Q O C W -\ur ' * , Ss^l» the University of Nor-fr Carolinu, . would be captain and manager. The name “Cannon Towel Makers” - would have been lettered across the - backs of the uniforms of the mem bers of the team, but a letter inlrc i gard to this brought the following re , ply: ' “1 believe tiiat the Cannon towel » trade name is not sufficiently ,woll I known to justffy the expense of .ad * vertising through athletic teams." j personal shoe. " Jake Widemiouse ngs returned frota Florida, where be speiit several mouths. Ke now a‘t the home of fejs parents, Mr. and Mrs.,lT(im Wid ‘ eiihouqe, on South Main street - M. - Grace. t» Receive Cold Re ception at Winston. i 1 AVinston-Salem, Sept. 27. An ' 'nouncement that a revival is to be I opened here in a fortnight by ‘. “Bishop” O- M. Grace, who recently 1 concluded a similar meeting in Char lotte, brought strong opposition frbm '. the. city’s negro clergymen today, j One minister said "there ought Jo lbe a. law against a man who guar anteed to eaye a soul for an | other indicated that an injunction I probably would be spught in, the ! event the “bishop” opens a campaign here. “I have not had direct contact with the “faitli/’diealer Gypty,”. said Rev. G. Edivnrd (lolstdiq iiastor of „thc Eirst Insttutiona! Cplorpd. Bap tist church here, “but through the press I have formed an opinion that • there is nothing permanently con structive in his work.. His claims, it seems, are not. substantiated by facts. He seems to be harping back to barbaric times.” “SC Florida was so called by Ponce de Leon because he discovered it on Eas ter Sunday, which is in Spanish I’as cua Florida. -Sv-U. -VC ■i —little juitus ! jsseslT fs«Mßssn . Mr. i. Knowltt Pa V 1 ratow ME ! \ t ■ . -i — rr~ r-< VHO* 1 ?* l \ v —r L K- - (Tl^ePHOHe^) SSlswMvlrME. Jl l knou vytmour) fil ( l THINK Tvtect- \ , ( IV& FoUfcoT- X. X T SmTI 'iSw 1 \ Woorao'cce;'J ■\ ( vsomssn TPskfs \ 1 node ftßoor '&&& • /\ KNOW X. ( > "VrSKEr'. ) -7——p LEJ V ■ FEGUSON IS* OSRTAIN , TO GET APPOINTMENT Greensboro Latwer la Slated For Post on the Federal' Trade Com mission. 'VVashiaston, Sept. 27.—1 t *vas predicted today’ that President Cool idge WOfi’d appoint, G. S. Ferguson, an attorney of Greensboro, N- C., to succeed Huston Thompson as a mem ber of the federal trade commission. Attorney General Burgeons aas given- bis approval , f to Mr. Ferguson, and (J»e resident hafe asked the North Caroling’ senators if they would ob ject and their. an»w*er 'Wap thnt they had a man -of their own they were recommending but could not oppose the confirmation of Mr. Ferguson. —: —! 1 -/ / ,l' Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York, Sept. 27.—The market | baa been fairly active and weaker gain on renewed selling to purchases made on the chance of frost damage which failed to mater-' ialiee hud reselling of short lines partially covered for jhe some rear son. There was also selling attribut ed to pome of the larger speculative operators who have been expressing very bearish, views recently. Demand from the trade is still in evidence -as prices work oil' but is not at all ag gressive at any time and tapers off rapidly on any slight rally. The potential buying power is very large blit the action of the market and the general run of news is as yet not .of , a sort to stir it into activity. Talk qf a holding November is not regarding, seriously. and the volume of Receipts indicates that if any thing to be done along that lino the arrangements for it have not yet tak en any definite fprm. Unless such a •movement were backed up solidly by an extensive reduction in acreage it wbuld seep through or over the dam to prevent an;, acute situation de velopment pending the time when pressure would burst the barrier eu- - tirely. , Such movements are inter preted as confirming ideas as to an ogees ve supply and as a cry for help from those in distress. The acreage is fixed for this crop and it THE CONCORD DAli-V TRIBUNE remains to be seen what action .it , any will be takep to reduce the area far next season. Meantime, uri less present ideas as to the supply are upset, the market stems headed for levels still further below the actual eoist -of production. t POST AND FLAGG. Names of Players Eligible to Take i Part In Series. Chicago. Sept. 27.r-Baseball Com-, miesioner K. M- Landis today an nounced .the players eligible for the world’s series beginning in New York on October 2- The list includes 28 men on the New York club, winner of the Americaj] League pennant, and. 26 on the St. Louis Cardinals, National league champions. Names qf the players are: New York Americans: Manager 1 rhuggins, Charley O'Learv and Fred Mbrkle. coaches; Adams. 'Bfajl, Ren * KbUght, Braxton. Carlisle, combs, .Dugan, G»*ella. Gehrig, Boyt, Jones. ■»Koenig, Isixzcri. MeQuaid. Meusel, Paschal, Pennock. Ruether, Ruth, Soxfreid,. Shawkey, Shocker, .Thomas and Ward. 1 , --St. Louis Nationals-.- Manager Hornsby, AViiliam Killifef and Wil li isms, , coaches. Alexander, Herman. Bell, Lester Bell, Blades. Bottomley. Clough; Douthit, Flowers, Hafey, Haines, Hallahnn, Holm, Johnson, Kgen. O'Farrell, Reinhart, Rbem, Sherd el, Sothoron, Southworth, Tre venow, Tbporcer Vick. Flipino Proverbs. The following nrobe’-N* ure from the w-ritings of Jose Rizal, the na tional hero -of the Philippines: Low words are stronger than loud words- Man promises while in need. He who believes, in ta'es has no mind of his own. Tlic most difficult to arouse from sleep is the man who pretends to be •asleep. He who walks slowly, though he may. put his foot on a thorn, will not be han't very much. The fish is caught througii the mouth. MB, i ■ ■■■!■ L 1, r-4 ? -I 3 One? i Bbe “It's nearly six weeks now since aby was born. Have you told the Matrar yet?” „ He :'7f the registrar lives anywhere witfiir.ti-n miles’ radius he’ll know al ready. ' Served Him Right. , I’iri Cannibal: “The chief has hay .fever.' 1 /: Seetirt Cannibal: “Serves him .fight. Wo warned bin not to eat that . grais v-idow.” Caught in the Act. A yting man entered the new- office of the new young lawyer. Desiring to injjiess the caller, the young law yer piked up the phone and began to talk ; .- " ’ , •, ■ f “Ah imlee-T si-. V,. COLLEGE ASKS RELIEF FROM THE TEA HOUNDS Activities of Young Sheika Stirs President J. I. Foust to Action. Greensboro, Sept, 21). —The auth orities of North Carolina College for Women today appealed to city offi cials for relief from the tea hounds who think that Walker * avenue, a street running through the college i campus, is a plpc.e to park and, from ! their ‘ automobiles, to •make them j selves to the 1 I The president of the College, Dr. j.T. I. Fpust, appealing to Mayor E. IS. Jeffreys, called for an ordinance J that would prohibit parking of au tomobi’es on the avenue. The din of I horns and other obnoxious noises is more than the college authorities can bear. In. addition, the young women Ido not want the aattentions of ! strange men in automobiles, yet the i girls are forced to use the avenue in {going from one building to another. | It was indicated by the mayor that: jlife would- be made more difficult for the tea hounds and drugstore cow boys who think they are sheiks. The street will probably be banned for parking purposes. * ' Some of the cod lines used in the fishing industry measure nearly eigh ty miles in length. 'P SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES j Florida Points and Savannah, Gat. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM* SEPTEMBER 30, 1926 Very low round trip fares to Savannah, Jacksonville, St. Augustine,- 1 * • > Orlando, Daytona, West I’alm Beach, Miami, Key }Ve st , Tampa, St. f Petersburg, Cuba, and many other Florida points. Tickets to Savannah limited to return October sth, 1026. Tickets to ; Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Daytona and Ocala, limited to return ■ * October :7tli, 1920 Tickets to Key West limited to October 14, 1926. Tickets, to Havana, limited to return-Oct. 18, 1926. Tickets to other M South Florida points limited to return Oct. 11, 1926. Return trip mme be completed prior to midnight of limit of tickets. Tickets good going and returning on regular trains. Stopovers permitted in • Florida. \ ] Stopovers permitted in Florida. • ’"'fc. Excellent service via Southern Railway. Through 1 Sleeping Cars. 1 ~ Dining car service. For further information call on any Southern Railway Agent.” r. h. graham; d. r. A.,> n - Charlotte, N. C. L, -''' - “ r ' !■-' ' t,_ I ECONOMY HARBOR ]i The way is clear to economy harbor and we are all ] . . „r.eady4p sjjovy. jiou the. most-WOiH'lQrful values lever heard jp: I I of in the way of quality home furnishings. S |j So you wish tohteer this way should start bright and \ rjj ]i early in order to take advantage of the clear cost that will | r '! bring you in contact with such values. !j Beautiful in design, substantial in construction, ]i tractive in price—our furniture represents everything- - ji '! worth while. For tins reason it is advisable to buy where**! ■ ■!] selection is largest and where there is most to choose from, h '|l [ at the price you want to pay. | BELL-mUS FURNITURE CD. I 1 1 The Store That Satisfies, and the Home of Beautiful 8 11 Furniture j OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL ... | Bosch and Crosley ~ RADIO S | 55 A Complete Line of Radio Tubes j. aWf Subjfrtfei. Eveteady Batter teg Ritchie Hardware Co. ; PAGE SEVEN ——~ ~ «-• HYDROPHOBIA SCARE V.. ./ IN ROWAN TOWNSHIP"*'"* Two Dogs Mad, Sixteen Person*—«— Taking Treatment- Salisbury. Sept. 27.—Sixteen 1 pCL-gS in, iving ii Scotch-Irish Rowan county, today began treatment for the prevention of drophobia. They had all been bit*B*a-ijj several days ago when two dogs (If , the neighborhood went on a ramp nge. Heads of the animals were ", to Raleigh and today word cktaepfi! back that the dogs had hydrophobia. Ts g Miami to Collect Only *7,500,0 ; lice that the property losses wiH total $105,000,000. - « Payment of the $7,500,000 will be ~ made. under policies covering tor-, .. . nado, p'ate glass, 'marine and auto mobile liazzards. There was nir .. flood insurance' writted in Miami, dp r! officer of the insurance publication stated. . .-on .M| .n ~ . in. \