Friday, November 19, 1026 .« , & , S!S'SriSS'„ST!S! wte w&M pffis eT *n IfieiUtj S »t lr h«*d tlWt th * * nner * l director has Our mortuary is a beautiful and rOatfal placa that provides our pa tron* -with a type and character ot •srrice unequalled. 4M3ULANCB SERVICE BELL & HARRIS FUNBJ&L HcSI" Open Day and-Night Phone 640 Sesaui-Cenieniiial Exposition PHILADELPHIA, PA f June 1-Novermber 30, 1986 Special Excursion Fares VIA Southern Railway System Tickets on sale daily from all. Southern Railway stations up to a»d including September 30tii, final return limit all tick ets fifteen days including date of sale.' Stop-overs permitted at Wash ington and Baltimore in each direction within final limit of, tickets. Fine trains, excellent sched ules, pulhnan sleeping cars, day coadies - and dining car service. For further information and puUman sleeping car reserva tions caU on any Southern Railway *gent or address: " R-'H.- GRAHAM, D. P.-A, Charlotte, N. C. *?: ■ I —, ■ Nothing Surpasses' Pleosant-Tasting SCOTFS EMULSION For Those Who (tod The Health* Giving Benefits €s& Cad* liver (Ml Y&tmws SooJI &, Boivuc..Blooigficl'L N. J. .26-24 Colds MM WSp* wfl Hfi/n/JI t A c?y may be, siMiped in 34 hoqz*. HILLS—a way so efficient that we Quick, complete results that' HILL’S is bringing millions. MU&*EC»K*r«d)iwwde-Qui*me The Needs of the Livfrig ■ Caring lyr the dead is ! not ALI, onr work, ] though we giver them cv icry possible attention. \Ve . helieve tha’ wc h;>ve' a ‘ duty just as high Jrt*d as sacred to the living. I pearls made heavy by , htt'eavcmeiit dest-rye ail» possible eoujßiupration. They should have no add ed burden of practical de tails. little- duties which are nunc the less iuiport u,ut because tlwy-en e smull ’ 'l'o sttyji as tjicse wc bring sympathy and a , readqhiss to sbrvfl. j JIWA 1 Opfp ,p«y W jtyjjK 84 H°H r Amhuidrtci; Str , . ;-Y vkc V^fTTi^no-w I trees and^shrub p Come and see our Ev ! I ergreens 'BToadleaf and IV Blooming Shrubbery. tl All kinejs qf and j M °OR|S TR«CH A*satS&» “IS Egg* to tLe Dozen!” That’s the way one man 1 who feedst hisfiens FvU-O- Pep Egg Mash expresses his increased prpdpptipp. ‘I gather 15 eggs foeyery dozen that I got befppe I used EtdrP-Bep. 4 ’ he says. Vou can increase the num ber of eggs you are getting every day, tbo.Rigtk now is the time to do it—extra eggs mean real extra cash profit at this time of year. This is the famous feed 1 that contains Cod Liver Meal to make theother in r give additional value. Every mouthful : gives the hens all feed no waste —and young and old layers keep right on , producing. Eggs arc larger, better-flavored, snd uni form in size with stroug shells. And next Spring you'll have wonderful , hatchjng eggs. FHb-oasp Made by TtoQMtatQite&ftjHW Sold bp G. W. PATTERSON IyiSTKIBL’COR I — n BSI Persistent coughs and colds lead to setkms trouble. You can slop them ' noiv with Creomukion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creo i. uiulaion h a new medical discovery with tworfold action; it soothes and heats tho inflamed membranes and in . hi bits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as one ol the greatest healing agencies for perustoal coughs and colds and other mrms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contajjts,' in addition To creosote, other heating clemenls Which soothe and heal ‘ the infected membranes and stop Iho | . irritation and inflammation, white the i . roo'ote goes on tri the stomach, is ab s sijrbcd into thehlood, attacks Hie seat i of Ihb trouble and- chocks the growth s o/ t|>o germs.. ’’ " " ’ > Oyer, molsion is guaranteed satisfac tory ip the treatment of pwriflUrtt coughs arid colds, bronchial asthma, ; ’noijchitjs. and 'Other' forins of respira tory disc tscs, and is excellent for build in" ior the system after' colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or eolefia not rnlieved after taking according to ' siveeiions. Ask your druggist, (ufiv.) I ELECTRICITY TORRE im.i i>«cu ivyiiigt to?gci uctpitutt ed With you so sotife time nr)w. Enjoy the comfort tlfat yufiouv fllccirical nfqesfiftjes Will bring to .yoj.trself anfl wife. Each day isl an -i electric uppar l«H%, dpy berg, v , • : W. J. HETHCOX ; — —w ~y a u.---- • i I\ia l|<l! /a/ al' I- L 1/ : ' \.r jink JPIbwB Copyrtgbt, ltM, Warnsr I "D°n Juan,- screen play by Beta Mertdyth, starring John Barrymftrs, BU t comr tn't • larger— hat made j*ff_ Aei igoritTa greateit, B orgji, wMi ipber ViHi °* d Donati, her IjStrßpn. w* o omtf* adHona. ThfOMjK "MrfSgMmncet Juen't /«{ WjM’ dettroyed; cg»- gttoesQi, tbe jocer ot w'amtrUt hide, in m bridal chamber and kill* .AM****, W»» her father drawn. Siren he could not elude .satfSASiFiSiba —yet one never could* be sure of him. She had thought that his heart was herg; had been sure of it, Ume after time. He had, held her life in his two She. had lg , iras roll her interest, that iffie might remain in her rooznA' fttepsirlng IBBr his coming, and when he had ■SBKWMWWS And now she, knew that always he bftd Blared with her. that an othor h«rW a i enthroned; fp. his hegft. She hMfpught agaftist rs c- j Be tound strange peace in the tact, that tor him this teas the end. jj ogniztng the contempt that had looked out from his eyes; had told herself that he could took at a woman in no. other way. She had been abject before him, bad made her clever, cruel mind subservient to his. Never had she tried to hide her love of him, but rather had she gloried. In showing hinj how great it was. She hafl : been grateful for his caresses ' avid for the slightest •token ot. Up affection. And now she knew that always ha had laughed at her. scprnetj her, used her. only as a maw, she jugb rap fobbing dpwn Stairs. Hla eyes met hers, mocking her, gibing at bar. She gra w hpt as she thogghj of tha things must be »a»eml)M-ing. Bh* Qoijld sa,va him now; a word to bar brother, Juan be tf*en bf prison, and theu at once with hint - She knew which *he would choose. But she would not admit ie herself that he preferred death tid ’heft. Meeting W* gate, ahe pleaded with? Mm; her dark eyes, begged Mip to shew some least sign of caring for her, that she might save him. TfcO UUrtWf I® W» flUnoe swered her. Her Hoe hardened into its mask again. kUW she clenched her bands, stood rigid, her tpouth a despite her quick, flashing anger, ahe wWfl not hot- fe §* admiration i for him! She had wdnted to gi'e 'tib everything for »ve —he had sacrificed hie fife for it ” t '' She itood listening to the root steps descending the marble stair 3, hie and those of the soldiers who his firms so tightly. The spuhd wan like the tolling or bells Car Iter own burial, she wemod to run after him, to command the soldiers to release him. Hut Pftde ogam to h«r. rescue, that and the Vfrftt % would be quite i ‘Hi? jifowgh the : 'reut- ' lof Rome fqr the lasl'Ylme; for the F feist "aKe would look up at the mognUi sfcr. and hbeathd the free Si!* Mi Was neaf ’dawn. birds would to twttterlug lp the shrub bri-fi of Ure vrpUnd gardens that he. jutgq. Hfiver agiia would CuHfederate cjalrns lijWimtiou. (ISy luU-niillimiUr News -Service.). AudM-son, N’.* (?■, Nov. -yl. Lewie (.muidiclt' fy' ..wars old, claims the, distinction of being the only Odn jfeijerete vetiunu who cun go through the rqi(inijil of arihs which was q-:id Ju 'tbe w’s withjdttt; makiug a mis ."yrrfM. V#: bit, owh farm. Ills mpK-b ttutl;inkkh Lis cows’ He 'can THE CONCORD DAILY: TOIB.UNE They would take him to the grim prison at tfiT Tier's and down into iu depths. Into A dungeon cell-below the water Mural. Sants could almost see the afiy. She wanted him to suiter; to find, while waitlhg for the death that he had courted, that he de sired the life he bad so mockingly thrown away. She told herself that this must happen. She would d«tMy his death, would go to hint, and tannt him. And something withip hpr Whig, pered that when she went, she would offer hips life, and love. Hat ing herself for her hpgUiity, shf fold herself that perhaps now he , would give her what he had. da-: nied her before, would no longer thrust her love aside. She had seen men who faced death, after defying It. They had!' changed, had become like children, 1 begging tor what they had scornfid. . She did not ask that, hnpw that slje would despise him should he so change. But perhaps, after 'a day, or two days, or three, of soli tude and despair. If. then he sa'w. her —saw her beautifully garh«l> . MfUh pearls threaded through ’tpr Ugjr, lovelier than ever before— It might be then that he would, realize her desirability as nev;er tUI that moment. ~ Aqd 4tep—ah, tWya, tipppi- shp would knqW. No more,of, Rome,- with its intrigues and quar rels! With Juan she would go to the sunny’,' quiet. hfllfi, where Omk Would spend long, loyely days, ot peace r ap’d beauts, listening tp the plashing of a fountain, watching ‘ the birds wheel against the sky. Dawn, and lazy afterDoop; dusk, and blue twilight; evening star,, and crescent mpop; with him she would live through them ail, con tent. And Juan, led to the prison which he thought never to leave., save whpn they carried his dead fiody forth, was glad to go. Soon even t,he beautiful, cruel j memory, of Adriana would be blot ted from his mind. The strange, jgfged pattern that his life had ipatfe wtjitld be cut sitQrt. ended suddenly because of love, as his father's ha.d been. Now be could lindprstand the of the girl who, had stabbed Ills tether. LoVe such as 'hers, such as hie for Adriana, Ijfat .nothipg copld kill—such love Cdult} find end dply in death. CHAPTER XI To Juan It was a relief when the door of hie dungeon Closed behind him. Even Its horrors couM not touch him, for his own despair was too great to' let anything hurl bint Ujto deeper wretchedness, Through a tiny slit of a, window,-, high In the wall, lie cpitlff. see the,. barest scrap of sky, when morning •Cgntq. Hg ktjew well enough why, MW Wifidqw hgd bc«n built into Abe; wall —to taurit the . pope wretches who might be imprisoned in the dungeop with a glimpse of the iyorfrf Which In,'all, probability they Would never see again.” * ' Well, se'did not wish lo see the outer world!' he told himself. He wanted oply to.die as speedily as i possible. Hh wdndered ”ls there 1 was any way lh Which he cotild taunt fats jailers into killing him at riuce. The floor ot tha cell was covered I with dirty water, about two feet’ in depth. As Juan looked, down at It. a huge rat. with slimy, dirty , body, swap’ across If. Accustomed! though he was to luxury, JUan dirt .not even flinch as It came toward: , him. •> ' : '' " 'A When a man bad loved Adriana, and found her false! lie said to | hlmseif,' what could squalor mat- MflS ■!.?:■>’ f?c ( -.-. To him u seemed that fie was j - ready dead: life held ttojhtag ton him now. If only he •could for? gel Adriana's tjelicato iacc; | target’tbfi ezpresslpn tb fiar’eyua that day in the garden bjeflifle the drharfy, gray phuflebr she had { 1 poked at him as the world to her! sit down on the floor uufl scratch his hyad with his lug tile. ” * : j Q>l. CainpbelF married his SCVUIIiI R i wife rec<»Htly. - j I • obth, takas, i disd ke bvquettlhtxl a . • &W&‘i2gXFS£ l ■ ilfff . Bak, ' r VMveteity, »4 ! Bmawm.Hatisyh A'Clause'.iuAho v ili, firiSeveW Unite, students to’Uh hft-fur of fhiblte ia the" tout tests.' !!<’•» s SefSS&IS. ■' to present HER with ■ suitable gift. For two rteeons you need to think about title right now. Reaspn Nj. It -If-you buy 1 now y<W’Ckh.«.t jijft what yob” ; want. We can get anything we do not hive in stock. Buy no\v and there will be nb trou ble about the preagnt being ready when you need It. ( Reason No. 2. If buy ■ the important present early, there will be no chance, tM you may not have the raopeytpift it later. Buy it while there is the money to buy with, before you have spent it, for a dpyen ( ’ Other less important things. . Just eopie in, and pick out 1 the right gift and we will lay it aside for you. There will be « ■ no hurried rushing around in crowded stores later, wondering r where you cap find something ■ desirable, aud wishing you had bought earlier. S. W. Preslar A MILE FROM HIGH PRICES WANTED SALE&ADiES Permanent (xxsi tions ' Also Salesladies %*s%”&** uooa Salaries CHARLES STORES CO. GOODNESS KNOWS THEY’RE GOOD TAKE YOUR PICK Os Our Choice THANKSGIVING CANDIES Fresh Shipments Best Asortmspts of the Finest Candies CLINE’S PHARMACY Phone 333 1 1 'gy'f —1 ■ 1 «<J DELCO LIGHT Storage Battery Plants and Non-Storage Plants ' l>t*p and Shallow Well Pump and Washing Machines J R. H. Owen Phone 08U Concord, N. C. te-- j it We the fol lowing used cars for sale or ex change: One Buick Sedan One Buick Touring! One Studebaker Sedan J: l One Hudson One Hudson Coupe Qne FrankKn Touring ! Q*JM §•#*» j STANDARD mseKeo. •, , T . f >'• •- jtfI wheq flHp ! T 1 —. - j uib |\ I NEW BEAUTY —NEW COLORS-NEW COMFOkTiI ESSEX SIX a FOUR door Sedan nm showing for the first time . Answering an insistent demand for a beauti- I <’ ful, welLappointed four door, five passenger StKI ffE& body on the smooth and nimble Essex T m r '% chassis, the Sedan is now being shown for the first time. It has individuality in line, color and fittings. Essex “6” COACH It is unusually comfortable in the seating $#>QX arrangement. Upholstering is comparable ' in texture and quality with that used in O. , costliest cars. ', ~ ****** > % No car, regardless of cost, rides any easier. None is more easily handled in traffic. Essex is nimble, quiet and gives unusual gasoline mileage. It has fine car qualities in chassis :, and body thrt assure long service. The cost is but little more than for anvjpur even' less tha:/ for some four cyHn^ex closed car*. It is much U»s ffian ynu'-TwiD- ' 1 -1 payfor any sixeylinder Sedan. Minute Ride Will Win^oigf Concord Motor Co. MewSfeM* P^pne396 ,| Victims of Cyclone at Children injured in the cyclone that wrecked a sdiqol at La Plata, Md, struggled for life at a -Washington, D. C., hospital. More than a dozen of their playmates were crushed to a- ... !■ T » ■ ■; - : Combatting San Jose Scale. (lly International News Service. 1 j Fort Valley. Ga., Nov. VS.—A simple method of combuttiug Suu j JojtetMie on peach trees lias proven i cfcttji CeorfijuY grikt poach prod®; tioa. r •' Lubfieutiup oil cmu'.sibhs have j proven tatvesthil m fighting the j»onttt'..«ktwa;t four years. «£ expert oibiifo Iw research v.ork by “the, f ■ % i-.-' in. ..'Jtifo* l »• foi'Mii<iiijs»nßi,i it n, M . Pouch Pent Laboratory at Fort Val ley. a hraucli of the V. S. depart ment of anchiture experiment sta tions. , •' yf / , This oil cau Iks purchased or vtfc pared at home und aimwa effective : faults ip Uilling“'ui , ei'T»«it ou-£«;itili ’ trees properly'applied.•' Boys a«d Girls”hfcjubT, Work. '~ J 7* ■' -.*> ‘ ** - *• - - -A . ' J.:'£ v PAGE NINE ~ rT "- • rttiarr- "rfffßCTq imm* dred- of Ik>j« mid girls of H)i» have •.cnrpHed Mhia^.vMr,|;to *tM ijjOi * Hoik next' tjui it It. enuntyiageut. tsmi *'■ Planting uforfLieoru bovd’OtljcX- v%m ■ w‘ v \ vl* A *WUm I u hoolstf Jfuot’ noU*fi - - ttre y fSdttopt 'X kr AIiUKBH •- -e '.■ .'4 m > *V ; ' K-. . . . ..

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