%la October 25, 1626 KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT W '< . COMWCTBP *X JAZZY MOORH KANNAPOLIS NKWB BRIEF'S HS|gg en Another Lin nor Stor ige—Fim cnU Smice Gwntofted for Mr. K'ldSS|lF'*~ KaiinapriiH, (jet. 25.—The Concord V volleyball sextette, for several years 4 caustic euclny, of the to wrier outfit, will hook u|> with t)ie loeal elan on Thursday night, in the first game of an extended series. Raie'gh y took the count, four out if five in the opening fracas with Kan napolis several waejjs ago and the to tal** have a sense of feeling that if they show the same attack the Concord vassal* will be another flash in the pan- Haael Allred, last year with the 10-' !gl outfit, is captain and manager of :Ue Concord team, PLAY GASTONIA. The Gastonia high school basketball eant, always a runner up in .state hainpionship eseries, has been con- i /acted io play the Kannapolis highs two-game series early :n January. | I has been announced by the manager j f the loenl team- The two teams will i lay the first game in Kannapolis on | 1 anuary Bth and the fiiml contest will. l e staged in Gastonia around January 1 4th. i Rockingham and Badin are other atasi engaged for a brace of games inffig ,ll< ‘ season, while Welcome, - llr«bury und other quints of strong libre will do battle in singular af irs. * JOINS VARSITY SQL AD. Henry Hargar. of Hendersonville, a puted tower of strength to uny ath tie team, joined the loeal Y. M. C. A. ICC it y squad Friday night in a strea ms gymimsium workout. He will ’.v for a forward liosition on the 101 l ll team and from all appearances In te manner he deposits the old sphere nd runs the floor, he will experience ttLe difficulty ip sewing up the jolt. Coach Bill Mauldin is blessed this oar with ripe material and he ex pects to have t|ie inanHe of suprfinary draped around liis proteges when the PU tain descends in February. In ud litioii to tile regular schedule of state cams, a number of barnstorming quip efs will invadta tjie loeal den. This rill give bandoin an idea of how the ’owelers stack up against out-of-state utln national teams. The lettered men returning foi* a rial this season are: Gilliam. Ftowe. pd Lapsley. forwards; ami jlejnis ltd Boberts. guards. WOMEN MANAGER OF GIItLV TEAM. M ! ss Betty iTopsl. liiinor studont, HIS fcsene selected manager of the [iris' hasbtWmi team/at Ivanuapolis for the ensuing season. Jflws I'ropsl was recently chosen 111 the senior class election as the most popular girl student attending PKannapolis Hi. Ollis Davis is cap tain of the feminine team. I ANOTHER FOR SHERLOCK CHATMAN Stored away in ivhat was termed a “double floored” din dig tabic. 'Deputy Sheriff I. T. Chatman and Officer Hoh teycutt. of Concord, discovered another unique' hiding 'place Saturday for the safe keeping of native whiskey. Four teen iiints kere collected hut the owner made his escape. \ Judging front the record of these two officers it will soon bo unsafe' to deposit tlie fluid in the bottom*of n well. They have been known to bring In earth uimntiCes of liquor that ev en Ihe more exjiorieneeil prohiliit ion 'sleuths lmd faileil to discover. I GENERAL FKHGFNON SNIPES Funeral services for (renet-al Fergu s' 11 Snipes, wlio died Fjdda.v in the 581 h year of | » tt*o, WMK cuii<liicl(ml TBAJE THE TOILER : THE BOSS SPOILS HER SCHEME tiLiJEjTSiKTHBSasl fejeTimr ID 0! WAWTSWOUI BU&SLEB' QWE.HBg —1 'A ' 1 P” T BOSS WAf-ftS) COW&IDERATIOH! I HEb OFFICE PKST/KTIOM | — l A - .'" 'Me PREgTOU-ILL SOU fll S&JD MR PRESTDW tkj AFTfeTC 1 i» '■JW Sunday afttvnoon. from tiff fgtnHy reatdeuce on Popigr Street, No. m\ Interment'war, made at the Kannapo lis cemetery. , Death wa» caused by up attack of the ltea rd after 25 yehrs of perfect health. The deceased was a member of th« First Baptist Church und is survived by. aeveral children. PERSONAL MEWS, hjdward Hanes Kelly, a student ai the T'niversrty of North Carolina, spent the week-end with his parents. W. F, Holt, Wake Forest student. stopped ovtjr to visit friends here 01 Friday, en route to the Wake Forest- Davidson football game. ‘ James Walton entertained the high, 'school senior class at a party Friday evening. CERTAIN MERCHANTS ' OPERATING LOTTERIES Stale Attorney General's Office Holds That They Are Liable to indict ment. v Statenville, Oct. 23.—TJertam mer elwnts in the stnte who aae conduct -1 ing gift schemes in connection with : the imle of merchandise and the, col-’ ; lection of accounts are doing an in j violation of the state lottery laws and making themaelven liable tb in | dictment under Section 4428 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Caro, Una. according to a rolling received by Secretary J. Pt»ul Leonard of the North Carolina Merchants nssoeia tiion from the office of the attorney general at Raleigh, to wliom ad vert i>dug matter lined ip the promo tion of the schemes wan submitted. The stnte organization of mer chants. under Mr. Leonard's leader ship, lias been waging a campaign against gift scheme* _for several years, resolutions having been adopt ed in conventions and much .-''space being devoted to tlie campaign iq the association's - officials publication, ' —————— ■ , . , ■ - »> "“‘MI seal. _,inAl " B * ==SBs^===l==a!(==a!s,! * aa!H ==ss»ssHSßs=s==affiaa*saaai«aß*BaaaßMßaHHaeffia==!-B-as—==aa=-— aH=====^^ LITTIIE JULIUS SNEEZER - _ ' , y um IMY POWOIO MORE mi, t —n qrTT FOR THIT* OXiNTWV II T POP tffffVlf nr HE FOMjyWED THE ! 1 -frrrrrrr- .- ; OEM i&jft tOO HAI! 11l jw TA EE WSayW T-WWm- T BUT v^OE n 1 v— ,1 If JMg owor \ N <»o l ( BKtoui 1 SO.W .I / ] OBoJGHr ovi /o Cy know ojrttv.l \ \ S6Me&Jv?| , MC ro tar ms ) J \' r rW ” MOtw 4 \ oee«-.S.ct J UjwraSMeA I ro-uK.M<i UrnKmevl fjl ......, ~j’ n....... - -■- ■’ - ' 1 . ' -1 *' ■ ' "■■■■» 11 'im" l ■" 11 '■ '■'S" ll 'f. " 1 '•*** "itln .•• .I*l- ■ f.V.'r' J . The Carolina Betaijer- Fewer' such schemes have been promoted during the past two yen rs, according to the Mate secretary has tx-fti able to as “g dangerous, contagion* taade dis ease.’' None of the grartnt offending merchants 'arc mcrabtm of any Mer chants orgmiiaation, ingofar as the staate secretary has hgen able to as certain, but he-is endeavoring'to sup tirrss the seliemcf for the benefit pf all merchant*, and in the interest it improved liipiiiuw* infithods. ' Tite opinion rendered by the at-, torney general's office just received •by Mr. Leonard was w/itteu lyy Frank N,isb, htiWatapt nttyrnqy gen eral, who goes into soroe '(lafail in <Ji teuiuutig' the gases submitted, and says that every attorney general from Mr. Gilmer to Mr. Brummitt, inclusive, have held aueh-igfehemeß to be lottery. • “Soipe potion steins,to* exist.” says the assistant attorney general, “that because a meaehaot under this scheme does not chargq any more for his goods for giving the chance to win the prize, no con sideration or thing of value ban paused from the purchaser' to the merchant for the ticket. This aspect of the ease has, however, been held by ail the courts in dehllng with it is not affecting the erimh»n! character of the transaction. They that, the transactions were ia. fact sales of _ merchants and lottery tickets for ah aggregate price, so that the ar rangement certainly constitute* a lottery.” Queen Marie was born ans chris tened in the Church of Englaud dn l going to Ron mania she remained a communicant of ' that church. The established church of Boumaula is Eastern Catholie. The King is a member of this national church, but Queeu Marie has remainedioutsido of it. : v The extent to which English woct »n have gone in for bobbed hair j« indicated by the 'news that an order fSr 25,000 women's haircutting ma chines has been placed by an Eng ’i«h importer with a German cutlery *Hrq». ! ' TH£ CoNcoßb DAILY TRIBUNE fe'o^T 1 —J "Give yo’ a brush, sab?" asked the porter as the train pulled into the »ta tiob. "Give nie a brush if you want to, but I’m opposed to tipping,” said the mattpr-of.fact traveler. ”Fel|, salt,” said Hie porter, "yo’. clothes areh’t nearly as dusty as Ah thought they waa.” "Black and his divorced wife tire going to* remarry, I undeiutupd.” * ">'<* ; I wonder if they’ll have the chock to expect another set of wed ding presents?” ( Judge—What is: the verdict of the. jury#; • / ... Fhfhmqn of Jury—We find that ttie cujprit 'is not guilty, sir, but we rec ommend that he beyvarned not to do it again. ' • “When did the robbery occur?” asked the cross-examining lawyer. ' “I think —” began the-witness. “We don’t care what you think— we want to know what you know,” said the .lawyer. “Well, I may as well get out of the box, then,” said tlie witness. "I can't talk without thinking. I'm not a lawyer.” City mail'—So you raise ail these chickens yourself? Countryman—Well, I furnish the fowl, but the heiiß tuke charge of their education. First Driver—l met my wife in a peculiar way—ran over her with my car, and later I married her. Second Driver—ls everybody had to ! do that, thepe wouldn't be so much reckless driving. 1 Harry—Do you think you can learn to love me? . Sue—No, I have as much ns I can do to learn tennis and bridge! WORK OF CONFERENCE BMC* Mouzon Heard Sunday by a Vast Throng—Three Ministers Died Daring the Year. Gastonia. Oct. 22.—Findjp* itself pressed for time-and that much busi nees was yet to be transacted the wrotern North Caroling conference, in 'session here, hold twp business ses sions and praetjeany finished all minute work and muni’ of the boards made their reports. Eighteen young men were admitted into full i-ouuectioii, two of the older ministers were given the superannuate yeiatihn and Bishop Mouzon delivered his last morning address. Basing his remnrkk on the first nineteen verses of the fifth chapter of second Corinthians, the bishop conducting the devotional services at the opening of today's session, a' practical and very impressive address on. “The Minister's Three Supreme Motives.” Thead he listed as the hope of heaven, the fear of the Lord and the Lbve'of Christ. Several conference boards suomitted their annual reports at the morning session. None of these provided any discussion, in each ease the report be ing adopted without any dissention. C. H. Ireland, of Greensboro, pre sented the report of the board of lay activities. The report stressed the necessity of enlarging the membership of the conference brotherhood and provided for the appointment at the first quarterly conference of a layman in each charge to look after the se curing of lay members to this organi zation. At present, it clerical members who are beneficiary. This amount paid on the death of a mem ber is now *1.850. L. W. Colson submitted the report of the conference committee on hos pitals. It included a recommendation that steps be taken to secure official standing for all chaplains who are now unofficially representing Pliotest ant churches at Oteen hospital.' It recommended the appointment of a special committee composed of W. H. Webster. T. A. Hatcoek anil H. K. Boyer to handle tit is'proposition. IV. H. Willis, presented the report of the pastors' scbotf! belt! e*sb summer. at Dllke University It igfchided numer ous interesting 4a tis ties us to at tendance and ci-edfej, ** ■■- 1 Alia. AV. A. Newell submitted (he report for ilic board of temperance and social service, whiterlitcljjded sev fral recominendfttibns as to possible legislation to be- secured" from the next general assembly, tie most im portant of which vyua the enactment of a law rcij Hiring t’je publication two weeks prior to a the intention of the eontraz-ting jiarties to wed. C, A., Wood submitrort the reiiort of the Children’ll at Winston-Salem. The mini her of in mates of tills institvjtion'Ws been in creaapf during the year ftpm ISO 4o 200 and there is a large number clam oring for admission. Tlie report gave-fti detail the prog ress made by the home during the year in various plines. A - .T, A. Bell, ,<ft 'Charlotte, .submitted the .report of the trustees of the eon fereUce superannuate endowment fund. With his report he turned into the treasury of the conference a eheck for- $6,887.09, ‘represent! linjerest on investments. This-mini is to be "distributed before the eldae of eon ferenee to the superannuates. Bishop Is Heard by. inige Throng. Gastonia, Oet 24.-—Cpnfereuee Sab bath in Gastonia dawned with" over shadowing clouds', and "by the time ap pointed for the which is held at each recurring conference ses sion as the first service of the day had arrived rain had begun to fall, and by 11 o'clock there was down pour, but this 'did not cheek the throng that wanted to hear 1* 1C sermon of Bishop Alomson. M hen he arose to announce the opening hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy,” he faced what was possibly the hug est congregation that ever gathered to hear a bishop 011 the occasion of an annual conference infXortti Caro lina. Suspecting that the congregation' could not be accommodated in tlie Main Street Church, tile services were moved to the Central High School building, which will seut'2,ooo or more, and thgt was crowded to standing room. Love Feast Conducted •.The love feast, which is a festival peculiar to the 'Methodist Church, when ,the brethren take a sip of water and morsel of bread together in token of their love one for another, and Christian experiences are exchanged, was conducted by Revs. Dan Atkins and W. It. Ware, and attended by a large number of ministers and dele-,, gates. It was a season of spiritual fervor and enthusiasm, ami many tes tified to their faith in God and love for all mankind. I At 11 o'clock Bishop Mouzon took charge of the services and preached an inspiring sermon from three pas sages of Scripture, John 5:24, first epistle of John 15 and 4-8, 'HjSod is spirit, God ia light and Gqd 4s love.", From these passages the bishop de livered a thoughtful, and highly spir itual discourse. This afternoon at 3 o'clock a special session of the^tSm GET IT AT Ritchie Hardware Co. MOKI-; ."g u._ .. . i I OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL St Cordial nvitation at a ircw shipment j { y ou to come to our 0 and look ■ o.vgr the ! combinations that ■ll known. ,v economically vou I ill your home—one f ■and hours of liard 1 ' us give you ati cs- 1 [ reasonable. J ITURECO. [ome of Beautiful 5 The Air Is Full of Music Around • Your Home ij r_ ■; ; Get An Atwater Kent Ra to Tell you What ' Going on. Wc guarantee it to compete with Any thing Up to Twice Its £Hn Price. ' jHr\ PAGE SEVEN ferenee waa held in memory of piiu isters and wives of ministers who have died Ciiis year. Rev. J. F. Kirk, chairman of the committee on mem oirs. presided, DP, F. J. Frettyman leading the devotions. Three minis-” 1 tees answered to the final roil caH , during the year and the wive# of threo and the widows of two went away to rest from their tabors. These were Ilev. J. B. Carpenter. Rev. N. If. Richardson and Rev. P. 1,. Terrell,-” ami Air*. L. B. Hayes, Mrs. A. 8. ’ Raper. Airs. J. H. Buruhardt and Airs. W. W. Bays. [ Rev. J. B. Craven announced that • Mrs. Frank H. Wood, the widow of the late Dr. Frank H. A\ r oo»j, u*d died during the year and he -fas directed to prepare a suitable paper in her ■ memory and hand to the secretary for publication in tlie journal of the con ference. \ , Alaskan farmers grow wheat, oats, barley and rye.

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