PAGE TEN After a careful choking op of the answers to the “Who’s Who” page in last Saturday’s Tribune, it was found that Miss Mabel Graeber’s answer was nearest correct. She made only one error In 88. She, therefore, wins the Hg-. >BO.OO in gold offered as a prize. There were many other answers, and we thank all of these contestants for their interest in the matters. i_ _ , I NO. I—SAFETY AND SERVICE MEET HERE. JSJA good bank, sate and sound, is of great value to the commtm- Ste*nd in this particular the Citiaens Rank and Trust Co. ean be thor- OtkaHly recommended for they number in the personnel of their di rectors and officers many citizens of this sect 'on whose names are in tOresf-a pillow of strength. ffyjfchrnys ready to serve, their advice is at your disposal at all times , gnd this has been of great value to many of our citiaens who do not have the s>ame knowledge of local and national situations and occasionally ijeed assistance in the matter of advice as well as financial ass'stance. -®ry this bank when yon are perptexed with some or your busi .jesa problems and let them extend to you the service that has won them so many friends. • the officers of thia bank. ; X?h*s. B. Wagoner, pres.; M. I- Marsh, vice pres.: A. F. Goodman, rice pres.; . A complete line of hhuse fur nishings and Genuine Ford parts add to the conveniences offered. ln der the personal supervision of the manager. Mr\ Ritchie, every arti cle sold here is fully guaranteed and you are cordially invited to visit , here, inspect their complete stock and note the low price asked for standard goods. Name this firm and the other tire they set!. Ritchie Hardware Co. Hood Tires. NO. 7—OUR BEST SERVICE STATION Situated on West Corbin Street, the City Filling Station, selling the Good Gulf Gas. NO-Nox h ; gh test gas and Supreme Auto oils is prepared to offer to' you every service that could possibly be desired. Car washing, greasing, crankcase and tire‘service is extended and cour tesy and service go hand in hand to make your visit to them satis factory. A complete line of tires and accessories is also sold. The good Gulf line, sold by them was selected after careful tests of the va rious lines on the market and has been giving unqualified satisfaction. The HIGH TEST GAS NtVNOX i* the latest discovery nud is heing j used very extensively. It removes all the old carbon, absolutely elim inating any future carbon trouble, starts much easier than any other gas and furnishes much more power. Moderately priced, it is fully recommended and guaranteed. Try this station and you will soon be come a regular Good Gulf "fan.'’ Xpme the manager of this station and the moderate price of No-Nox, the high test gas. Gus Widenltouse. 29 1-2 cents per gallon. Conducting an electrical contracting business this firm has done a large part of the installation work in this section and possessing a complete force of skilled mechanics as well as supplies and fixtures of all kinds is well able to fill all of your electrical needs. Amongst oth er work done here by them may be mentioned the Efird and Pnrks-Ilelk buildings. Concord High School and the E. C. Barnhardt and R. C. Li taker residenees. He is also specializing on a hotair heater that is known as the best of its kind on the market. This is the SUNBEAM heater ami is fully guaranteed as well as reasonably priced. This Method of heating possesses certain advantages that have caused phys icians ami engineers to recommend it as the best system for the home. Phone 669 and let them figure with you now and enjoy comfort in your home this winter. Name this firm and the advantages offered by hot air heating sys tems. W. .T. Hetheox. A circulation of pure air is constantly maintained, which coming in contact with water is always moise and fiul of hu midity. NO. 15—ICE CREAM AT ITS BEST. It is a recognized fact that Ice Cream is not only a treat but that it is also a food and in this particular this city is very fortunate for we have a plant here that not only produces me most delicious cream but by the use of the very latest equipment turns out a product that is the last word in sanitation. Their milk and cream equally pure, is delivered to your door and your phone call to 292 will meet with prompt response. The only dairy whose products arc thoroughly pasteurized and ytm can obtain here in Concord dairy products that are purer and sweeter t.ian any sold in our largest cities. The butter fat contents of the iee cream, unusually high, makes this an excellent fond for any time of the year. Try them onee and be convinced. Name this firm, and why milk should be pasteurized. Cabarrus Creamery Co. Milk should be pasteurized ill order to kill the injurious bactcrin in it. NO. I*.—A HOTEL TO BE PROUD OF. The Hotel Concord, one of the finest in the state, has done much to attract favorable publicity to our city for, modern and up-to-date in every way it offers service from $2 up which is indeed lower than the price asked by many second class hotels. The Coffee Shoppe where the most delicious foods, well prepared, are served is in a class of its own. The main dining room will also be at your service after October 10th. Priced far below the average they serve meals that have caused a con stantly increasing number of our citizens to wonder how it is done. Moderately priced club breakfasts, a popular 40 and 50 cent luncheon and extremely low priced dinners are offered to the public and the ser vice, linen, silverewnre and etc., make this a favorite eating place. If you wish to enjoy good food, at i(rices far below any other eating place in town, if you enjoy service in all that the word implies visit here once. You will not need a second invitation for you will join the rap idly increasing throng who dine here daily. Mame me moderate price asked for their delicious dinners. One Dollar. NO. 23. CHEVROLET SOLD AND SERVICED HERE Selling and servicing the celebrated CHEVROLET, the outstanding motor cnr value, this firm with a stock of parts and the service of ex pert mechanics is making steady progress. AU models of these famous cars are gladly displayed and demonstrated and the courteous atten tion of the employees of this firn> is at your disposal. A new price is now effective on the CHEVROLET truck which puts this wonderful truck in a class of its own. The models of tlie pleasure ears'are also sold at so low a price that they have been adopt ed by many mercantile houses for their salesmen. Indeed this car truly is one “for economical transportation.” Name this firm and the delivered price of the CHEVROLET Coupe. White Auto Company. $742.00. NO. 37.—OUR ONLY PAINT COMPANY. This firm conducts the only exclusive point and wall paper store in Concord and devoting all of their facilities to that business alone are able to serve the public in a manner that nas reunited in a steady in \ crease in their business. They have the agency* for the Marietta Paint and Color Co., a paint made in High Print and carry their • complete line of paints and stains and varnishes as well as the products of The Standard Varnish Works and several other equally meritorious lines. These products are not only guaranteed by the manufacturers but by this firm as well. They also represent one of the leading wall paper houses of America. Let this firm take care of your paper and paint ( needs and be sure of getting the best. Name this firm and the wall paper they sell. ' Concord Paint & Paper Co. Birge Wall Papers. ' NO. 3L—CONCORD'S ONLY CANDY MANUFACTURER. Using only the purest of products and manufacturing a number of popular lines of candies this firm is enjoying a steady progress. Amongst the various lines they manufacture are white and toasted marshmallow rolls, peanut cream bars, peanut bars, cabbage candy, stick candies and suckers, pink and white cocoanut bars, salted peanut*, peanut butter, three in one chocolate candy with a cherry cream center, and a cocoanut, fruit, and peanut confection that has been a very popular seller. Much care is taken to make this estab lishment a model from the standpoint of sanitation, and the users of any of the products manufactured by them can be assured of getting the best product that could be manufactured for the money. Ask for them by name and you will see why this business is increasing stead ily Name this firm sod their popular seller mentioned above. -as (se t P ’ Covington Gandy Shop. Elies Roll. ■*- U k'fl. REUABLIj mil Established in Concord and maintaining branches at Kannapolis, Albemarle and Mt. Pleasant, this bank has a record of steady progress and is filling an important place in our busy business life. Every ser vice that could be desired of a modern metropolitan bank is extended by them, ami courtesy prevails throughout this establ’shment. While their statement shows a capital stock of $400,000.00 and a surplus of $100,000.00, t(teir real strength lies in the personnel of the officers who so ably manage this institution for they have numbered amongst these £pme of the mast, prominent men of this (section. The original, capital stock was $175,000.00 and the balance has been earned during the years they have been in bnsiness, showing an earned increase of $325,- 000.00 in addition te cash dividend* that have been paid. Bank with them, use their service and enjoy true safety and service. Name tbi* bank and their office re. Cabarrus Savings Bank. H. I. Wpodhouso. pres.; M. L. Cannon and W. B. Burns, vice presidents; C. W: Swink. cashier: W. G. Cas well, asst, cashier; M. J. Harris, asst, cashier. Albemarle; L. E, Foil, asst, cashier, Mt. Pleasant; It. B. Beaver, asst, cashier, Kannapolis. NO. B—THIS IS THE BEXALL STOKE Carrying a complete line of Rexall Remedies, this firm lias the most up-to-date establishment of Its kind In Concord. They carry a complete line of Drugs, toilet articles, druggist sun dries, etc., and their prescription department where the purest drugs are used is in the constant charge of a registered pharmacist: They have the agency of the Eastman Kodaks, Hollingsworth and another well known candy, and also dispense the most delicious drinks from a sanitary soda fountain. They are soon to hold a 1c Sale and will offer exceptional values in all departments. Name this store and call there and name the other candy they call. Gibson Drug Store, Nunnally's Candies. NO. 12.—HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS BAKED HERE. Situated in Kannapolis 'this bakery does a wholesale and retail business throughout this entire territory and their bread and cakes, well known for their purity are very mueli in demand by the discrimi nating housekeeper who demands the best. They specialize on Pound, Raisin and Sponge cakes, delivered in sealed boxes and every care is, taken to make their products the best. They use an excellent flour, Criseo for their shortening, Fleischmann yeast and in fact only the purest ingredients enter their plant. Under the personal supervision of the proprietor, every effort is made serve and -promptness as well as courtesy characterize every transaction. When you are In the market for baked goods or when you feel that you would like to enjoy a delicious treat ask for some of the pure Kannapolis cakes and see how modern methods have devel oped a rival for the “Cake That Mother Used te Make.’’ Name this firm and the- flour they use. Kannapolis Bakery. Washburn Crosby's Gold Medal Flour. NO. IS— CHIROPRACTIC WILL MAKE YOU WELL. If you are ailing in any man- *■-» ner you will do well to seek the D services of this practitioner JSh waves mpmudatthc wmr who in the eleven years of ex- vtarzaas J perlence since he graduated ( CWfOpiadic ® from (he Palmer School of | ERjlBgL, , j. aPu^ At -> Chiropractic, has helped many j Adjustments of our eitixens to regain tliefr H^tWf■ Will mL* health. Investigate Chiroprac. Rpmnve flwj'A tic. Science’s latest and great- Cause of est method of retaining and re- groceries, fruits or country produce you want and you want them at their best you will do well to see this firm for they carry a line that will satisfy the most exacting taste. They also sell the Mohawk tires and are doing a large business in this line. Quality prevails throughout this store and best of all at popular prices: Every modern equipment has been installed to make this the most sanitary establishment in town. The very latest type refrigerator show case, a Globe electric slicer for smoked meats, a Jim Vaughn meat slicer as well as a complete refrigeration plant which has succeeded the old fashioned “ice way’’ of preservation of food is bound to aid them in giving better’ service and you are invited to call here, inspect their merchandise and let Mr. Barrier show you for how little money you car. enjoy quality products at their best. If you want poultry call here for they are well known ■* “Poultry Headquar ters.’’ Name this store and the showcase they use. C. H. Barrier k Co. Harry Hnsaman Sanitary Refrigerated Show case. « * ■ 28—THE HOUSEKEEPER’S REST FRIEND. Selling and servicing the KELVINATOR, the most perfect scien tific method of refrigeration, this firm has placed many of these ma chines in Concord homes. Amongst these may be named X. A. Can non, J. A. Barnhardt and Mrs. J. M. Odell, who, as well as many oth ers have at last learned that they can be free of the worries of the ice box, for food kept in the Kelvinator is kept dry and fresh at ail times and is always at an even temperature. No more waiting for the ice man, no more spoiled food is their lot for by the use of the Kelvinator . they have -eliminated ail of the disagreeable features es the old fash ioned icebox. Best of all, this machine, while much more serviceable than:the old obsolete method is much cheaper and ia practically fool proof. Phone 105 and' learn the many advantages this machine offers and let this firm figure with you for your health’s sake as well as yonr convenience. - Name this firm ahd the moderate price of the Kelvinator. • 3. X. Pharr k Bro. $195.00 and up. NO. 3*~CONCORD'S BEST BARBER SHOP. Situated in the Concord Hotel Building, this shop, the most modern and up-to-date in Concord, has been dispensing a brand of service both to their men and lady patrons that has been adding daily to their bus iness. Special rare is given to the lady trade and the latest sty'rs can alwaya be obtained* here. Their barbers J. A. Johnson, Joe An drews, Luther Brumbies, Seth Roberts, Reuben Glover and Eld. Mel chor, are all experts and "have many friends who have learned to rely u#on them tor good service. Every modern equipment has been in stalled to enable serve to the best advantage, and an imiivid ual electric clipper of the latent model la nsed to assist them in giving the perfect service that has made this shop such and excellent iepu tation. Sanitation is indeed carried, out to the last degree in this, Concord’s truly sanitary shop. Name this shop and th* tfodara clippers they uae. * Hotel Barber Shop. Racine and Wail. x Saturday, October 9, 1926 .