PAGE EIGHT r— ■ “Master” ■ Means Absolute I Protection for I Vou! ■ A "Master” is SURE of ■ tap methods. If a BET- process of cleaning garments is evol.ved he ADOPTS it! He not only wants to please you, but ■ftts to it that your gar ments are handled as JSJrefully as though they' were his OWN. His hope k «*r success is “future gjgde” from YOU and he i GETS this future trade ONLY if he pleases you SHIS time. i Master Cleaner’s PHONE 787 6 lied vis!r:rig cards beautifully at Tiie Times-Tribune office SI.OO, or 100 for $1.30. Ordert n a tew hours’ notice. MY PRICES ARE RIGHT BUY NOW AND SAVE A. B. POUNDS ICE, COAL AND SERVICE (jj 'I- -uwraa ysym'gqmriTrrTSsrsro SPECIAL OXFORDS for YOUNG MEN ’ Smart Styles for Young Men in J Splendid Quality All Leather Oxfords. Priced $4.95 and $5.95 1 RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise Hot Water • IN A JIFFY This gas hot water heatei F r is surely a friend in need and ■Bp f a friend indeed of every cook Kgr and housewife. Apply a ill MII match and in » few minutet t jj U | =—=sj steaming hot water will run _J from the faucet—enough foi ! IP*. t^ie dishes, for a bath, etc t i Let us install one for you Payk for itself quickly. t~ LB. GRADY IP-- PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER IpMfai and Show Roam SE. Corbin St Office Phone 334 W 1 Ladas' Sport i 1 ' . Qxfords Bfeb W« an showing this popular I*H Oxford* in all the new leathern .; m and combinations. For Style-sparkle three Oxfords are born lead ■ ert. look them over, try them on ami you’ll feel the difference. I $5.00 TO $7.85 I IVEY’S |SV j.. "i" i I * .kS .V - • ’ V DRESSING j ACCENTUATE The arrangement of the hair can a’ter one s ap pearance either for bet ter or.worse, "e dress the hair in such away as to acccmuate the beauty of the face. “Our Methods Please" PARKS-BELK CO. BEAUTY SHOPPE Phou. 892 K. OF P. NOTICE. ! Regular meeting Concord Ixxlge Xo. 51 K. of I*. Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. We WiU have third rank team from Salisbury to eanfer the work on our candidates. W. R. FISHER. C. C. All members are cordially invited to be present, and give our visiting Brothers a hearty welcome. 6-2 t-c. Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the dosing of mail* at the Concord Postoffice is as fcUaws: Northbound. 130—11:00 I*. M. j 38—10:00 A M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. i 80—11:00 P. M. Southbound. 39 :33 A. M. 40— :25 P. M. 133 8:00 P. M. 20—11:00 P. M. i RAILROAD StUEDCIF. In Effect September 26, 1026 Northbound No. 40 to New York 9:28 P. M. No. 130 To Washington 5:05 4. M. No. 30 to New York 10:25 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4 :43 P. M. No. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M. j No. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M, ! No. 30 To New York 2:15 A. M. Southbound. \ No. 45 To Charlotte 3 :40 ?. M. | ! No. 35 To New Orleans 936 P. M.: , No. 20 To Birmingham 2 :15 A. M. Xo. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33- To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M. No. 30 To Atlanta 9.45 A. M. | No. 37 To New Orleans 10 :45 A. M. | Train No. 34 will stop in Concord j to take oj passengers going to Wash- 1 ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis-! ohs.rge passengers coming feu it. Wash-! ington and beyond. All trains stop in Concord except 1 No. 38 northbound. I a,Breus Bought! II X—FOR TODAY—I I Bible Thoogtta memoH—tl wfH prove «B . affair PRAYER—O Lord, Tiiou dost give!| strength unto Thy people and bless < them with yeaee. LOCAL MENTION W. M. Furr is the administrator of | 1 the estate of I.illie A. Furr. A. H. Jarnitt has qualified as the ; \ administrator of the estate of Frances!] H. .Tarratt. The White Hall sriiool will open j next Monday. October 11th. it was! announced this morning. One new case of whooping cough j and two new cases of seariet fever j were reported this morning to the county health department. S. M. Ritchie, of No. 6 township, { tells us that he raised a Stanion wine sap apple this year that weighed ex actly one pound. Can you beat it? ■ Marriage license has been issued by Register of Deeds Elliott to Rufus j F. Brown, of Concord Rodte 5. and Miss Stella Sanders, of Concord Route Due to the fact that several mem bers are out of the city, the meeting of the board of directors of the Y. scheduled for tonight, has been post poned. ■Weather permitting, the movies at the Y this week will be shown on the lawn tomorrow night. If rainy or too cold the program will be given in the gymnasium. The China Grove Community Fair ojiened this morning. R. D. Good man, county farm agent for Cabarrus, will judge the farm and field exhibits and also the fruits and vegetables. The aldermen are said to be all set for their October meeting at the city hall tonight. It is said that several matters of importance are to be presented at the meeting which is to start at 8 o'clock. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, will speak at the high school in Kannap olis tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Mr. Hoey ib one of the most charming speakers in the state and the public is invited to hear him. The marque for the Star Theatre has arrived and workmen are prepar ing now to erect it. The mnrquet will be the largest in the city, it is said, and is expected to add much to the general appearance of the tMeatre. It is announced that Hon. R. L. Doughton, congressman from the eighth district, will speak in Concord on t'ae night of October 10th. The meeting will be held at the court house, and the public is invited. Officers here report many com plaints about children under sixteen years of age driving automobiles. A copy of the state law governing such matters is carried in another column of this paper today and should be read by persons not familiar with the law. All boys in the city are invited to take the hike to be staged Saturday by Y secretaries. A new arrowhead bed has been found and arrow beads found will be put in the Pet aßd Hobby shop. Boys desiring to take the hike should meet at the Y Satur day at 8 a. m. and carry their lnnch. The subject for the sermon at the Baptist Church ’in Kannapolis for Sunday morning will be "Does Your Anchqr Hold?’’ Sunday evening a pageant will be given by the young ladies, followed by an address by E. J. Sharp on his recent trip to Eu rope. Carl Roden has just celebrated hia fortieth anniversary as librarian of the Chicago public library. ODD FELLOWS NOTICE 1 Meets Thursday .evening at l THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE iMnffVhWO Ivor ARE HEREBY SI'.MMONED J to appear Wore the bar off i yrur twn THOIGHTF’I'L 41 DGMENT and explain why ! you have not taken out auto insurance. If you are sure you j are iat goin; to have an acd- C.’nt or have your car stolen ' 1 YOI' DON’T NEED INSIR. ! | ANCE! Talk to yourself iji about it. O tmßtfow.hts.Mm ■K7 CABARR'JS Mymof'hAnK bloc. 1— OOOOOOOOOWOOOOCC^XXiOO ij Smart Velour., jj Hats ! All Paris is wearing ? [i velours for fall and win- iS i! ter. For the Parisienne ? i 1 knows how young, how [i flattering is its smooth- S '! ness, and how charming -11 ly its velvety surface ji [ takes to color—-to the <5 '! subtle drape of the mode. '$ i In all shade j. at Hill iRR ( ( ij Millinery Dept, j MISS ALLIE LEGO, Prop. | Phone 830 We have the sols lowing used carl for sale or exij change: One Studebaker 5- passenger Sedan One Hudson 5-pas senger Coach One Buick 5-pas senger Touring One Chevrolet Coupe One Willys-Knight 5-passenger Se dan. STANDARD BUICK CO. I * You’ll see as I stroll down I ■ the street • bid I ’ My winter costume’s EI I 1 quite complete. AVe clean furs and: Bl H I costs, suits and dresses U in a manner that is in-! If t imittble. . Your winter I . I collection of clothes will IH serve you more sst'sfsr Ufl torlly If they are sent rj VULCANIZING IS \ jjf TIRE ECONOMY yon ( will allow us to vulcanize your if tire>. If \v>u believe in getting a dollar's worth of mileage for every dollar you spend for tire. tjrlJet \\ then our tire repair department m|jEP CONCORE^VULCANIZINO Take a Look at i Our Windows! ' . ! The full line of Griffon / i rx /i uSli j Clothes for Fall is here! \r / y^VMWtf voted every one of our j many as possible of these V Jwyvl ami then ih MbJ BEaW- Go out of your way to i jHmf } see our windows if neces- I j | $19.75 fc SSO | |JR iW. A. Overcash jjAys | j ■r--f -r-?rrirr , "i ,^T?rsr, ffTV:».:iT- 1 ! 'I.!-.f xrv ?; ■m! FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR When you Need Chicken Feed ust call 122 and You Will Get the Best that Money Can Bjiy. I We also have a good lot of Grocer- Cash Feed Store I PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. | OOOSOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOC I See the New 70! 1 WILLYS-KNIGHT SIX With An Engine You’ll Never Wear j out The Only Motor That Improves 1 With Use CORL MOTOR CO. PHONE 630 j T *7 J “ sL* ||| .IjLJjl fjpll jjl SYSTEM OF CIRCULATING HEAT Pipe and em G>\ Pipeless ,^2j' Chuckle at your coal bills! ___ HtoWsIL _ A Caloric Pipeless Furnace [] a, will make your winters happy, *’ n V * / comfortable and cozy on less » V •■»■■ j, coal. Endorsed by more than Ilf ft "' “Ql^ 160,000 satisfied owners. Costs • Ask us about it, or phone our 1 Mr. M. L. Eudy. f (FURNAC. AND AOOFING DBPAPT.ENT) H U R R AH! 3 Horners ip Ope Gaipe—A Great Record You Can Make a Great Record Too By Wearing the Right ' * T CVathes properly Fitted SPECIAL SALE Os Fine Tailoring Thursday, Friday and Saturday The Prettiest and Most Complete Line of Woolens Ever Shown By . i SCHLQSS BROS. & CO. of Baltimore and New York i ... Come in, Look Them Over and Be Measured HOOVER’S, he. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQpqOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOQOOOfl! Get Ready For the Fair Next Week j I. Vour friends will be there of course you want to look I your best so send your clothes here . We use Voneline in ; | our plant, a chemical prepared for Best Dry Cleaning. I | The most modern and up-to-date Cleanifig Plants are j I now using Voneline. It enables us to render your garment ! I absolutely Spotless and Odorless. You no more will be j I troubled with that gas odor. Our clothing has no odor. SEND IT TP FOREST HILL Forest Hill Cleaning Co. I 318 N. Church StWet v Phone' 175 J We Want 300 Q Pounds of Heavy Hens At Once i We will pay 20c per pound for all hens weighing 5 I pounds and-over if delivered to us this week, j Eggs wanted at 42c per dozen. j Can use all the young chickens you want to bring'at 18c I to 23c per pound. J Our competition may offer you a little more for a I choice coop of poultry now and then, but we pay market I price and never say “full up’’ or “can’t handfe.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. Studebaker and Dodge Sales and Service AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. ; | fhoae 228 * REAL QUALTTY For Quality Eats Including Quality Meats, PHONE THE QUALITY STdRE | And You Will Get The The Quality of Service That You Appreciate PHONES 876 AND 686 Sanitary Grocery Company CONCORD PRODUCE MARKOV (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Ifgues MM represent pries* paid (or produce on the market: E*«S —i-———- .40 Sweet Potatoes $1.06 Krzir.:;—4 Psm ; —————— Young CXiickens * S Heat ;.;... .to Irish Potatoes f 1.50 Thursday, October 7, 192& Paul B. Eaton 4 Patents and Trade Marks ] 406 Independence Building I CHARLOTTE, N. C. . | CONCORD COTTON MAKKMf THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, IMS Cotton __i i. .12 1-4 Cotton Seed X-. 51 1-2 Motion Pictures IN YOUR HOME THE KODAK WAY Ask for a .Demonstration Mr. W. H. Blanks Used on pn Hi 9 Tour This Summer CLINE’S PHARMACY Phone 813 the United States n » r * , WN