PAGE TEN His about to swing the JjK/KKKSSf/K/t/Kl 11 big holidays across your path V’C : , ving! Surely there’s not a who isn’t cheerfully looking ' |K|fl - ing. “dress-up” occasion! Indeed, setter time than Thanksgiv- II d all togged up in one of our - id correctly styled <^P|gßll|l|i|gy^ )R OVERCOATS 1 schioss Bros, ft Co. . HABERDASHERY VALUERS H at- 111 Light, Medium and ~ " ‘ nSS?!"*' ues Heavy Weights Silk l ies with a gorgeous Mufflers—the kind you H| (° r designs for wi|iijJte., > . , - •• every man. Some with Ttirousdjout. Extra Fine Thanksgiving.. All the Latest Style Scho -1 'liylrAV I two pair pants. Fai.ries, Capeskin Gloves. ble arid Stetson Hats SWEATERS COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU ALL THE NEW THINGS 1 l ” e HOOVER’S Inc. TAILORED CAPS , | lounging robes The Young Man s Store p— ———^^matm . Jbr Economical Transportation L c —ls i j4 Mk' \ XuSBEB mm World Famous Motor T ■ Embodying the most recent de» rolet owners all the advantages W)WPrices! velopments in design and the of the valve-in-head principle bamr*’ s £"•% highest type of quality con- so successfully used on some “•••* 3AV struction, the Chevrolet motor of the most famous high-priced *i Coacharhas won a worldwide reputa- automobiles, of operation. Come ml Get a demonstration! J ■•dan... g 99 Learn for yourself the power, i? L andau II is the onl Y valve-in-head stamina and smoothness pro #%#9 motor used in a low-priced car vided by Chevrolet’s famous ££E*3iZs ££**49s —exactly the type of motor motor! Experience the thrilling *“ s * which has won every race clas- performance which emphasizes Aa f. o. b. PH*. MkK. g j c c f recent years. With its the beauty, comfort and value & SmaU ■ ae with us on this date. Tuesday night, Novem ber 2”rd, at 7 tllO o'clock. All are invited. ! School has been in session here for almost two weeks with a very good at tendance. Everything seems to be moving along nicely. Joe Jenkins, of Stanfield, is our efficient principal. Miss Edna Crouch, of Concord, has charge of the third and fourth grades and the music department, while the primary department is under the di rection of Miss Inez Shinn, of George ville. Olin Shinn and Miss Marie Barn hardt, of Concord, were guests Sun ■day afternoon of Misses Inez and' ; Laura Mae Shinn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Little and chil dren spent Sunday with Mrs. Little’s parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Turner, of Stanfield. | .T. L. Shinn is spending sometime with his grandson. Lee Shinn, of Kan napolis. High school pupils from Georgo vllle began work Monday rooming. The truck from here goes to Bethel high school and is driven by Frank Mauney. C. A. Furr, teacher of Wood leaf high school, spent Sunday here with ! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Furr. j The conditions of A. Eudy nnd A. ■ F. Furr, who have both been con fined to their rooms for several months, shows improvement the past : few days. Miss Edna Crouch, teacher of the third and fourth grades, spent the week-end in Concord with relatives. TULIP. ENOCH VILLE. Miss Renna Carter, of Kannapolis, spent Saturday night with Miss An-t nie Weddington. G. M. Goodman has just recovered from an attack of “flu.” Mrs. C. A. Weddington and family, George Weddington and Walter Belch er and Miss Mary Garter, of Kan napolis, all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. BenfieUl, of near • States : ville. • | Clara, the young daughter of Mr. : nnd Mrs. Mack Overcash, has the ' scarlet fever. js Mrs. C. F. Weddington and chil- I dren spent Thursday with Mrs. C. A. Weddington. Miss Ethel Flows spent the week i end with home folks, f Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Karriker and children, of Unity, spent Thursday at H. L. Karriker’s. Miss Turner nnd Miss Frick, Enoch ville high school teachers, are board- i in* at the home of C. D. Overcash. O. M. Goodman, of Kannapolis Route Two, has a ho* that ia so fat he can’t see and fans to feel his way to the trough. So we call on Venus to trot our his hog if he can bent i it. , ! Venus, we know of a little baby i who has five grandfathers and five grandmothers, all living. Some are . greet and some are still greater and 1 It has an uncle four days younger than 1 itself. , J ROUTE FIVE.* The farmers are busy sowing their small grain. The school at High Point is pro gressing nicely. John 1.. RarnUardt is somewhat I letter, we are glad to report. On Saturday night, November 18th, Mss Ethel Petrea entertained her friends at a birthday party. About twenty-five or thirty were present. After playing man; interesting games, the guests were invited into the din ing room, where "refreshments were served. The birthday cake was beau tifully decorated with twenty candles. These were lighted by Misses Ethel Petrea and Myrtle Furr. At a late hour the guests departed for tfceir homes wishing Miss Petrea many more such happy birthday anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Rost and ehil dren spent Monday in Mooresville with friends. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Rost spent Sun day evening with relatives of Mt. Pleasant. Those who didn't see the play given at fold Springs Sunday night missed a good ('lay. We were sorry to hear that M. C. Rost wrecked his car when coming from work Tuesday evening, but were glad to know that no one was hurt. Wonder wat everybody is going to do since the cornshuckings are over with? MAGGIE. Amos Christy, of North Kannapolis, lias a sweet potato that weighs seven pounds. We wish to remind our neighbors not to drag their dead carcasses right in under other people's noses, as it it is law to bury such stuff. Mack Overcash and H. L. Karriker went opossum hunting last Saturday night and caught three opossums. George Weddington visited his fath er in Davidson Sunday. TULTP. • MISSION. We are having some rainy weather along now. The farmers who have cotton in the field have missed all the warm weather to pick it. We are expecting to see lots of cotton in the fields next spring. Miss Ruth Cox. who is attending school at Oakboro, sphnt the week-end with home fotytß. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Urayton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Math Crayton. Roy Almond had the misfortune to get his windshield broken and hia top I torn up last Sunday when his car | turned over near Sandy Hahn’s. Mr. j Almond, Mifises' Audie Honeycutt, J Dora and Dollie Hatley were on their ! way from Mt. Pleasant. Miss Dora I Hatley was driving the car and as she was making a right curve ahe Jcame too near the fill and the car i turned over on the left side. AU es-' oaped with only minor bruises. Some' boys passed and helped Mr. Almond get his ear back in the road and they! can be home. Mias Cleonia Crayton spent Sunday! afternoon with Miss Della Herrin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann, Mrs. Jo-|_ nah Mann and John Mann, all of ’ Stanfield, spent Sunday afternoon with ! Mrs. Della Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Furr visited at T. F. Rowland's Sunday. Will Little aud son, Floyd, and Jim Fury' were In Mission Monday on bus iness. - i FAITH Mrs. T. D. Barber and J. C. Bar ber motored out to Faith. Mr. P. C. at the wheel, In his fine car . They I were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. < L. Jacobs, who visited at Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Peeler’s. J. C. Barber ! took Venue for a little spin in his car. We went around a horseshoe circle of < several miles, by Granite Quarry and ' down towards Gold Hill and back by I the Naaareth Orphans’ Home. When Faith was Incorporated R. 1 A. Raney was the first mayor and J. i T. Wyatt the first town clerk. Faith 1 has between five and six hundred In- I habitants and a great many fine gran- I ■ ■ ■ " ■; 1 ite quarries all about in the 4owa and the surrounding settlement. Granite , Quarry is also on the granite Mt. Tb« granite is of the very best quality and | is used for street curbing and paying j blocks, for different cities all over the' T'nlted States. Cars are loaded at Crescent siding- and at Rockwell and Granite Quarry. The granite is so hard and sharp that it is also used to' make millstones to grind corn and > wheat and paint and to grind gold ore I and other hard substances, and it I makes beautiful monuments like the one erected on the public square at I Newton, N. C. by J. T. Wyatt and ' h ; .s partner B. A. Fespermaa. It is 1 in memory of some men who were kill ' ed by the Indians when they lived in 1 this country. The people along on the granite belt nearly all make their lrv-i ing by working in the granite quarries. Hundreds of car loads of granite are shipped to all parts of the coun • er.v year. This br"'ngs many thous . amis of dollars in the settlement. 'The people go to Salisbury and buy their goods and groceries and that is a great help to Salisbury, which is the county seat of Rowan county. Pour stores and twq eating places and one barber shop and two garages and three churches—Reformed. Lutheran and: Rnptißt. J. T. Wyatt is the oldest, man living in Faith, and is looked up-i on as the father of the town, because he made the first car load shipment of, granite that was ever shipped frojn 1 this place. That was the beginning of the granite industry here, which' >i# 1 getting larger and better every year. People come here from other countries to make their homes and they ard'do ing well worgiug in the quarries. Qiir climate is mild and tha people can work in the quarries all the year round except when there is snow or rain. The granite works here will last for many generations to come. VENUS. , BOSTIAN CROSS ROADS. The health of this community is . pretty good at this writing. * John A. Peelei and Mr. Fittz'qugh Fink, both of Faith, were welcome vis itors at Happy's rock quarry on No vember 11th. Wiley Bill Jones, of near Faith, was a welcome visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lyerly’s, of near Biltntore schoolhouse. over Sunday. A. G. P. D. G. A. Holshouser, of Kannapolis, is cutting stone for W. H. Earnhardt, of near Sbuping Mill. Elijah Corn, of near Faith, is do ing some hand drilling toy Barae A Brown Co., of Faith. The Jr. O. C. A; M. No. 3d, of Salisbury, had a splcndia meeting on November 12th. The president want ed ovary member to com out nett Friday night, November jOth to hssp ' ' to nominate the new ofikeib tor the next year. . j Mrs. C. O. Blake, of hear Salto i I bury, gave her husband a surprise ' birthday supper Saturday night. Mr. I Blake is only 23 year* old. Mis. [ Blake baked him a fine pound cake -with 23 little pink candles on it. Mr. Blake Wat not at home when the crowd came. He Was at his work *t the Yadkin Hotel. After he came home and found it out be went hack to the hotel and brought a crowd of good looking young ladies. We aB had a jolly old time together. There was some music going on most all of' the time and then Mrs. Blake took the crowd to a large fine table act with ] . all kinds of good things to eat. Which j all enjoyed very much. Mr. and Mrs. I* C. TVegler and til crowd took a trip to SUtesviUe on j Sunday, November 14tb in their peh .1 Buick coach. '• fl Happy and family -visited top Rev. II O. O. Ritchie and family of Tbatojto- 1 villa, on November 14th. Mr. j preached a splendid sermon th«r* Mrs Ritchie surely did gire us aB » fine dinner. They surely are gpod 1 and clever people to be with iW 1 lik. it fink at Thomasvllle, iand aro getting along fine with their work 1 there. Happy and nil wish them g*sd 1 ..hiiny, November i», I*2o luck no matter where they go. 1 M'* a Pearl Kluttt. at near Faitb, ham pgetty 3ick with pneumonia, Mt U getting better. We are glad to l Mr. McPnaton, of TbomaayßU, fiktd several others took a deet hunt on November 18th. Wa hope they were successful on this hunt, t Mr. nad Mrs. Henry Wilhelm, of Kannapolis, weve welcome visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Deal’s November 14th. t Clarence Barber, of near Salisbury bad his band to meet at his home Wednesday night, November 10th to practise some music. Happy was there with them., * The Sons and Daughters of I/bertv krill hold" their county meeting at Chiba Qrofo Council on New Tear's Wight. The Happy Trei string bsnd will he there to furnish the music tor the crowd- The county president, Miss Mamie Smith, wants all the members to he sure to attend the meeting. -» The Yost school, of near St; Paul Jk L. Church started on November'lo With Miss Ruth Pickier, of near Al bemarle. as principal, and Mm Happy Trex. of Bostian Cross Roads, as as sistant. We hope'they will get along k. with this school and hope-they. - will have a big exhibition at the Hose : of the school. ILVPPY TREX. I LOCUST. I I, Winter came on with great force . last Wednesday night, freezing every thing crispy. .Mrs. Gertruds Thomas nnd sister. Miss Grace Carpenter, of Albemarle. Were Sunday guests of M'ss Maurine Jenkins. A goodly number of persons from around here attended the Baptist As sociation last Tuesday and Wednesday -y which met with Prospect Church. All " report a fine meeting, i "The Home Circle," a pageant, will be given by the Y. W; A. at the Baptist church -on Friday night, November 20th, to which tbe public is invited. , | Among tbe Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker, of Al bemarle at P. E. Tucker’s. Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Thomas, of Oakboro and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morton, of Al bemarle at C. L. Smith's. I Mias Pauline Tucker was carried to a Charlotte'tohospital one day last ' week, where she underwent an appen jdicitis operation. Her friends are pleas led to know that she is doing well. | M. L. Green and daughter, Mrs. ; Ellis Duncan, Misses Mary Furr and I Emma Treece. of Kannapolis, spent Saturday night and Sunday witli home folks. Mrs. H. V. Starnes, also of Kannapolis, was a visitor with • them. i Mrs. .Tavie Jenkins ifnd children, of I Salisbury, have returned to her fath er's. as Mr. Jenkins ha# accepted a position as traveling salesman. I Iffv. amr Mrs. W. I). Reed, of • ! Haw River, stopped tor a short while j Sunday on their return from a visit to their daughter in Linrolnton. They spent the night with Mrs. Jf ». brother, J. C. Moss, on Route ■ Seven f hundr*irl and fifty thousand 1 dollars in gold is buried annually lit j the mouths od dead persons in -Aus tria alone, said ill* vice president qf the Austrian Dental Association. He estimates that $100,000,000 to $150 ( - 000,000 are lost to the world each year by similar burials. Ovef a year in a trance, Miss - DorriS Hinton, n young working ' womati of Nottingham, England, is ’ beginning to show signs of recovery. , | She occasionally understands what .'is said to her. and she recently spoke ' a few words, but only to relapse in to silence. > —■ Canned Goods Week > We are celebrating our Can ■ ned Goods Week by receiving big shipment of a large as sortmeht of different varieties of CANNED GOODS which were bought to the best ad vantage on -a low market for cash. We malce a low price for Canned Goods Week, and we keep this same low price for the entire season. Our stocks are big. We sell cheap. Yous charge account is good with us. Our clever delivery men serve you with a smile, and go Quick everywhere. All this Valuable Service is Absolute ly free. Cline & Moose * Our Phone la 339 f\ \'kr) * Va .NA -,/^j v\* * 1 Don't !®t the high prices of 1 ' new shoes make you I hearted. Our repairing will 9- take you a ;>mg way down 9* Road. AVe put soles I on oboes that put wear and if otyliah spirit in them. 1 Oar Went Gives Mating • i ■HsajNH ■ i ' • 'T V. f ""-Y r