PAGE FOUR A THATCHED ROOFED / T I Kifwff mw Lflmn n'l if Hlrr/lff : Hr ~ vß c^=l^»rS^ s==r::^:,^'Tr~^7ar- —-*P*i |i li r* ll {W—fijiy O fag) 71 iff/’Mii 1 IBP _p p 1 iHlffjj!- He? —ilZ^L' l -ryvi—y. ■■!■■■ .—irajj 1| —ffkyf -y^-^ jif'* b Ar-cb-fecf*. Xi»m2<a.-b J A !l i;i i | *'"' -!.»«.««-j" "dig** l isss*" ~ ! !U^> j,'t i (\X‘ a " i n l ' 1 * «!>NS¥=3f»nru .''ji Rv R. C. Hunter & Bro., Architects,. New York The roof lines are the distinctive! feature of this house. The soft roll- ] ing eaves, brought tow near tfie ground j certainly gives a tony, homelike effect, j The 'roofs are covered with shingles. I which can be obtained already bent) How Long Will Christmas & Last at Your House ? will last throughout the year ii your gilt to Tllrlß iJJ»i VJtJ the family is a Ford car! Every day—spring, summer, *vt||||sM|HHtei|p| fall and winter —will be made easier and happier. FW How much better to invest in year-’roufid happi* I ** l,B#i!!,SSß ®s9j Sr f ness for the entire family, rather than buy individual y^TT>MßnMp^ gifts of no practical value! > Ford prices are now so low, with terms of payment T so temarkably easy, that almost anyone can buy a (V- — car without any financial hardship whatever. , Conie in and see the various good looking body m types. Or, if you prefer, we should be glad to send \ a car to your house or office for a demonalfation. ■b" AU Fori Cars are now finished in color wag- • I j| The abort STARTER »nd4 BALIAJOM TIRES [ REID MOTOR CO. 1 i 1 1""" "sHhhiSmP^ , s : ; - *ti L . to conform to tile curves ami rolls as I in this piture, and stained to match I weathered straw, or a dark brown I shade would look exceptionally well. I A roof of this type, when laid, is a ! very good imitation of the old thatched j straw roofs of England and France. 1 Note the graceful, curves above the entrance door and group of windows in the living porch. The side walls arc covered with wide siding painted white. All shut ters are sky blue. The plan arrangement of this house is very good. Oil the first floor one finds a nice big living room, a good THE CONOID PMIV m W sized dining room, a fine endliantflTiT iug pore'll arttl a conveniently arranged kitchen. The ice box is tocatfff in the rear entry. The stairs lead to the second floor from the living room and kitchaa. A large coat closet is located o# - the landing. The second floor shows three good bed rooms and a bath. Therel* also a good sized wardrobe off one bed rooms. The laundry, heater and coaFator age rooms are located in ihe cellar. This house would look weft *ven in a community where its neighbors were much larger and more preten tious, and would make a home that one .would be'piVAid to own. Cost about $7,400. Complete working plans and speci fications of this house may be obtained for a nominal sum .from the building editor. liefer to house A-100. .Loses His blind as His Case is Heard. j WinstousSalem, Dec. 14. — While a i case iu which he was defendant was I being heard in Yadkin superior dourt today W- W. Macy, of Yadkiwrillc. ! suddenly developed hysteria, tjiftiiig j bis mind entirely. He is being guard ]ed to prevent his doing injury to himself or others nd papers have tiecn made out to commit him to a hospital for treatment. Mr. Macy was being sued by Dr. IJ. M. Phillips in connection with the | ownership of a small strip of land on I the edge of Yadkiuvllle. Hearing of j the case bud barely -got under way when the hysterical seizure of Mr. i Macy occurred. A Jew and a Scotchtuau were brought into the police station. “What is the charge ugaiu-i them?” “They are’ crazy, your honor.” « "They don't look crazy to me. Wbat makes you thiuk they are * j "I found ’em stnudin’ on the j street corner, and the Scotchman was throwing away dollar bills add Ihe Jew was pickin’ ’em up and I giving ’em back to him.” Special Entertainment Christmas Eve. The members of the Hi-G clubs of the “Y" will stage a special enter tainment Christmas Eve at the Y. M. C. A., it was said today. 'Jhere will be a musical program and dthor forms of entertainment. The lawn of the Y. M. C. A. will be brilliantly lighted and there will be a large Christmas tree and several smaller trees lighted and decorated, it was i said. in n,m iiii.iiiiiiiw. i Concord, K. C., Dee. U, ÜB6 . Deer Santa Claus: ' ' . ' Jam a little girl six year* old. I want you to hying me a doll baby and a Rule bed and all kinds ©touts, candles and fruits. lours truly. majm»a wall. 150 East Depot Street. Concord, N. C„ Dec. jUS, 1820 - Deer Santa Claus: , J am a little girl five je&ys old. ! I waut a baby doll, a tea- set, table! a fid Chairs, l have been trying to be good so don’t forget ip*. “. , .W Concord, N. C.. Dec. IS, 1086 Dear Santa' ClSus: 1 lam a little boy nearly four years old. I want you to bring me abk wagon with brake* on it. And, Santa Claus, don’t forget, to fill my wagon with nuts and' fruit. ROBERT BOTHER HOPKINS. Dear Santa Claus: , I am a little boy just one year old but I am expecting old ftkntu to visit me, so please don’t disappoint me. I want a little rubber doll, a new sweater and cap. Please don’t, forget fruit aud candy. Your Uttle boy J. C. HONEYCUTT, Jr. . 232 Vance Street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seTen years old. I have been awful good and I am ex liecting a dull, a tea and eradle. ‘ Please bring my little brother a kiddy car. -With heaps of Jove. ROSA LEE HONEYCUTT. IV S. Don't forget mother und daddy. 2112 Vance Street. 'Dear Santa Claus: lam a Uttle girl one year old. I ; want you to bring me a doll, piano and a kiddie car, and lots of oranges. Your little irieud. ;' RETSY BUENA BOYKIN. Concord, N. C., Dec. 16, 1026 ' Dear Santa Claus : I am a little boy ten years old.' : I want you to briug me a pair of 1 gloves and a pair of leggins, some fire s crackers and some caps. 1 want some I nuts, fruit afid candy. Please don’t : forget mamma and daddy. ‘ 1 Yours truly, I WOODROW KRIMMINGEU. ' Concord, X. C„ Dec. 15, 1926 Dc#r Santa C'aus: I am a little boy nearly three years' old. 1 want a kiddie car, a whcele borrow, a pun and a toy car. It am a good hoy and go to Sunday school. Your rttfle friend. J. L. JU-LLAJiAIGII. Jit. ll’cst Corbjji Stject. Concord, X. C., Dec.. J 5, 192 Q Deur Sauta Claus ; I am a litfle' giH four years old. I want you to bring me a doji, ri,on to rion its clothes, a plunot and lots |of fruit, candy and nuts. Your friend, M.VRGL'ETTK Bt' LLAB A UGH. West Corbin Street.. Concord. X. C., Dec. 15, 10*6 Dear Santa CJuus’: lam Six years old. I got to school. I love my teacher line. } want you to bring me a doll, a rain cape to wear to school, a bureau, Jdte pf fruit, ntits and candy.' Your little friend, HAZEL RULLABAUGH. West Corbiu Street. Concord, X. C.. Dec. 15, 1926 .Dear Santa Claus: ‘ " I will write jgg a is w lines tolling you what I want for Christmas. '1 am a little girf three old. 1 _ want you to bring me a little toy sewing machine, table and chair. Please bring me .lots of candy, nuts urnl fruit. Your little frjend, HELEN BQST. 360 Sout'j Spring Street. Concord. X. C., Dee. 15, MK}6 Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a scooter, a pair of gloves and J aknost forgot 1 want candyi'nttts of all kinfl and fruits. Y«mts truly, ' • WALL, JR. . let} East Dcpbr Concord, K. C , Dec, 15, 1026 T Deny S*»l«\Claus:, nice baby doll, n china tea set a pair of gloves.' Bring lot? ot candy, nuts uujl fruits. ■} nan. nine years ■ old. Your Untie Mend, - ,ntsr;^ EBER - Concord, X- Gi Dec. Jy, 1020 Deaf Sauta Claud r ‘ * ! Plehtif don't Cot*et \uy poor Grand- HP* ' Stisi b*f lets «f candies, j W? "* f& s teW everybody. "flpgSiOTr. ' - Conctrd, X. C., Doe. 16, 1926 1 Dear,Santa Cluus: t am just a little girl but four years old and have curly hair. Santa, and ?b M 1 dot IbaftwS Jy «*. J« ts lywWte w* apples. xour dear fmna, --yvm-Burr. Concord, MS6 ' pear Jmßg 'Ctoita V - " " t tam but a little girl. 4am six’ years old aadgo to acfgttL t *Bi in the (Irst grade. Santa. I want you t, email boy, about eight am’in tii* tecond grade. I love ~ray teacher fine. Santa, lam going to jell you what I want you to bring me for Chriatmaa. 1 want you to nuts. Your dear friend, CONWAY BUFF. Dear Santa Claua: want you to bring me aeme candy, T FatOteLL- HERRIN. 451 Morris Street. Dear gautn C'.auet 1 am a little girl almost six years old. ' ‘J want you to*come to aee me ChrUtgum Will you please bring me a big doll, one that will say mama anil mbe to sleep? 1 want a car riage to roll it An, aome candy and fruit., Please don't forget me. Your friend, DOROTHY TUCKER. 371 Y'nnoe Stfeef, KaunaHis- Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl two years old. Will you bring me a doll baby that says mama gild a little wagon to pull my baby in? Bring me some candy and all kind of fruits. Your friepd. IEETA TUCKER. Kannapolis Street, Kannapolis. Dear Santa Claus: 1 want to tell you what 1 want you to bring me Christmas. I want a nice red ateel coaster wagon and a little guH. My little sister. Janice, wants a doll ' carriage and a doll wrapped ill a blanket. tVe haven’t been such good children but do bring these tilings: We want some candy and frdits and nuts. Y'our little boy, RALPH BRINKLEY, Jr. 192 Odell Street. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little boy five years old and I want a little blue automobile with sidelights, number and fenders. Also a race truck, vainly, nuta, or anges, bananas and apples. Your little friend, ALTON KDDLE.MAN. P. S. —1 love you lots. Depr Santa: Please bring me a doll curriage. some nuts, candy, oranges and apples. Be sure and bring me some Euglisb walnuts. Your little girl, FAITH KDDLE^IAX. Dear Santa: Please bring me a bicycle, some candy, bananas, oranges and nuts. 1 am' ten years old. Your friend. FRANK EDDLEXIAN, Jr. Dear Santa Claud: 1 am a little boy six years old. I wnpt you to please bring me u scooter, a cap pistol and an Alabama coou riaaccr, und all kinds of fruit and nuts. Please don’t forget grandma ami grand-, pa. WALTER RKADLINU. j 65 Pine Street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old. 1 1 want you to please bring u big nice doll, one that says mamma and will go to (deep, and a doll bed and all j kinds of fruit and nuts. Please don't ; forget my little sister. HELEN UEADLIXG. j 65 Pine Street. jDeur Santa Claus: 1 am ■ u little boy four years old. I Please bring me a tool box and a stojiper gun and a train that runs. | 1 •,iave a little brother, so please don't forget him. Please bring us some caddy, oranges and nuts of all kinds. Your little friends. OLEN and JAC*K LOVE, j 156 East Depot Street. l»ear Santa Claus. “you were real nice, to me la'stj Christmas, and I am trying to be good j ‘so .you will come to see me again. J Please bfchpg me a big by-lo baby, a ' dolt plapltct. gad lots of fruits. Your IRUc girl. COLLIE LOOSE WLNECOFF. Ml. Pleasant, XV C.. Dee. 15, 1926. liptr Santa: v 1 ahi Ai little girl 14 years old. I wpnf you to bring me a pair of gloves, bog .of stationery and candy, apples, oranges and lota of puts. Please do not 'forget my teacher, Miss Susie Itaddle. Yours truly. . TEXA TISHER. Alt. ■pleasant. Dee. 15, 1926. !>*** : * am daddy's baby, two yearg old. J Wye been a good little boy. I want you lo bring me a kiddie ear, a little toy- cor, candy, apples, oranges and lots of ipits. Please remember daddy' and mother, and all the other little boys uud girls. As' ever, COY DEE BAXTER EUDY. Degr Santa Claus : lam a boy twelve years old. 1 wait you to bring pie a watch and a giu and some fire etaritars and' some fruit, n/uts and other good things to e4: -CHARLES IIOMERFOIL. I :17 Soq» tfygh Wt. I; ■ » Dwy Santa Claus: eaulir and good tilings to eat Good Old ' Santa - C4nus, before 1 close my leSef I will t4U you ib«t i' want joo sgjajjs.’ mg.? m "■ $ »>i»h \\ >MIL ' jp b«®7'yM pine old. I of I to an I want this year. MARY ALICE MOORE. 47 South Church Btreet. Dear Santa: v I am a little girl four years old. 3 want you to bring me a baby doll, nuta amFcandy, and dbp’t forget little brother. Bring him a rubber doll to play witK Yours truly, , NANCY LEE TROUTMAN. 166 East Coibhi Street. Dpar Santa: ■ i- • J mu a little girl eleven years old. I an jn the fifth A grade at school. Curistmas I want you td bring me a by-Jo baby doll, a sewing basket and lorn of .candles, nuts, and fruit. Please d|n't forget oar baby and other phil dfem • Always yours ‘ * \ ■ t ' DORCAS LOV,E. ,156 East Depot Street. V Dear Santa Clauti: ’’ I am a little girl nine years old. PJease bring me u by-lo baby doll, and a trunk and lots of nuts and cuudy and fruits. Yours truly, EDITH LOVE. 156 East Depot Street. Free Suit See Friday’s Tribune K~ I Mm Free Foot Comfort DEMONSTRATION Friday, December I7th Seven persons out ol every ten have some loom o! foot trouble. It ' may be weak or broken-down arches, weak ankles, earns, cal louses or bunions or probably a case of tired, aching, painful feet. Regardless of what may be the nature of your foot suffering, you will find quick and lasting relief at our store during this special demonstration. Foot Comfort Expert from Personal Staff of ]Dr. Wm. M. SchoH At considerable expense this store has arranged for the services of one of Dr. Scholl’s most skilled foot comfort experts. He Will !' be pleased to see, on the above date, all persons suffering from , any form of foot troubles. His services are ehaeluitly free. -\ > Free Pedograph Prints of Your Feet In a few seconds’ time, without removing the ho6e, he can make ! a perfect impression of your foot that positively shows if you do have foot troubles and to wljat stage the trouble has progressed. Come in and get a sample of Dr.Scholl’s Zinopads for corns. They remove the cause—friction and pressure. Sure, sale,instant relief. IVEY’S HOME OF GOOD SHOES” -a——. if $12.00 fora Genuine Your Ford car should carry r genuine Fprd Sj Battery as long as you drive it. Genuine Ford Batteries are designed for long service, sturdi ness an<f thorough dependability. Experience of several thousands of owners has proven die Ford battery superior. Your Authorized Ford Desuer gladly gives reliable battery inspection service. It’s part of the Ford program to keep your Ford car in top-notch condition as long as you drive it. - , ; ill Ask your Authorized II Fqrd Deaier to show ■ I you the genuine Ford liii^w^jPwaaPF n • J lf A i AV p i\6lQ mOIQX v 0« ■' i . .?.* .tLit -e*, ■ . X’■ '• " v • ■* >. '. S ' -V '* i Thursday. Dm. .16, | j Ulant diuretic, when the kidneys | seem functionally inactive. 1 Everywhere one finds entbuai- ; attic Doan ’a uaen. Ask your *- neighbor! ; to sho Kidnoyo F«ur-Milbum Co. USg. Cfctnu BuSdia H. Y. ; .1 . Free Overcoal See Friday’s Tribune •

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