PAGE TWO j peWt column ers,JaSns a'nd buckets. C BBmmiP DOUBLE ,BEI> ROOMS t IN PRIVATE HOME NEAR A PO»pRDI!<G HOUSE. REF » EKENCES EXCHANGED. P. O. ■PSfluated—To Swap Port . ttl»rtiig ESSply lor- roadster. 1924 mod H.. Pet if;»er Cox.,'Route 1, Mt. Pleasant. Es- • aosit-p. Rif «*».. Ig ftor Sate—Modern 7 Room House With p heat «i*Loan street. Modern new t. 7-rqpm bungalow on South Union, R;- clow in. • Modern new 7-room house B|v ea, poutjass Avenifo. Modern 0- E. room house on Spring street. New K. 5-room bouse on Priueess street, a beautiful location, 9-room house on South uffion street, lot 70x400, feet. Hevetql Jiouses at from SI2OO to I' SIBOO. «Alsa hall dozen beautiful |l;! building' lots. Priee* reasonable. Terms totty. Jno. K. Patterson & Co., Ageaits. 30-3 t-x. If Vo. W*nf 8.. C. Red. C<** ; erel, Ha cold Thompkinx strain, dark , red <to »the steh, opine and see them. Price right. W. A. Itallard. 20 S. X|ary St. l»-3t-p. Wanted—£o*l't Lon afTstenoaraplrer. St Four years’ experience. CalJ o()9L. p’ . _, ~ * JJQtijt.-P,. ! For Rent-J-7 Eooro House, Ltrfe tot on Georgia Avenue. Phone ,m g: ■ io-st-p. i For RenG-3 Fu'rp tailed rtwms For |i, light housekeeping. Couple w-th tout children preferred. Phone 328 R. &"■ ’ » 19-ts-x. , 1 Damaged >j Fire—One4ialf Car of t. flour.. Will sett cheap. Good for bill posting, hanging paper or §j feed. Apply Concord Steam Bak ery. ' 19-2 t-c. I Wanted—A First Class Shoo Shine boy. Apply 22 S. Union. 19-2 t-p. Expert' Painting and Paper Hanging. John, Bosman, 7(1 West Corbin afreet. * Phone 021. Oct. 2 to .Tan 2-p. For Sale—Pure Bred S. C. White Leghorn from my best mat ings. Special offer now $2.50 each. Now the time to get breeding stock for next year. J. Ivey Cline, Concord Route 1.1-ts. Birth Announcements Beautifully printed at The Times-Tribune Job OMce. Call 022. 8-ts-p. Wanted—Salesman. Auto Supply & ; Repair Co. 4-ts-c. : Program, Invitations, Anuouuceaients printed, promptly a'- The Times- Tribune Job Office. We have a j beautiful line of wedding invita tion* and announcements in stock aad can finish on. a few hours no tice. Times-Tribune Job Office. Advice as to Cotton, f Monroe Enquirer. Every day T am nsxed. “What do 1 r you beliel'e the price of cotton will '< | be? Aud Jo you think it advisable to , sell now I To thoefirst question, if I knew I j|-, Would soon be a millionaire. To the second qrfestiou, i will say that when a fanner,, owes for hie fertilizer and > supplies, it is always , advisable to | act! cotton as fast, as it i« gathered I and, liquidate his indebtedness. | The lupu out of debt can afford to store hW,cotton, or keep it as long as he desires. Bqf, it 4 -is amusing to hear many persons about cqtton. When five market is declining, to I-' ■ ~ - ‘ ■ HLs * I Pinehurst 68*8$. s#.3s | ■Woolwich, 66x80, assorted col jYatmin, 7#xßo, assorted colors, ’ '*■ I Bf- ' . I I » w ■ ■ JH .1 ft: B . * m B Be v B- B V m - i *i *ir> • 7rHBL* WANTED—WAITRESS FOR COFFEE SHO?PE AND DIN ■ : ISS HODS AWEV AT CROCE. HOTEL CONCORD. 19-2 t-c. ' h™*^ ► ; pounds nice green beans daily, si | phone ns. Ed. M. Cook Company. » 20-2 t-p. - Fag Went—7-Room House Close in. Hj, 4-room house on Sunderland Ave ■jEfrio., Jno. K. Patterson & Co.. 20-3 t-x Plants. Lady ThoTAnH^Sfoma. gandey, and rej bird. FetzVr Cox, Route 1, Mt. Pleasant. 20-3 t-p. i ■ii - ■! 1 "■ ' Lost—. Mouthpiece and Shank For , bass lioru, Finder please return to j • Mr. Bush at High Sehool. 20-lt-p. j Qijriiens! Chickens! Several i nice chickens,; Also plenty eggs and butter. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company. 20-2 t-p. For Safe-Several fifoaiitKU , Five, ten, fifteen or twenty building lots on Cgnqord-Mt. Pleasant Njational Highway. Also 7-room house, out buildings, line orchard, including 29 to 40 acres of land at real bur gains. Jno. K. Patterson & Co., Agents. 20-3 t-x. For Sale—One Extra Good New Doer 7 feet high, by 3 feet 6 inches. Sol id bevel glass. At a bargain. Phone ■l.'ldW, 20-4’t-p. We Have Fresh Barrel Home Made Sauer Kraut. Something good. Ed. M. Cook Company. 20-2 t-p. New Floral Shop, Kannapolis Road. Floral designs, baskets and cut flow ers. Mrs. W. L. Mills. Phone 373 J. 20-st-p. For Rent—Newly Painted Cottage with- light and running water on Mt. Pleasant road, two miles out. Several acres go along with cottage. J. P. Cook. 18-st-p. For Sale —Two Gas Heaters. Mrs, C. L, Mossunan, 115 IV. Corbin St. lU-t-p. \ For Sale—One House and 1-2 Acre lot in Mt. Pleasant. Good location. Apply to Mrs. J. D. Starnes. 11-Ct-p. Have 5,000 Egg incunator For Next season. Will start hatching in De cember and continue Through next June. Place your orders for baby chicks now. White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds. Buff Rocks and White Wyandottes. J. Ivey Clint, Concord, Route 1.23-ts. New Pair of Shoes From Old Ones. AVe use the best leather and the best workmanship. Thirtyfive years experience. Phone 165 and we call for shoes and deliver all work when wanted. Shpe shine parlor for ladies. Uptfl-Date Shoe Hospital. 22 South Union Street. 7-26-p. Send The Tribune to Tour Boy or girl who is going iaway to school. I them it will go still lower; and I when cotton soars it-will still go i 1 higher. 1 The oid colored man expressed it about right when he said: “Cotton is a fool. When I got some it’s low, and when 1 ain’t got none it’s high." During the first five months Clar ence Dellar, the Melrose, Muss.. Mar athon lyomler, has won three races at the, ful 1 Marathon distance of 26 miles 385 yards. During the same period he has achieved victory in seven miuor events at distance from 10 to 13 miles. And he has three more races on bis schedule for this 1 ’ year, which is pretty good for an old 1 man of 3ft years. ~y -- - - -ss- — rz F COURT RECESSES , 1 Criminal Docket Cleared Up in Turn Days.—-Cieit Casee Will Be Tried Next Week. ... . ... .... Catjarrus ,suicrior Count ret^saej Tuesday afternoon until Monday . mornmhg, all' criminal cases having ■ been disposed of in two days. When the last case on the docket was disposed of Judge A. ,M- Stack, j the presiding oflicer, complimented the ( ’ cohntf on its behavior and added , a j ■ word o< commendation for those pee- j • sons who were responsible for .the e«-j tablisbment of the inferior court at i , Kannapolis. ■ "I have’ fce»rd.,, Kannapolis men-j I tioned only, one time this met,” Judpe! •j Stack, said, "whereas utider t’ae old I ,1 dispensation .half, of the cases tried! , in this court wgjs .from (hat town." | The case of Staty ,vs. C. L- Dage, chargM with driving" a, sj*r w'Jille in- j toxieated, was the last trjed. The jury , returned a verdict of not after : being out about twenty minutes. The case of T. R, Brinkfey. charged, with seduction* was completed, about noon Tuesday. Brinkley entered a plea of guilty to prostitution and F*? sentenced to serve eighteen months on t'.ie chain gang- tfitiie a number j of witnesses were, introducfid by both j the state and defense, The defend-, ant and the prosecutrix both took,,the stand., JSotife pf appeal was given by couusel for Brinkley and b> s ap pearance bond was hxed in the sum of $2,000. c , Simoii Flake piead guilty t'n„»i»Jle assault and his prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of the costs. A, jury returned a verdict.-pf npt guilty in the case against Theodore Woodward, charged with carrying a; concealed weapon. | Elnora Madison, charged with car rying a concealed weaiaui was fined SSO and niade tp pay tip- costs. Waiter Brown plead guilty and was j fined $175 and made to pay the costs. I Thq,.canes i agpinat Charles Hatley and Robert Ifoneyeutt were continued | until the January term of court. Not a true bill was found in the ease against George Henry and'the following enses were continued for bill: Louis Allmuu. Math Crayton. Willi Horton, Fred Mogle and Charles | Kinehardt. Charles Ray and Joan Crawford a Magnificent Pair. It's a gay life iu "Paris"—with ' apaches and everything—but per- I liaps tlie average girl wouldn't like to j be made love to us Joan Crawford is I in the picture. It’s one thing to havel a handsome Apache shiek who rail dance French dances that look won- I derful—but it's another thing to! have him ready to cut your throat or something because you watch anoth er shiek who has a new twist on the 1 ■Charleston, or something of the kind, : But that's Paris—at least according to Edmund Goulding's new Metro f Goldwyn-Maver picture at the Con-! cord Theatre Thursday only. Charlie Kay is in it. too—and he's : adorable as a boulevardier in a dress suit—no longer a country bov—but oh! so hndsome in his full-dress I togs. He's an American tourist in ‘ Paris, and whenever an Apache tries j to muss him up he laughs it off— and gets by with it—as an American i boy of that type would. Joan Crawford is mlorable. She plays an Apache girl in a Paris den —-and Douglas Gilmore, plays her lover—" The Cat." an Apache gang ster —aud lie's hndsome even despite | the remarkable make-up he wears. And the Apache (lance they (lo! It's got all the Charlestons anil Shanghai gestures and all the rest of; 'em faded —and it just, holds you 1 iqiellbouiid. They say Miss Crawford j sprained her ankle damping it—and; that,'* no wonder. The only wonder J is that she didn't sprain everything spruinabie! The story tells of an American j tourist who fall in love with an 1 ‘Apache, girl—anil . thp girl's lover, the Apache leader, who sends tin gang after him. Then, things happen fast and furious—and there are j fights, thrills, and lauglis—mine won-' derful gowns, a lot of beautiful set-, tings—and altogether it’s a picture every girl wants to see—for Charlie j Ray's sake—for Joan Crawford's sake—and for her own sake. Edmund Goulding directed the play from his own story—and he's sqnie story-teller. He knows what the American girl wants to see—and every other girl—and everybody e'«e. too. A Gray hound Race Track. (By International News Service,) j Memphis. Tenn., Oct. 14.—Mem j phis’ latest sport now faces closing by the law. For the past several weeks, a gray- j hound race track just across the Mis- i sigaippi. iu Arkunsas, has been run ning full blast. • , Betting on the participants in the nseeg was a common practice. .Each afternoon, and (light, hundreds of drove across the Harabun fridge or walked over, to see the races. >, i , , Arkansas officials investigated the wee track and reported their, findings to ttye attorney geperaU at Little Rock. A temporary injunction against the race track has been issued, pending a hearing in Little Rock, at whk-h (fune the slate will ask' its permanent Closing' of the track dne to betting. Concord Presfcrierial ,pT Meet in i (pkere will be a pally Day of t’ofi eoril I’reshyterial in the First Presby terian Church. Statesville. Friday. Oc tober Apd at 2:30 p. m.. to whieji B the of A V ' ' THE CONCOftDuMILY tkMWiB ’ißr * A. AfE^INCf t ... _ . A-j I Parcuta md tka Giving Examination to - .&& .tte brsl step ijh his plau to siP cure parental eo-operatlon in hTs efijifip paign to examine avery school <iuJo. 10 per cent, qr more,underweight, Df, | S. E. Buchanan before tins i Central Primary Corbin BkHM | ru-ent-Teachers Associations I afternooq and outlingd tp some exton( | the nypßßjtr iu which the exaiuimitiona are to be conducted ana their pur ■ pose. I .FpfUdp,. have ,bfiep ~gac<tred by ~^ I Buchanayt for this work .and be hopes, |ho ariU receive sueSi co-operation froth, parents that the work can be started ] abou(,November first. , , ... ij£ I | derweigh), experts aifree, bave. some, eg use .their subnormal, couditiqn aad Dr., Buchanan hopes througb tjpf. examiustious to find the cause of tlye trouble with the. local and Kaunapo % d i** w Wo»«' sift Dr. Buchanan with the exam'na.-. j tipna and whero. it is possible tor I thejn to (to,, Dr, Buebannn j Barents. preeont when the examina tions are mad?.,. siinpltTy matters if we ffp discuss Gta- parents at, tine time M thv.examiuatiqn, the trouble /ound.". Dr., Buchinpn said. , "Anj..ojt cpu»jjt after the ctupse is.found, the lig'.it hag W|l> respoitsihle to a large degree for (he. rented^,.which, we or a family phj'si oia'a caa Dr, Buehangn in his (alk before tpe parents and tegebers outlined to some extent the purposes of, the examina tions and described what be . termed the .■;heurti-W" to be derived from the examinations. A NlG'riV Unusually Good Musical Program Ar ranged for Event.—Every One In vited to Attend. unsually hne musical program ! has been arranged for the "open house" at the Y on Friday night of I this week. The program will begin ! at 8 o'clock. Tile Davidson orchestra' Ims been secured for the event’by Secretary 1 Blanks, and in addition "Harmonica i Mike." cae Radio Harmonica King, I will render a number of selections. During the evening those present wjll have opportunity to enroll in, j some one of the many gym classes to ;be conducted during the winter. It , ; is hoped that every woman, man and : child in Concord who can do so wijl t ! enroll but failure to do this need not keep any one from attending the so- * j eial event. Friday. The "open house” will be a "come 1 j aqd go" event and those persons who ( ; find it ini|Missible to remain throug'q- i 1 , out..the., evening can enjoy part of the ( program without interrupting the re- [' mainder. ' The Durblson orchestra is always J IMiptilnr with Concord audiences and : no doubt will render'au excellent pro- , gram in keeping with those rendered | on other occasions here. "Harmonica Mike." in reality Clyde Sullivan, has twice played around the world, living on the harp that has i brought recognition to him. He has , ! broadcasted from many of the leading i rtMlio stations ■in the United States , ami is called the "Harmonica Radio < King." fn addition to broadcasting ; ill, the United States he has been heard < otjer some of the largest and best i known stations in Europe, I Air. Sullivan urrivved in Concord 1 the first part of the week. He played ( i for the local Koturians today and will I be heard at the Kannapolis Y during ; the week. c_, I Y. M. C. A. NOTES < The \\ M. C. A. basketball. teiim 1 will be organized, on the first Friday ’ night in November. Several gangs 1 ! already have been scheduled with big Y' 1 ; and college teams. AU persons who will try for places on the team are ’ urged to attend the first practice. The wrestling team of the.Y’ will ' be organized for the year next klon- ; day night. Physical Director Denny ‘ will have charge of the team again ' t'.iis-year. The men's volleyball team will,begin regular practiee at the Y' oju Thursday 1 night. Captain Hazel. Allred has new plans for the team *nd all who have • signed for places are urged to attend each practice. i Membership cards wilt be distribut | ed Friday night at the "open house" meeting at the Y. Physical Director Denny states that already 500 juniors 'javc signed for | the gym xtlasoes to he conducted this year. On Friday night it is boimd | many adults will sign for the classes j! to be organised for them. S' Feaftesdhiry Printing. , Stanly News-Heralil. , We knew, about everybody find ' i every, business in the country had , decided tp go into the printing and ' j advertising business in competition * [to the struggling weekly and semi : weekly newspaper*, but we didn't J tfcMb’tfcKi" penitentiary w'.puW enter the Arid. Wc have bad to compete wUh orphanages, where labor and mateviala mean nothing. Npw then the., state; is coßing under the auspices of the state peni ; teiitiar.v. so everybody ought to be 1 j bgppy (except tjie |*rofw*ional,pH*t i ers who must pay for stock and help, instead of foxing the ehurehr* aud ' # people for any looses which may 11' GRAND J(JRV REPORT TFiifils Conditions Good at J«il[ I j«rf s«aai Tuesday afternoon aad was discharg ed... The repqyt fo)ioya , f Wa, the grand jury, beg to sqhmt ail' of iit dictment sent to us by rite- solicitor and investigated oil vipfotlpns qf tji# sow that have been brought to our JP? tion ' j We, as, a committee, visjted tlje tojinty ja>l » n i *«*(•*• of tto to,art house. \Ve finfi the various of- Osf ss condition wit'a everything cfoaa fie.jirisonera *OJ th*iy> are treated all. tjght, with shower hatha, both hot aad rod, and a lopd, supply of coal We, note some commodes not, clffan, afop; tome broken window pones. A-Op the county bnjlding is nest and chpo#., By lommittee ,we. vfoiited the v <foßl'; ty home and chaip gang. „..44, the. .epuaty home .we number pf. linniates to be follows fT whifo, men. 21 wMitf .women,.^.rolore^,mm. ’« colored Wpmen, 3 juvenilb \(2 white and 1 colored). h or <m»v 4 mule, Tsfi^V tow. 4 calves. abmmt..2o pd<> (fhoafo,. *ud a number of t|lfse tows Jfith cholera; obqnt |3OO chickemi,, [and plenty pf provisionig ntatt |J«rs of fcuitiMrf oil, kin*, 4mir,‘ ,rice. sugar, gait' . W* c"iidU,ioß, of,, th.e„(;b,aimgaag good.; They have 3J. |irmp|i*rs., L> black and a "bite, tff-hjiniejsjjrf xaheat.mjd St tlie. chat'll W- T-hpyim.wagttm*. J #, acocpm, ,4, trpgtorx,} I.JPmfti'spn, trac tor. 1 Forfi trqek. 1 .Whitfi truck, IF. & YV...D. trucks, .2 forge- road rna.- chines and one small machine, 1 coiV ECte mfosr. SO.itr^tqrSb^iNfi. b acksiiutn .Rients. of Mhovpls, cks. p’tc. find l v 2o J)|limeiß*.of ats. bags of sweet feed- and'fi bales of any. We find livestock as follows: I 17- mules, all found iu good condition. We find no complaint among the pris ,,oupr. We recommend a greater water supply at the county home and the chain gang. This is especially needed during the Fair weeks. AVe. the grand jury, having ful filled and completed our duties re spectfully ask to be discharged. D.. A. JOLLY. Foretnaii.S W; H. BROWN. Secretary. Bt S LINER, HAVE BREN , SOLD. IT 18 RUMORED Phitadflphfo Concern, Said tp Have Acquired Carolina Coach Company. - Durham. Oct. 19.—Dame Rumor •persistently is sending out over her underground communication lincii the information that, the Southern Gas and Power Company, of Phila delphia. has purchased stock suffi cient to give it controlling interest in the Carolina Coach Company, operating bus lines between Raleigh and .Greensboro. Raleigh and Fay etteville, Raleigh and Rocky Mount. RateigU aud Wilson, ami another connecting line, and that, the lines have been in operation utider the new regime since Monday. October 11. There is also a rcjairt that negotfo tioiirt are under way by tlie same company, or another, for the line of the Southern Coach Company. ©p- C eating, between Greensboro aud Charlotte, owned in large part by Norfolk capital, which bought tip (luring the past ycqr the six inde pendent line? Operating between the Gate City and the Queen.. City. Judge Says Canada <St Well Do Without Ku Rlnv. Bane, Out.. tVt. 19.—The Ku Klux. Irian is an importatipn from the United States which Canada can do well without Justice Logie de clared during, his address to the jury in th< (also of William Skclly. con vibtird .vev.erday on charges of at tempting to Mow up St. Mary'* Roman Catholic e'nurch. A statement by Skelly and other evidence indicated that he made the attempt after drawing lots -with oth- i er'members of the kfoim Two of .his sufjerior* In the order. William But ler lid Clare were also implicat ed! Fishery product* represent 80 per cent, of the total exports of New foundland. •Great Years in the Nation’s History. Interesting things have ,happened . in 1926. Commander Byrd in a Fokker airplane,, circlqil the North Dale. l’hotogruplis taken ia Europe l were . transmitted on radio wayeq to America, and published in newspapers a few hours later. . Gertrude Ederle, daughter of, u New York butcher, •swam the English Channel one hour faster than any of, the five men who had swum (t. before.her. Is any things interesting going to IfoOPoti in 1927. . , For one.thing the Youth s Compaq-, :ion. on April Ifi, wl I celebrate htnj-1 draft)!, birthday. During 1927. the Companion . will .contain, more inter-,[ ecting reading t'aan eyA .before duryl log its century of surcessftii life. Cotiri aider wbat you will get for $2.001 j 52 issues, containing U book length] Tierijllg. 2(10 short t^moat; rial artists, a weeklj* section for in-1 genious.boys, called,, the “Y. C. l.ab." ■ a thorough girls’ department, aud 52 fmkes for children, Alsb in each is sue. an extensive survey qf current Wots, making it easy for you to fol low the affairs of this busy world. Don't miss the greatest year of a «eat magazine. Subscribe now, and ,1. The \ out it's, t ’ofaijianion—s2 is* Mies in I'.rM. and . I f T>se iisues of 1920. tJ*bs*if*#* • ' hd"’ t thlT •wJxTii't'oiis re e v .a i* oflfoe. .. >.. :i ' MiMred Mm* Lend* Prosecution to county (rend jury which is trying to uowyG the w*b of political scandal tpoD .Wpfater, Pfure,of p, p. Stephcdson, former Klau overlord Os she Indiana G, O. P-, almost laid hands today upon Stephenson's black Mildred Meade., the defiant- ;iretts girl of t twenty-three who is deueribed as a former friend of Stephenson in his palmy, days, was taken before the jpry; and before going into the jury room she led Prosecutor William H. ijemy to safety deposit box No. 406 in fje vaults of the Indiana Na tional Bank. Miss, Meade, who had been sought by , police for ten days and whs ar rested and held iu $2,500 bond vgheu she unexpectedly returned to the home of her parents Sunday night, appeared unconcerned about the disclosure of tliq bank vantt hiding place. The de posit box, it is asserted,''had been a' repository for at least one set of the Stepfaenswa-papers., .. . Menace to High Officials It is those papers, alleged contracts with officials of such a, nature as would cause wholesale impeachments should they become knowu, which Stephenson has used ns a club from behind the bars of Indiana State prison, n'jere he is serving a life sen tence for murder. | Prosecutor Kemy brought the de posit box before the grand jury when Miss Meade was called to testify. But j thf long black bov. wrapped in paper, | appeared so light it was generally as-1 sumed the contents had been rifled at ] an earlier date. Miss Meade's com- \ IMisure also supported this deduction. 'Observers cannot, longer doubt that Stephenson has struck some kind of deal, and that it is the desire of his lieutenants to keep the incriminating papers out of the hands of the author iitieg. The documents, if as described, ‘would have a high money value to In the News Spotlight ‘ciAPrKcr oetseiv :«nu .CHAKBEKIftIR | : r IdT.TpT? pfeOTTICE .r 'CH^RLES^E-.jnJGHE^ ufertiVce DaWow, iWittNJTa'wyer. lie gsfd'tdffet s\vay frdn ‘this timfe qijpt*: lim as saying, British-ItaJtan Relations were advanced by conferences between Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign and Premier Mussolini of Italy. .John D. Rockc aP pay^, Evans Hughes was named United States member of the Permanent’Cowt-of A-rbatrefiaWat The Rsgim. - Brother to Rfcct Brother OSKk ■ *>• ■r. ■ ;• ■ .MSExs. o*ii'... ; ; »t»wi i ’ - I ' SmmfJ I Jpgfe fflPß : ft, ys&VMI M hI m ■ B&p-/ i m ftT i - H: ' jHj IB I J '|i m up j / 1' Ml I I ill a 1!■ [ l 1 H Hr '/Hr xjs —v—l* i^<*7 , kl r— .. ,f the officials.involved With Stsgienson; One official-fa reported to have placed their vtfQe at S#WOT. I . Naturally the prosecuting author!- ' #f Vineinnea, have no large sum* to Sn^wm r m*^bu^Bg‘off t^‘t^ W ' holn Stephenson eotwiated paper*, the purchasers would be the officiais.towjbH m the tg agents. Chance Left for Papers However Reiny is working with real to ventilate die scandal and it is barely possible he may be able to de velop enough leads to rebuild part of the evidence. And theep is always the chance Cwt not all of tbe papers are yet under cover and may fall into Reuiy a hands. Alleged Libeller Suspended Sen- Wlnston-Ba!em, Oct 16.—Convict ed recently in Forsyth superior «nirt of criminally libeling several lawyers and other leading citidtns- by word and Action in (he publication of fre quent circulars W, B. Kills, a former tobacco manufacturer here, was late Friday afternoon given a suspended sentence of 12 months on the county roads by Judge Oglesby besides iieing required to pay the costs in the case. KUJs was restrained from in any way, by publication, referring any name appearing iu the warrant drawn against him by the plaintiff* violation means, sentence becomes ef j fcctive. The suspended sentence cov ers a period of two years. j Queen Marie Will Not Pay Visit to ' Mr*. Mebane. Danville. Va„ Oct. 17.—Queen j Marie of Rumania will not pay a j visit to “As Yon I,ike It,” the home of ms. B. Frank Mebane at Spray, N. 0., R is learned here. Correspond- 1 auce has passed between Mrs. Me bane and Queen Marie and since Mrs. Mebane is in deep mourning for her husband, who died recently, a social event at Spray in connection with the queen's North Carolina tour will not be held. Wednesday, 6ct. 20, 1026 ■ la-a-Mrgp*--: N TODAY’S EVENTS j / Wednesday, October 80, IMS Centcfikfy of the birth of James U. S. senator from George 8. Gaudy, builder of the 4 great bridge across Tampa Bay, is 76 yearn old today.. , Secretary of Commerce Hoover fa, to open his second campaign tour of the West With a speech in Louisville tonight, J r • 4 Queen Marie of Rumania and,her party are to visir the Sesqui-Ceuten nial Exposition in Philadelphia today, returning to New York this evening. At its launching jn Hamburg. Ger many, today the new transatlantic liucr “New York” wiH be christened by Mrs. Walker, wife of the mayor of New-York. the, American Road Builders' As sociation is to hold a special meeting in Philadelphia today to discuss mens ur« for reducing the number of auto mobile fatalities. Michigan's new law prohibiting pa rading while masked will be tested for the first time when George E. Carr, grand dragon of the Klau in Michigan, goes on trial at Owosso. Mad Cows Gall p Through Streets. (By Infarnationai News Service.). Leningrad. Oct. 10, Galloping through, the streets of the village and attacking savagely every living crea ture in sight, a herd of cows, infect ed with rabies after being bittep by a mad dog. kept by the inhabitants of the Leningrad suburb Lesnoi iua picnie for twenty-four hours. H Militia corralled' the mad , bovineu and sent for officials from the Veterinary Institute in Leningrad. Professor Kongo, reefer of the In stitute, and his assistants. Dr. I*. mgilox and I)r. Chmelnitxki, re . siKmdiitg to thr call, incautiously ap proached. the Cows and were!.bitten badly. The doctors returned to Lenin grad for treatment and ordered the cows shot. Gate Tunney Will Not Marry While in Ring. "Sew York. Get. 11).—Gene Tunney expects, to avoid matrimony until he is through wjth the squared circle. “There is absolutely nothing to>it,” he .said when told of a rumor that he wge engaged. “I am not even keeping company with any girl. I am going to stay single as long as I am in the boxing game. Then if some girl comes along and looks kindly on the I may marry.” RESOLUTIONS. The following j resolution:, were prepared, .by the committee appointed by the boat'd of f Central Methqdist Church Ht.the lust meeting. Brother 11, A. Brower, who hits ser ved as treasurer for Central Church for about ten years, having tendered his resignation stating he coultl no .longer serve, in til's cupacity, B.e„it therefore resolved by the llourd ; of Stewards: . That we accept Brothe ( r Brower's ,«Sl|ijM ,, wu . with 'pat AftpAJf w* •**«« service as out treas tiger lie lias been efficient, faithful, aiid courteous; that the greatest re wards vouchsafed to God's people come through faithful service to oth ers; and that Bro. Browerls faithful ness in tip; service he has rendered while acting ns our treasurer, prepares him to undertake greater tasks fur our Master. .Iu order that this expression of Bro., Brower's faithfulness may ho preserved as a .primula- to others, be further resolved That i( copy, of same he Curpislnsl him. and that spread on the minutes,of-thw board? J. L, < ttO«’EI,X.. h. >v. J. B. SHEBUILI,. AN OLD FAVORITE "cosPoiSt ", v ! hB gttg^weiteT , 6 Bell-ans B h s %. j, I A 1 fHi i ■ wihfirttitfifi# wiouuuurSi 01 I gt I -TA . • IjM **-' I Y I; oHBR, r li'4H •« «:%•».- »•; '■ i iii 1 aAfa UmmLmM fi>, ti rrm^h

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