PAGE EIGHT Speed Test Ending in Crash Arouses Alarm and Protests; ¥ f jphariotte Observer. * • Expressions of indignation at the shown by the automobile of five i Atiaiptte poliee detectives, who Were fujused in yesterday afternoon s wreck , jCU ar Chinn drove, trlck'ed into this Si; last night from towns and vi’.- Sgea along the route used by the of- j Sfet'd- in nnswering a ’’test riot call" ! J» High Point. Willis Newel, a resident rs Newell, Sf vi lage seven north of Char-; Jptte, declared that persons residing in Ms community were nlhrmed when the ! gclice ear tore through the village 1 djt a rate of speed estimated by him jQ 39 miles an '..our. Criticism was terse, he added, ns ?><• wi’d ride was interpreted by the, ifouirtry people ns meaning that the ?icws had lent themselves to a stunt them to defy all the ga-" : ' —— •EAPOT DOME LEASE | ; ~ IS HEED FRAUDULENT, tJovnnunent Wins Sweeping Victory When Appellate C.urt Reverses the | Wyoming District Court. -* St. Louis. Sept. 28.—T'de United States Circuit Court, of Appeals to tjay reversed and remanded the deci sion of the district court at Cheyenne. Wyo., upholding the Teapot Dome oil Kltsc obtained by Harry F. Sinclair and associates from the government 3S CARD OF THANKS. Concord, N. C\, Sept. 28. l!)2tl. I Dear Friends: fff want to thank you for your 1 kindness. service and sympathy j through the sickness and death in our faintly. We especially want to thank j*i>. 2 school and school teachers, and t» thank, the nice nurse for her ser-1 vice and kindness, and to thnuk the ■ '{fiends for the beautiful flowers. Now we wish to return it all in | mam different wavs . j J»HX E. SLOOP and FAMILY. OS Peachtree St.. Concord. N. C. ji MY PRICES ARE RIGHT BUY NOW AND SAVE La. b. pounds ICE, COAL AND SERVICE - I^- iiBIIIITni'TIIY" AAAuamm '1 !_/ «■!'» u.iiroagsa* I FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR I abooooboooooooboooooosoboocooooooooooooooooooooc When you Need Chickei\Feed ust jjj call 122 and You Will Get the Best | that Money Can Buy. We also have a good lot of Grocer- I ies. j Cash Feed Store j phone I*2 south Church st. |‘ oofW w>Q00<><yMXy3OQaOOOOOOOOOQOOC300000CXXXXX)0000O0 Hot Water : C " is surely a friend in need and ■ I i f a friend indeed of every cook 1 Rn| ! match and in ?. few minutes ■”“"“*1 steaming hot water will run $ I ~ ■»"wB, Let us install one for you Pays for itself quickly. E.B. GRADY t PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER ( Ottc« and Show Room 38 E. Corbin 8t Office Phone 834 W OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOqOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOQ j DELCO LIGHT J Light Plants and Batteries a Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter ’■ uating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al .l ternatiug Current I R. H. OWEN, Agent J Phone W 9 Concord. NC. IZi Advertis^ZGrtZlßS speed measures enacted for the safety I ts the people along the highway. I t "Os course, we all regret the ncei-1 dent i'.:at befell them and their fami-1 j lies have our sympathy.” Mr. Newell said, "but we can't help wondering why they did such a thing ns to defy | all the speed regulations that they.i I themselves, are supposed to help en- I force and endanger their lives and the , lives of n'.l the people they met on ; the road as well as the lives of peop'e in towns they passed. I "No matter if it was n part of the program they were to attend at High Point, who gave them the right to j make the highway a speedway?" I "Were they going at high speed , when they passed r (rough Xewffii. t Mr Newell was asked. "Fifty lili es an hour wouldn’t touch it." he said. | while Albert B. Fall was secretary of j the interior, I The appellate court’s decision is | sweeping in effect and instructs the j lower court immediately to cancel the • Mammoth Oil Company's lease and enjoin it from further trspassing on government lands. The opinion was received from Wil liam S. Kenyon, of Fort Dodge, la., presiding judge of tile appellate court. The decision declares pie Sinclair lease to have been fraudulent. The lower court is instructed to ask the Mammoth Oil Company for an ac counting of all oil and petroleum pro ducts taken from the government’s I naval oil reserve during its tenure, j The appellate court, in its decision I —a (15-page document —reverses Judge T. lilake Kennedy, who held in dis trict court at Cheyenne in June. 11125. that the government’s allegation of fraud had not been proved. He re jected tile government's annulment suit and left the Mammoth Oil Com pany in possession of Teapot Dome. Money is a means of exchange, and we too often exchange it for something mean. j Cpncord Daily Tribune j TIME OF CLOSING MAILS ! The time of the dosing of mails at I the Concord Postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 1130 —11:00 P. M. I 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8 :30 P. M. 30—11.00 P. M. Southbound. 30—0 :25 A. M. 45—3:25 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. 20—11:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. In Effect September 20, 1020 Northbound No. 40 to New York 0:28 P. M. No. 130 To Washington 5:05 A. M. No. 30 to New York 10:25 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. No. 40 To Danville 3:15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M. No. 32 To New York 0:03 P. M. No. 30 To New York 2:15 A. M. Southbound. No. 45 To Charlotte 3:40 P. M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9.56 P. M. No. 20 To Birmingham 2 :15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8 :37 P. M.! No. 39 To Atlanta 9.45 A. M. i No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. I Train No. .34 will stop in Corecrd to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis- j "barge passengers coming from Wash-1 ington and beyond. All trains stop in Concord except, No. 38 northbound. |_A BlBL£ 'mOUGHTf IX—FOR TODAY—I HI Bible Thoughts memorised, will prove * 111 |H{ nricejess heritage in after years Jji j THE WORD VERIFIED—“And! now, O God of Israol, let Thy word, | I pray Thee, be verified, which Thou j speakeat unto Thy servant.’ 1 Kings j 8 :26. LOCAL MENTION j R. C. Honeycutt is confined | to her home here by illness. She is i suffering with an attack of appendi-j eitis. Five new cases of whooping cough I were reported Tuesday to tile county | health department. No new eases of i scarlet fever or typhoid fever were \ reported. On Friday and Saturday of this week the Richmond-Flowe Co. will have Mr. Matthews, of the Starrs- Sehneffer Co., to measure you for your new fall suit. See ad. The Coneord-Kannapolis City B. Y. P. U. will beet with the West Concord j Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. | October the third, at 3 o'clock. The | church with which the Union meets is | expected to furnish the program. All persons interested in bee keep- j ing are invited to attend the meeting to be field Friday afternoon at 1:30 j at the farm of John F. Bradford in j No. 2 township. 0. L. Sams, state ! bee expert, will attend the meeting, j The management of the Concord Theatre has invited the coaching staff I and football squads of M. P. C. I. and j the Concord High School to sec I “Brown of Harvard" which is to be I shown at tile Concord Thursday and Friday. Willie Brown, negro wounded in a fight Saturday night with Jap With-1 erman in Kannapolis, was still alive j in a Charlotte hospital this morning 1 so far as local officers knew. Wither- j man is still being held in the Cabarrus j county jail. Police officers stated this morning i that no eases were on docket for trial in recorder’s court tills afternoon. I Some arrests have been made since I Monday but the cases were continued until Friday when a session of the court will be held. John B. McAllister, clerk of court, was unable to be at his office in the court house this morning due to in juries received in an auto aeeideut Sunday. He was at work Monday and Tuesday but liis injuries were so painful he remained at his home this morning. Dr. Herman E. C. Lni, or the na tional Y. M. C. A. council of China, will be one of the principal speakers at the North Carolina and South Car olina regional conference to be held in Charlotte on October 12th. Con cord will be well represented at the conference. It is probable that results of the world series to start Saturday will be broadcast from the Times-Tribune of fice. Plans for securing a play by play report by radio are being made now and it is hoped they will be com pleted in time for the opening game Saturday afternoon. ■ Rising temperatures, predicted Tuesday, became a reality during the day. While wraps were needed early in the day it became so warm during the afternoon that coatless men were seen on the streets again. The tem peratures rose from about 60 early in the morning to about 82 in the afternoon. “Sir, I would like to .marry your daughter.” “What's your occupation?” “Radio announcer.” “Take her. You’re the first man who ever said good night and meant it.” , Marian—l wish. -dear, you would discuss with me some of the things we need for the house. Joe—All right, what are tbeyT Marian-—Well, to begin with, we ought to have a new drew. “Rastus, does you love me ” “Mandy, you is one woman I don't' like none othc.- no better than.” THE CONCORD Wy TRIBUNE By Terre a & Yoa , ronTiiwii mm ) I\v/M (oh/* well* I j! Auto insurance wc 1 i! prevent an accident '| ; your car but it will p X . vent your bank roll fr ! being flattened out. > j|; furnish a complete cov I iji age policy. tTzmYemMk,q CABAPRU JAytnssbam b 1 OOOOOOOOOOOCOCSOCOCCCOO I New Arrivals ||| Meadowbrool | j Hats i / Wtt'vi hi i Millinery Dept. MISS ALL.IE LEGO, Prop. Phone 830 We have the fol lowing used can for sale or ex change: One Buick Road ! ster, One Buick Tour inf One Hudson Coacl One Franklin Touring. One Studebaker Sedan I One Ford Sedan I STANDARD BUICK CO. j Save II Saving Is a pleasant art I] ■ P That you ought to learn ■ < jj ' One thing that a lot I S i of toms in this town ■ I have learned is) R ■L wb«u they send their II clothes here to be dry II 111 cleaned or dyed they get U Hi satisfactory results. This n fact satisfies them and II jfl us too. IT’S EVERYBODY’S RIGHT to see that their tires are vul canized with skill. We are ex pert tire repairers. Ke know “\ jgy- — : — — the vulcanizing business. We ■ /M"?-? ’ ==^^i a won’t try to repair your tire un less we know aliat it is going to ■ be a good investment for you. _ i That ought to count with you. ~ i CONCORD VULCANIZING I COMPANY , ; •;*; • ;?■ "* ;•* IT"! "11.” ' That's Our | Business eJJ: | ■ When you tell us you want a suit V- && ; ! of a certain color, pattern and fabric, , j ?*■ ] and it must lit right, we say "That’s 9H ; our BUSINESS." Make it your husi -2 ness —you'll see that when you state fVj j 1 *L J s your demands, we till them—satisfao {- Jjkj B I Fall's new colors are Chutney Brown I Baßßli and Banff Blue. Let’s show them to fcfcty'jLlJ I " you in the new j KUPPENHEIMER “ . GOOD CLOTHES W. A. OVERCASH Clothier and Furnisher t 1 15“! TiiT ..................i. School Dress | Getting your school dress ready is quite a problem. We all know. But you will find it easy if you will get them ready and*phone us. We invite you to drive up to our plant. It only takes I 5 .jninutes from anywhere in the city. Wd give one-day 1 service on School Dresses. Forest Hill Cleaning Co. SEND IT TO FOREST HILL 318 N. Church Street Phone 175 J jj t i _ , , A ■ j.a.jiraw'e-ii'B'aTO KJOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC See the New 70! WILLYS-KNIGHT SIX With An Engine You’ll Never Wear : out The Only Motor That Improves With Use CORL MOTOR CO. PHONE 630 || 4 |}pk ft A|| Mb M 4JL SYSTEM OF CIRCULATING HEAT Pipe and zlp~i>\ Pipeless Chuckle at your coal bills! k A Caloric Pipeless Furnace will make your winters happy, " \ | J comfortable and cozy on less > -i coal. Endorsed by more than Jr A ' 1 YJ11 160,000 satisfied owners. Costs <« Jjjfl. uiujjita little to install. (L fill udiiSisfcc- > x; Ask ds about it, or phone our "■ ■ Mr. M. L. Eudy. F. C. NIBLOCK R.jfc;/ •- ■' r ' r \ ;; .j. 1 '.- * £!JkE£ys ? (FURNACE AND ROOFING DEPARTMENT) Now’s the time i 'jk to face the Mu- JB||b of the most JM mM tuneful Fall Hats ever de veloped in the j y V interest of a —man’s physiog nomy. A new Schoble or Stetson Hat with 1927 lines will send your face home—without crow’s feet! A $5.00 T 0 SB.OO * Newest in Fall Caps, Sweaters, Shirts and Fall Underwear HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE jtWK»<X?OOPPPP <MM>ftnftfto< ”aopootaooooo50ocooooooooi: \ Notice of Change in Price of Milk Due to increased cost of production, and operating our business, the price of our milk and cream will be as follows, beginning October Ist: Regular deliveries, 2 qts. or more daily, 15c per quart. Regular deliveries, 1 quart daily 18c per quart. Regular deliveries, 1 pint daily 10c per pint. Heavy Cream 60c per pint. We trust that all our friends and customers will see our position, and continue with us in supplying the best food known to man. It is impossible to produce and de liver to your door the kind of milk the public demands, for anything less than the above price.. We will comply with all the City and State require ments of sanitation and give you the best of service. Your continued patronage will be appreciated. CABARRUS CREAMERY CO. SUNRISE DAIRY Try Some of Our Home Made Sauer Kraut The season is changing and your appetite is changing also and needs toning up. Nothing is quite so appetizing as a good dish of that delicious kraut of ours. Call us for Poultry, Fresh Meats, Fruits and Vegeta bles. Trade with us and get what you want to eat instead of eating whatever you can get. C H BARRIER & CO. Studebaker and Dodge I Sales and Service AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. * Phone 228 Real Values That’s what most folks seek when buying— That’s what you get when you buy SPARTAN FEEDS Spartan Dairy Feed, Scratch Feed and Laying Mash are Reasonably Priced and can’t be beat for results.- For Sale, Wholesale and re tail by CABARRUS CASH GRO CERY CO. Phone 571, CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by CUne A Moose) Figures Dimed represent prices paid far produce on the market: Eggs .10 Corn .'i, —; SI.OO Sweet Potatoes SI.OO SST-—:"=rfe| f- ”” Country Ham JO Irish Potatoes lll'lllllllllll *slAo ;j*V V «W. HL . ' ■ Wednesday, Sept. 29,1926 Paul B. Eaton Patents and Trade Marks 406 Independence Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. IS2S Cotton 1 .13 1-4 to .13 I*2 Cotton Seed 34 1-2 I Cl* If *. printed promptly at The Times- USE PENNY COLUMN—«• UU

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