tI.'II . ' U ASSOGIATfD DISPATCHES - —— •- ■ • ■ ■■ VOLUME XXVI WHi HON TOUR W SPFEDTOHUSHm Plans to Return to New New York on Sunday and Sail From There oh November 24th. DESIRESTO~BE WITH HER RING There Were Tears in Her Eyes as She Explained New Cable Advices From Home Were Not Good. .Queen Mnrie's Train, Louisville, K.v.. N'ov, IS.—(^)—Queen Marie will abandon her Amerionn tour to De troit on Saturday, beeause of the se rious turn in the eondition of King Ferdinand. She wiil arrived in New lork Sunday morning, and expects to sail on November 24th on the Ber engnrin. Marie authorized f.iis statement early today. Summoning Colonel John H. Car.roll, In charge of the train, she said the news from Bucharest tfas discouraging. The Rumanian queen > spends today in t.ouisvil)e and tomor row in Cincinnati, and then goes to Detroit. Marie authorized the announcement I soon after the train left Indianapolis, I where she had forecast the sudden I ending of rje tour in an address, in ! which she said Indianapolis would perhaps be the last American tdty she would see subject to drastic change. Tmmtsliately after she returned to her train at Indianapolis, she sum moned Colonpl Carroll and told him "I want to go home.” There were tears in her eyes as she explained that new cable advices from Bmharest concerning the health of her husband were not good. The exact nature of the message was not disclosed. Condition Nat Drava. Bucharest, Nov. 18.—OP) —King Ferdinand's condition causes no anx iety, Premier Avenrsoit told Parlia ment last night, bur his maindy is of long standing, and the cut* Is neces sarily slow. (Ferdinand's ailment has been des ignated as inflammation oflMhe large intestinel. * y Louisville. Ky„ Nova VB>—ONN> Qoeeu Mnrle will go rlireet to New York when she leaves Dullsville to night. and will sail for Imtwe on the first available steamer. Marie called in her official family and American adviser* this morning just before she began a tour of Ismlh ville and told of her wish to nbattdon all features of the remainder of her tour. Princess Ileann will accompany the Queen to New York, while Prince Nicholas is visiting Detroit and Cleve land during the next two days. Thej exact schedule for both trips have not yet been completed. QI'EEN MARIE'S PARTY TO HAVE ARMED GUARDS Cleveland Mayor Fears Trouble Fol lowing Hungarian Protest. Cleveland. Nov. 17.—One thousand armed police and firemen .will form a permanent escort for Queen Marie and her pnrty during their visit m Cleveland. The decision to provide an armed j escort for the royal p&rty was an- | non need today by Safety Director Edwin I). Barry following a confer- ! ence with city officials. Fear of pos sible disorders during the queen’s re ception here resulted from an indigna tion meeting last night, attended by. several" Hungarian societies who had previously been unsuccessful in an at tempt to prtsent a petition of protest to the city council. Mayor John D. Marshall, after a stormy council ses sion Monday, in which one member attempted to force a reading of the protest, denounced the petition ns "vile, scurrilous nnd unsupported by facts." Police Chief Jacob Graul today an nounced that leaders of the Hungarl *■ an societies were preparing to dis tribute 200,000 copies of the protest petition, and declared that, the corps of circulators Included a number of communists who participated in the May Day riots here in 1018. Graul expressed fear that, circula tion of the petitions might arouse "hostile and radical elements to at tempt some action against the royal party.” Stabbed In Bach Because He BpR la Wrong Direction. Lenoir, Nov. 18.—John Beard is in Caldwell hospital suffering from wounds received when he was stabbed in the back by Peeler Gragg. The Bean) boy and two other boys had been up ou Johns river above Cofletts ville and were, on their way back to Lenoir. As they passed the Adventist ehureh the evening services were just being concluded. Finding that they had a flat tire thay drove up under the light of th> church to pump it up, and Beard expectorated. Just aa he did so the Gragg boy walked up and it struck him. It is claimed by those standing by that Gragg opened Beard's car door, pulled him out of the cur, and stabbwl him in the back with a pocket knife. Horses and Cow Burned. Charlotte, Nov. 16.—Two horses, three mules and a cow were burned F to death when fire destroyed the barn of Dr. W. H. Craven, near Hopewell Church today. The Concord Daily Tribune • North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily MW Ml Us MOHS I] OH WRICK M r | Inquiry Today Reached In- i " j to the Municipal Courts if and Into Ranks of thej Police Department. J I OFFICIALS NAMED on indictment; leapt. John Prendergastj l! and Judge Harry Walk-j I I er Are Named in New! Indictment. Chicago, Nov. 18.— -W) —The fed eral government’s inquiry into dry' law violation in Chieago today reached into the munieipa! courts, nnd int i the ranks of Lie city police depart ment. Captain John Prendergast. secretary | to Chief of Police porgnn Collins. | and Municipal Judge Harry M. Walk- : er were at the top of a list of seventy-! four Chicagoans named in n blanket indictment which was the latest thrust of the federal grand jury, j Numerous court and police subor dinates also were included in the bills which charges "conspiracy to defeat enforcement efforts beeause of crooks; i holding important posts in the Old- j U-ngo police department” which drew j an immediate response from Mayor • i Dover. Mayor Dover demanded an inline- j diate airing of the charges, and char-1 aeterized the grand jury action as an : aftermath of disputes between citjrj and federal authorities'. Judge Walker, who was not in-1 formed of the specific violation charged j to him, attributes the Indictment to j his liberaton of “minor offenders" i brought into his court, and Chief Col- j lins defended his subordinate. The I indictment charged conspiracy in eaeli | of four counts: manufacture, sale and | transportation of liquor, and opera-1 lion of public nuisances. The district attorney said that the government made the move in a cam paign to "give terrorists nnd obstruc tionists special attention, and find out whether the United States government is powerful enough to'protect the reg ular processes of its courts.” fIRNTUR TESTIMONY.,!# ATTACKED BY DEFItN^E Counsel For W. .D. Manley Would Destroy Testimony of the Auditor. Atlanta. Ga„ Nov. 18.—(O —The defense in the ease of W. D. Manley, charged with the "fraudulent failure" of the Formers & Traders Bank of Atlanta, which dosed its doors along with 82 other affiliated hanks in Geor gia and Florida, today began attack ing testimony of R. E. Bentley, an au ditor. who testified for the state yes i terday in Fulton Superior Court. Mr! Bentley said be was employed by Solicitor General John A. Boykin of the state. Cross examination was conducted by- Marion Smith. The auditor said neither Mr. Mnn ley nor Mfs. Manley owed- the bank anything when it closed. The major portion o's the cross ex amination dealt with a mass of fig ures contained in the audit, which Mr. Bentley read on the stand yesterday. i With Our Advertisers. | All rugs are specially priced at the I Parks-Belk Co.'s big Rug Sale now going on. See the new ad. today of the Con cord & Kannapolis Gas Co., giving ir'ne reasons "Why Coke Is Your Best Fuel.” your winter needs now nt Efird's Thanksgiving Sale. Maillard. the candy of quality, at the Pearl Drug Co. One to two dol lars per pound. Phone 22. Saturday. November 2ttth. J. B. Ivey Sc 00., of Charlotte, will begin their Christmas campaign for the sale of Christmas goods. See ad. in this paper. Phone 175 J. . The Forest Hill Cleaning Co. has had many years' experience in dyeing. Read new ad. today. All kinds of trees, shrubbery and plants at Moore's Truck Farm, 194 i E. Corbin street. Elmer's "Thanksgiving candies at Cline's Pharmacy. Phone 333. The annual Thanksgiving Sale at the Parks-Belk Co. begins today, and’ ruas through the 24th. Rend the ad. on page two today for some big bar gains. especially in the Bargain ba*e i ihent. "Blarney,” at the Concord Theatre i today — the picture with a punch. Spec i ial music at the 3 7 and 9 o'clock I shows. y If you can’t spend Thanksgiving or | Christmas with the home folks, send . a photograph. See ad. of the Boyd , W. Cox Studio. 1 The Bell k Harris Furniture Store t Is overflowing with wonilrrful bar r gains in house furnishings. See new : ad. with extra space today. t ‘ Alien Upward. Author. Dead. | London. Nov. 18.— iM —A failure . in his own opinion, although several , ot his works had been declared sue cesses, Allen Upward, lawyer and au , thor, is dead. His body was found yesterday in his residence nenr Wim bourn, with a bullet wound through the heart, presumably self-inflicted. i The oil-electric locomotive, which i many railroads arc testing, in a 733- I mite test run had an otl nnd fuel cost average of 1.3 cents a mile. I " "" • In the News of Nations ■Jh i ’ ll "vr 1 MAV AL-I/I S'ON MLCKV ARKT-STE IW PRTNCB AYMION PRIXTCESV IRENE i Anwtcin, alleged master mind in huge Wall Street j ‘ hef ‘ s > ™ s ‘ stand trial for receiving stolen property ! New York courts held. May Allison, inovie actress \vifa | carried to James Quirk, publisher, at Los Angeles Princ# j ° f “J- re ‘ ,orl ' d in *** I Dr. Miller Asks That the Orthopaedic Hospital Be Enlarged Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel i i Raleigh, Nov. 17.—Will the next legislature make It possible for thd * KTun<Tre<]s of crippled children •to be given attention nt the Orthopaedic Hospital in Gastonia, by providing space f<jr at least fifty more children, or will the hundreds now on the wait ing list have to continue to remain there, because of insufficient room and equipment ? This was the-question which Gov ernor A. W. McLean and the members of the advisory budget coin mission were called upon to hear Monday morning, when Pile budget estimates of the Orthopaedic Hospital for both maintenance nnd permanent improve ments for the next biennium were pre sented and inquired into. The hospital, through Dr. O. 1,. Miller, its superintendent, and the board of trustees, nre asking for a minimum appropriation of additional buildings, improvements and equip ment to accommodate fifty more chil dren, to make space for a total of 12i> patients, at a cost of $228,900. This is considerable below the figure suggested by a consulting architect, who estimated that file minimum needs of the hospital would amount to $350,000. On the supposition that the permanent improvements will be granted, a maintenance appropriation of $130,796 is asked for the fiscal year of 1927-28. This is to be reduced $27,000 if the permanent improvement program is not granted. For 1928- 29. a maintenance fund of $129,172 is asked, which is reduced to $.87,832 if the improvement program is not ennet ed. The most urgent need, according to ' Dr. Miller nnd the trusteess, is for a | dormitory for the nurses, a new ward ' that will accommodate fifty beds, nnd 1 for a central alining hall and heating plant. Another building to take care 4 of a number of special department, iu ' eluding the clinic nnd school, is also . badly needed, according to Dr. Mil ler. - It was explained tnat for some time it has been the policy to con duct a school nt the hospital, so that the children that have to remain I’ll ere j- three, six or twelve months may keep up with their school work. At pres ' ent but one small room is available for this work, which is not sufficient, and the school is being conducted un der difficulties. Gaston county sup p plies the teachers and lias agreed to supply two teachers and to fully equip s the school if the hospital will supply the building. Space is also needed i for vocational school work, since an ] attempt is being made to start the 1 children in the direction of economic independence while they are still in e the hospital. But so far I’d is work ' in vocational education has been little v more than a feature, according to Dr. Miller, because of the inadequate fa cilities for handling it. , Dr. Miller was asked if it was found * that not all of the program could J be granted, if the school .could be !• eliminated, but he and his board were [■ all emphatic in declaring that the en d tire program was essential, and that It bad already been stripped of any " inessentials. Asked if the expansion requested would take care of the situation in fa definitely, or whether the demands up -- on the hospital would increase every •1 two or four years proportionately, Dr. Miller replied that he thought that if CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1926 the present program were carried out. it would be sufficient to take eare of the present needs at least for this gen eration add jierhaps longer, as indfeit tions were Lint there was a very slight decrease in the number of or thopaedic eases of an indigent charac ter. Especially is this true in cases | of tubercular bones nnd joints, as this' type of disease is diminishing with the advent pf better and more milk. The majority of these eases are traceable to tile lack of milk and the proper kind of milk and ns milk becomes bet ter and cleaner, tile, disease tends to vanish. At present there is no special dor mitory for Lie nurses, neither is there a central dining hall. Both of these are now essential. Dr. Miller told the commission, beeause every inch of available room is now occupied, nnd congestion exists in every part of the present building, since ninety chil dren are being cared for with facili ties designed to accommodate only sixty patients. It was explained that it was pos sible to keep their expenses below those of similar institutions because of economy of management. For in stance, it was pointed out that all of the water nnd electric current con sumed is supplied to the hospital free by the city of Gastonia, and fiat many individuals help. Although no indication was given by .any of the members, of the advisory j budget commission ns to their attitude toward the hospital, judging from the number of questions asked and thor oughness with which the wiiole mntter was gone into, it was possible to set; that the commission was much inter ested in this institution and the work it is “doing, nnd that it saw the need of the new equipment asked for. 11l response to a question from a member, of the commission it was brought out that there are only five other states in the United States that have institutions of this charac ter, and that many of these are heav ily endowed by individual bequests, so that the states themselves only have a small amount to pay for their main tenance. However, ill Norm Caro lina, the state has had to bear vir tually all of the expense, though there is a tehdeney now on the part of a few to make special bequests to this hospital and the board hopes that eventually it may be able to accu mulate a substantial endowment from this source. The remainder of the day was de voted to hearing requests from other state institutions and departments, in cluding the State Hospital for the In sane at Goldsboro, for colored pa tients, the State Tuberculosis Snni fbrium at Sanitorium and the North Carolina college for negroes. A night session wag held at which some de partmental requests were considered. Negron is Accused ot Trying to Starve Girl. Asheville, No. 17. —Charges of attempting to starve her 5-weeks old baby girt and of beating the child with a club were preferred against Marian Anderson. 21-year-old Deg ress of 461 South French Broad ave nue, by Ida Jones, an aged negro neighbor. The woman was lodged in the county jail. It is charged that the mother bad put cotton in n nip ple to prevent her baby from getting milk am) had left it for hours in a dark room alone. - IS, GIBSON GOES i , FROM HOSPITAL TO j HALL MILLS TRIAL jt‘P»sr Woman” Left Jersey City Hospital in an Am bulance at 7:35 O’clock This Morning. STAR WITNESS j [ FOR THE STATE! She Will Testify That She' Saw Defendants in Dei Russey’s Lane Night of, j the Murders. ] Court nouse.Somorvillo, X. J., Nov. j I —(^)—Mrs. Jane Gibson, support-! i «*d h.v a physician anti nurse, raised) I herself on n hospital bed in court jtodny to point to Mrs. Frances Stev • »*iis Hall and her brothers, Willie and jiJrtenr.V Stevens, as three persons she !sa\y near the spot where the bodies Itev. Edward W. Hall and Mrs. fJraeanor K. Mills were found. woman farmer introduced by ’JMie. stutes as an eye witness of the , dmible killing, was brought to the efmrt in an ambulance from a Jersey hospital, and began her testi mony with a nurse sitting at the edge her bed and a physician nt the • ii>»ad. j She spoke in a low voice as she started to tell her story, nnd the | chart stenographers repeated her an- | Mvers to the jury, but as she pro- j Leeedetf. her .voice grew stronger, and j when she finished direct examination ] ! ,occupying 25 minutes, she could be ! iclcarly |ieard. Her story was sub- I stantially the same as that she has I previously* fold, except that she said she saw Henry Stevens at the spot after she had previously seen Mrs. Hall and Willie Stevens in a sedan ' purked la De Hussy's Lane. 1 She declared that she heard voices of men nnd women and the words “explain letters." and several oaths by men. An oath preceded the demand “let go," she testified. She then told of four shots which she desorbed as “bang, bang, bang." In her. recital of screaming in a woman’s voice, she emphasized with “Oh my. Oh my,” what terrible scream r in*. * “I seen a man and another man,” • said when sbe bold qf r Henry Stevens. She was not ashed - to identify the “other man.” She had previously said that she saw 1 1 Henry Garpender at the scene, but 11 the state’s representatives warned her » not to say who the “ot'.ier man” was ‘ in her testimony today. Henry Car > ponder is under indictment but is not • on trial with his three cousins. She said she saw Willie Stevens i in the automobile, but not at the spot where the mumble of voices was heard. Mrs. Hall was described as present • later,, wringing her hands. ‘ Mrs. Hall was asked to remove her > hat. which she did as the witness was ? held up to make her identification. I Willie Steven* leaned slightly for • ward as Mrs. Gibson told her story. - Henry Stevens sat back in his chair - and Mrs. Hall’s expression changed ' only once. She smiled slightly as Special Prosecutor Alexander Simpson . asked that her hat be removed. THE COTTON MARKET - Sliowt il Renewed Steadiness Early To day. January Setting I’p to 12.18. , New York, Nov. IS.—(^)—The eot - ton market showed renewed steadiness early today on continued buying move . ment promoted by talk of unfavorable . weather for picking and ginning in the , South, steady Liverpool rubles en- j . eouraging reports from eotton gooils trade nt Lancashire, and reiterated . claims of steadiness on the Southern , mnrket. There was some Southern hedge . selling, but it seemed to be just about I offset by trade buying, nnd first prices were 4 to 7 points higher. January L selling np to 12.81. or 8 points above . yesterday's closing quotation, ami , into new high ground for the present , movement. Realizing checked the ad . vance at this figure, but was absorb ed on setbacks of 5 or (1 points, active months holding about 3 to 4 points j net higher at the end of tile first hour. Cotton futures opened stead: Deo. . 12 69: Jan. 12.80; March 12.97: May . 13.20: July 13.40. ? % i HON. W. D. UPSHAW WILL , B SPEAK HERE TUESDAY t High School Students WUI Present a l Musical Program and the Proceeds Will Go to the Athletic Association. Hon. W. I). Upshaw will make an r address Tuesday night at 8 o’clock at • the High School Auditorium, it was - announced todny. In addition to the address of Mr. - Upshaw the high school students will li present n musical program. t A charge of 25 and 50 cents will be - made and the reserved seats will be 25 cents additional. The money re ceived will be used foe the benefits of 9 the athletic association of the school. f Alleged “Bootleg” Queen Arrested.. Miami. Fla.. Nov. 18.—( A •)—Ruth rl Adelc Smith. 25. alias Patricia Hen t demon, alleged “bootleg queen of the Pacific coast” was captured here to ■- day by police who claim she has been ■> a fugitive from justice s ; nce Novem n ber. 1924. She formerly lived in San t Francisco. i- g A man may ha,ve got his B. 'A. a and hiR M. A., and still have to rely on his PA to support him. ILETTERS OF CAROL 1 EVIDENCE OF SUIT ! Os ZIZI LiBRINO i Woman Seeks 10,000,000 Francs Damages and ! Royal Recognition fdr 6- Year Old Son. j CAROL IS SON OF QUEEN MARIE ;He Once Wrote His Moth er Asking Her to Permit j Him to Keep Zizi as His ' Wife. ! Paris. Nov. 18.— (A>) —Lovp lottors |of Carol of Humatiia to Zizi Lam-j ) brlno, arr part of imp evidence be fore a court which is trying her suit against the former crown prince. She seeks 10,000.000 francs clam- i ages, ami desires that her six-year old son shall have the name of Hohen zollern. that of the Rumanian royal household. She was formerly Carol's, morganatic wife. The marriage was annulled by the Rumanian parliament in 1921. In 1921 Carol married Princess Helen of Greece, by whom he ‘had a son, but later he left her and de parted from Rumania with Madam Magda Lupescu. Ihe auburn-haired daughter of a Jewish merchant of I Jassy. I “My heart’s own darling, you know ! that you are the only woman in the j world for me,” wrote Carol to Mile, j I Lnmbrino after (Me annulment. ! Carol wrote Queen Marie, his moth- i er. begging her to permit him to keep | Zizi as his wife. COL. PERSON’S SUIT Against the North Carolina Cotton Growers’ Co-operative Association Raleigli Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh, Nov. 18.—Evidently seek Ing new co-op* to conquer, Colone, Willie M. Person, of Louisbtirg. and a group of other attorneys, has start ed legal action that has for its even tual end the dissolution of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co-opera tive Associatipn. The action is be ing taken in behalf of P. L. Par ham, Nash county, a member of the assoeistimr. as Ty-OaftmepPerson 111 in" self, and notice of suit was filed Tues day afternoon with the clerk of Nash county superior conrt. although no complaint has as yet been filed. The first move ou the part of the plaintiffs will be to seek a bill of discovery from the clerk of the Nash county court against the co-operative associa tion. Both U. B. Blalock, general man ager of the co-operative asssociation, and B. W. Kilgore, president of the association, were out of Raleigh Wed nesday when the intention of Colonel Person and his associates was learned. However, it was stated by F. D. Web ster. assistant secretary of Lie asso ciation. that this action came as no great surprise, and that although the association did not know as yet just what kind of action was being brought, it was not in the least worried at the outlook. He pointed out that every member of the association had full access to all books and information nt all times, and that any investiga tion of its affairs would be welcomed. No actual suit or complains is ex pected to be filed until the bill of dis- sought has been granted, it was explained by Colonel Person. Later, following the investigation under this bill, the formal notion will be brought under which it is hoped dissolution of the association may be brought about. Colonel Person has long been prom inent as a foe of co-operative market ing. and it was he who brought the first suit seeking Lie dissolution of the tobaeco co-operative association. It was he who also suggested to Judge Meekitis, as one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs, that a fee of less than $50,000 for services rendered would be '‘trivial” though he later said this statement, was made in a spirit of levity. MRS. LAWTON REELECTED South Carolina Woman Again Heads United Daughters of Confederacy. Richmond. Va., Nov. 18.—(A 1 ) Mrs. St. John A. Lawton, of South Carolina, was reelected president gen eral of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the .'{3rd annual con , vention here today. Mrs. W. E. U. , Byrne, of West Virginia, was re elected first vice president general, ] and Mrs. H. P. I-ane, of Philadelphia. , was elected second vice president gen , eral. Other new officers elected nre: Mrs. Elizabeth Bertha Bashinsky, | of Troy. Ala., recording secretary gen eral ; Mrs. J. P. Higgins, of St. Isntis. ■ registrar general; and Mrs. Mary . Alexander, of Richmond, was elected . honorary president general. F All other officers were re-elected. They are: Mrs. Daffatt, of Texas, third vice-president; Mrs. Fred C. . Kolman, New Orleans, corresponding t secretary general; Mrs. W. A. Ram - sey. Little Rook, Ark., treasurer gem : eral; Mrs. John L. Woodbury. Louis - ville. Kl.. historian general; Mrs. R. i Philip Holt, Rocky Mount. N. C., - custodian of crosses of honor and ser t vice; and Mrs. Jackson Brant, Balti more. Md., custodian of flags nnd pen nants. The Raines Banner was awarded to r day jo Mrs. John 11. Anderson, Mstor iaa Os North Carolina. Sues for Name -) 1 -7 yp j fk By Mr 1 SB ; Suit of Miss Theresa Fetzer, formerly of Akron, 0., and .' now of Washington, an Ad ' ventist Bible reader, against Dr. Abra James Clark was 1 beard at Trenton, N. J. The ! girl asked SIOO,OOO, charging me doctor linked her name with Dr. J. H. Miller, Advent | Ist missionary worker. ADOPTS MILK ORDINANCE FOR CAB ARB IK COUNTY i County Board of Health Adopts Milk Ordinance for County That Con cord Has at Present. 1 AVith the adoption of the standard milk ordinance, which is to go into effect January Ist in Concord, for the county of Cabarrus, by the county health board at its meeting Wednes day, the town of Kannaimlis and t’iie I entire county will have a standard • grade of milk. The dairies which sell their milk i products in Concord will, beginning - the first of the year, be required to - mark their milk into whatever grade ■ theirs is classed. The-dtfferwrt grades ? of milk will depend utfoti the number "“of bacteria per cubic cinterraete/thar - the milk contains. Grade A will I j have Sff.ooo or less; grade B, 200,00<> >j or less; (lieu grndfe C with grade W I I lieing of too low a grade to be al < lowed to be sold in the city. The • grading that the milk products of the ’ | different dairies will get will depend ■ : largely upon the henlth of the cows. ■ which will be determined by having ■: them tested : the methods of handling ,: tile milk, testing of the milk; the oon ■ dition of the buildings in which the ■ cows are kept and the milk handled : I the cleaning and sterilization of the . milk containers and apparatus; and ■ other conditions. The ordinance was ■ passed in Concord April 12. 11)26. and i the dairymen will be required to have i their milk graded and each bottle labeled with the grade of milk it con ,l tains by January Ist. t The ordinance which was adopted for the county, wijji particular refer- I! ence to Kannapolis, will require :lie i j dairies which supply their products to -1 Kannapolis to have their milk graded . I and labeled by May Ist. . Dr. T. X. Spencer said todav that .! many of the farmers who sold their , | milk in Concord were bettering the conditions of their barns and dairies „ in order to be able to rate a high II grade of milk when the grading goes f into effect. He said that many were ; building complete new barns to keep - their cattle in and arranging special - ■ places in which to handle their milk. F j Wants a I .aw Against Conjuring. .; (By International News Service.) >| Atlanta, (la.. Nov. IS.—A law rj against conjuring. i, The Atlanta City Cornic'd may 1; have to pass such a law- That is s j if they expect to settle the difficulty f between two grocers. B. Taylor and Nathan Tendrieh. Taylor has run a grocery store for five years. Hendrich recently opened a rival store in the same neighbor s hood and was doing a good business. J Tendrieh’s business began to fall _ off. He noticed an oily substance l sprinkled about on his door each morning and employed a police offi (11 eer to keep watch for one night. _ Early next morning—just at dav i break—the policeman said Taylor " j came to Tendrieh's store and oarer ! i fully sprinkled some kind of sub ’! stance on the door. Taylor was ar '•; rested on a disorderly conduct '■! charge. • I didn't do it and if T did there 'is no law against it." said Taylor. i, j i- The first school for gypsies in En ». I rope will soon be established at TTz y I lmrod, Czeeho-Slovakia. d; ! TAX NOTICE * i- V City Taxes Paid in Novem -1 ber sives you the penalty that £ will be added December Ist. j’ Pay now and save the cost. >- CHAS. N. FIELD,’ City Tax Collector. I nt' TRIBUNE if PRINTS J TODAY’S NEWS TODAY! NO, 272 SNOW CLOUDS ARE j MOVING EftSTWMft} 1 immiS Record Breaking NovsPr ber Snowfall Reported Today in Several States 4 of the Northwest. SNOW FLURRIES NOW BLIZZARDS ? St. Louis Has 5 Inches of Snow and Illinois Cities Covered by Falls of Si£ "j Inches. Chicago, Xov. 18.—OP)—Snow-Uufr cn clouds roofed the central W «st tßfesaß day and moved eastward before that brought record breaking Nbyeik# ber snowfall out of the northjjffUL' y' . Corn belt temperatures went turning rain into snow, and flurried «• became small blizzards before wind* that approached gale velocity in localities. Warnings were displayed on ail of the Great Lakes except Ontario IKJ | the storm renter today Wept ifeto ; linois from the southwest, where J snow and freezing temperatures, Tb© mercury hung around twenty dogfdM in parts of Texas. Oklahoma and Ran* sas. St. Louis had more than fir© inches of snow by nightfall last night, and ns much ns six inches was re ported in Illinois. There were three deaths in Chicago indirectly attribut ed to the storm. An unidentified woman, blinded by snow, walked in front of a sttreet rar; a teamster drove into a fallen 'high voltage wire, af*H Vernon Smith, switchman for the Xicicle Plnte Railroad, was killed when shielding his face from the driving snow he stumbled into the path »f ft train. TO RECEIVE BIDS ON THE NEWTON HIGHWAY AT LAM? ' Half Million Dollar Letting December - 16th—Move Newton Bids Up tip Next Wednesday. Tribune Bureau. . * Sir Walter Hotel. • S Raleigh. Xov. 18. —At last the Statesville-Xewton link in Highway Number 10 is to be built, end bids are to be opened on the two projects that wiM complete thi« link oh Wed nesdny. November 24. it is afihounced by the Highway Commission. That . part of the route in Iredell county, extending to the Catawba rrveer, is known a« Project 624. and the por tion of the route in Cntowbn county; } from the river west to Newton , it known ns Project 6.17. The route ,t» be followed has been laid out in pc eordance with the Staate Supreuro ' Court's now famous Newton High way decision, in which the sion was permanently enjoined fedWk following the original route #jjpt. The new route represents KOlfl'V thing of a compromise between khM original route planned and the rdttte which the present road follows which was in existence h»n^.before the controversy arose. A new bridge will be required across the Catawba, river some mils« below wh#f* ? *Jpjp>Sj Highway (’ommission first inteftded to cress the river, and* a second bridge will be required over a creek near Newton. both of which will add materially to the total cost, of the road. This new route will also pass through the towns of Catawba an £ Cfaremont, as did the first route pro posed. The route now in use does not /•' toueh eiflier of these towns. After nnssine through Claremont ami Catawba, the highway dips sharply southward, so as to enter Xewtott over a street that will take it pa«t the door of the courthouse, in con* formance with the edict of the su? pi erne court, although it require** a number of miles of additional con- : struct ion to do this. Instead of being a direct route be tween Statesville and Newton, this new route is a zig-eag. riomexyhat re sembling a letter “Z”. this being made necessary in order to get the route to conform to the supreme Court ruling. Construction i« scheduled to begin within thirty days after contract*? have been definitely awarded. . — l Feed Schedule for Swine. Charlotte. Nov. 17.—tff)—Farmers in Mecklenburg county are following the feeding itchedules outlined by sWine specialists at State College in hand ing young nigs, reports County Agent Kope Elias. Forty-five pigs were weighed and started on feed last week and other litters will be started as soon as weaned. According to Mr. Elias, there is a large crop i f corn in the county this year qnd farmers are planning to sell a part of I his corn as live hogs. Mrs. >l. M. Harry is Dead In Meek- > lenburg. Charlotte. Nov. 17.—Mrs. Minnie Olive Harry, wife of ,T. M. Hnrry, one of Charlotte's leading women, died early this morning at her home on Queen's road. Myers park. Ml J Funeral services will be held nt the home Thursday afternoon at 3 :30 o’clock with Dr- A. A. McGeaehy, . pastor of the Second Presebytei-tnn church, officiating. Interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Friday, preceded 1 by rain in the northeast portion early tonight, colder tonight and in, the east Friday. Fresh southeast and south, shifting to west winds.

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