PAGE TWO ■iWy^coluW fig WESTERN vir street Mrs Julia MBS-.;. - '• --- . - . ■ IS- Store fvKni op street. Mrs. Richmond ■jffitto-ffiriwt ami Graham Fhur Bin ryeefved. Doye-Bost Co. Wt-I>. pit ' ~rtn in Parto-Belks Ifr Store-JB>ftirda.v. Finder please rail Kpt.,e - > 8-2 t-p. f ßtew4>w For Rent. CHw m. Rent ; ; m*s&}o\e. Cull 378 W. tt-2t‘-p. PPi sWik-A Btortt and White k; bull Answers to name of “Butfeie.’’ Wears collar with city ■< and vaccination tag. Call 333 and f receive reward. J. E. Davis. 8-3 t-p. Maggl - For Rodin House, New - ly renovated. Georgia Avenue. Phorte 343. 8-3t-p --%Ve Hityf,,* New Supply of Stunn I Beaus.. Dove-Best-Co. 9-lt-p. Cut rfowers and Florist Designs. M ; PbanelßtS. Mrs. W. N. Thounwon. ; 46 F&te'St. ,S-3t‘p. Lost or Stolen Frc.m My Car in M liiie Auto 00. garage—-oiie ring of keys. UadAmme and address, Reward for return-t* tribune Office. L. May lon TtoWdcr. 8-3t-ji. For Uife—Chrysanthemums. Phone 765, or .638. 5-st-p. Expert Painting and Paper Hanging. John Bosnian, 76 West Corbtii -street. Phone 92J. ' - Oct. 2to Jan 2-ft,^ irir Rent—Poor Nice Booms Over the J. *«. Cash Store. Ben R. Ora Sell Christmas Cards. Names Em bossed in gold. Dollar dosen m>.' Saatpies free. Dunbar Corp. New! Brtniiwiek, X. .1. 9-lt-c. * tt* -Ml* "BOOK I LIKE BEST I Thcobook I like best is "Uncle Heimf*!*" ' H The author is Joel Chand ler Htbrist U nele Remtrs is an old colored man who tells stories to a little tuff. The story- is about Broth er RabbiLenml Brother Wolf. I like the book because it is so funny ami As the'beat* story i ever heard. } IKILLt fiWt. 4- Xu. 2 School. ' ■ h "" Tint 1 •’best hook I have read is’ World iii Teii Days." ■1 likeiribiKeeause the boys hud a lot git udwnvures. When they-were small ; they made* little airplanes, and when they grew, up they made a real one. They «had u race around the world.' They were flying over Africa and had tb iatft-for -water. While they were', a big snake climbed On foe airplane. After they were flying, dgaindtbry on the tail of the; airplsdhS. I- They thought for- a while and then they decided to turn a loop. WheUptbey turned the loop the snake Jell off. They had many more od tventuJds.xand won foe race. I en-, jpyediri***- book because it was very exeiti**;... ft; .e-RILLY WADSWORTH. 5- Central School. •fc.M , Tlifcbquk I like best is Hulhert'sJ “Storguaf'Mthe Bible." This book jaj the ettotdete .story of the Bible frpin tieneaia ts Revelation. I like this book because it is so plain and every-' .body .can understand it. You canil lead abbot each character aud learn EFIRD’S I \i 1 Thanksgiving Sale jt 8,.:. M I cr: Great Showing of New Bp, » * J Fall Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Suits and Overcoot* I | * | * Vou*ii Find Them Cheaper 1 $ Hr- -W"' •* 1 ; 1 j i —:: —at —:: — jj* m J ! * is? p. X'M m* B - ..I 11% I # & j k#* SMHr , l r . . - -1 ' Pfco! Ebo! Not Fire, But Fhworks. pistols, oaps and a complete line Os MKbUer articles ce(«^Win«. ScE’s Place, Kannapolis R^d. .Agpiesf Wo Art (Mw ters for apples as we have our third car load in three weeks. Yorks Winesaps, Bonums end Kinurds. We *re’ selling them cheap by the peck,- bushel or barrel. Use our phones.', 'Ed. M. Cook Company. 9-4 t-p. . Stayed or Stolon Sunday Night— CJaybank mare muie about 8 years bid. John A. Sims. Notify Brown Stables. Concord, X. C. SF2t-p. Wanted—Severn! Young Ladies or geotfemen, to canvass over county. Experience not necessary. Car fur nished. Apply at once to Cox's Studio. i)-lt-p. T*-o s-Room Houses For Rent. Bun galow Cline's Pharmacy. F#r Reiit—My ttdoie on Stditt street, after November 26th. SI. P. Ritchie. 9-t J-x. Strayed »r Stolen—Male Col% Tan and white. If found or heard of piease telephone 588 or return and get reward. .1. C. Blume, Jr. 8-3 t-p. Ftm For All—Wg Time—Every W ed nesday and Saturday night. Big | square dance. Skating every da>\ Good time, good iriusie, good ordeif. J.ots of fun at Poplar Cake. Jacobs Bros., Mnnugers. 8-2 t-p. Fbr Sale—Japanese Kimona. Vasesj, lacquer, brehze aud brass. Mrs. F. L. Fespertnan. 40 Tribune. Pair of Shoes From tK* Cnei. ■ We .use the best leather an? tlfc best workmanship. Thirtyfivb yeass experience. Phone 165 au(U#e erdl for shoes and deliver all wanted. Shoe shine parlpr J<f r ladies. Upto-Date Shoe Hospital. 22.-sjouth tJnion Street. 7-2Bbi. j >■ -- > -’.-V r.. y L „. i j to know mote about" the Bible. j liook has oue huudml and sixty-eight, stories to tell in a Bible story telliifg contest. The one story that I espe cially like is the one about Joseph. It is very interesting to know how a slave boy became a ruler next to the king. MARY EUGENIA BRUMLKY. i 6-B Central School. 1 like the “Little Shepherd of King dom Come" best of ull the books 1 liiire read. I like it because it is about the life of an orphan boy an* bis faithful dog. Jack. It. tells with whom he lived: how he got lost in the Mty: how fie found a man that was -bis uncle, us he later discovered: Unit how in the war ( between the Kthtds he fought against his friend ■wiinlh lie found wounded on the bat tlefield ami took into liis tent and' mimed until ,he was well enough to go home. When he went back to Kingdom Come the people would not have anything to do with him because' he Was a Yankee. Even his faithful dog snarled at him because he. too.! despised a Yankee. JOHNNY POUNDS. ■--- . j 7-B Central School. “Do you cash checks?” “Y#-s. but not yours.” “Si't my face good?" “Yes. but I can'-t get it in the cash] register. “ Boy—faey, Mu ! Is it all right for me to start that clean .towel you put iu the bathroom? f ' p AMb 4BQOt i«e ■ "■ i nn In ili iih' i iin "H* f mi - J " MnwilU..' «.. !- THE M. P. CONFERENCE ‘ . COMES TO A CLOSE Protestant Church of North Carolina. ' iq sesttibh at Greensboro, adjouvped j. Monday just after fooa, wh*h tie | " lippointmerits were read. Our people •• WUI be ipitrested iu the following Ml; : die appointments: . Charlotte —First Church, H. Frfo ; • Surratt. -. I North Charlotte—A)- A- RiAgwell. , ' Concord—G. H. Hendry. f t'reewelt—R. L. Hetbeox. , Denton —M C. Bfnaeydpn. Fallstou —J. M. Mormn. i ’I Granvine —H. If. FMleinau. Greensboro—S. K. Sbhhr. , St. Pan's, Greensboro—ls. Rrtttain. Haw River—W. D. Reed- High Point—To be supplied frdm . College. Asbeiate Pastor, High Point —E-1 Lester RBlßrd. . / i | English Street. H»«h Point—3. H. j i terton, Kertiersville—E. G. Lowdernillk. Lexington—X. G. R?,thea. ra kWw. ! Midland —J. W.; Ht^p. Mbt'ksvillc—J. T. Sisk, rihasftnt Grove—G. L. Reynolds. Randolph —A. O. Liqtjley. ] Roberta—Robert Short. Spring Uhim-h—A. t). Shelton. A’ahce—E. G. Secretary Bourp Young People's AVprk—Lawrence Little. Editor Methodist ‘Protestant —J. F. MCUiilhmgh. Preuideht H'-gh Point College—lt. M. Andrews , , Pr%ssors in High Point •CdUt'ge— ■Paul Kennett. P. E. Liomey. Albemarle—J. R. Anflersbn. Friendship—C, q. Rhv. K. G. Lowderniilk. wpo Bus been superinteiidcnt of the C-h’iwreJi's Home lit High Point, gave lib jhe 1 work oii awbunt of IRrs. Cowdeiimilk's ifealth. His snecessifc :WiU be ted :rt tin' .next iiievtiug bimrd of trustees. .. ', . • CONBol.rf>ATlst> REPORT i ' ■ PLTNIC Durhir ( Hnlr fir (toneorS and Ka» Daring -.the. dental dins- conducted Hi the rouuty by Dr, Adams from Mgy 24tb to Xdvember tith. 1,836 ettit <lren were eftmint>d and t,R9fii were, treated, aeedfwing so tiny '-onwilidateii j report of,, tbr clinic.just completed by Dr. S. E. Buchirnan. courfty heitith officer.. It is estimated that work dune by Dr. Adams without cost to the chH- I dreu aggrygated iRJ.WHi. The clinic' was conducfßjl aj a cost of pnly 6300 to the county. - ' Total itubiber rtittdren exit mined for death! treatment—l.Oflß. Total ‘ ntimber' dhittlfeu * treated—’ um. ' ’ • • Amount and class of trinritgiegt - itemixed qs follows: How mauy hnia-.gam fillings—l 613. How many cement fillings—ls 2. How many guttapercha fillings—3. How many silver nitrate treatments 1 , —lO2. How many WDseesses treated—3o. How indny teeth extracted —-1.500. How many children’s teetb cleaned I —1.822. How nranv luisccflaueous treatments; —73. How many children needing »oth . jug (lone-—l 3. ~ - ■ . How many children unmuuageublet j —ii. ; How many children .referred to, lo ■ cal dentiiit for treatment —191. How many lectures oti oral hygiene | —2. Total cost (conserjrative estimate:'; if done iu private office 46,805. Cost to Cabarrus County—s3oo. j NORTH CAROLINA IB GIVEN MORE PUBLICITY Christian Science Monitor. Interna tional Newspaper. Carries Facts and Pictures About Htate. North Carolina again gets line pub licity through the medium of the press. The latest issue of the Christian Science Monitor, published, at Boston, carries eighteen puges of pictures and data about the State, dealing the early history "of the Co|iimonw.ealft,- •its progress in recent years and its qiUns for the future. , - Copies of the paper arrived in Con cord Monday and have created much ; interest. The Monitor is ayi iliter- ] national publication and its. Ndjrth. i Carolina edition will be carried to -atk i parts of the world. Among the contributors are Gover nor A. IV. Mclmd, Joseidius Daniels, ChWl -H. Haerte. IfroL Arche , bald Heudersow. of the .University of North Carolina: State Forester J. S. Holnies, of Noth Carolina : Colonel T.,a L. ,Ki»k[iatrick, of Charlotte: Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson arid, ofijiers. . Elaborate scenic feafures Os the state from the mountains to the sea i embellish the supplement. i < Deafh of 3. W. Mu IBs. J. AV. Mullis died Saturday at 15J5 iP. hi. at his h'oihe iu-No. 5 township, death being due ta a heart malady - with which he had suftnrid for two fyeaya. . .j . Fjineral services were held at Cen ;ter .Grove Lutheran CSurrh at 2 r o’clock Sunday afternoon with inter ment there. w Mr. Mullis was twice married, hjs 'first;wife being Miss Elsie Jane Gont ley.. To rtfs union eight childreH were born, four of whom survive: JL J. M. Mullis and Mrs. J. L The .Jtuucgai Mb at HR, iTMte were fiMpy fi#fW offierißgh. X. ‘ ■ ' - >- -V-' THfi CONCOfeB»!LV TRmtJNm rtnmww—.i . ura i P. * N- EXTENSION WtLL AID THE SOUTR Mans inade by the board of dt- an extension of tbe-ewnpany’s linep iu North and ! South Uarollna. wonV) make the i most important in The "Poor and Needy’ - is the term often implied by critics of the road as at present constituted, but when the extenaions contemplated are ' completed the system wffl be of majo'r importance and interest ‘to the South, I a system that will cover or I'rn'iect; With Covering lines in the richest poi ttohs of toe Piedmont sections, and offer freight facilities to points in the 1 south, east and west. The P. and N. promises to emerge Jrom an njtra-State system into an ihter-Rtale abd inter-seetional sys* ! tem, assuming the position of one of j the leatligg lines hi the South. One mau discusing the plans mid: "If the stockholders give thei. l U. K. it seems that the Spartanhurg- Gastonia link of the roafl will be J built, and that stretching from | Greenwood in South Carolina to j Charlotte it will ultimately he built on to Durham At Durham it wilt Connect with another Duke rmd. the Norfolk Southern. This last connec tion will be supplemented by the ap parent tie-tip With the Greenwood Augusta link of the Georgia and Florida rai’roud. "Railroad officials say that yvith the consummation of hII these things a new through line would be creatril. This would extend from the port of, Nbrfolk across Virgin™, the Caro- Hnas and Georgia into the sunshine slate. ' “As a freight carrier front the rastorp centers this new arrange ment would be of the ytmqst import ance. Shipment of freight ffoui New Ybry, Roaton <ir other eastern cities to Florida could be made over the new Rue. using the wafer to Norfolk and then toe new direct route, per haps more cheaply than is now |>os sfble. - "There is .every reason to believe, ini I mad tttiU also point that Florhla passeri 'Rt .{Hriwi'. inqy ami doyvh she qri'p this new Him. towh* being "sewed (hat way wuieli how have lit* such service. .'j. ] “At Diybaui the Piedmont and i Northern . you'd with. (lie Norfolk,hjoutbefq ruilroad, n line in whk ; h Duke inierckts'. are involved and at ('.riynw'ood, in this state the line Will connect u|> yvith the Given-; wmid-Augusta 'ink of the GcorgiT and Fio'rida riiilroail yvhi<-li is to be huilt within thc -iiext few months. This win 'make the tfleflinont nriil Nbfthcni h triirik i-arrier from the ■tort of Niirfo’k southward ' armss flffeginin. tqe Curoiijias' ami Geirgin, into Florida. This ffios the original; Mr. Duke.” ' a?—, , ngl - „—-' ■ ’ INSI RAJ4CE POLICIES TO OFFICERS AND FIREMEN Mayor Barrier Preaenta Each Patrol man arid Full-Time Fireman With Free Policy. Kiiota nieiiibcr of the polis-e depart ment and each Hill-time fireman . of' the city Viave bimn presented with a thousand dollar life insurance policy by the city. At a meeting several’ weeks ago the aldermen directed that the policies be secured and Mayor! Barrier has mailed Mq/each of the officers arid firemen his "policy. With each policy mailed by him.! Mayor Barrier sent the following let-, ter: "Dear Sir: "Pursuant to authority granted me by the board of aldermen to present' earii member of the police department arid euch full-time member of the fire department yvith a one thousand dol lar life insurance policy, premium on same being paid by the City, it gives me great pleasure to hand you, here with. your policy with the compli ments of the board and myself. "Please accept this as a token of our appreciation of your services." TUBERCULOSIS PARLEY IN CHARLOTTE TODAY! Nine Counties Represented at o>- ference With Miss Theresa Dans *Ui. Cabarrus is one of ilipe, roanticp represented at -a cdnferxiiee ’in Char-; lotto today betyveen health offii ials and Miss Theresa Dausdili. director of health educatioh for the North Caro lina Tuberculosis Association. In ad (tit ion to health officials isiunty tuber-} enkosis Fbairmcn attended the I'on ferem-e. ... During the conference Miss- D«us dill was expected to disease problems in connection with the work among tubercular patients and also to bring •up the matter of the sale of Christ mas seals. Counties represented at the meet ing are Anson, Cabarrus. Cleveland. Gaston. Mecklenburg. Richmonds Row an. Stanly and Union. In speaking of- the counties in this lUstrsdk Miss Dansdill pointed ont tout Richmond the group with 114 deaths flbm; tuberculosis per 100,000 Inhabitants. Mecklenburg is second with 06 deaths per 100,000. The .av -r rage-is 8R > t ¥l»Mk BafnrdiH ■» Htmrat, i •Real estate transfers in the county were recorded As follows in deeds Bled at the court house Monday: B. L. Umherger. Jr., to H. D. Pe trea for S4OO, property in No. 4 town ribih. H. D. Pet re a to 'B. L. Urabefger, I Jr., for *350, property in Kaimapo- Furr to W. S7BO. near Coucord. R. D. Ballard to C. B. Hines for *3,400, proper® in Aurora Highland, a afiWiiffitirih of *243. proto*" In Lltf.., ~.w JA,;.: JU ■ - ■ : zil • Carolina Power anil Light Company I Using AdvertWng to Intereat to I dustry in the Central Carallnas. \ ' Advertising, seeking to iißitost.'ou't Kite industries in the imosibfiities of. The central Carolines for marinlhetnr ing is being placed by the Bannett j Williams Company, Inc., advertialnf {agents of High Point, for the Caro- j Hina Power and Light Company with headquarters at Raleigh. < | A list of papers, circulating among ! the textile and other industries is be- : jug used —and while this advertising j iu «ot being done purely from an al-' truistic motive it is helping the en-j Are wintry greatly. ■ - The Chrolina Power and Light* Company is now serving 144 commun ities with hydro-eleofric service in central and South Carolina. J The advertising program carried on by by them is bringing industries to North Carolna and South Carolina' and the towns they serve. It is build- • ing up our states by giving first, a ■ necessary service to the public but i also by making u strong bid for neat industries through its intensive adver tising effort and traveling representa tives. One of., the reasons the eyes i>Y the country grp focused on the Car rilinas today is tss-ause of the vfork being put forth by the large pioiieer developers—hydro-electric power coin ’pauies. such as the Carolina Power and Light Company. One oi the biggest single advantages the t'arolirias can offer to an industry seeking to locate iu the South is its unlimited supply of hydro-electric power. People ill North and South Carolina who feel all our noted de velopment Has been in making good roads take notice of the, great steel towers crossing und recrossiug our states, carrying high voltage lines, transmitting the power that in the final analysis makes possible the wages of thousands of industrial workers. ;* ■ List of Orphanages and Superintend ents In North Carolina. Baptist /‘Orphanage—Rev. M. L. Kesler. T'.iomasville. Methodist Orphanage—Rev. A. 8. Barnes, Raleigh. Presbyterian Orpnanngi—Jos. B. Johnston, Barium Springs. Methodist Orphanage—ltev. Chas. A. Wood. Winston-Salem. Thompson Orphanage—Rev. IV. H. Wneeler. Charlotte. Methodist Protestant—Rev. E. .G. Lowdermilk, High Point. Cliristian Orphanage—(’has. D. Johnston, Klon. Coliegc. Oxford Orphan Asylum—R. L. Brown.'Oxford. Odd Fetlqws Home—Chas. H. War- Gohtsboro. Eteida Orphanage—Rev. Lucius B. Compton. Asheville. Pythian Home—K. D. Jenkins, Clayton.. Children's Home Sociqt y,— J,., Phoenix. Gregbshoro. Npimreth Oiffilmn Home—llcv. IV.! I, JL Nair.C tVes<eiit. ~ , i 'Falcon Orphanage—J. A. Culbreth, 3 Falyon. Sfrcc-MTn Baptist Home*—"Rev. .O.' G. Pope, Misldlesex. ' 9- Nazareth Orphanage— Rev. Qeo, : .A.’ Woods. Nazareth. 1 Mountain Orphanage;—Carl Brind ley. Black Mountain. Grand Father "Orphanage—J. T. Gray. Banner Elk. Alexander Home —Mrs. Fannie Sharpe. Charlotte. Junior League Baby Home—Airs. E.i Charlotte. Maxwell Orphanage—J. E. I-un custer, Franklin. Wright Refuge—Miss Alice M. I‘irie. Durham. • Saint Ami's Home—Belmont Memorial Industrial School (col,-’; oretjl) —Rev. IV. J. Poindexter, Wins toiqSulcm. Oxford Orphanage (colored) —Hen- ry P. Cheatham. Oxford. Concord Theatre LAST TIME TODAY I BUSTER KEATdiN in His Greatest Comedy Knockout -i BATTLING BUTLM i With SALLY Q’N’lvlL ■ _ 10c TO ALL—lOc FAMILY DAY ** WEDNESDAY 10c TO ALL “The Gilded Highway* , A Glittering, Glamorous , Story of Folks You Know 2—COMEDIES—S TION cTTEU The Melody Boys Will Appear in a mus ical treat at s—?-— 9, sL’aftsra fcleks and Hawaiian LffitoganMaaftoantoMnwaaMf IB— f Jl JB*' * ll •jJPTjjB II Our Store Will 1 Be Closed All I Day Thursday, | November 11th, I In Honor Os The fl World War I \k Ts v i / ' —it ! <II Heroes ' I PARKS-BELK CO. 1 Beauty Parlor Phone 892 Diy Goods Phone 608 II Ready-to-Wear and Mfflmery 138 SAYB ENDORSEMENT OF MOVIE STARS 18 FAR* K Fur a Few Hundred Dollars an Ad verther Can fljuy the Name tit a- Stair Luminary. (.Shicago, Nov, B.—-For a few liun dcwil-doltai*. hii ndyertjaer can bay the name of a stage or movie luminary to foot an endorsement of any product lie purveys, and the ad -1 vertiser may . write hie own teftjr [monial. the Anirrieuif Medical aNjSp li-iation asserted today in an art ire in Hygeia. its health magazine. . A firm , (filing. busiuem from.X’fcj cago office., as Famous Names. Inc, 'bolds tin; testimonial rights to iinfc, 1 tit a group oi seepW and stage simp according to the article op -"the testi , mpuial game." appearing iui the magazine. I Thirteen stars of stage pud silver sheet are list,si «* the field one ad- 1 veftiser was offered' the right to _piek from. With the star's endorsement, ac cording to the artU-fe, the adyerfiaer may have a specially posed picture of the celebrity and the exclusive right to that name against all competitors. Pictures of famous movie stars “have unlimited possibilities for attracting greater reader attention to your ad vertishig" the association quotes the compan's Uterature. It ie "Uie' ser vice of this company to supply the,' rights to use mimes, plcpin-e»«ni] eh dometnents of famous celebrities for advettisiqy purposes. Competitive ad vertisers will not be offered the same star." | «s>d The advertiser may specify the poses he desins, the company is quoted add “if desired. the endow* 'U r« im iAsa. in., to waul £S* a $| p««t«d a revolver at him. disrobed, j -—...y -, | ' | Association | respectfully urges you to atti-mi their special public r i lecture r 8 Aix MEATS FREE - . r. NO ('tM.I.KCTION O Has it not tanny times occurred to y#i that there must be some 8 A ceasonabU* explanatiou of"the cause of world-wide unrest, distress, and 8 6 Where Ui the rational human bivitg who has not often 0 8 wished /that things wdre different—who does not long for peace, liapid- X - • X ness. fjrcloni frc,m jiain ami sorrow? | The divine plan for, man's release frrm all eansrs of, unluippiucss 5 1 , is not only reasonable bur genuinely heart-cheering. *8 The lecturer's subject is : O ,| Comfort For the People IMHH | HH. DINGUS H I Court House, I Concord, N. C. I 8 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. Mh, at 7:45 P. M. fi ’j| This is the title of a new fafek portray* the delivernnrr of man- 8 IB kind into peace, happiness, liberty and llfc-.-amlfthe establishment of * X a righteous world-wide government .in the near 1 future. ,uq pages 8 9 rltffihbotihd.' including course of six lectures, gll for ISBc postpaid Ad- O X «***«• International Bible Students Association. 18 Concord Bt. Brook- X g Jyu. N. Y. • ■, g r aAi f •?.ia - . , w •" -r unit on Ahv Jlaijweys clothjjs, {are«d j tUfe_r®l to Oalva, IMS] f#ent the ady. ‘ hopped" andtber 1 fraiaht train ‘’hllllUUFfi" Hap Tuesday, November 9,ICM ll borne, was received by her parents

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