Saturday, October 9, 1926 - - —■ ■ ■■■■■■■ i m,h ' KANNAPOLIS D COffDOCTED — ... BMP —. sa KANNAPOLIS NEWS BRIEFS [ KUS Have One Big Time In' This World, See Mammoth Circus For Nirklf.—Johnson J. Hayes In; This Section Again—Volleyball i Sextette Open Season in HaMgh j Before Ctsr of the Sport.—Other News. Kannapolis, Oct. 9.—(/P)—The ini lial jiep meet of the Kannapolis high school athletic association was held on Friday afternoon in the auditorium Os Central high. New yells Were intro duced and rehearsad. About one hundred students ate members of the association, which is headed by “Mutt” Widenhouse, mem ber of the senior class. SCHOOL KIDS BAT I P 01 ROCS rtcnm v. Kannapolis, Oct. 9.—Hetiry Ford can take a 1 penny piece of lntper. Write his name npon it and make it worth a hundred million dollars. John D. Rockefeller can sign his name to a check and make it worth seventy-five million. But it’s seldom a hundred thousand dollar circus can be seen for live cents, just one poor, meager, buf falo nickel. Well, that's exactly wliat came to pass here yesterday afternoon. Rope walking seals, college bred horses, rub ber skinned elephants, sitie saddle equestrians and equestriennes, clown contingents, and big top celebrities in one big performance—of the cinema. E- J. Sharpe, from whom all mo tion picture offerings flow, offered a whale of a circus picture, "Bigger Thau Barnum's” featuring Viola , Dana ami George O'Hara to all school children for the mentioned measley shekel. And all students, primary, grammar, high and graduated (teach ers) "ate it up." They went hogwihl. thrilled to the -fl’tth bone of their body. It was, perhaps, tlie greatest school kid picture, that has showed here this year. ' HAVES IN SECTfON AGAIN, laical Republicans announce that Jolmsou J. Hayes, senatorial candi date. will again speak in this county the last week of October. His caril jinigu is now in full blast in the east ern part of tlie state, around the sec tion of Wilson and Greenville. On October INtli Mr. Hayes’ route brings Kim to thnewest, addressing citizens at Lcaksville. On Octiber 2(sth he is slated for a speech at Concord. THROWS IN TOWEL. .lake Widenhouse. recently announc-i .oil an opponent of "Pee Wee" Russell in a headline bout of a boxing card here Tuesday n ! ght. October 19th, bus thrown in the towel as a pugilist, as far as meeting the lightweight champion is concerned. Meeting this Kussoll kid hack in April and receiving a knockout wal lop, iu addition to a volley of guffaws from the ringside, still rings in Ja cob's organs of hearing and unless he is matched with a less formidable foe nmn, then he will spurti all thought of becoming a Lukie Tenner or a Kid ' I’eck. With a laconic “What's the use?" when asked the why of the balk. Jake shrugged his shoulders and with a long shrug admitted Russell the better man. the faster boxer, and the more educated rhigman. Meanwhile the local matchmaker is Scouring the woods hither, thither and yon in search of uu antagonist for the muchly dreaded "I’ee Wee." Calicutt. of Spencer, has been mentioned and an offer will probably be made him. Volleyballers open season The local volleyball sextette, state champions, left today for Raleigh, where file Toweiers officially crack tlie lfKJ(i-1!K27 season tonight at the Raleigh Y. M. f. A. Professor Idcll, czar of national vol leyball will be among the spectators at the game. FORM BASKETBALL LEAGI'E. A basketball league, comprising. TILLIE THE TOILER ~~ ~ >'■— 'u.ll . JERRY ON THE JOB HAVE A HEART MR. GIVtfEY lllilln come uptown# \, ?l s» 4-' •' “ _=^ r lr^ == =r : T IWk f&S to put sbtAt- I tJ HOUSE AT TUtS- J ? T AS SNWVy AS A f , J V'l Si Wm 'UTUST •I W TIME OF Twe AM, (SLV. WiSMHWONA / VOo AWT •/ iSSS SA.VE OQ EuSE ;! /V X KhJOW TS eAO \ ok'tjl —— - TAQtE.. AMD TNUEM \ LEAVE IT "■ , r.* —, ■ ST "" L ” , I — i”. C-“ . - department j ■ - - - ■——.. fa I (teams from the mills; schools, and bus iness concerns, will (o to bat this Winter for the Twilight league of list 1 stumper. Several members of the J baseball league, sterling basketeers, j will pkrtfblpate. The league will be operated under I the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., with Bill Maulden as director. SHERRILL VISITOR TO KAN NAPOLIS. “Lefty” Sherrill, last summer "a member of the Toweler baseball ma chine, was a visitor to Kannapolis Friday. Sherrill is making hi* home in Mooresville. Piquant little Gladys Coggins will entertain this afternoon at a party at her home on Chestnut street.| STAGE SET OPENING COUNTY EXPOSITION. Kannapolis. Oct. 9—The stage is all set at Concord for the opening on Tuesday of the fourth annual county expositibn, the largest of its kind in the state of North Carolina. > Thousands of dollars iii purses, premiums and prizes will be given' for farm rfffd firfd products, stock, poul try. dogs, home economies, community anil school exhibits, races, and even "barnyard" golf performances. Three hundred dollar purses will be award ed in the 2:10. 2:14, 2:17. 2:20 and 2.25 trot, and the 2:10, 2:14, 2:17, 2:20 and 2 :25 pace in the daily horse races. Thousands of dollars will be spent to furnish patrons free acts and rac ing each day, and free acts and fire works each night. The nightly display of fireworks is said to\be the prettiest and biggest of any exposition in the entire"'south. On opening day all school children from Cabarrus, Rowan. Mecklenburg, Iredell. Stanly or any part of the United States will be admitted free at the gates. Tuesday also has been des ignftted nV Iredell County day. Other special days at the fair are as fol lows : < Wednesday, Mecklenburg County, - Day, 1 ’nion County Day. Thursday—Cabarrus County Day. ■ Stanly County l)ay. Merchants nn ~ - 'wmm •= ’ ¥■ ■ ■ *~ 1 " ■ ' —< CJeneral Ludendorff, who divorced his first wife becaust she smoked cigarettes, is shown leaving the registrar’s offict tvith Frau yon Kenmitz, who now rules his heart and home, UnternAtioxua Kevireel) v ■ ' i- -pM , • ....... * . • - ' j 55,000 Feet of Floor Space Filled With FURNITURE ' v The kind that makes cozy homes, that's what we are i ready to supply you with. | Here are three large floors overflowing with sensible || new ideas in home furnishings and our prices as well, as i the style and quality of our goods' will be found most i agreeable. Beautiful woods, finished in rich mellow tones which ji add distinction to their surroundings, and perfect constrtte--; j! tion, the only kind turned out by high-grade establiish j ments. i The young people iri a community delight in entertain ! ing their friends in their own homes, provided they are | well furnished, and a little sacrifice in order to do this well j> repaid by the renewed interest and love of home life which ! the young folks in the family will display. May we not | show you? |i BELL-HARRIS FURNITfiRE CO. |i The Store That Satisfies, and the Home of Beautiful |! Furniture oooooooooooooooooooooooQooooooooooooooooQoadddat I 1 OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL | mac* Paint with our Paint Paint your new house with our paint, then the paint will last longer. Repaint your old buildings with our patnt arid your buildings will last longer. We seU the very BEST paint made. The kirld Whi«sl will hold up under all. weather conditions. Buy your Aluminum and Kitchen-Ware From Us. f \ Our Hardware’s BEST; it stands the TEST. < J Ritchie Hardware PAGE NINE