Mwfry,- October 35, 1926 I m ■ m ||. |, m. M | 0111. I H I V sf; A\ it 1 r 14 ';r r® DIP' F W igtj. ' \ / iJiIJL Lw m issor^ . Mj /■ ! This Tan Wool Crepe- Day Frock Is Trimmed With l)«rk Red Leather. There touches which combine to make, (he frock above es sentially a creation of the new sea son. The two flat tikVg, *t each'side, the inverted pleats for fullness, and . the trimming bands of Wtnp-reiLleath er juark it as one of the emigres! of t’je new day frocks. , The little tarn is of wine- red i’et, to’match the trimming. ■it has flic tightly fitted forehead band, very funart. especially for the youthful miss Who does not need a shadowing brim to soften the features. Miss Complimented. Salisbury Eyening Dost. J? Mrs. V. k? Misenheiiner was hostess 'Amrsday dvesipg 'at her home on j read kvcuue, complimenting Miss | •uunita Smftb, of Concord, wheat mar- j i»ge will take place early in Novem ber. Games of varied kinds were en-1 joyed ami the surprise of the evening ! came when Miss Smith was invited to the parlor to open a large number of packages containing gifts for her. j When these were displayed each guest I wrote u word of advice in the bride's book. Hallowe’en features were dis-; trbuted with the refreshments w;]tieli'! were appropriate to the season. i ■frhe guests' present included MRs’ Juanita ySmith. Mesdames Jthodcs' Guffey, I). C. Hall, G. Q. Miller, H. C.: Beaver, I* I*. Kufty, Hubert Robin son, Addie Flowers, H. H., Stein, J. | S. Robinson. D. T. Roseman, It. T. , I.ingle, Albert Kepley, Millard Shives. j Httgli, J. F. Heuderlite. White-Summons Bridal Party Lunch-: eon. The following was taken from the! Goldsboro Daily Argust of October i 21st. and will be of interest in Con- j cord : • Mrs. George T. Henry, of Gaston ia, nee Miss Annie Hornaday. of this j city, and Miss Doris Crawford, of! Kinston, were hostesses at a beautiful high noon luncheon yesterday at the \ Hotel Goldsboro, complimentary to the j White-Summons bridal party. Illgli Nefwol I’. T. A. to Meft Wednco-! day. j, The. Parent Teachers Association 1 of the Concord high school will meet j Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 ut llieii high school, - j i The members are urged to be pres-1 ens. ‘ I I Parents of Daughter. ■, Born to Mr. null Mr*. Robert Me- j i Ciomrai'k. October 241 li, a duughter. i Elvira Doris. Meeting of Parent Teachors Assoc ia lion. The Parent Teaciiers Association of' No. 2 School will meet. Tuesday af ternoon at 3:15 at No. '2 Graded [ School Building. rROUP I For Spasmodic Croup rub ffipr Vicks over the throat and chest until the difficult breathing i# relie ved— then cover with a warm flannel cloth. V&FJ33 Omrirmuam**Umir~+ yooooooooonooooooot>oor>r Wm. ROGERS ft SON iIL- | la backed by an unconditional X guarantee of perfect aatiafac- B tion without tine limit. TW* B guarantee means literally and Q exactly what it aaya and baa 6 been lived up to with unvary- B ing fidelity for, more, than 00 ,8 * Concord and would be pleased O for you to call and et u» abow I; you tbe line. L-‘ 5 S. W« Prrelar § TPUfPT nwa Q PBKftQNAL Paul McClure baa returned tj Yad kin Mineral Springs Academy, after spending the week-end with hi* par ent*, Mr. and Mr*. H. M. McClure. * * 4 Mr. and Mrs. M- F. Crook# gud children, of High Point, apept Sunday ■ * * Clifton. Hood. Marion Lent* and Claud Frick; 11 alt students of Lenpir- Rhyne College, spent the week-end In here with relatives. a • 1 • Mrs. F. B. Crooks and niece, Sadie ,Lee Hopkins, returned Sunday to the'r home in Jacksonville, Fla., Jit ter spending the week-end here with Mrs. R. F. Crooks on Academy street. * * » The condition of Mrs. Maggie Allen, who was injured in a fall last week, remains unchanged. • « Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bush and daughter have returned from Wiu- Hton-Sulem. where they were the guests of friends. • * » Mr. and Mr*. R. E. Jones and son, Bobbie spent Sunday in Gastonia. D. B. Coltrane, who has been attending Conference there, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Correll and children, of Hidilenite, spent the week end jiere with Mrs. W. C. Correll. * » - ! H. G. Gibson, who travels in North and South'Carolina, spent the wcek , end in Concord with Mrs. Gibson and . daughter, Frances. , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rohinson spent 1 Sunday in Rockingham. E Nevlti Sappenfield, star player of the Davidson football team, spent the . week-end in Concord. i* * * Willium Flowe, of Davidson Gol i lege, spent the week-end with home i folks. • * • Ed. Efird, of Charlotte, and Miss | Inez Efird, student -of Queen's Col lege, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i A. E. Harris. !’ * " Mr. and Mrs. O. J,. Sappenfield. of I Gastonia, spent Sunduy with relu | lives.’ |’ * ’ Mr. und Mr#. E. D. Sherrill and children, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Shor i fill and children and J. O. Sherrill spent Sunday-! n Turner.sburg with i Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Downum. « * • Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cannon, who i spent, several days in New York Isfct ! week, tire now in Chicago, 111., for a ! Y. M. C. A. Conference. • * - ! Miss Sura Noocy spent the week -1 end at her home in Statesville. Mrs. Sam Bartlett and two ebil j dren, who have been visiting Mr. and , Mrs. S. J. Hooks, were joined here on Sunday by Mr. Bartlett. They left I this afternoon for Jacksonville. Fla., where they will make* their future ; home. • ■ • S. J. Hooks spent Sunday In Mat -1 thews with relatives. • v » Miss Bernice Tulbirt is ill ut her home on Marsh street, with an attack of appendicitis. •* » * Miss Alma Goode, of Statesville, was the week-end gucsCof friends in Concord. . * , » •» * \ Mr. und Mrs. Oliver Russell, Mrs. Kate Propat, Mrs. Dan Isenhour. and Propst Russell spent Sunduy iu Drex cl wit'a Tally Russell. T* * ' Mi** Kathryn rCarpenter joined a parly of frieuds in Winaton-Salem and siient the weck-cutl at Moore's Mountain. • V ■* E.. C. HarnhurdJ, Sr. C. W. Bwink and A. F. Hartsell have returned from, a motor trip through the mountains of North Carolina. • • « "* Mi's. T. W. Andrews of High Point. accompanied ffer niece, Miss >Vnnis Smoot, home sos the week-end. ,’• • * Miys Ruby Creighton was the guest of friends in Spencei l for tile week-end * * " Misses Louise and Bessie Webb re turned Sunday evening to SpurtUiii burg, S. C„ where they attend Con verse College. • •» » Misses Willie White nml Miriam Coltrane, student# ut Converse Col lege. returned thin morning to Spar tanburg. S.-0., after standing the week-end witlv liomc folks. -a # •• Mr. aud Mrs. Js H. Pisher and son. J. C., and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Slith er spent Sunday iu Durham with Miss Beatrice Fisher. • m Mrs. Lucius P. Best, of Warsaw, and Mrs. Key net li Royal of Golds boro. have returned to their homes, af ter spending t|ie week-end in Concord, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorjfe. * • • Mrs. J. F. Goodman, Miss Adelaide Harris, Edwin Morris, gnd Job Boat raturued last evening from Ilolllna, Va., where they spent the week-end with Mia* Catharine Goodman. - V-* * * Mrs. 4>. L. Bogt and Mrs. W, D, Pemberton, have Tfeturned from W«* gram, where thty visited relatives, j laMir* IfarrUi Umig Moets This Hr*. I The I#urn Harris Cirele of the ! Central MethodiM Cjmrcdi .will BWd Oomlmaii und Miss Virginia Shmot, I at the home es the former. j 0.. | *jaß»s«rjas?4 trlets of India I ElUott-Moore. Miss Gladys Moore and Elmer B. | Eliott were married yesterday after noon at 4 o’clock by Rev. W. C. [ Lyerly, at his home oh Corbin street. The impressive ring ceremony of the Reformed Church w«s, Csed. Only members of tlje immediate were present. ‘ v The bride’* flowed v/fa • corsage of bride’s rose* and valley lilies. She wpre « becoming costume Os bine Elisabeth crejft, with blond accessor ies. Her hat Was of black velvet. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mm. Eliott left for western North Carolina, where they will spend a Mr*. Elliott is a daughter of Mr. gnd Mrs. M. 8. Moore and is popular with a wide circle of friends here, (the baa been connected with the Oiti aens Building and Loan Association for how time, ; T. . ' ' Mr. lEUiptt j# 8 soh of Register of Deed# L,’ V. Elliott and Mrs. Elliott, and is manager of the Farley Store here. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Moore ! announce the marriage of their - • daughter Gladys to Mr. Elmer Banard Elliott on Sunday afternoon, October twenty-fourth Nineteen hundred and twenty-six at four o’clock Concord, North Carolina At Home 161 8. Union Street Concord, N. C. New Boohs at the Library. The following new hooks have been received at the library. The Sliame of Motley, The Gates of Doom and Beßarion—by Rafael Sa ba tin!., The Bar 20 Ride# Again—By Mul ford. Perella by William J. Locke. Devil-May-Care—Arthur Somers Rocke. i Show Boat—Erua Ferber. The Pearl Thief—Berta Ruck. Kindling Ashes—McCutcheon. Introduction to Sally-r-Elizabeth. Harvey Gurrad s Crime—E. Phillips Oppenheim. The Big Mogul—Joseph C. Lincoln. The W ondering Mean —George Wes ton. White Water—Pinkerton. Edge of the Jungle—Reclm. The Valley of The Stars—Charles Alden Seltzar. The Master of the Microbe —Service. Red Earth—England. Injun aud Whitey—H«rt. Tomorrow’s Tangle—Pedlcr. Mannequin—Fannie Hurst. The Desert Thoroughbred—Gregory. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd— Christie. Padlocked—Rex Beach. Renegadi—Uriel. The Silver Spoon—Galsworthy. Her Son’s Wife—Dorothy Canfield. A Night Out—l’eple. Debits and Credits—Rudyard Kip ling. (His first book of fictiop iu tyn yeans). Honor Dr. and Mrs, FentulT. The T. Ev L. class of married wom en in McGill Street Baptist Sunday school and the Bereau class of men wlibm Dr. Pqutuff bps tqught for two and a half years united in giving a very beautiful entertainment in honor of tlie retiring pastor and his .wife ami family last Thursday at the home of Mr. amt Mrs. W. Lee Mills on the Kannapolis road. The home was dec orated in autumn colors. Interesting games were plentiful. Between sixty ami eighty happy people were enter tained in a most delightfully social way. Ample and delicious refresh ments were served by the ladies in two or three courses. It was indeed a most delightful occasion. Tiie church has made no arrange ments for a pastor to succeed Dr. Pen tuff. He has not determined on any future work. After his resignation 1 the church unanimously adopted the resolutions given elsewhere and the clmrcb reported to the Meeklenburg- Cabarrtis Association ut its.lust meet ing the best year's work in its entire history. There lias been a steady j growth hi all the departments of the] church's work since Dr. Peutuff -came as pastor in the spring of 11(24. J. LUTHER JONES, Church Clerk. War Mctbf** to Have Trip Around the World. Why go abroad? You can take a trip around the world, and visit Hol land, Italy. Korea and Auiejrica with {lie War Mothers Tuesday,afternoon fj'inn 4 to 5 and Tuesday evening from 7:311 to 10. Tiie entertainment promises to be a delightful one. There, will be refreshments and amuse ments suitable to each country. Phone a War Mother, ivnd buy a * ticket, or - better still, several tickets, i They are reasonably priced. Aid the War Mol hem! The fulowidg are the homes where! each country is to be. Visit each one, m America is the last one to visit, as the tickets will be turned in there : Holland —Y. M. C. A., North Union street. Italy—Mrs. John W. Prhpst. E. Corbin street. Korea—Mrs. John A. Burnhardt, W. Corbin Street. America—Mrs. J. Frank (loodson, \V. Depot street. Take thht trte, grownups anil chil dren. It's twenty-five cent*. » America’* Youngest. Lvmi Few, barely IS years of age, is tfte'yoiingest Eagle Scout in the United tftuates, having successfully earu*d twenty-one merit badges. He hi the aour of Dr, Willisui P. Few. of Pdlt* University. He wears the badge which was presented at thcMpeeiitl court of humor held by representa tive# of the Hoy itrouts of America I The honor hi one which is seldom at tuin«l even by youths' live or six twelve yearn'old at tiie tuqe tiie thef baTT fHB CONCOfcD bAILV 'mtftUNfi MAKES AN APPEAL I FOR CO-OPERATION Mrs. sj A. Wolff, President of High School Parent-Teachers Association, Wangs More Interest in Work. In an appeal for greater co-opera ■ tion between parents and teachers. ’Mr*. S, A. Wolff, president of the 'High School Parent-Teacher Assoeis tion, today deelared that there is a I “deplorable indifference”' on tne part of parents in Coneord. , j ‘The mothers and fathers do not [seem to care what is done in the i schools,” Mrs. Woiff said. The ■'statement is the result of three unsuccessful attempts to secure a quo rum at meetings of the Highs School Parent-Teacher Association. Two. of the meetings were held last spring with less than a half dozen in attendance on each occasion. The third was held last week. Eighteen were present, fully two-thirds of whom i were teachers, Mrs. Wolff asserted. J A fourth attempt will be made Wed nesday. A letter has been sent to all parents who have children in high school urging them to be present. The hour is 8:30 o’clock and the place is the high school. An election of officers is to be held. Mrs. Wolff said, when the staff of officials for the new year will be named. , A program for the year's work will i also be outlined. Last year* pro- ] grqm, the beautifying of the school j grounds and the enlargement of the library, will probably be continued and other projects are to be planned, the parent-eaeher president said. A suggestion "has been made by A. H. Jarratt, principal of fae Higli School, that the parqpt-teacher meet ings be held at night in order to give men a chance to attend. "The men should attend and help plan for the school work.” Mrs. Wolff quotes Mr. Jarratt as saying. “I am ashamed of the manner iu which parents have co-operated dur ing the year,” Mr. Jarratt is quoted as saying further. "Not a parent has made an investigation into how his boy or girl is being taught. With 8» much money as is invested and the lime the children have to spend, it looks as though there would be a greater interest taken.” Death of Infant. Curl. X-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rogers, died yesterday morning at 1) o'clock. Death was caused by colitis. Funeral service# were held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home on the old Concord-Charlotte road and inter ment was made in Union cemetery. Concord Enthusiasts Attend Game. Among the Coneord football fans who attended the Dafidson-Wake For est game in Charlotte Saturday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kluttz. Mr. and Mrs. James Sappen fleld, Dr. and M:«. IV. H. Wadswort,h. Mrs. Lloyd McKay and guest#, Mr. and Mrs. Janies McKay, of Asheville, Miss Mariam Coltrane, .Miss Elizabeth Smith, Miss Margaret Virginia •Hr vin, Miss Helen Marsh, W. W. Flowe, Aubrey Hoover. Roy Sappenfield. wil liam Montgomery. Tom Gay Coltrane, \y. W. Morris, Jim Caldwell, G. B. Lewis and many' l others. NOV EM B E R IpHr k- • ‘ £ j v M >|||| ■k / M °-A Yx °" °l \\ YYWmwWylMi vl • j if t j BE WELL DRESSED ATT POPULAR PRICES FISHER’S FAMOUS .SHOW WILL I ' ?AH4DE i Genry Bios. Show* Will Come to Con . | coed Wednesday. November 3rd. | Every day when the members o( the • j famous Gentry Bros. Shows finish ~ breakfast they begin; active prepara > tions for the parade. Well fed ponies ■ anti horses In shining harness and "'living plumps take their plates before i : glittering parade chariots; the sound °f music is ’neard from bands perched- ( ; hazardously.high ; Clowns, charioteers,',] i jockey*, Banian hippodrome riders, j camel? frpin the great desert with : native riders and ponderous elephants! some bearing a weight of feminine beauty in oriental costume, make ap pearance in a picturesque kaleidoscop ic pageant more than a mile long. A man on horseback in a deep voice tries the oft-repeated waring: "Look out for your horses; the elephants are coming." Behind him a bevy of pretty women, buglers trumpet their clarion-voiced instruments, and then Jeanne d’Arc, in polished armor with ' clanking curtains of chain mail; the hush of tan has tinted her ears and cheeks. She is a young woman adopt ed by a wealthy aunt in New Haven, Gt., who sent her to Europe to keep her from entering circus life. Her sudden return and her romantic mar riage with a clown caused daily pa pers all over the country to devote considerable space to the incident. Through densely crowded streets the pageant measures its gaudy pas sage. Cage after cage and wagon after wagon filled with rare and costly animals pass in a fantastic panorama. The calliope shrieks madly, and be hind it half a hundred boys, playing "hookey" from school, trail tirelessly, f’.ie Gentry Bros. Shows will come to Concord Wednesday, November 3rd, for performances at 2 and 8 p. in., the door opening an hour earlier. The parade is at noon. Red Magic. You can t teach an old dog new tricks.” We could’ if tile cog could road Red Magic, the four-page sec tion printed in. red and given free vvith The New York Sunday World. This Red Magic Section is edited by Houdini, the Master Magician, and it contains baffling tricks, perplexing puzzles, illusions, tests—something to interest every member of the fam ily. Eight pages comic seetiion now in The World every Sunday. A Cloudburst of Bargains at Markson’s Clos ing Qut SHOE SALE .. t - • i ' ■ , Don’t Fail to Come in and See For Yourself.' Seeing Is Believing . !“MARE VOOTBVM IB tHANK* FAVORITE! gram te Direct "Maye Nostrum” (Our Sea), Res I ngratn's first production for Metro- Goldwyn for ippre than two years, will have its premier presentation at the Concord _ Theatre today and Tuesday. ‘ ■ /* ; - Filmed pu the original locations iu i Spain, France and Italy, so vididl.v described by Blasco Ibanez in his famous book, with Alice Terry and ' 8 ■»-«< '■wwi w:" .Viiimh iw* i -Tftiiii mu! 7Ti' t, -|| world’s YPT% *qumsS | 50-54 SOUTH UNION STREET. CONCORD, N. C. _|j New Winter Coats Have Arrived 1 Fur Trimmed Triumphs At This Price I Awaiting you in ail their glory, is a collection of what we think exceptionally., || nodish Coats at a very, acceptable price. They are fur-trimmed, lined well, and tailored t 11 >f serviceable nfaterial, either a suede cloth or a bolivia. I Some iport Coals. . : M too, and many for * /\ 1 v 11 dress. The straight- 111 I line ttyle is most poptt- Si L/a j, ~ if lar, with the V neck in P g the back and other W M ,f: I style features. Priced, (J B onlv. * JI p • GOOD ' ifs YEAR Mull TIRES * More used the world over than I any other make, so you are not tak> , I ing a chance when you buy a Good- | year. '1 . Special Prices this week: *m 30x3 1-2 Special Cord $7.95 I 30x3 1-2 Famous All-Weather I Cord $9.95 I 30x3 Fabric $6.65 f There is nothing as safe on a I muddy Road or a Slippery Street as I the Goodyear All-Weather Tread* See us today for prices on your size. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. I We Sell Quality Goods Cheaper I Phone 30 ■—= —** Antonio Moreno in the feature roles, “Mare Nostrum” has been one of the most widely discussed pictures made in recent years. Ingram and his company trave’ed mpre than 10,000 miles from the time they left New York until the picture was completed in Nice. France. "Mare Nostrum” is Blanco Ibanez’s favorite of the stories he halt written. He refused to allow the picture to bt produced unjil Itex lugram was able to do if. I billies ,gufii luji atn are the author- . director combination responsible for the famous production “The Four PAGE FIVE Horsemen of the that time they have bean mutual B mirers and <**e -friends. I«(fi was one of the first to Nostrum” and express his euthmß for the story. At that tim* Ms bgalft wan bad and he was unaWe to fife dertake such a etrejiuous task as pjß due ing it in pictuft* Ibanez Up motion picture rights until Ingiß was ready to do it •-* *3 “Mare Nostrum” Is a triumph « the author, director and two stars gH| There are 2-.174 characters in # works of Dickens. fa

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