PAGE SIX BHMHHnBHnir* IK PRIVATE CHAPEL (fORDS PRIVACY, COMFORT )dern funeral chapel provide*, rivacy and comfort of a pri lence plus every facility and lat the funeral director has ortuary is a beautiful and lace that provides our pa ll a type and character of nequaUed. • BULANCE SERVICE ELL & HARRIS JNERAL HOME f and Night Phone 640 ui-Centennial Exposition LADELPHIA, PA. l-Novermber 30. 1926 ial Excursion Fares ern Railway System ts on sale daily Irom all n Railwav stations up including September al return limit all tick in days including date :rs permitted at Wash gton and Baltimore in each Section within final limit of ickets. fine trains, -excellent sched lles, pullman sleeping cars, Hay coaches and dining car service. tor further information and tollman sleeping car reserva l&ns call on any Southern laihvay agent or address: H. GRAHAM, D. P. A. Charlotte, X, C. Token ‘Package WJ HAT a gift, this Huy* ler 1 ! Token Package! I From the first delicious choco ■ lste to the last, it will gladden tfte heart of the most particular WHO&J lover, $1.50 per pound. PEARL DRUG CO. |B2 PHONES 722 ■Kir Funeral Home is equipped ifra dignified manner of Com appointment. Facilities of a ceremony of 1. ( {•Hour Ambulance Service 1 New Face Powder ■' All the Rage 1 You will not have a shiny nose now.’ A very fine, pure, new French Process Powder is all the rage. Keeps shine away—perspiration hardly affects it bines or pores won’t show. Looks like natural skin and gives a beautiful, complexion. Get a box today. It is tailed MELLO-GLQ. Porter urug Company. . „ Kannapolis Drug Co., Kannapolis. TRUSTEE’S RE-SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me I by a deed of trust executed by D. 1 Luther Goodman and wife Ada E. I Goodman on the 7th day of June, | 1912, whicli deed of trust is duly re corded in the Register's office for Ca barrus County, N. C., in Book No. 28, page 107. the conditions not being eompl’ed with, 1 will sell at public auction at the court house door in Concord, N. C„ on Saturday. Novem ber Oth. 1922, ar 12 o'clock M.. to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: Adjoining the lands of J. P. Good man and others, and begins at a stone in the south edge of the road near aj. 0., and runs N. .71 3-4 E. 88 chniA and 97 links to a stone in old line of D. W. Suther: thence with his line N. 82 1-2 W. 1 chain to a stone in east edge of road. Slithers corner; thence X. 0 E. 3 chains to a Stone on the east side of road in Suther’s line, Goodman’s corner; thence with Goodman’s line S. 71 IV. 10 1-4 chains to a stone near pine. Goodman’s corner: thence S. 30 IV. 33 3-4 chains to a stone in road by a hickory. Goodman’s corner: thence S. 32 E. ft chains to a stone in south side of road, corner of Foil. Best and Goodman: thence S. 72 E. 12 chains and 35 links to the beginning, con taining 62 1-2 acres. Title to said property is supposed to he good, but the purchaser takes only such title as I am authorized to convey under said need of trust. The bid will start at $2107.27. This the lSlth day of October. 192(1 C. \Y. SWIXK. Trustee. By Hartsell and Hartsell, Attys. 2t. DELCO LIGHT j Storage Battery Plants and Non-Storage Plants Deep and Shallow Well Pump and Washing Machines R. H. Owen Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ELECTRICITY TURNS WORK INTO PLAY AND NIGHT INTO AY ? I «rY»T’TT«. o IjTiTS ELECTRICITY THE WON DER WORKER las been trying to get acquaint ed with you for some time now. Enjoy the comfort that various electrical necessities will bring to yourself and wife. Each day is an electric oppor tunity day here. m him. As she did so Mala irosaed the room and came to the Afcony door. For an Instant she tood there, until she caught Lucre la’s eys. A glsnce passed between hem, sharp, significant, yet for all heir quickness Juan saw It, al- . .US ,/wi mV/ i vMt- v h to\mw % Neri let three drops trickle into a smaller phial. (hough apparently he was Interest ed in nothing but the marvelously tarved hilt of his sword. Mala held at her side a small mirror, caught In a frame of ex oulsltely wrought gold. She held It out to her mistress, and Lucre da, with a smile of apology toward Juan, held It close to her face so (hat the light from the room with in would strike it. Someone had written a message on the mirror’s gurfaoe la a thick, white substance like soap. Lucretia read it at a glance. “Heri awaits you," It ran, and was stgasd “Cssare." Bhe turned to Juan in dismissal, gavs him htr hand to kiss, but Juan, remembering various short and ugly tales about the Borglas, merely bent low over it. Lucre da’s (mils hid her disappointment. Bhe turned away, and Juan, bowing again, went Into the inner room. Apparently he crossed It without a glance about him; in reality his eyas swept it and noted that, al though the walls seemed merely tour solid bits of beautiful panel ing, one of these panels was just slipping Into place. There was a tiny crack between it and the next pan si, and In that crack was a man’s sacs, a face with dark, burn ing eyes. Juan sauntered on across the room, left It by the door leading to the wide hall and started down the great marble staircase. But he de scended only a few steps. Then, taming quickly, he ran back to the top and stepped behind a pillar, standing so that he could look into the sitting room of Lucretia Bor gia’s private suite which hs had fast left Lucretia, watching from the bal cony until she saw that Juan had left the room, crossed it to the panel which he had seen moving and. touching Its hidden spring, caused it to open again. Within wag a small room, containing hut a few Mtc of furniture, whom walls were honeycombed with secret cup boards. There were curious, sinis ter things everywhere about It, all the equipment of Neri, the soroer cr, whose skill in devising secret ■olsona was so great that In all ■urope there was sons other like him. Trom his place behind the post Juan could see a comer of the Mma and catch a glimpse of Neri ■tassclf. Pussled, he stood staring. ThS*. shrugging his shoulders In differently, he tamed end went Major Lisli a Candidate, j Stanly News-Herald. Major John A. Lisk, of Mt. GUead, ! one of the state’s best known Con- I federate veterans, was here Monday. Major Lisk is a candidate for sergeant lat arms of the House of Represen -1 tatives and feels quite sure he will be named to that position. He is a fine man, and would do horfor to the I office to which he aspires, and, in- Ideed, It would be a credit and an honor to the state to have such a gal- 1 lant and polished gentleman serve in the House of Representatives as ser- THE CONCORD, DAILY TRIBUNE down the broad marble stairs. After all, It waa no concern of hla, this little weakness of the Borglas for murder! Meanwhile In Nori’s little room Lucretia faced her brother and the sinister looking Neri. There waa hut little light, which fell from a lamp placed high on the walL la 1 the flickering shadows that crept forward from the comers of the room the signs of the xodlac seem* ed to writhe and crawl across the wall on which they had been placed. Neri said no word of greeting to Lucretia, hut merely crossed the room, picked up a tiny crystal phial and from It lat three drops trickle Into another, even smaller phial. Handing it to Cesare, ho remarked: "A pity that the Duke Della Van nese—worthy gentleman—will suf fer a heart attack before dawn I’’ Carelessly Cesare took the tiny bottle and slipped It Into his black velvet doublet. Neri smiled. It always amused him, this attitude of Ceaare’a toward death —that is; the death of others. (Sometime! Neri played with the Idea of death R>r Cesare himself. How calm would the head of the house ol Borgia he then? Juan had gone on downstairs, -sauntering from step to step, lastly; and as usual, the more slowly hs moved at such a moment the mors rapidly his mind raced. For whom were the Borglas preparing a swiss ascent to Heaven? How successful ly had these little plans of theirs ever been follsd? Amusing, to Sheaf them of a victim on some sweei . evening such as this! He cared little about going into 1 the great room where most of the j guests were assembled. Instead, moved by the thought of the girl he had seen from Lucretla’a bal< cony, he turned aside when he reached the foot of the stairs and , went out into the garden. Adriana was there. He saw hei I at once. She was standing in the gateway that led to another part of the garden, and bending ovei her was Donati. Juan did not know him, but remembering Lucre tie’s remark about Adriana it waa not hard to guess his Identity. It was not hard, either, to guess ths girl’s feelings. She had draws away from Donati until her body was pressed hard against the deli cate iron grlllwork of the gate way, and suddenly she forced her way past him and came down the path toward Juan. He told him self that her walk was more beau tiful than other women's dancing, that her beauty made other worn- I en'e faces l-ook like mere sugges tions of what beauty might be. And, smiling cynically, be marvel ed at himself, who had known so many women, for being overwhelm ed so completely by the loveliness of this glrL She had almost reached him when m trailing end of her white gown was caught by a flowering bush, which, like Juan, wanted to detain her. Eagerly Donati hur ried after her, as she paused to disentangle It In three strides Juan was at her side, an instant before -Donati reached her, and bent to loosen the floating end of delicate fabric. Eagerness made him clnmsy, and a long, sharp thorn pierced his finger. As he straightened up Adrians noticed the blood on his finger. Her little cry of pity was soft ay the cooing of a 1 dove, but It went straight to the heart of Don Juan— the world's greatest lover! “Only a drop of blood. Signori ns," he exclaimed. “But all I have is at your service.” He spoke vehemently. Even Adriana, young and unread in the ways and voices es men though she was. could not doubt that his words shaped no mere pretty speech. Almost frightened by his ardent tone, she faced him for an instant more, then turned and al most ran Into tbs palace. And Do nail and Juan were left facing each other. Donatl’a contempt twisted his mouth Into a thin, cruel llna, (To be continued) geant at arms. Major Lisk, although now an old man, is spry and alert and full of pep. He steps with the agility of a man of middle age. He is known all over the state, and everybody who knows him loves Mm. He was one of the pall bearers at the funeral of Stonewall Jackson, having been ap pointed as such by Major Charles M. Stedman, the “South’s Grand Old Man,” now in the lower house ofi Congress of the United States. . < CH* FfiNNk COLD MI*—IT PAYS THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET List of All Democratic Candidates, State. District and Coaaitr. The following is a list of all Dem ocratic candidates this yenr. State, district and county: Democratic Candidates on Shi!*"Bal lot. For I’n’ted States Senator —Lev S. i, Overman. j For Member of Corporation Com -1 mission—Allen J. Maxwell. • For Chief Justice of the Supreme J Court—Walter P. Stacy. 1 For Associate Justices of the Su , preme Court—Heriot Clarkson, W. J. j Brogden. William J. Adams. F*r Judge Superior Court, Third j District—Garland E. Midyette. For Judge Superior Court, Fourth | District —Frank A, Daniels. • For Judge Stiper'or Court, Fifth , District—l!. A. Nunn. For Judge Superior Court, Sev , enth District—W. C. Harris. I For Judge Superior Court, Eleventli ) District— Raymond G. Parker, j For Judge Superior Court. Titir | teenth District—A. M. Stack. I For Judge Superior Court, Fif- I, teenth District—J. M. Oglesby. I For Judge Superior Court, Seven . ; tccn:h District—Thomas B. Finley. - j For Judge Superior Court, Kigh | teenth District—Michael Sehenek. ( For Judge Superior Court. Xine- I teenth District—l*. A. McElroy. I For Judge Superior Court. Twenti- I eth Dkttriet — Walter E. Moore. r I Dftnoer.itie Candidates For Solic’tor. 1 First District—Walter L. Small. ' Second District —Donnell Gilliam. I, Third District—lt. Hunt Parker. | Fourth District—Clawson Williams. Fifth District—D. M. Clark. S xth District—James A. Powers. Seventh District —Leon S. Brass field. Eighth District—Woodus Kellum. Ninllt District—T. A. McNeill. Tenth District—W. B. Umstead. Eleventh District—S. Porter Graves. Twelfth District —J. F. Spruill. | Thirteenth District—F. Donald 1 Philips. i Fourteenth District—John G. Car- I pen ter. Fifteenth IVstrict—Zeb V. Long. Sixteenth District—L. Spurgeon Spurling. Seventeenth District —J. A. Rous seau. Eighteenth District—J. Will Plesst Jr. Nineteenth District—Robert M. Wells. Twentieth District—Grover C. Da vis. Owner rat ie Candidates For Congress. First District—Lindsay C. Warren. Second District—John H. Kerr. Third District—Charles \L. Aber nethy,, „ , ; j, Fourth District—Edward W. Pott. Fifth District—Charles M. Sted man.- . Sixth District—Homer L. Lyon. Seventh District—William C. Ham mer. Eighth District—Robert L. Dough tton. Ninth District—A. L-. Bui winkle. Ten(h District—Zebulon Weaver Democratic County Ballot. For Solicitor—Zeb Vance Long, of 1 Iredell County. j For Senators. 20th Senatorial Dls -1 triet. F. J. Haywood, of Cabarrus County: David B. Smith, of Meeklen jbury County. j For House of Representatives— I Sant Black, of Cabarrus County. Furs,Clerk of Superior Court —John I! McAllister. For Cotton Weigher—W. B. Boger. For Treasurer —Margie MeEaohern. For Register of Deeds—L., Y, El liott. For Surveyor—Walter L. "Furr. For Coroner—Joe A. Hartsell. For Sheriff—R. V. Caldwell,’ Jr. For County Commisioners—C- A. Isetihour. (’has. H. Graeber, \y. F. Smith, AY. D. Foil, ,1, M, Hnrtgell. fuvdUMj) Sj*o 4Wt*l»o BHjj Aqopvjn d£*.om& p*>j putij, atfj n mbit •guijds jx9u ‘peq jsas 3A,noX syptip jo spoojq isauy aqi jaß noX dpq . 83a ißa Kits i»9 G. M^BRSON j. "Ao, Jg ; WW % • I CIRCUS DAY DRAWS NEAR; I KIDDIES grow restless Only » Few Mon Day* More the Cutting of Gentry Bros. Show. , I With only a few more days remain . 'ng before the appearanee of the Gen .'try Bros, ultown considerable interest |is be'ng manifested not only, b.v the ,' younger generation, by also by some lof the older "boys." The Gentry . Bros. Show, now on its -With annual I tour, is looked upon as a national in [> | stitntlon. Year after year the big show oomes for Its annual visit. Each . season sees an improvement, until finally It is believed the Tmit hae been reached. Yet the Gentry Bros. I Shows, which come to Concord Wed | nesday. November 3rd always afford a I I new and novel entertnlnment. It is .true the old time features remain. i Yet novelties and European thrills arc added euq}t year as fast as they . arc discovered. Among the features are the Flying i Jordans, the Peerless Potters, gym nasts: the Nanking troupe of Chi ■ nose equilibrists; the Maxwell trio, acrobats; Arthur Borena. the highest salaried clown in America; the Flor ence famliy of riders; the Deisms Sisters, acrobats and nearly 100 oth er stars and features of Continental Kuro|H> and Great America. 0.-gan'zed nearly half a century ago the show is still under the active di rection and mauageuieui of these famous showmen. Two special trains transport the big show from city to city. Nearly 700 men, women and horses are carried: | the menageries is oue of the largest I ever to be exhibited in this section of j the state. The equipment and para-1 plumalia is valued at $7. r > Ten | acres of ground is utilised to house I the transient city. An immense street parade will be j seen on the downtown streets at noon I on show day. There will be two per- i formances at 2 and 8 p. m„ the doors | opening an hour earlier. The Gentry Bros. Shows will come to Concord on Wednesday. November 3rd. Several rooms in Apsley House, the Piccadilly residence es the great Duke of Wellington, are still kept in the condition iu which they were when he last used them. Down with We'll make the High Cost of living as it applies to footwear walk the plank ff you’ll scad your shoes here to be put Back into wearable shape. Folks say we're shoe wizards. Our work gives lasting satis faction. |j KIRSCHBADM § A Perfected Onrcoat Service , | | Your OVERCOAT I || The style, fabric and color 1 1 that will serve you best 1 1 When you come here you’ll not . i 5 I be served in terms of just another I Zi\l \Jr // P g orercoaL Rather, you’ll get a per- MLr J\H p fected and specialized service that { 5 will obtain tor you the coat that mm I j meets your individual requirements HL l in every particular--the coat that JBP RW p blends best with your figure, pro- BffL-, ( 2 portions and personality. The new HI |if K exhibit is distinguished for good I H C style, wear-resisting fabrics, choice 1 1 5> patterns and odors, better value, HI H 1 5 nyf faultless Kindldbanm tailoring. HI fj i 5 I RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. j TODAY’S EVENTS | Friday. October 29, 192« ( Greetings to America’s royal guest. Queen Marie of Rumania, on tier 51st ■ birthday. Twenty-five years ago today Leon 1 »Skolgosz was executed in Auburn state priso* for the assassination of i ‘ President McKinley, j Ottawa WITT he the meeting place 1 today of the annunl session of the Canadian Council -on Child Welfare. ! Curtis D. Wilbur, secretary of the [ navy, is scheduled to deliver a polit -1 leal address today in Rutland. Vt. ! University of Pennsylvania officials, • faculty members ami prominent alum ' ni from all sections of the country 1 will gather in Indianapolis today for I !the annual conference of the Asso • I dated Pennsylvania Clubs. • | Mrs Mattie Miller hurled. , I Salisbury, Oct. 28.—Tin- body of II Mrs. Mattie E. Miller was brought ; from Chattanooga to Salisbury and taken on to Emanuel Lutheran ' I church, near Rockwell, for hruial. Mrs. ’Miller, who was the widow of " (Crawford A. Miller, had been living 1 with a son. Rev t*. L. Miller, at i . . - .. it. i . ——- " " : V r rT rl: Improvements | Special Fall Showing Wfe invite the public ! to view our special fall showing of Dodge Brothers Motor Cars feat uring two of the most important improvements ever made in this dependable and long-lived product 'Week of November I§£ Open evenings / AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. Ddijge’ Broth e-rs MOTOR CARS 1 Friday, October 29, 1926 Chattanooga and died there Monday. Repartee is the retort, yon think of the morning after. A Tonic Os Pate Value In Childhood SCOTT’S EMULSION Abounds In Health -Building Vitamins atm * Bcwm. Btooifitld; N J *-6