HO* '*• ’ ;; . ‘ ? '“f • ' Wednetjty, Mov, 24,1926 ITV KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT I 1 CPKPnCTBP BY JAZZY MOORE ' KANNAPOLIS NEWS BRIEFS , PUuis Complete* For Welcome of Fletcher 8. Brockman—SpooWi To Volleybatttrs OwmSk^Fri *«>.—Hlgfcs Ft rcc* to Remain Idle: Ih»c to Wurto*. Kannapolis, Nov. 24,—With plan* completed everything in in readiness 1 here to welcome and entertain Fletch- i er 8 llrockmau who, in addition to i being associated with John H. Mott) in the marshalling of World-Wide i Young Ifens Christian Association work is in charge of the Y. M. C. A.! activities over the continent of Eu- 1 ro P»‘. , The distinguished person will ar-l rive Wedenesday evening, it is thought and remajn at the residence of Ed ward J. Sharpe until 7:80 o’clock when he will address the elite class of this city and tfie Y. M. C. A. direct orates of Salisbury, Bpepeer and Con eon! in the spacious and roomy lobby of the Joeal Y building. Mr. George Allen, president of the Kannapolis di rectorate. will preside. Mr. Brockman comes here by the efforts of Mr. ■ Sharpe, who extended a special invitation that he stop here en route to Columbia, S. Ol where he w3l visit relatives for a short period of time. • PLAY GREENVILLE FRIDAY. l)r. White, orthopedic pbysiciau. of Chariot t% who oj>en«d a branch of- ’ tiee here last week, wilt accompany ■ the local volleyball squad as a mem-! her when they leave Friday noon to" ■ liter the South Carolina volleyball qJhtr nament, which W to “be held at i Spartauburg. Other player* to be i carried are: Ur. Flowe, Captain of f l , the team, Allison, Allred, Cole, Gil-1 lam, Wideniiause Smith and Brown. | The Friday night opponents or the KannapuPs team will be Greenville and B|>artanbarg. A , HERE AND THERE Melvin Trotter, once an old drunk ard, bat now the greatest rescue work er in America, will bq accompanied here this winter to direct a revival campaign, 'by the splendid corps of eo-werkers that was with him in his lltsi meeting. They are Homer Ham mer tree, song director:- Mr. Her munson, pianist, and M'ss Bennett. Bible t(‘aeher. The exact date for the meeting has not been determined but" it is accept ed us .belief that the lust week of February or the early payt of March will be the selected period, HIGH BCHOOL NOTES. Unless unexpected alterations in the • plans result, the Kunn»|sdis high sehcol laiskeihull teum justly dubbed I "the F.ijtle Woiiili;.’s”. will play the next game on Oceomber 7th at M<-< rtsvllle. Injuries to Rollins and Captain Kowdey limke it impossible to •Play/briofo-that time The follow ing Friday the glglis wilt ela-dr ou the jfninu' floor wiST a strong team yet to! selwhed. 4hi Ueoember 44th Bad in will be invaded for a battle and! on the following night Monroeville I will return the game here. On Fri-f day. the I7th conies the classic of the season—the gaiqe witthf Coimord at the county seat. ’ On Decombet 1 21st the quintet that represented Kannapolis High in 11)24' will be gathered for an engagement , with the present outfit. The 11)24 team s claims of the best nggregation *, ever produced at the institution have Imm-ii disputed by the '2O men and | this game will settle all argument, if it result not in a riot. The ’24 chib is comiwsed of the' following: Bill Mauldin, physical di- | rector at the Kannapolis \\ M. C. A.. I “Smoky - ’ Johnson, Christ Sclioof stu dent, Paul Mauldin, Davidson Colic-t i gian: Edwin Kelly, University stll- 1 , dent: Clement Smith, former high i school coach, and Shuford Peeler. Ca- L tuwbu College athlete. L Tliq little band of disabled men 1 ; have received thtaif new uniform*, c THXIE THE TOILER WELL MAC S NOT THANKFUL FOR THAT ' ? ” # i- | ( r SHOULD VuOfcVc ) EVEfey QIRI-. *iU- THIS L/NST I'VEi chawq-eN 1 •So KUJH - WHV- HAS just started f] JERRY ON THE JOB CAUSE FOR GRATITUDE ...... jagap|MtiKiT , '.Tr'Tr' r iri:-' , , • ' , r - ( HMiEtpl “ ’ HSR' - v/PP ’y - ’itmk* rs i v'-A-fr -mTW-• .• ivX=• t ■ •/ c, ■JryTr iKa NaLi- . . - •i/S -■ ™). *' ■■ • ' ! . ' ; . i . ■ ' --* -s-' : . • « - i blue and orange, and they look for-1 ' ward to tho day when they will be' permitted to strut their wares for old K. H. 8. The girls’ team has sent ip an or- J dcr for a consignment of now uni ; forms and too, have something [to which they can look forward. i POI'LTRY MEET NEXT WEEK. * i The gymnasium of the I, M, C. A. j will be turned over to tthe Kannapo- I lis Poultry Association next week in ’ order that the union may stage its ! fowl show near the heart qf tips towa. ! The dates for the exhibition have •been set for Thursday and'Friday, .December 3rd and 4th. - I-ANDIB-K ANNAPOLIS AFFAIR. The inability to secure the high school football uniforms has *foreed the Kannapolis Independent grid teapa to cancel the proposed game Thurs day with Landis high school. For the si*e of its school- Landis has put forth this year a wonderfully successful team and the Towel men doubtless would have all they could handle. The Landisites have topped China Grove twice. Badin and tied the aluminum warriors. Spencer an nexed a victory early in the season and Troutman won a narrow margin over them a few yeeka ago. TQ FIGHT CHARLOTTE. .ItniinywMoore. loea\ 'w-elierweiglit prise fighter, will hook up w’th Cole I Miller, Hamlet mixer, il) the [headline 8111x1011011 of a Charlotte flight show Monday night. November 2Utli. according to John Allen. Mnoto's , manager. He is in training tor the ! bout.' ••Speedy" T*te. cocky little light- I we’gnt who went to Philadelphia last |Augn*t, returned this morning dnd is conditioning himself tor future fistic encounters. Hd extiects to book with the Salisbury Athletic Club officials. Especially desirous is this human streak of lightning.to secure a match with the much-talked of Frank Cal;, cut. of Silencer. "Or Safrit, Elliott. ■or even Lou Gugglemiui," is the way Tate says it ' |' Fenner and Beane’s Cotton fletter. New York. Xoy. 23.—Market rul ed 11 Shade easier at the start on hedging operation* of a large sppt iiouoe and moderate liquidation in December in ndrnnee of first notice day. The selling was abshrbcii by trade buying to fix prices plus 11 good deal of buyfing for hives, incut, 'flic market firmed up as a result ,if this buying and held wteml} until near the clooe when hedging and. liquida tion was renewed. Tenders On De cember were oxpcefo,| t-.i be light, here due to fact that Contract ention lis bringing about 10 points uftf-vr tender basis. 'Ten thousand howqver have been shipped this liuil'lcet prr sumahjj for tender in New York. Export business continues" to run ’well ahead of last year and premier IGo 'break all woord*. Bentftnctit of th«i average trader lenns to the selling siile but v the steady haying by .trade jinterests and investoi-e j* I restricting their operations. FEN-NEB AND BEANE. Champiqn Pie Ka:*r a Burglar. (By International News Service) • Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 24.—l’oliee here have decided that the champion pie eater of this city is a burglar. A case that was broken- into the other night and robbed of 11 small amount of money, bore evidence of! the burglar’s "sweet tooth.’’ Pic crusts were scattered all over the p.ace and twelve large pies were gone. Page Resigns as Head of Publish ing Company. New York. Nov. 23.—Arthur W. Page announced today he liud resign ed the vice presidency of the publish ing firm of Doub'cday. page and Co.. and the editorship cf World'* Work I to become a vice president of the l American Tg'.egruph uiul TcJonbone ccinpuqy. r E --~zr- jr—: —— TWi |.! ' ' 1 i.y«iy«i •.' *T" -J ! Hew KM of » Souvenir. Grad: I’m Iqerinc, tor Paris next *•<*£• j" tjtote eny firilh souvluir you want me to bring you* Frosh: Ye«, bring me one of fncae Latin quartars for m>’ coin' epj ec tion. Q»s—"He' fur-sighied ipan.” , ■ ... Decs—"How so?” ' , : ■ L Ifay—“He had u' fire extinguish, >r put in his coffin.” y- Where the Ipmit) W«> “Any imwaitr-l» tW, imik?” »*k ed she insurance doctor %> Mrs Suf 'todl, po; only my hqsbam) :ip ugincs lie fs the houac. 4. i The. moidbn hung her heatl. ‘T<l\ rather be a she un awered. - The invitation card- are now out. Lucky Accident. - TJeacher —“Now, Johuliy. can you patne a cape in Alania ?" Johnny (atumpfdJp-“No’m,’’ Treacher —“Nahie. That's right, Johnny. Now Billy may ngme anoth er.” '' ■>' ’ ~ a? sfs&'ttgiu „ bare met on the highway. “And what might you asked the mule. ‘ “All automobile," answered the Ford. ’Mud you.” . "I’m 11 horse.” replied the mule. And they both laughed. ■ No Such Place. "M’hrre did the car hit this tpati f” asked I-uwyer Garner when question ■it|g the attending physician at tnc trial. “At the junction of the drosal mid cervical vertebrae,’ ' responded the doctor. The foreman of the jury res' 1 in hi! mid remarked: “I’ve live-i in W s county for upward*;of ~M years and I know every crossroads, but I hare never heanl of nny such place; I believe it’s a made-iui ease.” ... j; GOV. AL SMITH MAY VISIT' IN CHARIiOTTE Chamber of Commerce Plan Invito- ‘ thm* to New York Governor-. For Sprint}. | Charlotte Observer. [ The probability that (i.iverni.r AI [ Smith of New Yurk will be invited to pay a visit to Charlotte boomeil yesterday when it was learned lie -will ho in Cliiirle«tnn. 45. C„ foe Ft. Patrick’s day. March 17. iSeverul proposals WiuVe the nn •* of New York’s aoveruor enine to the fore as a tsissiblc presidential i,au-' didate in the historic national dem ocratic eonvpii.tion in lft24 have been witHont result becuuSe nil-' goiMrimf let it be known that he could not find the time to bo away from .’ll* duties. Governor Smith, however, it was learned here yesterdny, has been in vited to be the principal speaker and guyst at the..annual hull and eel ■- bratinn jihieh the Hibernian Society, of Charleston holds each year on St. Patrick'* day. This will be the first riejjr of Ujv -1 ornor Smith to the south except t u vacation in Florida. 1 * * 1 iruipu' i.ii i uueu oraie.s aciuit. ■ . -—-A 11 j 1 THE CONCORD t!AIL.Y: TRIBUNE CHEMISTRY 18 CUpIW •"fc PKTBOTIVg FOR FRENCH Plays an Important Part In the D*- > toetton of Crtaga, Faria, Nov. 24.—0P>—JiBemiity u . one of Frailer'- most clever (letee- ' tives. Tkree laboratories- at Polici beytlquarUn* i>lay as great a part in 1 the detection aud repeeially the con viction of crimes as any aquad of the brightest sleuth* on the force. Forgery and murders are Detec- } tive Chemistry's s|iecialty. So per- ; fected. *i*e the instruments-used that . their work practically amounts to i ■the, weighing of atoms. Caught By Pin Prick. |C other day an envelop supposed ( to emituill ,25 one-thousand franc fj hilis reached a Paris banking house. ! The wax seu's were intact but the i notes were missing. Three days later : the thief was behiud the bars. A pin J prick in the envelope had given him ! away. “Our instruments,piade the hole hit the envelope look like the crater of i Vesuvius,” said M. Edmond Bay'e. , chief of one of the Laboratories, “and that crater simply belched out . the . name of the faithless employee." , The body of a murdered man was found in the Bois de Boulogne. The , trail led to a bootlegger booknmKer who outside the law had his office in hi* cellar. Blood stains were found on tfi? h°Jy- file laboratory established that although it was human blood, it differed, from that of the- dead ,„ a ». the bookmaker denied stub- f boruly. FYver Germs a Clue. “Have you ever had typhoid feverV" the Chief Detective asked the man under arrest casually in the course of a three hour grilling. “Yre about a year ago." replied rue ■ arc lined in ail unguarded moment. “Then thqu art tjio murderer:" slimited the police official in that dra matic French way, lminting an ac cusing finger at the bookriiaker. "The typhoid germs in that blood are healthy enough tQ plant.” "All right, I give in, I did it,” ad- ■ nutted the murderer totra violet rays are iisisl with great irtteeess in tile detection of washed and surcharged cheques, na tional defense bonds an<j other se curities, The. original writing, sup pressed by the forgers with acids is made to reappear under the glare of the rays. Trace Victim By Dost. - The proprietor of a dive in the fslums w«« found beiiind hi* counter 1 with his throat slit. One of. ' rne imbitiys 'Of the place wns placed un der nrrest."" f. ■ Viofeittiy,i|te deniisl having, been in the }>’Md fpr several days. ’’Take lit* " jSttOC" ail’ll!clothes Itfif,'" ordered the Chief. Sent' to the- hiianjitory. ,■ the ' j wearing snsn e! was fonud to s)tow signs of the.very dust .which lisd " been picked up behind tile counter of • the dive 11 few minutes previously. Elec rifled Eggs Good F'er Tears, on Market. Liverpool. Nov. 24. —G4>>—Eipctri iird eggs, guaranteed to keeii fov year* and designed to aid in keeping 1 down the evat of living, have huenj' I’lficbdi'Kd the ltritisli market. “ 'Tnis inVetition -by which eggii a e ' steviized, hy means elcetrirallj heated oil bath make* it iKissihle, it is claimed, to keep eggs almost Inde finitely. 00.000,000,000 Cigarettes Made. This year approximately !)() billion cign ret< will have been made in the Enitixl States, more than half of them in North Carolina. This is about 15 times the production of 20 year* ugo aud menu* at least ,400 cigai-ets for each United Stales adult- .HowtoDarite “Swqnee Bottom” RED WAY BURN’S - a''.,,.’ . L - y: 1 ' • '• | ; | d. ' " " $ j •• ■"'"I """ * U 1 <■ »I- SfEP WAYHUKX j !iihirating I)luck Bottom niov«*iw‘ytn Tlio “Swunoc Bottom” js diMtinctly»l took, and aftof tin* action, n m»\v danoo, mn bodying tho‘joyous arranged t)w*n» into a modern dmioo. abandon of the southern negroes when "Swauec Bottom” is the result. While i" the evening uiey gather x on the learning tois oam-e it will be helpful muddy banks of tne river to rest their to sing the numbered counts of each tirej feet in the cool ooze. step to music time and become fumil. the most characteristic of these ex- i ur will' its peculiar rhythm. Penny Advertisements Get the Result* "V' ('■' ' Not Freight on Board, But —On You? * Wheels. Every Goodyear Tire you buy ‘ from us goes on your wheel, if you wish. ; Correctly applied, propertly inflated—ready for the road. You pay nothing extra for this. Neither do you pay a premium for our regu lar Inspection Service which helps you get I every mile frqm your Goodyear Tire that \ the factory built into it. * * 7 V ' v * ; '' We can supply you'vyith a Goodyear-built, Goodyear guaranteed Tire—backed by Goodyear Service—at a. price that makes l ‘ sending away for tires poor economy. Come in and let us prove it to you. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR GOOD r YEAR PRICES DURING OUR TIRE SALE WHICH ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT,-NOVEMBER 27TH: 30x3 Pathfinder $5.65 30x3 1-2 Pathfinder 6.95 30x3 1-2 Pathfinder Cord 7.65 •*! I 30x3 1-2 Allweather Cord 9.75 ■ ] | 32x4 Allweather Cord 13.95 Tubes'from $1.25 up Every Tire and Tube in the house fresh; J new stock and carry the standard guaranteed and are all reduced for this sale. See us now if you are going to need a Tire within the negt six months. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. O You'll add joy and eheer.to vour bed room if you’ll 8 place one of o'Ur Dawn Gray and - Heliotrope Decorated • suites within its boundary. § llerc you will, find scores, of the most beautiful new ’ X designs in bgd room furniture and you c*h get every com -9 bination from a complete suite to a separate bed, dresser iX or dressing table. Right now; we arp featuring some ex- ;; a ceptionally good values iu complete bedroom suites. $ f BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. 8 Tfie store That Satisfies, and the Home of Beautiful ' w m wliiips it «i| PAGE SEVEN

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