Priday,' October $9,19^6 KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT CONDUCTED BY JAZZY MOORE HIDDEN T A CENT TOPIC OF I SERMON BY DR. WHITLEY Hi* Event Planned by Dan ;ESSED sci A HURRV! I CMir iMAuIUE j ,JERRT ON THE JOB A MATHEMATICAL MIND ~~ I DEMOCRATS SET FOR RIG i EVENT. With election day just around the ' ridges, local Democratic voters and 1 vote-getters will this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Central high school auditorium furnish the biggest event in mass meetings ever known to eith -1 er political gtarty. 1 Solictor Zebulon Vance Isnig, of ■’ the Statesville district, will fire the | political bomb in the Fank and file of I 1 the opposing army. Mr. Long is very j impulaf in the towel colony and Cabar ; run county aud it is believed no leader could have been found to preseut the cause of thf party in this section with more eloquence and ability. He has delivered many stump speeches thus far this campaign and everywhere he i haß beta favorably received. | The rally tonight marks the close of the Democratic campaign in Ca barrus county. MISS BENSON WEDS 8. U BROWN. Miss i’eari Benson anc S. L. Brown. ■ both prominently known in Kanuap! olis, were united in marriage Wednes day morning at the Baptist parson age by the Rev. H. G. Bryant. The couple was accompanied by the brother of the groom and the s'ster of the bride. The ring ceremony was employed, After a short bridal tout the young people will make their home in Kan-| uapolis. Sucking the thumb when an infant makes for a receding chin in the adult. This is t'lie opinion of Dr. W. Stanley Wilkinson, dental expert of Melbourne. Australia. A protruding jaw and a proiirfnent chin, lie says, do not mean that the man possessing them has n strong character or great "courage, but simply, that his mother made him keep bis thumb out of bis mouth w'uen lie was n buby. | —^—-———^i LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZES r ' 'i . V+v,- EfeWl || V* SEEM TER BE | frOUGm- TO <1 AH-HA- A BABY?! “ 1 ilieuAis agl *" ’ ! • xOIN* WIO PAT i 1 BE! WE HAVE /S HE fWELL Xl IHE HAP HIS I { j.. ..j WHISTLE ? | ! \JXMKt DA STREET? ( A NEW BABY JA STAY ?] ... QrUESS THINGS r* . * i | - * . "—7— [ Have You Heard Thig One? *- . . “I should think that 'a night ‘club i ■ would he the last place you'd go to," I I scolded her futher. “Yes," replied the flapper. "It usually is.” • \ | Lee—l left S2O its that suit of | clothes I told toy •wile to send to the | cleduers. Joe—Well, cheer up, maybe she found it. I 1-ee—That's what I urn afraid of. I. ' | Country Cousin —Now this is the ; bossy cow that gives little Elsie such nice milk. Little Elsie (from the City)— Now' show me the one ttiat gives the malted ' milk. . ' | Henry Feck (who has waited on the I corner a long time) —Well, I see you | are on time as usual, my dear. ''Mrs. Peck—Now. don’t try to be funny. You know I’m an hour lute. Henry Peck—Exactly. Scotty (at t'ae pictures)—l say, j meester, will ye tickle me when the | funny picture comes on? j His Neighbor—What's the idea? ! Scotty—l'll no' ha’e it said a Scots-' man has nae sense of humor. j New Office Boy—l've added those j figures up ten times over, sir. Employer—Good boy ! New Office llpy— AlK! Here's tile ten! answers. slf! Smiff—So you bought a radio, hop ing it would keep your children home in the evening? Wanes—Yes. Now tliey don't .go opt imtjl the qnnouucer says ''Good! uig'iit, everybody.” The greengage plum is named after Sir William Gage, who popularized it,! cultivation early in the' 18th century. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE YOUNG MAN MURDERED; BW>V PLACED ON TRACK Wake Coroner Comes to This Con clusion After Examination of Body.) Raleigh. Oct- 2k.—Coroner £> M. Waring concluded loday that an uii j identified stranger found dead; yester day at the Marsh Creek bridge on the Norfolk-Southern railrodil. was murdered then pig red on the track' to be so mutiliated as to destroy the] evidence of crime against him. '. j I Examination of the stranger by -a j promiuent .physician. Air. Warjng says, established the fact that the I | unknown man was staKbed in the! j neck and under the heart. The man I j "'as carried some distance from where he was «upi>ose udvopntrd adoption or the j Australian ballot as tile logical _ce-' suJt of the success tluit he said has , been achieved in Buncombe eOunty land a score of other counties in the [state. | Mr. Danic.t reviewed the light led by Representative Fall in the last j legislature when tly* Australian bal ] lht Set failed hy a narrow margin .and said that the Democratic party .must carry that fight to a strict com [elusion. [ The speaker pointed to the in- 1 I creased Democratic majority in Bun | combe county under the Australian ballot act and declared, that the party had proven the Australian bal lot is both feasible and tvorkab'e in North Carolina. No Mere Dotes For Delinquent Co- Eds. WiHiamsburg. va.. Oct. Jgs.—Girls at William and Mary college who havr made less than SO on their studiru may not 'have "dates'’ and other ' . ocial privileges under it rul ing Issued this morning by the col lege authorities. The -tiling threw the campus into a swirl of excitement which was agmnented by reports that the sanie ruling may be extend ed to apply to the boys. It teas predicted thin morning that if such is the ease a majority of tint pupils at the school will be auto matically "cantpused" for it month or more, although no offical estimates as to the number affected could be secured. 1 u ui -J ■ TO BROADCAST 'HALL-MILLS' | TRIAL At SOMEKMLLK EubUe >VW Ret Story of Trial I 1 "Round By Bound.' New York. Oct. 28.—Radio fan* | r will be able to'get a "blow by b'ow" I | description of the Hall-Mi’.ls trial at Somerville, X. J“ next week, by an arrangement for broadcasting the proceedings announced today by I station IVHNY % ! "I iilan to broadcast the.trial just !as a prize fight is broadcast from the I riugsidc,” Charles D, Isaacson, direc j tor of the station, told the Assoeiat- I ed Press. t Isaacson said that the officials in I Komi rv.ille had raised no objections to tlie broadcasting. Fenner and. Beane’s Cotton Letter. New Y’ork, Oct. 2o<—r-otfou moyeu up a dol’ar a bale today owing to cessation to hedging and trade rand investment , buying. Spinner are re ported to have bought a good deal of cotton to fix prices on spots wnile the low price and steadiness of the market seems to have affected furth er investment ' uying. The price is so low there is not much short selling and market responded easily to any buying whenever hedge sales de crease. The campaign 'which Eugene Meyer, chairman of the President's committee is conducting in the south to induce farmers tff-hold their carton is making itself felt among con sumers and is probably responsible for much of the price fixing now go ing on. Kcports were also Current that some of the large shorts are covering qnietly. Sentiment has ins proved considerably in and out of th trade and indications point to o further upward movement in value FENNER AND BEANE Rocky Mount. Va.. Would Not Ac ctpt Preacher. Danville, Va.. Oct. 27.—Reports from Franklin County tell of the settlement of the dispute which re cently developed in the Rocky Mount Methodist Church which resulted in an alleged point blank refusal on the part of the congregation to accept I the appointment of a minister to . that charge. The church is under |stood_ to have vigorously requested ] the reappoutment of the incumbent ] and on failing to have assumed an (attitude which for the good of the ■ church resulted in the presiding elder! cf the Danville district hastening to j see Bishop Collins Denr.y who auth- 1 orized an exchange. The Rocky Mount congregation 1 was extremely desirous of securing 1 the reappointment of Rev. Starke 1 Jett and adopted strong resolutions to that effect. Bishop Denny ap- IMiinted Rev. C. E- Blankenship who has been conference secretary of edu cation. The eongrcgali&n. however, insisted on a change and the bishop now has ap]>oiuted Rev. W. (}. Bates ' of Orange to Rocky Mount. Itev. Mr. Come in and look around We invite you to come into our store and look thoroughly through our stock of hardware. \ ou cannot do so without seeing many‘things which you will want to buy, because you will find many things which will save you work and time and worry. Our low prices will save you MONEY. 1 Our HardwareVßEST; it stands the 'PEST. r i . . \ ~,K Ritchie Hardware Co. L i OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL | A Cordial I 1 Armstrongs I Invitation B nVtre t _ tM | * invite you to come to our j't oi, „ , sturc alld look over the j I 1 ! DA, 1 l ’, U , ns aud l >rcl, y color combinations that ! | | lavc niade Bus hue of linoleum'so well known. You will be surprised to learn how economically vou I t j2W b , r J^ U " ew hnolcunl your home—one | j 11 that will add beauty, save you hours and hours of hard ! ' jj; work ‘ and give you years of splendid service. ; ; Bring your measurements and let us give you an es- !j # | j tlmal e of cost that you will find very reasonable. | - , BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. i The Store That Satisfies, and the Home of Beautiful 1 ' ji Furniture. The Air Is FuH of Music Around Your Home Gel An Atwater Kent Ra dio to Tell you What Is Going on. Wc guarantee Yj u to compete with Am ■Kg||L thing Up to Twice Its Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The Old Hardware Store PAGE SEVEN lankenzbip will go to Orauge and Rev. Mr. Jett to Amherst. / MARIE TO SPEND THREE DATS IN ASHEMLU**- | Miller Says She Will Visit Mount* j City Early in December —to Spend** j Two WHu in South. ! Asheville, Oct. 28.—Qheen Marie*” |rf Rumania, will upend three day** jin Asheville early in December, »C: cording to F. Roger Miller, manager of the local chamber of commerce* who returned to Aaheville this after" noon from a conference with the Ru manian legation in YVaahington. Mr. Miller said the queen would spend two weeks below the Mason a lid Dixon line after her return to Wash ington on November 24.