PAGE SIX fTHIS WEEK-SIX DAYS ONLY Buck’s 80th Anniversary Sale Free This Week Only With every Range or Parlor Heater sold this week, we will give Absolutely Free One Nine-Piece White F.'Bmtmel Cooking Set, or A Buck's Junior Range. Liberal Allowance for your old stove or range. Balance in small ; weekly or monthly payments. See our windows. Concord Fiirnitnre Co. I 35 I BUY NOW AND SAVE A. B. POUNDS ICE, COAL AND SERVICE § SPECIAL OXFORDS for YOUNG MEN Smart Styles for Young Men in Splendid Quality All Leather Oxfords. Priced $4.95 and $5.95 RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. | High Grade Merchandise gr f **l | Hot Water This S as ot water heatei C M * S s “ rel y a * n need and ■P 1 I a friend indeed of every cook I E.B"GRADY"" ' 4li, " k,> ’ b PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St Office Phone 834 W I Ladies’ Sport Oxfords K$V We are showing this popnlar fail Oxfords in ail the new leathers ascend combinations. Tor Style-sparkle these Oxfords are born lead ® era, look them over, try them on and yon’U feel the difference. $5.00 TO $7.85 1 IVEY’S [ Concord Daily Tribune I j TIME OF CLOSING MAILS ; The time of the closing of maila at ' the Concord Postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 1130—11:00 P. M. i 30—10:00 A. M. 34 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:0O P. M. Southbound. 30—9:25 A. M. 49—3 :25 P. M. 183— 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. In Effect September 20, 1920 j Northbound No. 40 to New York 9:28 P. M. j No. 130 To Washington 3:05 4. M. ' ' No. 30 to New York 10 :25 A. M. N All trains stop in Concord except ', No. SS northbound. !i THOUGHTI 11C—FOR TODAY—I jl | Bible Thooffbt. memorised, win prove « 111 I! ficioolees herite-e tn after revs IS | j A SOLEMN CHARGE—"Be thou I]' strong, therefore, and shew thyself a J man.” 1 Kings 2 :2. [ LOCAL MENTION j|| Twelve pages today. t\yo sections. |, j Cotton on the lnoal market is quot- i(j e ij loss of his car. He’ll telll [ you to take out the Autos J Insurance policy that you] i need BEFORE Destiny!- | deals you your share of>| | hard luck. *' I p.tYoßKlieAmCTj! PSPPS7 cab 4 pr,js BAm BLDC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOGCAOQOO Tlrs tailored turixrn in Calf 1 ! 1 , Skill is a. late in with a fur or fur trimmed coat, i ; t\ It* softly draped folds elimi- J ; J nate the trimming of any kind, i ' 5 and at the same time makes it 1 I adaptable for wear of any kind | | ji Millinery Dept i i, l[ ADLIB' LEGG. Prop. | J !; Phone 830 ‘ We have the fol lowing used cars for sale or ex change: One Studebaker 5- passenger Sedan j One Hudson 5-pas- j senger Coach One Buick 5-pas- j senger Touring One Chevrolet Coupe One Willys-Knight j 5-passenger Se-! dan. STANDARD BUICK CO. s r A N I N G Today a fellow's rare to have About a maiden who will save. When Molly tells Billy I that the dress he ip so I crazy about is an old one that she had dry cleaned and made over he is apt to give the thrifty miss a serious thought or two —it's apt to make a hit with Billy. j WRENN - ..—.. - - -1.. j Well^iyAbt? I If you are just looking for too kind of clothes that ecver your body, B | : - an old barrel or a burlap bag wil do toe job! t Bur men these days are looking for more than just something to D | cover them, they want quality, style, yot-d looks, —and all the confi- I in donee and satisfaction that goes with them. 4 M That’s why they turn to GRIFFON CLOTHES. They know that ■ !- they’ll get what they went.—ami at prices they can afford to pay. ■ |" Perhaps this “ad” isn’t clear. Rut if you’ll take a look at fbe new 9 |" fall GRIFFON suits, you’ll see just what we mean. Suits and Top- I I '**'■ $19.50 4Nn ,p . I j W. A. OVERCASH j SWE TAKE THE LIBERTY ()f informing you that our vul canizing is the sort of tire re pairing that makes good with you and your car. We are in terested in the mileage ques tion and want to assist you in making every tire do its full, CONCORD VULCANIZING COMPANY j FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOCOO9OOOOGz3OOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOaOQ I When you Need Chicken Feed list I I call 122 and You Will Get the Best | i that Money Can Buy. We also have a good lot of Grocer ies. Cash Feed Store • c>HONE 12$ SOUTH CHURCH ST. The Following Used Cars For Sale ! or Trade 1 Overland Six Coach ! 1 Overland 4 Coach 8 1 Dodge Touring 8 1 Franklin Touring 9 1 Ford 1 Ton Truck O All the above cars are in good mechanical condition. [ 5 Special prices for week of October 18th. CORL MOTOR CO. PHONE 630 ißfei |,il Mm II 1 2 SYSTEM OF CIRCULATING HEAT Pipe and /Ff\ Pipeless /^ v Chuckle at your coal bills 1— i A Caloric Pipeless Furnace will make your winters happy, " | V . I ' .-.'lr comfortable .and cozy on less H - "4 eoal. Endorsed by more than % yfQ "Qn * 160,000 satisfied owners. Costs ' * ..HA little to install. f ||j| j Ask us about it, or phone our * _ Mr. M. L. Eudy. F. C. NIBLOGK l ' ';!5 v fc 1 ' y (FURNACE AND ROOFING DEPARTMENT) ■ II i """" i """ "j ll Suitor Top Coat j ttK r without fear of I I You can afford any suit ! or top coat in this store or ! tg it wouldn’t be here. .fl There is no chance of I V |IL your falling in love with ! V something you cannot W have —if the style appeals to you so will the price— \ so don’t pay first attention to the cost mark on the sleeve ] I ticket—just go ahead and reach your destination in desire o and you’ll experience no difficulty in the financial details. » Schloss Bros. & Co. Suits $25.00 and up Top Coats $20.00 and up Lumberjacks Woolen Hose zj Sweaters New Caps HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE Forest Hill Cleaning Co. > SEND YOUR j | CLOTHES TO FOREST HILL j I J 318 N. Church Streets Phone 175 J |j^ Do You Like? I Some like “Fair" weather best. Some like it “Dry.” Some like it “Wet.” But we say “Fowl” weather is the best weather yet. Never mind the weather —bring us POULTRI, EGGS, ROTTER I FAT and PORK. If you have more poultry than our competitors want you have just H enough to start to supply our demand. We have never had "Eggsact- ■ fy” enough eggs. I 7 Feed your cows your le Per Pound Cotton Seed and sell us your But- |f I' ter Fat at 38c per pound and keep the difference on your farm to en- H rich your soil to grow more corn to feed more pigs, chickens and cat- M tie. “Purty good, eh!" C.H BARRIER & CO. § Studebaker and Dodge Sales and Service AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. I Phone 228 FOUND! A Place Where You Can Buy Your Groceries, Flour and Feed For Less Money Cabarrus Cash Grocery Cp. Phone 571 For Quick Delivery Service CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET I (Corrected Weekly by Clin* ft JSoooe) ' Figures named represent prices paid for {Reduce on {ho market: Egg. ,4ft Corn 11.00 HWMt ........ ... .1 1 .— , Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1926 Paul B. Eaton Patents and Trade Marka 408 Independence Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. CONCOBD OOTTOK Mmin Wednesday, October so. ism Cotton .12 and .12 1-4 Cotton Seed .30 maaeimmMißßemmmmea CLINE’S PHARMACY Phone 333 Beautiful Bud Vasee, Wall Pockets, Flower Bowls, Bulb Bowls, Console Gets. All band painted from the Orient. Vases from' fl inches to 2 fWt high ranging in price from ,25 cent* to |5.00. - I iiiimiy ;!> ~ — .n*r.v«te j