PAGE FOUR OUR PRIVATE CHAPEL AFFORDS PRIVACY, COMFORT Ths modern funeral chapel provide* !tl) the privacy and comfort of gfpri vate residence plus every facility and derviee that the funeral director has At- hand. ' ’ . <**>" Our mortuary is a beautiful and restful place that provides our pa* trims with a type and character of •ejrvice unequalled. AMRCtiANCE SERVICE BELL & HARRIS ! FUNERAL HOME •kb Day and NUttr Phone 640 i a Sesqui-Centennial Exposition PHILADELPHIA, PA. June 1-Novermber 30. 1926 ■. Special Excursion Fares ‘ VIA „ Southern Railway System a,;-. A. ! Tickets on sale tfaily from all Southern Railway stations up to and including September 30th, final return limit all tick ets fifteen days including date of sale. Stop-overs permitted at Wash ington and Baltimore in each direction'within final limit of tickets. ,■ • * . Fine trains, excellent sched ules, pulimnn sleeping cars, day coaches and dining- car service. For further information end pullman sleeping car reserva tions call on any Southern Railway agent or address: R. H. GRAHAM, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. >t)UR HEALTH This is no misstatement— I m your children’s health protector. Keep close watch of your baby’s health. Keep a solicitous paternal eye upon the health of your growing chil dren. I can assure you we sell: pure drugs. Pearl Drag Company 22 PHONES 722 --- ~- Our Funeral Home ia equipped «» a dignified manner of Com plete appointment. Facilities that properly meet each re quirement of a ceremony of quiet privacy. Wilkinson’s Funer* eiHmne PHONE 8 ■■y Open Day and Night v » Sfijvita ■ jSHOWEK RATH KILLS PRIEST. [ Comfimta Jury Decidad Father 0«. stomr Got the Wafer Tw He*. | Albany, Ga,. Get. 30—The Rev.! | Father J. J. Bessemer, 32, of Troy, j IN. Y., assistant rector of St. i Theresa’s Roman Catholic church! here, was found dead in the bath I room of the rectory Thursday after-[: noon and today a coroner’s jury re- : turned a verdict that his death was I the result of an excessively hot show er bath. The verdict statead that the I steami from the hot shower overcame the priest and that he then was scalded to death. Father Bessemer was preparing to attend a high school football game and a friend who called for him a few minutes before game time re- ' ceiving no response to knocks, enter ed and found the priest dead in the steam-filled bathroom- Took Hot Baths. At the coroner's inquest today several friends and two physicians testified that Father Bessemer was accustomed to taking very hot baths. The physicians said he had been overcome by the excessive heaat and the blood vessels of his body’ ex panded until the blood rushed from the brain and caused unconscious ness. Death ensued then from scald ing. they said. Funeral services were held at the Catholic rectory this afternoon and the body was sent to Troy. N. Y.. 1 where Father Bessemer's mother 'lives. Judge and the Law- Hit kory I>aTly Heeord. Judge John Oglesby said the other I day, “A county gets the kind of law enforcement the citizenship wants. That should be kept constantly before the popula tion of every county. Law enforce ment cannot go contrary to public sentiment. The shining example of ■that is the prohibition law. When he citizenship of the county, state or nation decides that it wants the enforcement of prohibition, that will mark the end of speculation and aigumcnt. The law will be enforced. (1 If we think it is a good law for the p other fellow and a i>oor one for us. r y\ve cannot expect enforcement. The >aiuc rule applies to all other laws. ■" VA ’bounty, g<*ts the kind of law en e forccinent. its citizenship want;.” There is no do’ibt about that. * USB PENNY COLUMN— T 2 h f - L -" - ~ ; DELCO LIGHT ■/* , 1 ' • Storage Battery Plants and Non-Storage Plants , Deep and Shallow Well Pump and Washing Machines R. H. Owen Phone 669 Concord, N. C. I ELECTRICITY TURNS j WORK INTO PLAY ■ j'VN.D :^GHT ELECTRICITY THE WON DER WORKER has been trying to get acquaint ed with you for some time now. Enjoy the comfort that various electrical necessities will bring to yourself and wife. 1 Each day is an electric oppor tunity day here. W. J. HETHCOX Broken and Bondholders ’ The delivery ticket. “Refreshed by Bob’s” in dicates the BEST in dry cleaning, like the coupon, 1 of a Liberty Bond de notes its SECURITY as * an investment. You can not get more SAFETY 1 in Workmanship and in ■ prompt service. Bank on f phoning 787. Phone 787 j MASTER CLEANERS &J)ON JUANeI 'flll rv ii U - JrfTi * =^m **. Via Sk fflZffl® ZarW itTii smsnEN J|f||T Copyright, ISM, Warsttr Broa. Pictures, too. fo 1 " 1 * screen play by Bees Meredyth, starring John Barrymore V M • War par Bros, pleturlzatlon of this novel. 1 ¥• oJ^orsis Ttaß, idem’* disillusioned fattier tbCWttv him : “Destroy tco.Sknf .rt (AW Will destroy you. -Take their f&rgetr This offafplmt made Don Juan the ttretKuf lover of all time. Lucre /ha Borgia, at the height of htr irZ famous power in R and Pedrlllo, notifig that smile, smiled also. How well he knew what lay Just ahead, he tohl him self? Amazing the way all these women, without any exception at all, fell for Don Juan: Pedrillo wished that he had half the luck! Meanwhile Lueretia Borgia, im patiently pacing the floor, could ' hardly believe the truth that was so ugly and so startling. ” Never before had a man treated her as ■ this Juan had. Never before had she been the one kept waiting when a rendezvous had been ar ranged. Impossible that this should happen to her. Lueretia Borgia, the 1 most powerful woman in Europe I and the most beautiful, according to what everyone told her. She i grew more dnd more angry. Her i favorite dog. a deltcate looking lit- ] tie Italian greyhound, left, kls em- , broidored silken cushion to run to , her. Hardly pansing. Lueretia lifted one shapely foot In Its long, pointed slipper and kicked him vi ciously. Then angrily she strode down the long room, turned and went out onto the balcoa-v and searched the courtyard with her eyes. But nowhere was there any sign of Juan. Adriana, too, was walking about 1 her bedroom. But she moved , peacefully, dreamily. Her room was painted the blue of the sky. and all across the celling stars of pale ’ gold were painted. Tall candle? Burned In heavy golden sticks, and although the hangings were drawn hack so that the night air poured in across the balcony, the scented air of that spring night moved so tently that the candles* flame* Icksred not at all Rina, Adriana's maid, removed the lovely white gown with its weight of pearls, smothering a ygwn as the did so. Instantly Adrt i aha came out of her dreams tor s I moment. "Go to bed," she urged the girl I "I would sit alone awhile." I Rina, who had cared for her I yonng mistress so many years that she dared be familiar. synUed as she epoke. ri. too, think the Spaniard is most handsome," she remarked slyftr, and then scurried away to her hwn bed. * Adriana flushed almost guiltily, then. left, alone, went strsikht to her mlftpr. Was she beautiful! she asked’ bar reflection How had she looked to the gallawt young , Spaniard! (To be cegtlnued) j L._uac' I utth blonde should select colors that j reflect the light, but which hre not j vivid. A (to*, between I why Wuc i ami electric blur is ideal for this j type of fair ftkjnned femininity. Shell j pink also : is good. |i throws a pleas ing reflection to tip- futF.y-m- thws, not detract fepm ' the 4 fMfxonality.'' Golden bl(mde4. find the' polor prob lem easier. All tba warm, colors . are attractive. Deep i Jy-Ilqw, p»ik ror off - hbudes. even red if usedijjjpdhfoisl*.' the gtntfdu-liaifßiF vmtittu?* | ' V—V- T’r~. Moral sdpriority is »> fhthg that! the avarag* w«u*u can’t.talajmte. ...L Mr*. HaK Center of spot-L*ht ~ As Famous Muwler Trial Opens By JAMBS U KILGALLSN (International News Service Staff Correspondent) v. Soi»erviUe, ST.- J„ Nov. I.—Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, refined, aristo cratic looking widow of the slain Rev. Edward W. Hall, will be the very cen ter of the tragic spotlight that wiH be turned upon the three defendants in the now famous Hall-Mills <;a»e when the murdett trial gets underway on November 3r<(. She and, her two brothers, Willie a middle-aged eccentric, and Henry, an expert marskman, are the first three of the four defendants who will be tried for the murder of I>r. Hall land his choiV singer with whom he carried on a 1 love affairs. Mrs. Elean or Mills. The fourth defendant, Henry Carpender, a cousin of the Halls, will be tried later. Suspicion was first directed at Mrs. Hall shortly, after the bodies of her husband and Sirs. Mills were found shot to death underneath erabapple tree in lie Hussey's lane on the out skirts of New Brunswick on Thurs day night. September 14. 1922. She admitted to the authorities that she was the woman in a polo coat seen entering the side door of her home in New Brunswick about 3 o’clock in the morning of Friday, September 15, 1922. Mrs. Hall's Explanation. What was Mrs. Hall doing out at sui-4i an hour? This was the ques tion asked by investigators at that time and reiterated again and ngain since then. Mrs. Hall has explained her absence front homo at this hour by saying she Wits' anxious at the failure of her hus band to return home after going out at 7 o’clock the evening before that she had gone to look for him at his church—the Protestant Episcopal Church ot St. John the Evangelist— at 2 o’clock. She said she thought lie might have fallen asleep While studying in his office. Failing to find him in the church, she re tor lied home Sparks From the Editor’s Anvil. Front Liberty. Some preachers preach, while their wives practise. Tile pulpit is degraded when it is transformed into a political forum. A religious dogma that cannot: without civil support in law save it self from perishing, is not worth saving. There are some people who strain at a drizzle at the hour of church services, and swallow a shower as theater time. The legal religionist thinks the conscience is made of putty and eatt he battered into shape by the police man s baton. The man who wants to get rid of the Sabbath because it is ancient, to Ito consistent ought also to reject 'he sunshine. A reformer who seeks to make people good by law is one who works with greaat earnestness at the right thing ill the wrong way. I An .Affectionate Snake. One morning Russell Miles, who lives near Roanoke. Yu„ was awak ened by the barking of itis dog and he went to the door to see what was the matter. A large copperhead moc casin was coiled on the porch as Miles opened tile door und before he could get out of the way the snake had buried its fangs in his log. Miles jumped back into the house and shook himself free of the snake. Just then Miles' wife came into the room and the snake gave her the sumo reecp-; tion it had given Miles. She was' bitteb too. Miles' son, who slept in another part of the house heard the commo tiun anti decided to investigate. When tic arrived on the scene the snake made for hint. But young Mile* suc ceeded in avoiding the playful snake and finally killed it. From last wire less reports. Miles and bis wife wero recovering. Two Frenchmen arc nop- cross:ltg the American continent on'the last lap of a world-circling tour, prac tically all of wdiioh has been made on motorcycles with the exception of the steamship passage across tho Pacific. The pair left Paris Juno 13 last. Velvet For Pay Wear Smartness cfeu.Uft by the 5 wall I l!J so ‘Iffll! ; tdg •tlUt even prsstnt mod# j-W l* I | 49.3 Miles To One I Gallon Os Gasoline! Is Final mileage tests in Charlotte on September 15tfe show this to be a fact. One-third of the 36 cars entered it' thfe contest got more than 40 miles to the gallon. Buy a lord and Bank the difference. Reid Motor Co lkrr-r—- j N J I. Vil-iIH T- - Mlp|r-wSKI» Oftobcr 23 ana will tl vfeeks. al#ay«; attract a .large nul ber of American players, Jn the pi the event has. been wou by such stl as Bill Johnston and Viucent Ril p.4ii . BpH mssma I Special $16,001 During the rest of the* month Os October we wilß give a whoje head NestlJ Lanoil Permanent Wave! for SIO.OO J Make Apointments Early* PARKS-BELK CO. |j BEAUTY SHOPPE ■ Phone 892 ■ ; ill iBIJ